ZipDrop (VERSION 1.00) Copyright (c) 1995 Ziff Davis Publishing Company ----------------------------------------------------------------------- First Published in PC Magazine Jan 23, 1996 (Utilities) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ZipDrop by Jeff Prosise ABOUT ZipDrop is an extension to the Windows 95 shell that makes it easier to work with .ZIP files. It allows you to add files to a .ZIP archive by simply dragging them over to the .ZIP archive icon and dropping them in. USAGE To install ZipDrop, copy ZIPDROP.DLL to a directory on your hard disk and run ZDSetup. This adds lines to your Registry that tell Windows 95 how and when to use ZIPDROP.DLL. ZDSetup will ask you for the path of ZIPDROP.DLL. You can type the pathname manually or use the Browse button to search for the file. Note that ZIPDROP.DLL won't show up in the Browse window if "Hide files of these types" is checked in the View page of the Options dialog box that pops up when you select View | Options in an Explorer window. ZipDrop can be used with file icons in the My Computer folder or Explorer. Find the .ZIP file you want and drag it out to the desktop for easy access. Then find the files you'd like to add to the .ZIP file and select them. If you drag the files with the left mouse button and drop them on the .ZIP file, they will be added to the .ZIP file and deleted from their former locations. If you hold down the Ctrl key while dragging, the files will be copied rather than moved. By default, dropping a folder on a .ZIP file icon zips only the contents of that folder. If you'd like to zip the contents of the subfolders as well, do your dragging and dropping with the right mouse button instead of the left. An Options dialog box will appear that lets you choose to zip subdirectories, too and preserve pathnames. It also lets you decide whether to perform a move or copy independently of the up/down state of the Ctrl key. SUPPORT Help for PC Magazine's free utilities can be obtained electronically in the Utilities section of ZD Net's Utilities/Tips Forum (GO ZNT:TIPS). The authors of current utilities generally visit this forum daily. You may find an answer to your question simply by reading the messages posted in the forum. If the author is not available and the forum sysops can't answer your question, the Utilities column editor, who also checks this forum each day, will contact the author for you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jeff Prosise is a contributing editor of PC Magazine. His new book, Programming Windows 95 with MFC, is scheduled to be published this winter by Microsoft Press. ------------------------------------------------------------------------