FIXDTR95 is Copyrighted 1995 by GAP Development Company ALL RIGHTS RESERVED The Communications Driver built into all versions of Windows drops the DTR Line when a Communications Port is Closed. Turning the DTR line Off causes the attached Modem to Drop Carrier if the Modem is Connected to a Remote Modem. If a Communications Program needs to invoke another Communications Program, the Port first needs to be closed so that the other program can utilize the Serial Port. With the Windows Communications Driver, the DTR line will be turned off, causing a disconnect. For Server, or BBS type programs, this behavior is not acceptable, since the spawned program generally expects that there be a Connection to a remote computer. For instance, if a BBS program invokes a "Door", the Door Program expects a caller to be On-Line. FIXDTR95 patches the Win 95 Communications driver so that it does not drop DTR when a Serial Port is closed. To run the program, copy FIXDTR95.EXE to a directory of your choice, and then execute the program from within Windows. After the patching process is complete, Windows will need to be restarted so that the patched version of SERIAL.VXD can be utilized. This will occur automatically if the patching process is successful.