Max, you can help fax six copies, once, twice, face the music Carol, fax this In October, call Stacey can fax it fax, one cover page the Xerox machine Call a mechanic, are toxic hazards March, April, May receive a fax, and cash and carry, but just in case, zero in December, cancel that fax, Call the CEO Mexican imports, react, but consider Welcome, Hazel I came, I conquered, visit St. Croix, clean up loose ends, Be clear, be concise fix it quickly, Call Carol, will you call a taxicab, are toxic chemicals an immediate action, Be careful, think ahead We never close, but not a quick fix, Cathy is clever, Stick to your point, second, third, fourth fix the time clock needs file cabinets receives the checks, Cancel the contract Call a contractor, Quick, call a doctor Set your clocks back, cleans the carpets, will change offices Needs office space Meet in my office, Has offices in Cairo, have an office party, document needs pictures,