ToolBar for Windows v1.6 Copyright (c) 1995-1996 by Gregory Braun. All rights reserved. This software is free. You may copy and distribute this program as long as all copyright notices remain intact. ToolBar is a small utility that provides a quick means of launching your favorite programs from the Windows desktop. Click the left mouse button to launch an application, or the right mouse button to configure a new button. Custom icons can be assigned to ToolBar buttons. Icons can be located in ICO or DLL files, as well as most of the popular icon library formats available for Windows. This feature is especially useful if you create ToolBar buttons for MS DOS applications or batch files. The MORICONS.DLL located in your Windows directory is an example of a DLL file that contains numerous icons suitable for use as custom icons for ToolBar buttons. Five ToolBar button groups are available for organizing your applications and utilities into customized tool groups. Press the left and right arrows on the last ToolBar button to cycle through your button groups. Click the mouse on the last ToolBar button's group name to display a popup menu of the various ToolBar options or to select the button group directly from ToolBar's menu. To have ToolBar launched whenever Windows is started select the Options item from the Popup menu and select the Launch checkbox. Doing this prevents you from having to put ToolBar in your Program Manager's Startup group. ToolBar stores your button definitions in the TOOLBAR.INI file. If you've downloaded an earlier version of ToolBar don't extract the default INI file found in the ZIP file or you'll overwrite all of your custom button definitions. ToolBar has been tested with Windows 95. There is no reason it shouldn't work with Windows/NT but as yet I have not had an opportunity to test it. If you run ToolBar with Win/NT please let me know how it works. I have tried to keep ToolBar as small as possible so that users with 386 SX machines and limited memory resources can still run ToolBar whenever Windows is launched. Users with VGA and Super VGA video displays may find that running ToolBar as "Icons Only" preserves as much desktop space for applications as possible. ToolBar automatically adjusts its size to your video display screen height. Depending upon your display size and video resolution you'll have between 10 and 36 ToolBar buttons per group. If you change your video driver's display resolution often you'll want to put your most frequently used applications towards the top of the ToolBar. Don't be alarmed if you lower your screen resolution and ToolBar buttons are not displayed, they are still defined and will re-appear when you change back to the previous higher resolution. If you have comments, questions or find any bugs in ToolBar feel free to contact me on CompuServe or America On-line. If you would like to be notified when this application is upgraded send me an e-mail message with your on-line address. I'll send you a message when a new version of ToolBar is uploaded to CompuServe and AOL. While ToolBar is offered as FreeWare, if you feel that you must pay something for it you are welcome to send any amount you wish. I'll except cash, checks, money orders, bullion or Pentium computer systems as payment. Gregory Braun 5609 West Hadley Street Milwaukee, WI 53210-1554 USA Telephone: 1.414.444.8497 CompuServe: 71613,2175 AOL: GreggBraun Internet: TBAR.ZIP File Descriptions: TOOLBAR.EXE - The Application. TOOLBAR.INI - ToolBar Configuration file. TOOLBAR.TXT - Documentation file. Revision History: v1.0 In-house development and testing. v1.1 Added splash box for release. v1.2 Added popup menu and options to specify desktop location v1.3 Added launch option and customize dialog box. Added facility to change the order of buttons. v1.4 Added custom icon selections, a Minimize on Use option and configurable button groups. v1.5 Added menu item to display toolbar buttons as icons only. Added a fifth ToolBar button group. v1.6 Added facility to select custom icons from DLL library files. Added option to allow multiple copies of an application to be launched. Moved all strings to the resource segment for future foreign language translations. Other FreeWare offerings from the author: NoteBook for Windows (NBOOK.ZIP) Reminders for Windows (REMIND.ZIP) Icon Extractor for Windows (ICONX.ZIP) File Editor for Windows (FXEDIT.ZIP) Screen Loupe for Windows (LOUPE.ZIP) RGB Editor for Windows (RGB.ZIP) Programmer's IDE (PMAN.ZIP) Touch for Windows (WTOUCH.ZIP) BattleStar for Windows (BSTAR.ZIP) All of these applications and utilities can be found on CompuServe and America Online. The latest versions are uploaded to the WINSHARE, WINUTIL and WINAV forums and AOL's Software Center.