Netscape & World Wide Web (Installation) Oddera NetSlide World Wide Web Slide Viewer contains the necessary code for an optimal usage on Internet. NetSlide can visualize Autocad Slide coming from Slide files (*.SLD), or coming from library files (*.SLB), or coming from render files (*.RND) INSTALLATION --From the File Manager creates the Associations for the files *.SLD and *.SLB and *.RND setting as associated program NETSLIDE.EXE. --In NetScape simply when you will attempt the first time to see a file *.SLD or *.SLB or *.RND you will see a Dialog Box, you choose the button "Don't show this for NETSLIDE.EXE, again". -From Netscape : 1) from Menu Option choose Preferences 2) from Set Preferences On choose Helper Application 3) click on "New Type..." button 4) in field "Myme Type" write "image" in field "SubType" write "slide" click OK 5) in field "Extensions:" write "sld, slb, rnd" 6) click "Browse..." button 7) choose NETSLIDE.EXE 8) Click OK 9) from Menu Optione choose Save Option