This is a personal compilation of Simpsons sounds that I have put together. I have already uploaded others to the ftp site FTP.CICA.INDIANA.EDU in the WIN3\SOUNDS directory. This archive is the third that has been made with long file names included so they could be more descriptive for Win 95 users. There is an identical file (with the same name) in the Win 3.1 section of the above site that does not have the long file names. My current email address is I have received several replys to my former sound archives and I would like to get more. I don't ask for any money for these archive (partly b/c it would be hightly illegal! :) but mostly b/c I love doing it.) If you like these or any of my other sounds, please drop me a short email telling me where you live and what site you got them from (if you bother to remember). Please distribute these freely but just try to keep this text file with the files. Thanks. Obligatory, yet legally useless disclaimer: I make no claim to any of talent that went into making these wonderful sounds. I only recorded them and put them into an archive so they could be enjoyed more easily. All creative, as well as acting/speaking talent belongs solely to those who created these sounds for The Simpsons Television show. Enjoy!