MERCUR is a SMTP/POP3-Server for Windows NT. The server is running as a systemservice and can be configured with the Windows NT controlpanel. The current version 1.00 Beta contains the following features: - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) based on RFC821 - Post Office Protocol Version 3 (POP3) based on RFC1460 - Users in local und external mailboxes - Forward mail to external mailboxes - Mailexchange with exchange-hosts - protocol- and debug-functionality Additional features in final version: - multiple domains - Mailing lists - Auto-Responders - MAPI-Gateway Installation: 1. Copy the following files into the SYSTEM32-Directory of Windows NT: MCRSMTP.EXE MCRPOP3.EXE MERCUR.CPL CTL3D32.DLL 2. Start the MERCUR-Configuration utility in the Windows NT controlpanel 3. Specify the name of your domain, the name or IP-adress of the exchange-hosts and the mail-directory. 4. Use the 'Install'-Button to install the SMTP- and POP3-Services. With the 'Start/Stop'-Button you can start/stop the services every time you want. If you want more information about MERCUR, please send a message to ''. Stefan Sigmund ATRIUM SOFTWARE