@SCENARIO @width=550 @title=%STRING0 ^^Length: %STRING1 to %STRING2 The year 1492 marks a seminal moment in the spread of western European culture to world-wide influence. Columbus's voyage to the "New World" set the European nations into a frenzy of exploration, colonization, and subjugation whose impact still dominates world policies today. You can choose to play one of the five major participants, Portugal, Spain, France, England, or Holland, in this great effusion of peoples and culture to the four corners of the earth. There are no territorial objectives in this scenario. Your goal is to have the highest overall score (besides the Neutrals) at the end of the scenario. *********************************************************************** PLEASE NOTE 1. The largest tribe in this scenario, the neutrals, were neither designed nor tested to be played. Due to their great size, we suspect that a player-controlled neutral would have an easy time of it. Please stick to either the European nations or the native tribe of the Americas and Africa as choices for play. 2. This scenario can be played without any alterations to the game parameters. However, we designed it to play with some changes. In particular we greatly increased the speed of the sailing ships to conform more closely with their historical capabilities. CONSULT THE DIS_READ.TXT FILE IF YOU WISH TO IMPLEMENT THESE CHANGES. @end -- this line must be here!