Warcraft II Scenarios: *************************************************************************************** ADpact.zip Death Pact 1 player. In a secret meeting of the Orcish clans, Zuljin is banished from his own territories and settles near humans. You realize that he is of little or no threat to you at this time, however, the other Orcish clans (Guld'dan, Cho'gall) are becoming much too strong for you to defeat by yourself. You have a decision to make. Will you make a pact with him or try to defeat the others alone. Can you trust him? If you enjoy these scenarios then d'load war2pud.zip on SWCBBS, there are 3 different scenarios that are about the same level of play as this one. Also, look for badpact.zip which of course is the sequel to ADPact (to be) Go get'em! Dusster@delphi.com Listed below are a couple of cheat codes if you can't do it without CHEATING! So DON'T LOOK if you DON'T NEED THEM! Type these in the message box valdez -adds oil hatchet -speed up wood production You can't have anymore if you don't already know them! *************************************************************************************************** Very thorough, and I'll bet you were the kid that sat in the front of the classroom!!! glittering prizes -adds gold lumber and oil make it so -accelerates everything No more already! :)