===================== ECOClass.exe ReadMeEC ===================== ECOClass has three "phases." When it starts the very first time, it will be expecting "Phase I." Unless you intend to create your own ECO master, you can skip on to Phase II. Phase II takes the supplied file, ECOMast, and converts it into the index files necessary to classify games by ECO. (To choose Phase II, type "1" then select "Phase II"....or type "1 2" immediately to achieve the same result.) With the normal installation, Phase II is all set to go. Just press Enter after verifying that the Line Master (input) is "ECOMast.txt" (the supplied file.) Phase II will take a minute or two but, once it completes. you'll never have to rerun it again unless you change ECOMast.txt. Phase II will complete. At the next execution, it will be able to classify games. Start ECOClass again... At the startup prompt, chose '1 3'. The screen should then indicate, "Phase III." Specify the name of the PGN file you'd like to have classified by selecting menu item 5 (or type '5 '). An output file name can also be specified (the default is 'TrialOut.txt' in the local directory.) ECOClass will read the PGN file--then the required indexes. Once it's reached the first game, it will offer the "Skip Menu." While getting familiar with the program's operation, just hit "Enter." The display presented by ECOClass will depend on the condition of the PGN games before the run was started. If the games already had ECO codes, the old code will be compared to the new each time Enter is pressed. To let ECOClass go forward and assign new ECO codes and descriptions to every game in the input file, enter 'a' at the input (skip) prompt. This will classify all games. Otherwise, you can also enter 'C'. This has the effect of showing conflicts only (when the old code does not equal the new code.) "Skip" toggle options "x" and "y" can be use to control whether all games should get new assignments--or only those games which previously were missing ECO codes. If you wish to assign NIC codes (you will need to import a NIC master), ECOClass will expect the key code to be a single "word." I suggest setting them off similarly to the following, 'SI_35.6.1'. At completion, you will have to edit the output file to change the '_' back to a space. (You can also create your own codes.) That should be enough to get started. This is the first version of ECOClass and I would appreciate reports of any trouble you had while trying to classify your first game file. -Paul ps: under the skip menu you will also find "diagnostics." Unless you are modifying the master file (ECOMast), this will have no importance to you. If, on the other hand, you have made changes to the master (or imported a different master), diagnostics will help point out inconsistencies in the file. (To view diagnostics, always do so with the "a" option turned on.) To view full diagnostics, be sure to set both skip switches "x" and "y" off. ECOClass has a lot(!) of options. Let me know the ones you are having trouble with. New ECO lists can be imported as they are published. These are often found on the nets. Two I am familiar with (CIS) are ECOLST.ZIP (Lib. 3) and ECOCODES.ZIP (Lib. 5). The former, a revision by Franz Hemmer, served as the basis for the included ECOMast. ECOClass can be reposted by other on-line services. Repostings must include six files--unmodified--ECOClass.exe, ECOSrce.txt, ECOMast.txt, U4Key.txt, ReadMe.txt, and this file, ReadMeEC.txt. -Paul Onstad, 70641.3236@compuserve.com [eof]