C&CEDIT v1.0 Command & Conquer Savegame Editor --- ============================================== --- C&CEDIT.EXE I wrote this patch first as only a moneychanger (C&CMONEY.EXE). I added a few other options and C&CEDIT was born. I don't think more options than those available at this time would be usefull because it would remove the whole object of playing the game. I'll see. Option 3 should be usefull for those boys and girls who are stuck playing the same level over and over again. This is the first time I've put a patch outthere (except for C&CMONEY) so I would appreciate any (objective) comments about this patch. Syntax : C&CEDIT [INFO] [EXT] or just type C&CEDIT at the DOS-prompt. Have fun playing this supurb game.... The Blackadder