DISCLAIMER ---------- Please note that I ask no payment for this software and grant you a license to use this version for free. Also note that this software is provided without any kind of assurances that it will work or will not damage hard/software at all. The only thing that I can guarantee is that it will take up some space on what ever storage medium you are using :) So don't come running back here if something goes wrong! In other words USE THIS SOFTWARE AT YOUR OWN RISK! Mind, saying that above I use the programs myself and they've not damaged my computer.... If you feel that you use the programs enough and want to send something to me please contact me via fidonet netmail or internet e-mail, my addresses are as follows :- Rick Wakefield 2:442/621 deckard@response.coracle.com Many thanks and enjoy the software. Rick Wakefield (18/06/1996)