The Unofficial .o88b. .d888b. .o88b. d8P Y8 8P 8D d8P Y8 8P 'Vb d8' 8P 8b d88C dD 8b Y8b d8 C8' d8D Y8b d8 'Y88P' '888P Yb 'Y88P' .d8888. d888888b d8888b. .d8b. d888888b d88888b d888b db db 88' YP '~~88~~' 88 '8D d8' '8b '~~88~~' 88' 88' Y8b '8b d8' '8bo. 88 88oobY' 88ooo88 88 88ooooo 88 '8bd8' 'Y8b. 88 88'8b 88~~~88 88 88~~~~~ 88 ooo 88 db 8D 88 88 '88. 88 88 88 88. 88. ~8~ 88 '8888Y' YP 88 YD YP YP YP Y88888P Y888P YP d88888b .d8b. .d88b. 88' d8' '8b .8P Y8. 88ooo 88ooo88 88 88 88~~~ 88~~~88 88 88 88 db 88 88 db '8P d8' db YP VP YP YP VP 'Y88'Y8 VP Release v6.0 Last Updated: February 17, 1996 05:20 GMT Written by: Roger Wong ( DISCLAIMER The purpose of this FAQ is to aid the public regarding strategies and tactics to use in the game Command and Conquer, by Westwood Studios. In no way should this promote your killing yourself, killing others, or killing in any other fashion. Roger Wong claims NO responsibility regarding any illegal activity concerning this FAQ, or indirectly related to this FAQ. TRADEMARK INFORMATION Command & Conquer is a trademark, and is so acknowledged. Any trademarks not mentioned here are still acknowledged. COPYRIGHT NOTICE This article is Copyright 1995, 1996 by Roger Wong. All rights reserved. You are granted the following rights: I. To make copies of this work in original form, so long as (a) the copies are exact and complete; (b) the copies include the copyright notice and these paragraphs in their entirety; (c) the copies give obvious credit to the author, Roger Wong; (d) the copies are in electronic form. II. To distribute this work, or copies made under the provisions above, so long as (a) this is the original work and not a derivative form; (b) you do not charge a fee for copying or for distribution; (c) you ensure that the distributed form includes the copyright notice, this paragraph, the disclaimer of warranty in their entirety and credit to the author; (d) the distributed form is not in an electronic magazine or within computer software (prior explicit permission may be obtained from Roger Wong); (e) the distributed form is the NEWEST version of the article to the best of the knowledge of the distributor; (f) the distributed form is electronic. You may not distribute this work by any non-electronic media, including but not limited to books, newsletters, magazines, manuals, catalogs, and speech. You may not distribute this work in electronic magazines or within computer software without prior written explicit permission. These rights are temporary and revocable upon written, oral, or other notice by Roger Wong. This copyright notice shall be governed by the laws of the state of Texas. If you would like additional rights beyond those granted above, write to the author at "" on the Internet. CONTENTS: [1] Introduction [1-1] Foreword *1-2* About the Unofficial C&C Strategy FAQ [1-2-1] Is the FAQ related to the Official Guide to C&C? *1-2-2* Is the FAQ related to the PC Gamer UK's strategy booklet? [1-3] Getting the Unofficial C&C Strategy FAQ *1-3-1* via E-mail *1-3-2* via Usenet [1-3-3] via Internet FTP *1-3-4* via WWW *1-3-5* via BBS *1-4* Adding to the FAQ *1-5* Acknowledgments [1-6] Accurate Information [1-7] The format of this FAQ -SECTION ONE- GENERAL OVERVIEW [2] What can I do with these units? [2-1] Infantry [2-1-1] Civilian *2-1-2* Technician *2-1-3* Engineer [2-1-4] Minigunner [2-1-5] Grenadier [2-1-6] Bazooka [2-1-7] Flame-thrower [2-1-8] Commando [2-2] Vehicles *2-2-1* MCV *2-2-2* Harvester [2-2-3] Gunboat [2-2-4] Hummer *2-2-5* APC [2-2-6] Medium Tank *2-2-7* Orca [2-2-8] Rocket Launcher *2-2-9* Mammoth Tank *2-2-10* Nod Buggy *2-2-11* Recon Bike [2-2-12] Light Tank [2-2-13] Artillery [2-2-14] Flame Tank *2-2-15* Apache Attack Helicopter *2-2-16* Stealth Tank *2-2-17* SSM Launcher *2-2-18* Chinook Transport Helicopter [2-2-19] Mobile HQ *2-3* Buildings [2-3-1] Construction Yard [2-3-2] Powerplant [2-3-3] Advanced Powerplant [2-3-4] Sandbag/Fence/Concrete *2-3-5* Silo *2-3-6* Refinery *2-3-7* Barracks *2-3-8* Hand of Nod *2-3-9* Weapons Factory *2-3-10* Airstrip [2-3-11] Communications center *2-3-12* Advanced comm. center [2-3-13] Guard tower *2-3-14* Nod Turret *2-3-15* Advanced guard tower *2-3-16* Obelisk of light *2-3-17* SAM Site *2-3-18* Heli Pad [2-3-19] Repair Pad *2-3-20* Temple of Nod [2-4] Special Units [2-4-1] Airstrikes *2-4-2* Nuclear strike [2-4-3] Ion Cannon [3] Important information not in the manual [3-1] What are the keys? [3-2] What is that colored bar? *3-3* What is a blossom tree? *3-4* How do I view the radar? [3-5] How do I suspend or cancel build commands? -SECTION TWO- TIPS AND TRICKS [4] Cheating the computer [4-1] What are the cheat keys? [4-2] Can I Hex edit for more money? *4-3* How does the computer cheat? [4-4] What cheating programs are available? *4-5* What are some C&C quirks I can exploit? *4-5-1* Tiberium harvesting without silos *4-5-2* Preventing the computer from rebuilding *4-5-3* The Reservoir Dogs strategy *4-5-4* The silo money cheat [4-5-5] The ultimate A-10 defense [4-5-6] Money making ala SimC&C *4-5-7* Place buildings anywhere cheat *4-5-8* Infinite minigunner cheat *4-5-9* Stealth tank detection cheat *4-5-10* Transport helicopter denial *4-5-11* Safe Orca killing *4-5-12* Longer ranged towers [4-6] Are there any hidden game elements? *4-6-1* Chem. Warriors [4-6-2] Visceroids *4-6-3* Dinosaurs [5] Defensive tips *5-1* Sandbag defense [5-2] Building base defenses [5-3] Help! I'm being attacked by enemy... *5-3-1* Nukes *5-3-2* Orcas [5-3-3] SSMs [5-3-4] Advanced guard towers [5-3-5] Transports loaded with engineers *5-3-6* Attack helicopters *5-3-7* Recon bike gangs [5-3-8] Airstrikes [5-4] Suppressive fire [6] Offensive tips [6-1] How do I destroy? *6-1-1* Obelisks of light [6-1-2] Flame-throwers [6-1-3] Gun turrets using Orcas [6-1-4] Most vehicles without getting squashed [6-1-5] Tanks in general [6-1-6] Flame Tanks [6-1-7] Mammoth tanks [6-1-8] SAM sites [6-1-9] Strong bases [6-1-10] Harvesters *6-1-11* Gunboats [6-2] The spiderbase strategy [6-3] How do I drain the computer's funds? [7] Miscellaneous tips *7-1* How do I sell my infantry/vehicles? [7-2] How do I control Orcas in mid-flight? *7-3* Why should I destroy villages? [7-4] How do I make a convoy? [7-5] How do I get rid of trees? [7-6] How do I hide under trees? [7-7] How do I stop the computer from rebuilding? [7-8] How do I keep my harvesters from gathering all the tiberium? *7-9* How do I get nukes in the last Nod mission? *7-10* How do I run over things? [8] Single player tactics *8-1* Blue Aardvark's Anti-Crummy AI Tactics *9* Confucious says [10] Technical Issues *10-1* What determines my score? [10-2] What is the CONQUER.INI file? *10-3* KALI related issues *10-4* How can run C&C off my hard disk? -SECTION THREE- MISSION STRATEGIES [11] What is a mission tree? *11-1* GDI mission tree *11-2* Nod mission tree [12] I'm stumped! Can you help me? [12-1] GDI missions *12-1-1* GDI Mission 1, Estonia [12-1-2] GDI Mission 2, Estonia *12-1-3ea* GDI Mission 3ea, Latvia [12-1-4ea] GDI Mission 4ea, Belarus [12-1-4wa] GDI Mission 4wa, Belarus *12-1-4wb* GDI Mission 4wb, Poland *12-1-5ea* GDI Mission 5ea, Germany [12-1-5eb] GDI Mission 5eb, Germany [12-1-6] GDI Mission 6, Czech Republic [12-1-7] GDI Mission 7, Czech Republic [12-1-8ea] GDI Mission 8ea, Austria [12-1-8eb] GDI Mission 8eb, Slovakia [12-1-9] GDI Mission 9, Hungary *12-1-10ea* GDI Mission 10ea, Slovenia [12-1-10eb] GDI Mission 10eb, Romania *12-1-11* GDI Mission 11, Greece *12-1-12ea* GDI Mission 12ea, Albania [12-1-12eb] GDI Mission 12eb, Bulgaria [12-1-13ea] GDI Mission 13ea, Yugoslavia [12-1-13eb] GDI Mission 13eb, Yugoslavia [12-1-14] GDI Mission 14, Yugoslavia [12-1-15ea] GDI Mission 15ea, Bosnia/Herzogovina [12-1-15eb] GDI Mission 15eb, Bosnia/Herzogovina [12-1-15ec] GDI Mission 15ec, Bosnia/Herzogovina [12-2] Nod missions *12-2-1ea* Nod Mission 1ea, Libya *12-2-2ea* Nod Mission 2ea, Egypt [12-2-2eb] Nod Mission 2eb, Egypt [12-2-3ea] Nod Mission 3ea, Sudan [12-2-3eb] Nod Mission 3eb, Sudan [12-2-4ea] Nod Mission 4ea, Chad [12-2-4eb] Nod Mission 4eb, Chad [12-2-5] Nod Mission 5, Mauritania *12-2-6ea* Nod Mission 6ea, Ivory Coast [12-2-6eb] Nod Mission 6eb, Benin *12-2-6ec* Nod Mission 6ec, Nigeria [12-2-7eb] Nod Mission 7eb, Cameroon [12-2-7ec] Nod Mission 7ec, Central African Republic [12-2-8ea] Nod Mission 8ea, Zaire [12-2-8eb] Nod Mission 8eb, Zaire [12-2-9ea] Nod Mission 9ea, Egypt [12-2-9eb] Nod Mission 9eb, Egypt [12-2-10ea] Nod Mission 10ea, Angola [12-2-10eb] Nod Mission 10eb, Tanzania [12-2-11ea] Nod Mission 11ea, Namibia [12-2-11eb] Nod Mission 11eb, Mozambique [12-2-12ea] Nod Mission 12ea, Botswana [12-2-12eb] Nod Mission 12eb, Botswana [12-2-13ea] Nod Mission 13ea, South Africa [12-2-13eb] Nod Mission 13eb, South Africa [12-2-13ec] Nod Mission 13ec, South Africa [13] I need help playing multiplayer [13-1] What do I do with crates? *13-1-1* Stealth technology [13-1-2] Units [13-1-3] Visceroids [13-1-4] Explosions [13-1-5] Cash [13-1-6] Nukes, airstrikes, ion beams [13-1-7] Map modifiers [13-1-8] Heal all units *13-2* Offensive tactics [13-3] Defensive tactics [13-4] Capture the flag [13-5] Various player strategies [13-5-1] Aardvark's strategy [13-5-2] Joseph's strategy [13-5-3] Kokko's strategy -Section Four- MISCELLANEOUS [14] Tables *14-1* Armor [14-2] Weapons *14-3* Units *14-4* Buildings [15] Internet resources *15-1* Third party programs *15-2* World Wide Web sites [15-3] KALI C&C servers *15-4* Other resources [16] Bugs, updates, future games *16-1* The wishlist [16-2] Questions regarding C&C present and future *16-2-1* Mouse problems *16-2-2* Multiplayer savegames *16-2-3* Mission disk add-ons *16-2-4* Red Alert *16-2-5* C&C for Win95 *16-2-6* C&C 2 *16-3* Update patches [16-4] Errors in the C&C manual [17] Conclusion [18] Revision History ------------------------- CHAPTER [1] Introduction ------------------------- [1-1] Foreword ================== Everyone has been asking for a FAQ on C&C strategy. I had no idea how time consuming compiling and organizing all of your wonderful ideas would be! This FAQ isn't complete yet; there is much more that can be added, and with all you peoples' help, we can get this thing finished and have something of which we can all be proud. *1-2* About the Unofficial C&C Strategy FAQ =============================================== Welcome to v6.0 of the Unofficial Command and Conquer Strategy FAQ. Version 6.0 is a major revision written after v5.0. 'Unofficial' means that this FAQ is not supported by Westwood Studios. Command and Conquer is the name of the game. FAQs are (F)requently (A)sked (Q)uestions. Revision classification works something like the following. If a new version of the FAQ has only a small amount of information changed or added, the version number is increased by 0.1, and is called a 'minor revision.' If a new version of the FAQ has a substantial amount of new information changed or added, the version number is increased by 0.5, and is called a 'standard revision.' If a new version of the FAQ has a huge amount of added or changed information, major parts of the FAQ are rearranged, or major parts of the FAQ are rewritten, the version number is increased by 1.0, and it is called a 'major revision.' You may be wondering why chapter numbers are enclosed in either []'s or **'s. The definition of these is as follows: [] Chapters enclosed in square brackets mean that the information contained in the chapter has not been updated since the previous FAQ. ** Chapters enclosed in asterisks mean that the information contained in the chapter is new or has been updated for the current version of the FAQ you are reading. I have removed the parenthesis '()' markers to facilitate easier updates of HTML versions of the unofficial C&C Strategy FAQ. [1-2-1] Is the FAQ related to the Official Guide to C&C? ============================================================ No, the Unofficial C&C Strategy FAQ is not related in any way with the Official Guide to Command & Conquer other than in topic. Nor is the Unofficial C&C Strategy FAQ meant to be competition to the Official Guide. If you need complete printed maps, step by step walkthroughs and the like, then by all means, get the book. (ISBN: 1-566-86-247-7 Brady Publishing 1-800-428-5331 19.99 USD) *1-2-2* Is the FAQ related to the PC Gamer UK's strategy booklet? ===================================================================== Yes, in the sense that the first half of the C&C Tips and Tricks section was taken almost directly from the FAQ. No, in the sense that it was done without my consent. [1-3] Getting the Unofficial C&C Strategy FAQ ================================================= *1-3-1* via E-mail ---------------------- Unfortunately, the Unofficial C&C Strategy FAQ robot service that has handled the E-Mail requests so successfully in the past has been terminated. It is no longer possible to receive the latest Unofficial C&C Strategy FAQ by ending an E-Mail message to with a subject heading of: send c&cstrat.faq The world will be notified should the status of the E-Mail robot change. In the meantime, if anyone has a suitable robot they are willing to share, please contact me at *1-3-2* via Usenet ---------------------- The Unofficial C&C Strategy FAQ is posted on the first of every month (or earlier if a new version is released) on the following Usenet groups. (1) (2) The Unofficial C&C Strategy FAQ is also posted as new versions are released in the newsgroup. [1-3-3] via Internet FTP ---------------------------- New releases of the Unofficial C&C Strategy FAQ can be found at the following fine Internet FTP sites: FTP: The file name of the upload should be 'ccs??.faq' where '??' is the version number of the FAQ. This filename is for FTP sites only. BBS filenames are outlined in [1-3-5]. *1-3-4* via WWW ------------------- New releases of the Unofficial C&C Strategy FAQ will be found on the following World-wide Web sites: (This is my personal page) HTML versions of the Unofficial C&C Strategy FAQ can be found on the following World-wide Web sites: *1-3-5* via BBS ------------------- I am not responsible for uploading new releases of the Unofficial C&C Strategy FAQ to bulletin board systems. I have control over neither them or their naming conventions, and can not guarantee that any given BBS will hold a copy of the FAQ in their files area. ATTENTION: ALL BBSes, CompuServe, America On-line, and all other information services. PLEASE conform to the naming standard of the Unofficial C&C Strategy FAQ when placing this file on your system. The file name should be 'ccsfaq??.zip' where the '??' is the version number of the FAQ or 'ccsfaq??.txt' if the FAQ is a text file instead of PKZIPped. *1-4* Adding to the FAQ =========================== If you have something to add to the FAQ, please send E-mail to '' (no quotes), explaining what your addition is. It will be reviewed, and if accepted, added to the next FAQ version. In the E-mail, please supply your name and E-mail address. Please note that all submissions to the FAQ become property of the author (Roger Wong) and that they may or may not be acknowledged. By submitting to the FAQ, you grant permission for use of your submission in any future publications of the FAQ in any media. The author reserves the right to omit information from a submission or delete the submission entirely. *1-5* Acknowledgments ========================== Westwood Studios for making this great game. Mom. (Hi mom!) Mike Fay, author of the Official Guide to Command & Conquer, for being a patient and understanding guy, and for giving me support, enthusiasm, and an autographed copy of the Official Guide to Command & Conquer Hank Leukart, author of the 'Official' DOOM FAQ, for his advice on FAQ creation. A big thank you goes to Mike Lee for his work on the weapons damage tables. A bigger thank you to Philip Lochner, for letting me absorb his FAQ into mine The biggest "thank you" of all goes to Andrew Griffin for his stunning and thorough efforts deciphering the C&C data tables. Aaron Glover, for nitpicking. And big thanks to everyone else who sent something my way, or posted answers to questions in You are all listed next to your contributions in this FAQ! Forgive me if I miss anyone. If for some reason I HAVE missed you, PLEASE send me E-mail so I can give credit where credit is due. [1-6] Accurate Information ============================== An attempt has been made to make the information in this FAQ as accurate as possible. Unfortunately, due to the fact that the game has a semi- nonlinear mission tree, it has been difficult to match strategies and walkthroughs to the proper mission identifications. If a walkthrough tip for a certain level variation doesn't work for you, try one of the other variation tips. I wish everyone would use the internal mission numbers that are displayed above the version number in the options menu when referring to different missions. Harder still is verifying the correctness of every hint and tip. I do try hard to make sure there are no bogus entries in this FAQ, but, undoubtedly, one or two will probably slip by. Please let me know immediately if there is any information in this FAQ that you know is incorrect. Also, because the game was recently released, future updates and add-ons may render parts of this FAQ obsolete. [1-7] The format of this FAQ ================================ I have been copying the format and style of the granddaddy of all FAQ keepers, Hank Leukart ( of the 'Official' DOOM FAQ. Many thanks to Hank for allowing me access to his FAQ. ============================== -SECTION ONE- GENERAL OVERVIEW ============================== ------------------------------------------- CHAPTER[2] What can I do with these units? ------------------------------------------- This chapter contains information on the various units available for use in C&C. Mike Lee started the ball rolling with his sadistic experiments on his own troops. Andrew Griffin took this a bit further, and became an even more sadistic general. The results of our Dr. Mendel look-alike contest can be found in Chapter 14. It is more difficult to shoot at moving targets. [2-1] Infantry ================== Numerical data on all infantry can be found in Chapter 14. Military infantry units take half of normal weapons damage while prone. They will fall prone when fired upon, and move by crawling on their bellies. Crawling reduces movement rate by half. To force any prone infantry unit back on to their feet, double click when you give them movement commands. [2-1-1] Civilian -------------------- Civilians carry pistols with 10 round magazines. Andrew Griffin ( Civilians inhabit villages. Fodder for Nod, must be protected (usually) by GDI. *2-1-2* Technician ---------------------- see also [2-1-1] Civilian. Technicians carry pistols with 10 round magazines. Andrew Griffin ( I actually saw one of my stealth tanks get killed by one (the tank was just about dead anyway). William Jang ( Even though they can't be used as expendable scouts, you can force the issue by sending them off to the enemy's lines. Once they get fired upon by the enemy, the map lights up a nine-square area around the dead technician and an even larger area around the unit that pulled the trigger. Colin Jacobs ( You don't need to do that. Move them to the edge of the darkness, and have them fire into it using the CTRL key. The square they shot at will light up. Alan Lam ( Have you guys ever wonder what the technician can do? They can't take out buildings, they can't (not practically) kill other units except another technician and they can't even map! Well this is what I have actually done with my technician(s): 1) I have actually blown up 2 mammoth tanks in their full power with 1 technician only. 2) I have blown up a SAM site and 2 blocks of concrete wall with 1 technician. When you resign a game, all your units and buildings will blow up. The technician just seems to blow up MUCH better than any other unit. So when you have only a few units left, move your technicians to some enemy structures or units, and then resign the game, thereby killing some of your enemy's units and structures. This may be useless in 2 player games but it will help your ally a lot if there is more players. *2-1-3* Engineer -------------------- If you are going to take over a refinery with an engineer, wait for the harvester to return. Not only do you get a free harvester in the process, but your opponent can not sell a refinery that contains an unloading harvester. KnoX ( The engineers the computer sends to your base always try to capture your northern most building. Scott King ( I have found that it is effective to send a medium sized force into a base to engage the defensive forces, then send engineers guarded by riflemen to capture buildings. This works well for the well-armored buildings because even if your assault team gets defeated, the enemy will destroy the captured buildings for you. (EDITOR'S NOTE: It is better to sell the buildings instead). Dave Glue ( One of the most powerful weapons- they take over buildings and then you control them. Take over your enemy's construction yard, then you can produce Nod/GDI forces, right in his own base! Just direct them to the building you want to take over, and once they enter it it's yours. Of course, they're fragile, so it's wise to use an APC to transport them. Phil Lochner ( Note that Engineers cannot take over enemy gun turrets, SAM sites, or Obelisks. They also cannot (much to my dismay) take over the Nod Temple. Andre Pang ( Before taking over buildings, try "pre-building" a guard tower structure, such as the Advanced Guard Tower for GDI, or an Obelisk of Light for Nod. The moment you take over the enemy's building, dump it right next to it. And if you're playing as Nod and want to be real slack, start building lots of them turrets :). Charles Anderson ( If you're going to take over the enemy's barracks/hand of NOD, build an engineer and put it on hold just before it's done. After taking over the building double click on it so that it's "primary" and continue the engineer build. It'll pop out almost immediately. Ben McCulloch ( Capture enemey silos if you see them full of tiberium. Sell the silos, and within a few minutes, the AI will build them back, chock full of spice. In the end, you will come out 1075 credits richer per silo, and you can build more engineers and recapture them. [2-1-4] Minigunner ---------------------- Phil Lochner ( These soldiers, although easy to overlook, can be very useful in mass amounts. They also make good, cheap decoys and can be used as fodder to draw out enemy tanks and soldiers. With three barracks, Minigunners pop out so quickly that you can amass a nice twenty or thirty man army which is more than enough to deal with most enemy attacks. They must be very close to targets to attack, and will take damage if your supporting grenades attack a target they are standing right next to. It's usually a good idea to leave a small detachment of two or three to Guard each important building in your fortress just in case. The computer seems to prefer Barracks over your construction yard, refineries over your barracks, and guard towers over everything else. Rarely will they attack your silos or communications center. Karl Kilborn ( Minigunners can totally destroy bazooka dudes. A minigunner beat to within an inch of his life can easily kill two bazooka infantry. [2-1-5] Grenadier --------------------- Ethereal ( Whenever possible use grenadiers, they can move faster, and kill turrets + tanks the best in my opinion. Also Jeeps + Grenadiers Are a very good combination, The jeeps prevent the grenadiers from getting run over, if you don't have a jeep just make the grenadiers move, to my knowledge, they don't get squashed almost at all if they are moving. APC with four grenadiers and one engineer are very good combinations. In my experience, if you have one flame thrower vs. a grenadier about half of the time he will kill the flame guy with one grenade. [2-1-6] Bazooka ------------------- Ethereal ( Bazookas are OK for long distance such as putting about ten of them up on a ridge. Putting Bazookas in a APC is not good since they usually cannot move fast or hit as reliably as grenadiers. Luke Duff ( Bazooka guys fire on helicopters and they're much better against vehicles. They're worth what you pay for 'em. Just make sure they don't get run over. Andre Pang ( If you can afford it, try keeping 4 or 5 bazookas around your tanks (especially flame tanks). Alot of people assume your tanks do more damage than the bazookas and will totally ignore these guys, and they do pack a punch in groups. Unfortunately, they're next to useless against infantry. Bazookas are also great against Orca's. (Not Apaches!) [2-1-7] Flame-thrower ------------------------- Phil Sykes ( These guys are Nod's best antipersonnel weapon apart from the gun turrets. They can take out up to 16 opponents on full energy in one shot at a ridiculous range (much further than the flame extends, don't be fooled by that!) Best to use in conjunction with bazooka troops, because they do not work well against vehicles, although they are somewhat effective against buildings. Group 3-4 flamers for maximum effect. Mr. P / Powersource Flame-throwers make up an important part of your building-destruction and infantry-halting capabilities. If you're fortunate enough, one flame- thrower firing at a building can cause it to erupt in flame, thereby cutting its "life" in half. Groups of these guys are also indispensable in eliminating any type of enemy infantry. If you are not careful with their firing, they can burn friendly units, as well as themselves. (EDITOR'S NOTE: Didn't their mothers tell them not to play with fire?) Trees will start to pose a hazard - if a tree ignites, say good-bye to any units within a 1-person radius of it. Andre Pang ( Unbelievable firepower against infantry and buildings for their price! Send four of these up to a group of 20 or more infantry, and watch them light up in toast (especially if you're against other flame-throwers or grenadiers, since they literally explode and kill everyone else around them). They're also great against structures, having two or three tagging along with a main assault force can really make a difference. [2-1-8] Commando -------------------- When planting demolition charges, let the computer move the commando to a safe range on its own. The damage the commando takes when a building blows up is not from the explosion, but from the enemy soldiers who evacuate the building from within. Phil Lochner ( Only available on special missions, the Commando is pretty cool. The Commando is also available for $1000 in high tech-level multiplayer games. Their super-long eyesight and damaging weapon (one shot takes down any enemy soldier) makes them a great unit for base defense, but they are worthless against enemy vehicles. They can also plant charges on enemy structures to blow them up instantly. They are great fun in multiplayer games. They can be airdropped from a chopper right near enemy armies (or their Hand of Nod) and set to Guard. They'll effectively kill off soldier after soldier as soon as they come within their considerable range, until the enemy gets a clue and sends some Cycles or Buggies after them. Andre Pang ( These units are good for very specialized missions, but that's about all they're useful for. For their high price ($1000), I'd much prefer five flame- thowers(Nod) or 6 grenadiers (GDI). However, it's real good fun to march these guys through an enemy base, blowing everything up, when the end of the game is near! If you want a cheap way of taking out guard towers, they can also do it. Send up a decoy unit to the structure (e.g.: harvester, hummer), and while that's distracting the guard tower's attention, send in the commando to blow it up. Tucson Luke Loh ( Commandos are also great fun when it comes to killing harvesters especially those well out of the way of your base defense. Against the computer merely shoot a harvester and run back to your own base ... the harvester will try to run over you and follow. So long as the commando does not die the harvester will walk right into your defenses (*grin* if you have an Obelisk of Nod) and be happily blown away. Commandos are best because they move much faster than ordinary troops and are unlikely to be mown down by tanks or humvees before you reach the safety of your base. [2-2] Vehicles ================= Numerical data on all vehicles can be found in Chapter 14. Phil Lochner ( Note that the SSM Launcher and attack helicopter can only be found in multiplayer games. *2-2-1* MCV --------------- Phil Sykes ( Mubile construction vehicle. As you might expect from Dune 2, this allows you to build another construction yard somewhere on the map. It is ridiculously expensive (5000), slow, and utterly useless in combat. As yet, in 30 multiplayer games (the only place other than level 15 it appears) it remains unused. Thenardier ( Build it up as a back-up base. Drive it somewhere and don't deploy it until Nod or GDI have nuked or ion cannoned your construction yard into dust. Andre Pang ( I played a friend the other day with an interesting and legitimate tactic; he drove down a MCV almost next to my base (being guarded by stealth tanks, so I couldn't do much to attack it), plonked a construction yard right next to my base, and immediately dumped a pre-built Obelisk right there. Not that I should have allowed this to happen in the first place, but it's a non- cheating method of sandbagging (and judging by the distance that some people sandbag, this may be cheaper as well!) *2-2-2* Harvester --------------------- see also: [5-3-6] Attack helicopters Karl Kilborn ( You should manually select the mature crystals in a tiberium patch for harvesting purposes. It not only fills the harvester up quicker, but also adds to the life of the cabbage patch. When you let the harvesters attempt to grow a brain, they farm the new growth rather than the ripe and mature patches. EDITOR'S NOTE: The moral of the story is: Harvesters are as stupid as commercial fishermen. Aaron Glover ( It's great for taking flags in multiplayer. Especially when teamed up with humvees and recon bikes. Holds 700 credits when full. Andrew Griffin ( Collects tiberium and transports it to your refinery. You get one whenever you buy a refinery, and can have multiple harvesters working for a single refinery. They can't attack, but can run over infantry and recon cycles. However, occasionally the computer will get their harvesters to attack a building of yours, or some armor, and they can do damage to it! This only happens when it can no longer collect tiberium for refining. Michael Stango ( If the enemy destroys your harvester, your ability to wage war against him is seriously crippled at least temporarily. If you don't have the ability to build a new harvester, you must sell your refinery and rebuild it. If you don't have enough credits to rebuild the harvester, you must sell the buildings you can do without for quick cash to rebuild it. Fortunately, the harvester is a tough vehicle. If it is attacked, you'll usually have enough time to get some forces to it to defend it. Never attack the enemy harvester until you have otherwise hobbled their efforts. Taking a potshot at their harvester early in the game, while tempting, will bring all the force the enemy can quickly muster down upon you. In plain English, the computer gets pissed if you attack its harvester(s). Jay ( The harvester can also be used to run over any offending attack bikes, those nasty little suckers with the missile launchers. Providing of course that the opposition is slow on the uptake. Tucson Luke Loh ( Ohhh - and don't allow more than 2 harvesters to share a Refinery ... there will be long waiting periods for one harvester and on occasions the AI will screw up and one harvester will just sit around and not do anything. [2-2-3] Gunboat ------------------- Andrew Griffin ( Provides missile support from oceans/rivers. Can be taken out with 1 blast from an obelisk, however. [2-2-4] Hummer ------------------ Phil Sykes ( Light recon jeeps, similar to Nod buggies. Best used earlier in the game for recon and light attack, but will die against anything more than one minigunner. Quite useful in the base assault strategy with engineers. Send two hummers in first, with your APC full of engineers following. The hummers attract all of the heavy fire from tanks, arty, obelisk, leaving you time to rush the APC through and squash everything, then pile the engineers out. Phil Lochner ( This quick little scouting unit has more armor than the Nod Cycle, but seems to do as much damage as an enemy Minigunner, albeit with longer range. They are good for zipping around the board, luring enemies to follow them down into a classic Warcraft Archer trap. Beware bazooka soldiers and gun turrets. Their low cost, however, makes them unnecessary to repair. Tucson Luke Loh ( Also an excellent support unit for tanks ... since tanks are not good at attacking infantry moving humvees together with tanks allow the tanks to concentrate on wiping out the armored targets while the humvees concentrate on killing the infantry pests. This way the tanks firepower is not wasted nor do they have to waste time moving to run infantry over. Also better than infantry in that they can move through Tiberium. Have found that 6 Humvees guarantee instant death to any unit of infantry (even prone). Thus 6 of them kill infantry at the rate of one every 3 seconds. *2-2-5* APC --------------- Phil Sykes ( Armored Personnel Crusher (er... surely carrier) This has four roles. Firstly, in can be used to carry men into battle in relative safety and speed (especially across tiberium). To load men in, click one at a time and click on the APC when you see the three green arrows. The man will enter the APC. Then select the next man, etc. Secondly, a personnel sqauasher. Holding down alt and running over squads of enemy troops (especially flame troops) is very useful. Thirdly, its chaingun allows a limited antipersonnel / anti-vehicle role, but is more suited to forming a barrier so troops do not get squashed. Fourthly, recon. The APC has the largest recon radius in the game (four squares all around), and is the third fastest land unit. Most useful for recon. Tucson Luke Loh ( The order of units exiting an APC is the reverse of their order of entry i.e. the last unit to enter is the first unit to exit. Important that the most powerful units (commandos or whatever) go in last so they can kickass right from the start. Thenardier ( Combination of APC and engineer is possibly regarded as one of the best tactics in C&C. Load your APC with engineers and give it a tanks escort. APC is agile. And it can withstand more damage. Andre Pang ( Possibly one of the best-value units in the game. Can be used for exploration (it's fast and has a high scouting range), is the most effective Squasher Of Infantry, and transports troops, including those engineers. One cool little tactic to try sometime: many people will send in decoys to the enemy base (e.g.: nod buggies, hummers) and send in the APCs after it. Of course, humans won't fall for this trick and will almost always target the APC. Simple solution! Send in two or more APCs. Which to target? Depending on how lucky you feel, either load one up full with engineers, or split the number of engineers evenly between them. Watch your opponent's confusion when he sees five APCs walking toward your base! These units are also good for capturing flags, since they're fast and can take a fair bit of damage. [2-2-6] Medium Tank ----------------------- Phil Sykes ( Great against light tanks (can take 2 out in one for one combat), and against flame tanks (can take LOTS out in one to one combat, the main gun outranges the flamer seriously). Limited use in base attack (tends to die vs. obelisks) Useless against enemy troops (far too slow to run them over effectively, too inaccurate to cause firing damage). Back these up with infantry or lose them. Phil Lochner ( A staple in any GDI army. With a low cost ($800), these tanks pack a punch and can be very effective in packs. You should always bring along a squad of Minigunner or Grenadier Guards around these tanks, as they have very big problems targeting and destroying enemy footsoldiers up close. They do great damage for their price, and make good Guards for key installations. Their speed makes them poor support for attacking footsoldiers, as the soldiers must wait for them to keep up. It's easier and more effective to make soldiers support the tanks. Tucson Luke Loh ( The best support for Medium Tanks are actually Hum-Vees or Nod Buggies. These kill infantry faster, move much faster and last much longer than supporting infantry. Douglas Jacobs ( I haven't seen my tanks automatically run over infantry in C&C (Dune2's units were pretty smart.) You can still force-move them using the key. Unfortunately, unlike Dune2, enemy units don't just sit there so you can run them over - they tend to move around. I use one unit to fire at the infantry, causing them to drop and start crawling, this way they're too slow to move away from my tank. *2-2-7* Orca ---------------- Orcas have air to air capability. If you target an enemy helicopter that is on the ground, the Orca will fire missiles at it even if it takes off and tries to escape. Hale Walker ( If the enemy chopper is in the air, force attack on the ground on the opposite side of the enemy helicopter. In other words, if the enemy helicopter is on your right, fire you missiles at the square to the right of the helicopter. Your missiles will fire towards the ground, but they will hit the enemy chopper instead since they pass through the enemy's airspace. Phil Sykes ( Armament: Six missiles of a similar type to those fired by bazooka guys, i.e. useless vs. infantry, excellent against vehicles / buildings. In order to get them to attack coherently, you need to group them together on the ground. To do this effectively, DO NOT BUILD any Orcas on their own. ALWAYS build pads, or you spend forever charging them. Once in the air, use the unit keys to redirect them. They need to be re-fed information about fast moving units (faster than a tank) before they get there. They will get MAULED vs. SAM missiles. Expect to lose at least one if your strike loiters near a SAM or Adv. guard tower. First strike capabilities: (2) will take out a flame tank/buggy (3) is best for gun turrets, although two will work on earlier levels: Send one up to attack first, then when he comes in, send them both out. After the first one, the turret will not have suffered enough damage to warrant a repair early on, to the second two will kill him! (4) will kill a light tank (5) will take down a medium tank or an obelisk (6) one harvester at full health. (7) will get gun turrets/spice silos/power plants (8) is a reasonable building assault force, may have to come up to 10 or (12) to get SAM sites, construction yards and other big buggers They work best in multiplayer for air support of harvesters! Phil Lochner ( They also 'track' enemy units which are moving, and usually fly over them and then return to attack. Keep this in mind if you are attacking swiftly moving units, as they can move closer to the Nod SAM sites before your Orcas can 'draw a bead' on them and fire missiles. They also zip around a target after firing some missiles, and this may also bring them closer into SAM range. It is HIGHLY advisable that you Group these units before sending them out, as it is impossible to select them while they are in the air to change their mission orders. When grouped, you can simply select the number group and redirect them elsewhere. It takes three SAM missiles to kill an Orca, and they are targets for enemy Bazooka soldiers, Cycles, Rocket Launchers, and Stealth Tanks. Note that you can also land these units in remote locations for quick use later. They cannot target or land in areas which ground units have not explored, although you can exploit their mobility by landing them right on the corner of an explored area (such as the top of a cliff), and then 'leapfrog' them to adjacent areas to uncover ground quickly. It takes three full Orcas to take out an enemy gun turret, and four full Orcas to take out an enemy SAM site or Obelisk. They're also great to attack the lone enemy harvester, but it will take repeated runs to destroy one. Philip Banks ( A single Orca is invaluable for scouting out large chunks of the map. Initially I had blocked off the passes that afforded entry to the valley wheremy base was located, which prevented me from sending out scouts much. But an Orca doing gradual hop flights could scout out a significant fraction of the map without any trouble. Jonathan Haas ( The 'S' key, which normally causes a unit to stop, will cause selected Orcas or Apaches in flight to immediately turn around and return to base. This is EXTREMELY useful when you need your choppers out of an area in a hurry. Durren Shen ( If you find that your opponent is attacking your orcas a lot while they are on their helipads with apaches, or vice versa, then after the aircraft is done reloading, you should hide it behind a building or somewhere else by moving and landing there. My opponent thought that all of my orcas were destroyed one time when I did that. [2-2-8] Rocket Launcher --------------------------- Requires: Advanced comm. center, Weapons Factory Andrew Griffin ( Mobile rocket launcher, a good weapon, hampered by the ease with which it can be killed. Great anti-aircraft weapon, two can usually take out a transport helicopter. Also, their excellent range means they can take out turrets without being hit. The ammo has a largish explosion radius, so can take out multiple infantry units. Very poor aim, however. Phil Lochner ( Fragile and powerful. They can only take a few rounds from a bazooka solder or tank, but their dual rockets are faster and more deadly than bazooka rockets. They have a longer range, and the exhaust from the rockets appear to do damage to targets underneath them, making them effective for shooting into packs of enemies. They need support from other units as defense only, as they are quick enough to get out of the way. Their range makes them perfect for destroying the remote gun turret or SAM site. *2-2-9* Mammoth Tank ------------------------ Mammoth tanks have two weapons, a dual cannon and a missile pack. The missile pack is only fired either if an enemy helicopter comes into range, or you manually target a unit that requires the tank's turrets to turn by more than 45 degrees. ( Mammoth tanks are the biggest and most expensive of all tanks. They are worth buying/making large numbers of, for four main reasons: They squish troops. (though a bit too slow if their scattering.) They squish walls. (only tanks that can, and walls take ages to shoot down) They squish helicopters. (four shots with their missile packs.) They self heal right back up to 50%. Basically, if you're planning on building up your forces, Mammoth tanks are a good choice. One tip though: infantry support from grenadiers will go a long way to clear the pesky enemy infantry. Stephen Jones ( If your Mammoth Tank is surrounded by infantry firing at it and there is no way to get units suitable for taking out infantry there in time, command your tank to attack the infantry opposite the direction it is facing. This will trigger its missiles and massacre the infantry fairly quickly. *2-2-10* Nod Buggy ---------------------- Tucson Luke Loh ( Also an excellent support unit for tanks ... since tanks are not good at attacking infantry moving buggies together with tanks allow the tanks to concentrate on wiping out the armored targets while the buggies concentrate on killing the infantry pests. This way the tanks firepower is not wasted nor do they have to waste time moving to run infantry over. Also better than infantry in that they can move through Tiberium. Have found that 6 buggies guarantee instant death to any unit of infantry (even prone). Thus 6 of them kill infantry at the rate of one every 3 seconds. *2-2-11* Recon Bike ------------------------- Andrew Griffin ( Fastest ground unit, but very lightly armored. Equipped with rockets, a great unit in packs, especially against hummers and APCs. Can be squashed by tanks and harvesters. Michael Brenner ( Recon bikes are best used in groups of 4-10. Use them to take out enemy harvesters. Be aware that they can be run over, so don't let the harvester get too close to them. If you're attacked you can retreat to your own base faster than any GDI unit can pursue you. A group of 6 bikes can take out a mammoth tank with losing only 1 bike. They're also great for defending your own harvesters esp. against Orca attacks. Since they're so fast usually one large group is enough to protect all your harvesters. Vs. the computer drive one bike close to the enemy base (the computer uses his Orcas mainly to defend his base), let the computer launch his Orcas, drive your bike back to your SAM sites. As long as you keep your bike on the move the Orcas won't be able to hit. Let your SAM sites do their work. Mike Zimmerman ( Find the enemy harvester in its tiberium patch. Drive the recon bike by the harvester. The harvester will always chase the bike because it can be crushed. Lead the harvester to your turrets or obelisks and watch the fun. [2-2-12] Light Tank ----------------------- see also [2-2-6] MEDIUM TANK Rune Fostervoll ( These are smaller than medium tanks (Surprise, surprise) but is also Nod's heaviest tank. One on one against a GDI medium tank is a sad contest, but two on one is as well, the other way. They should be backed up by infantry and possibly artillery as well, never work alone. They cannot handle infantry except by running over it, and cannot handle tanks, because armor- wise they are at the bottom of the tank food chain. [2-2-13] Artillery ----------------------- Ethereal ( These make INCREDIBLE offensive weapons when they are firing at close range, at long range even if it appears that they hit the target, often it doesn't do full damage. They aren't that good a resource since they cannot take much damage, but if you plan to use them remember that they function VERY well at close range. Andrew Griffin ( Slow moving, this unit can take very little punishment. It does have a very long range, and the blast radius from its shots are very large. Can take out multiple infantry with a single hit. Tends to be inaccurate though. Also good for attacking buildings from a distance. Rune Fostervoll ( The first and biggest tip is, never attack with them. I do not mean, do not use them in an attack, just NEVER ORDER THEM TO ATTACK. Against enemy rocket turrets, for instance, if you order it to attack, it will move within a comfortable range, and then open fire. The problem, of course, is that 'comfortable range' means the rocket turret eats it up first. Move it towards the turret one square at a time, and when it starts firing, just leave it alone. The artillery has better range than any other unit. Remember that, use it, and the artillery units is Nod's best weapon. Cheap, too... but vulnerable. To take them out? Attack it. All you need to do.. it's slow, it's weak, it's pathetic when someone fires back at it... so it needs backup. [2-2-14] Flame Tank ---------------------- Andrew Griffin ( Awesome anti-infantry weapon. Fires twin flame jets. Especially devastating against closely-packed infantry. Also good for taking out buildings. Nod only. You get access to these after a few missions. Rune Fostervoll ( These are great fun against infantry. A single flame tank can waste heaps and heaps of infantry. They are weak against armor, though, so back them up with bazooka units to keep things balanced. It's a paper-scissors- stone thing where you have both a paper and a stone. If he uses infantry (which is good against bazookas) the flame tank wastes it. If he uses armor, which the flame tank is powerless against, the bazookas wastes it. This works nicely, but the flame tank is not strong enough to fight sustained battles. Andre Pang ( I took out 60+ infantry with one flame tank once. Nothing else to say about them, really :). *2-2-15* Apache Attack Helicopter ----------------------------- see also [2-2-7] Orca Bonczkowski ( Nod gets them in later scenarios if you capture a GDI construction center and build the heli pad, that lets you build heli pads with attack copters Seth Hutchins ( The Nod attack chopper is basically a flying Guard Tower, and as such is a DELIGHTFUL weapon to kill lowly GDI infantry. If your opponent doesn't have any bazooka/missile support, the chopper also does well to weaken armored vehicles (harvesters, and the like). It can also destroy a re-arming Orca on the platform. Watch out for Advanced Guard Towers, Bazooka Infantry, Mammoth Tanks, and Rocket Launchers, who can all make short work of the chopper. Tucson Luke Loh ( Apache attack helicopters differ from Orcas in that they use Chaingun ammunition instead of Rockets. The payload is the same i.e. an Apache will do the same amount of damage as an Orca so long as it expends all its ammunition. The difference between the two lie in that: a) Apaches can make short work of infantry. Orcas well, merely waste rockets on infantry. b) Apaches are slower to deliver their full payload ... while this means you can keep them in the air longer, it also means that they take much longer to destroy an armored target. The total amount of damage done by both is the same, but against armoured targets the Orca has the edge because its faster delivery means it stays in the area a shorter time, reducing its vulnerability to SAM sites, Advanced Guard Towers etc. Orcas also kill structures faster as again, the faster delivery allows the structure less time to repair. c) Apaches take twice as long to reload as Orcas. *2-2-16* Stealth Tank ------------------------- Rune Fostervoll ( Keep at least one square away from his units and you can launch an effective attack. Even with enemy units and guard towers present, four of these could take out the opponent's building facility. And the next batch can take out the tiberium facility. It is too weak to operate alone, and rather costly to use in large numbers, so it's not the best units as such, but it has its uses when you fight an opponent that is too well defended for an open assault. Seth Hutchins ( Purchase LOTS of Stealth Tanks and group them into "Wolf Packs" of 5 or more. Attack your enemy's harvesters. It never fails to be annoying. These Wolf-packs also make short work of Mammoth Tanks. You can also toast grouped infantry, simply run over them. You'll become visible for a moment, so stay clear of any evil tanks. James Hindman ( Here is another one of my strategies. It is to place 5-6 Stealth tanks in your enemies favorite Tiberium field. When his harvester shows up, have your tanks unstealth and annihilate his harvester. It will be dead before he even knows what's going on. Then take your tanks and run away so he doesn't retaliate by killing them. Michael Brenner ( Against a human player it is also a neat trick to let stealth tanks protect your harvesters. Many human GDI players will launch an Orca attack against a single harvester outside the reach of visible air defenses, not follow the attack too carefully if they've got other things to do and be very surprised if their Orcas don't come back. Like most multiplayer tricks this only works once or twice though. Eric ( Here's an AI strategy I exploited like no tomorrow while playing NOD. Use Stealth tanks as walls. As long as they're stealthed, the computer won't advance or attack. AND you can position artillery or other ranged units a few squares behind them so they can just pick off anything at a distance. Jeremy Butcher ( There any good ways of hiding them so in a multiplayer base so that they can't be found. Almost all buildings have a few squares under them where you can't place a building. Place them on those things, then when your enemy tries to place a building there, everything's normal because you never can place a building there. Andre Pang ( If the computer (or player's) refinery is fairly far away from any units, drive a stealth tank directly in front of his refinery, cutting off the entrance for the harvester to get through. It can take quite a long time for your opponent to realize something is dreadfully wrong. *2-2-17* SSM Launcher ------------------------- Phil Lochner ( The SSM launcher is big and powerful. Though they take a terribly long time to reload, each missile they shot has a tremendous amount of damage potential. The flame which shoots from the missile toasts footsoldiers, and a direct SSM hit takes out practically any Nod unit. It has the longest range of any unit. Mike Mulligan ( Have two or three SSMs and a few tanks as a protecting force. Then just move in to attack! I had three SSMLs take out two Obelisks in less then 30 seconds. When your opponent comes after the SSMLs, let your tanks lag behind and buy time for the SSMLs to get away. If she presses her attack, she will get a mouthful of SSMs! *2-2-18* Chinook Transport Helicopter ----------------------------------------- Tucson Luke Loh ( Like the APC, the order of exit is the reverse of the order of entry i.e. the last units to enter are the first to exit. Phil Lochner ( These slow moving troop transports are expensive and troublesome. They suffer from the same loading and unloading problems of the APCs, and have a tendency to circle aimlessly before landing in any area. They make easy targets for SAM sites, and their cost and low capacity makes them tough to justify. Note that they are not usually available to be built on computer missions. They also cannot be used to land in unexplored areas. Tan Tot Lit ( Two big advantage of the chopper over APC - Few units can shoot at you. - You don't appear on radar until you land. Josh Eckels ( Send in an Orca or Attack Helicopter a few seconds before the transport helicopter. Since your opponent can't change the targets of SAM sites or Advanced Guard Towers, they will continue to shoot at the first thing they see. This gives your transport helicopter enough time to land, deploy its cargo of engineers, and get out. Scott Shaffer ( Despite the limitations of this craft (small capacity, slow movement) there are some cases when it is very effective. Often times an enemy base is vulnerable to attack from a certain angle or direction. This is especially true of bases built against a corner of the map. You can often then direct your Chinook to an undefended area (like the very corner) by making it hug the edge of the map. It can land in areas that other units can't get to if they opponent has built his base in such a way to prevent easy unit movement. [2-2-19] Mobile HQ ---------------------- These units only appear in multiplayer games of capture the flag, when bases are turned off. They are unarmed, and are weak units. You must protect your own mobile HQ while destroying your opponents' mobile HQs. Keep them surrounded by your units. Even a Hummer can destroy one in a few shots. *2-3* Buildings ========================== Buildings lose productivity with damage. This is especially true of powerplants. [2-3-1] Construction Yard ----------------------------- Selling your last construction yard is usually not recommended. If you do this, all is not lost, however. You do get an engineer in the bargain, and if you're skillful (or really lucky) you might be able to capture the opponent's construction yard. [2-3-2] Powerplant ---------------------- It's good to have a few backup powerplants to keep defenses running. [2-3-3] Advanced Powerplant ------------------------------- Andrew Griffin ( Building 2 power plants is more cost effective than building one advanced power plant (by $100), but makes your base larger. Andre Pang ( It might be better to use normal powerplanets since it ensures more equal distribution of power output (i.e.: if one of them is taken out by a nuke/ion/air strike, there's a lesser chance you'll be left without your guard towers firing!), and they're faster to build. In multiplayer situations: if playing against Nod, build Adv. Power plants. If playing against GDI, build normal Power Plants. The reason? Nukes can kill (many) normal Power Plants in one hit, they cannot however destroy the Advanced version. However, an Ion Strike will kill an Advanced Plant in one hit, so it's not worth it to build them. Protect these very well, and ALWAYS make sure you have *excess* power, in case one of them is taken out by an ion cannon, nuke or strike, especially important if you have Obelisks. [2-3-4] Sandbag/Fence/Concrete ---------------------------------- These have different levels of damage. After getting hit by a certain amount of hitpoints, they lose a level of damage and start to fall apart. Concrete walls have three different damage levels, fences have two, and sandbags have one. *2-3-5* Silo ---------------- Holds 1500 credits worth of refined Tiberium. See also [4-5-4] The silo money cheat. *2-3-6* Refinery -------------------- Home base for Tiberium harvester. Holds 1500 credits worth of refined Tiberium. One harvester included in price. You can build a refinery much faster than you can build a harvester. You can not sell a refinery that contains an unloading harvester. *2-3-7* Barracks --------------------- GDI Barracks can produce minigunners, grenadiers, bazookas, and engineers. Two Barracks builds infantry twice as fast. If you have more than one, double clicking on one will make it the primary building for unit construction. *2-3-8* Hand of Nod ------------------------ The Nod infantry creation building can produce minigunners, flame- throwers, bazookas, chem. warriors, engineers, and commandos. Two Hands of Nod builds infantry twice as fast. If you have more than one, double clicking on one will make it the primary building for unit construction. *2-3-9* Weapons Factory ---------------------------- GDI Weapon factories are easily destroyed by a single nuke. They are less than half as strong as Nod airstrips. Two weapon factories construct vehicles twice as fast as a single factory. If you have more than one, double clicking on one will make it the primary building for unit construction. *2-3-10* Airstrip --------------------- In a multiplayer game, try to build your airstrip such that incoming and outgoing cargo flights do not fly over an enemy base and give away the presence of additional vehicle units. You cannot have a constructed unit delivered while the cargo transport plane is still on the map. If a unit is constructed before the transport plane has had time to fly off the screen, the unit must be loaded onto the transport plane manually by clicking on its icon once the plane is no longer onscreen. Two airstrips construct vehices twice as fast as one airstrip. If you have more than one, double clicking on one will make it the primary building for unit construction. Scott Shaffer ( If possible, make sure to build your airstrip as close to the right edge of the map as possible. Since they C130 transport plan only goes from right to left, building it on the right edge of the map means your units arrive faster. The delay between unit completion and its arrival is a penalty for NOD that GDI does not have. This penalty can be reduced significantly if you build on the right edge of the map. Also, make sure to leave room around the top of the airstrip for the arriving units to deploy. Don't build an airstrip up against the top-left corner of the map. Raymond Lee ( As GDI, purchasing an MCV through a Nod airstrip yields a GDI construction yard, not Nod. [2-3-11] Communications center --------------------------------- Enables the overhead satellite view. *2-3-12* Advanced comm. center --------------------------------- Phil Lochner ( Other than the Ion Cannon, it is necessary to build this structure to gain access to the more 'high tech' units and buildings. Contrary to the manual, it does appear to be well-armored, and can take quite a beating before going down. Scott Shaffer ( Once you build an advanced comm. center, sell your normal communications center. The ACC will function as a normal communications center. [2-3-13] Guard tower ------------------------ Phil Sykes ( These fire bursts of machine gun fire (once every 3 squares of minigunner movement) which will *usually* kill a standing up troop, and do about 25% to a dug in trooper. It is not effective against armoured vehicles. Phil Lochner ( They're cheap and effective against infantry. They're not so effective against vehicles and flame throwers, but at their cost you should be able to afford two or three of them throughout your stronghold. They do require maintenance, and you'll find yourself repairing them often. Beware the enemy artillery gun and tanks, as they do not even have to be in their gun ranges to damage them. *2-3-14* Nod Turret ----------------------- EDITOR'S NOTE: Prior to version 1.18, turrets cost $250 each. The tactics expressed here may be prohibitively expensive and/or impossible in versions 1.18 and beyond. Rune Fostervoll ( These are real good against armor, as long as you build enough of them. Considering the problem. Since they use cannons, they are dangerously weak against infantry; a grenadier one on one with a gun turret is somewhat even, which is rather weak for a defensive installation. It has okay range; you are protected as long as you have enough deployed so that they chop up the infantry early. You can shift the odds to your favor while fighting infantry by repairing them during battle. Scott Shaffer ( An effective strategy is to build the walking line of Gun Turrets/sand bags from your base to your opponents. The Gun Turret can be easily built and repaired in the field, and the "walking line" technique gets around the mobility problem. GDI can also do this with the Adv. Guard Tower, but it is less effective since they cost so much more. *2-3-15* Advanced guard tower --------------------------------- Phil Sykes ( Very useful against vehicles. Anti-air role also, as good as a SAM site, but can be otherwise engaged during a fight!. Fires two rounds every three minigunner square moves. Best to use as perimeter defense, but support with armor! A flame tank getting close is deadly, and they cost a lot of money! Remember to keep repairing them in battle. Keep putting two together for best results, but watch the power consumption. They don't work when out of power. Phil Lochner ( They're most effective when coupled with normal Guard Towers. Their rockets are ineffective against close targets, although they seem to have the same 'exhaust burn damage' of the Rocket Launcher. One Advanced and two normal Guard Towers in problem areas are usually enough to deal with threats. Beware that if you place them near sandbags or walls, their stray rockets will usually knock them away quickly. Tucson Luke Loh ( Advanced Guard Towers rockets are less powerful than SAM site rockets. 7 AGT rockets vs. 3 SAM rockets to kill an Orca or Apache. Also more vulnerable as SAM sites are protected while underground. *2-3-16* Obelisk of light ----------------------------- Rune Fostervoll ( These are completely wicked against armor units. Remember that they are tall, so build concrete walls around them to stop cannons, and they can easily stop five or six medium tanks without problems. As has been commented, they are energy intensive, and shoot slowly (but surely), so can also be fuzzy-wuzzy'd. Always have a lot of energy to spare, so you can keep firing if one power plant is destroyed. (Or be prepared to sell off a lot of buildings to keep it firing if a major attack is launched coordinated with the destruction of a power plant.) Andre Pang ( Try to make sure you have at least two; many humans will Ion Strike against one Obelisk when their attack force is coming down; if you have two, it will ensure that you have at least one Obelisk left if he decides to use his Ion Cannon. Also be sure to back them up with Flame Tanks, since they are unless against masses of infantry. Tucson Luke Loh ( 1 Shot - Any infantry, assault cycle, hum-vee, Nod buggy, MLRS, SSML. 2 Shots - Light Tanks, Medium Tanks, APC. 3 Shots - Harvester, Mammoth Tank All the above are considered from full health to full death. Players who think Obelisks of Light are a steal for 1500 credits should think twice. They require POWER, typically one Advanced Power Plant per Obelisk, so the cost is more like 2200 credits *2-3-17* SAM Site --------------------- Selling a SAM site will net you four minigunners for the price of two and a half. SAM sites have tough outside armor, but become more vulnerable to damage when the missile launcher exposes itself while it fires. *2-3-18* Heli Pad -------------------- Phil Lochner ( Helipads come with a helicopter. You shouldn't be buying extra helicopters, as it is five times faster to build a helipad than a helicopter on its own. You should try to designate an inner, well-protection area of your base for your Helipads, and keep them built close to each other. Otherwise, you will have problems with those distant helis 'catching up' with the main helicopter attack force when a problem arises. [2-3-19] Repair Pad ---------------------- Phil Lochner ( It is usually a better idea to just buy a new humvee than repair a damaged one. All vehicles, including helicopters, and harvesters, can be repaired. Soldiers cannot be 'repaired' using this building. Douglas Jacobs ( The repair pad has a few quirks. Once, while repairing a tank, an airstrike came along and destroyed the tank during repair. The bay survived, but it would no longer accept units to be repaired. Neither could I sell the reapir pad. Scott Butler ( I actually had a repair bay die on me. I built it in a cleared out patch of tiberium, not far from a tree (stupid, but I was in a hurry). It *seems* that the tiberium started growing back, wrecking the repair bay. *2-3-20* Temple of Nod -------------------------- VT ( To use nukes, building the Temple of Nod is not enough. You'll need to get the crates in missions 6, 8, and 12. You may have to capture or destroy some of the buildings to get at the crates. EDITOR'S NOTE: There is a bug in versions prior to 1.18 that makes it impossible to fire nukes when the temple is constructed, even when all the necessary crates are collected. EDITORS'S NOTE II: There is a bug in versions prior to 1.19 that still prevents the use of the Nod temple in the last level. EDITOR'S NOTE III: There is a, hell, Westwood! Save everyone the headache and please make nukes available across the board. [2-4] Special Units =================== [2-4-1] Airstrikes ---------------------- Reload: 12 minutes. Weapon: multiple napalm bombs Level: Tech ?; GDI 5 Andrew Griffin ( Available for GDI forces after all SAM sites are taken out. Slow recharge rates means you won't be using it too many times a mission. Phil Lochner ( If the enemy rebuilds the SAM sites, the Air Strike option is still available. It recharges faster than the Ion Cannon, but it takes time for the aircraft to reach their target, so timing assaults with Air Strikes is important. Depending on the mission, one or two A-10s will zip down and drop fire bombs around the target area. These bombs can do mass damage to enemy troop stockpiles, destroy buildings, level Tiberium fields, or harass the Construction Yard. Coordinate the strikes with other attacks for maximum effectiveness, but try not to rely on Air Strikes to take down SAM sites, Obelisks, or Gun Turrets. I usually use them to clear out the twenty or thirty soldiers which meander around the Hand of Nod.. Tucson Luke Loh ( Airstrikes are available in Multiplayer Missions. They come in crates. see also [5-3-8], AIRSTRIKES *2-4-2* Nuclear strike -------------------------- Reload: 20 minutes Weapon: nuclear warhead Level: Tech 7; Nod 13 see also [5-3-1] NUKES Andre Pang ( Feeling nasty? Directly target the weapons factory. It'll take it out in one hit, and seriously damage all other buildings around it. Or, if your opponent has only one deposit of tiberium next to his base, nuke the tiberium and watch his eyes widen. Otherwise, if you see lots of full silo's, nuke there. $3000+ down the tubes. David Brandt ( In team play, have your teammate lay a nuke at the same time and place as when you lay one. Will take out anything in a huge area. Ian ( Just like a real small-yield nuke, buildings are relatively big, unprotected targets and get vaporized. Armored units, because they are low to the ground, airtight, made of metal, and very heavily protected, are much less vulnerable to radiation/heat effects. [2-4-3] Ion Cannon --------------------- Reload: 15 minutes Weapon: ion cannon Level: Tech 7; GDI 14 Phil Sykes ( GDI's special 14 & 15 + tech level 7 weapon: Advanced comm. center (2800 - need comm. center) is used to recharge it. It stops recharging if you are low on power! The weapon will destroy from full health: Five troops Light tank Flame tank Gun turret Obelisk tower (VERY useful) Stealth tank Tiberium silo Wall (WASTE!) One patch of tiberium. Terrence ( When a SAM site is out of its protective shell and firing at an aircraft, a single hit will take it out at full health. Also can take out both a Flame tank and an artillery unit side by side at full health by targeting the Flame tank. The secondary explosion from the flame tank will finish off the artillery unit. Targeting a group of troops with a flame thrower will result in further damage to the group. Again, due to secondary explosions from the flame thrower. Lee Yu Tang ( When compared to NOD's nuke attacks, GDI's most powerful weapon the Ion Cannon may seem pretty weak in many people's eyes. It needs more than one shot to take out some of the units and buildings with heavy armor. There are 2 buildings that for certain will fall prey to one blast of the Ion Cannon which are the Obelisk of Light and the Power Plant. ---------------------------------------------------- Chapter [3] Important information not in the manual ---------------------------------------------------- There is important information missing from the manual! [3-1] What are the keys? ---------------------------- G : Guard Area This will cause a selected group of units to go into guard mode. In this mode, units will scan with binoculars for enemy units, and move to attack any that come within their sighting range. X : Scatter Units This causes a selected group of units to scatter. Useful when infantry is under attack by tank treads and incendiary missiles S : Stop Unit Causes a unit to stop dead in its tracks. Very useful when one of your units is braindead and begins to wander nonchalantly into the guns of the enemy base. F7-F10 : Map Bookmark System Use CTRL+F7-F10 to mark a spot on your map, then use F7-F10 to jump to that spot at anytime. -# : Team Creation Mark a group of units as a team using either using your mouse button and shift key or the bounding box. Then use CTRL and a number key (0-9) to assigned the selected units as a team. 0-9 : Team Selection This selects a team as active. TAB: Open/Close Sidebar Opens and closes the sidebar. Use it when you need to see more tactical map. H : Home unit Selects your construction yard, and centers the tactical map around it. N : Next unit This is almost a useless command. It runs through the internal lists of units, selects the next one, and centers the tactical view around it. R : Resign I bet you didn't know that all your units carry suicide demolitions. Hit 'R' and find out. In a multiplayer game, your civilians and technicians actually do a large amount of damage when you resign. Position them by the enemy before resigning, and maybe you'll take a few of them with you. : Homing This will center the tactical view around the currently selected unit or building. -# : View team Centers the tactical view over a predefined team. Multiplayer Options ------------------- A : Alliance Select an enemy unit and press 'A'. From that point on, your troops will treat that enemy as a friend and not target them. This only works one way. The other side is still welcome to blow you to smithereens, so they must also ally with you to complete the team effort. Allying with an enemy is also useful when you want a deep strike operation into the heart of the enemy base, but don't want your units to slow down and fight. Such operations might include recon or engineer infiltration. Pressing 'A' for a second time will negate the previous ally command. Cursor Modifiers ---------------- CTRL : Force Attack Holding down the CTRL key will turn your movement cursor into the target crosshair. This lets you target friendly units, trees, and empty squares. ALT : Force Move Holding down the ALT key will turn your movement cursor into a movement only cursor. Subsequently moved units will move instead of attack. This is how you get your tanks to squish enemy infantry instead of blowing craters around them. CTRL+ALT : Guard Area or Unit Holding down CTRL+ALT turns your cursor into a defend cursor. Selected units will patrol around a building or unit and protect it from attack. [3-2] What is that colored bar? ----------------------------------- The colored bar represents the current power output. The blue marker represents the current power usage. When you use more power than available, your base experiences blackouts and brownouts. A green bar represents a surplus of power. A yellow bar represents a brownout A red bar represents a serious blackout. Facilities that totally shutdown during power outages are Obelisks of Light, Advanced Guard Towers, Communication Centers, Advanced Communication Centers, Temple of Nod. During blackouts and brownouts, other buildings serve at a diminished capacity. It will take longer to produce a unit, and so forth. A brownout seems to cause production to drop to 50% of normal. A blackout seems to cause production to drop to 10% of normal. Mr. P / Powersource The power scale is logarithmic, not linear. *3-3* What is a blossom tree? --------------------------------- Scott King ( They serve as replenishing centers for tiberium. After you harvest all of the tiberium from around a tree, it will grow back around it. Whenever the blossom tree releases spores, it damages any units directly next to it. *3-4* How do I view the radar? ------------------------------------------------- Vance Hampton ( There are two different radar maps, one long range and one short, and you can cycle through them by clicking the Map button -- provided, of course, that you have a communications center. [3-5] How do I suspend or cancel build commands? ---------------------------------------------------- You can suspend or cancel build commands by clicking with your primary mouse button on the unit icon that is currently being built. This will turn the unit icon gray to signify that the building has been put on hold. From this stage, clicking with your primary button will resume building, and clicking with your secondary button will cancel the build order. ============================= -SECTION TWO- TIPS AND TRICKS ============================= ---------------------------------- CHAPTER [4] Cheating the computer ---------------------------------- [4-1] What are the cheat keys? ================================== Easy. There are none. The cheats were removed after beta testing and development. [4-2] Can I Hex edit for more money? ======================================== You're in luck. I got dozens of people asking me how to hex edit. So, due to public demand, here is how to totally ruin your game. Wear your peril sensitive sunglasses now if you do not wish to read this. What? You don't have a pair of peril sensitive sunglasses? That's your fault for not buying Infocom's 'Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' text-adventure game. I bet you don't have the cool package that is full of microscopic space ships either. Close your eyes, count to 20, and start reading again when everyone else has finished. If you have refineries, this cheat may or may not work. Sell them off. Make note of the amount of money you have, and save the game. For this purpose, let us say that you had 2437 credits. Exit C&C. Convert 2437 into hexadecimal. In this case, the conversion is 985 in hex. Hexadecimal numbers in our case need to be pairs, so, add a filler digit to pair. 09 85. If you had 4 digits already, then there is no need for a filler. Make a backup of your savegame. The savegame with the most recent file creation date is the savegame you want to edit. Load your savegame into your hex editor. Reverse your hexadecimal pairs. 85 09. Do a hexadecimal search for this reversed number pair. The first instance should appear at hex location 580h. Change both numbers to FF FF. Lather, rinse, repeat. You may find anywhere from three to five references. Change them all. If it doesn't work, too bad. Maybe God didn't want you to cheat. Okay, the rest of you not interested in this cheat can open your eyes now. Hello? I said you can open your eyes. *4-3* How does the computer cheat? ================================== Min He ( Eradicator ( The computer starts out with more funds than you do. The computer can place units inside scenery at the start of a mission. The computer can rebuild gun turrets when they are destroyed without needing to have adjacent buildings. The computer can build a construction yard without needing a MCV. The computer doesn't have to clear out SAM sites to launch an air- strike. The computer may rebuild destroyed buildings even if they are not adjacent to any other building. The computer's Orcas may attack NOD attack choppers in mid-flight. The computer can build harvesters immediately as long as funds are available. (EDITOR'S NOTE: Though it may seem like the computer builds harvesters immediately as long as it has funds available, it does not. The AI starts building a new harvester when it senses that an existing harvester will be destroyed.) The computer can use harvesters to attack tanks and other vehicles. [4-4] What cheating programs are available? ================================================ See the section on third party programs for a listing. *4-5* What are some C&C quirks I can exploit? ================================================= *4-5-1* Tiberium harvesting without silos --------------------------------------------- Mike Means ( When your refinery storage is getting full, start constructing another building. The construction will use up the tiberium in your storage. When the construction is finished, cancel the building. You will get your money back, but the tiberium will not return. *4-5-2* Preventing the computer from rebuilding --------------------------------------------------- Richard Stone ( You can prevent the computer from rebuilding a structure by placing a unit on the same square. You can permanently prevent the computer from rebuilding a structure by sandbagging your way to the structure, destroying he structure, building a sandbag on the structure's square, and then sell the sandbag. You now 'own' that square, and the computer can't rebuild from scratch on it. *4-5-3* The Reservoir Dogs strategy --------------------------------------- Douglas McCreary ( Unlike NATO, the computer does not choose to ignore friendly-fire incidents. Whenever one of the computer units hits another accidentally, the units go into full combat against each other. Once I discovered this bug, I started exploiting it by moving my units to the middle of enemy groups before attacking. *4-5-4* The silo money cheat --------------------------------------------- EDITOR'S NOTE: This cheat only works with versions of C&C prior to 1.18 Build a silo, and let it fill up with tiberium. When it is full, build another silo but do not place it. Sell the silo that is full of tiberium. Quickly place the built silo down before the silo sell animation is over. In return for this, you will get over a thousand credits for the tiberium in the silo you sold, and have the tiberium you just sold transferred over to the silo you just created. [4-5-5] The ultimate A-10 defense ------------------------------------- see [5-3-8], AIRSTRIKES [4-5-6] Money making ala SimC&C ----------------------------------- Oliver Schade ( If you have defeat the computer except one or two buildings and your are sure that you will win with your existing troops sell all your buildings and attack after that the remaining buildings. You will get lots of money and a 'efficiency-rate' of 100% which will results in many points. EDITOR'S NOTE: A variation on this is to leave an enemy building standing, and go into tiberium farm mode. With good harvester management, it is possible to rack up a near infinite amount of money without running out of harvestable tiberium. *4-5-7* Place buildings anywhere cheat ------------------------------------------ EDITOR'S NOTE: This bug was corrected in versions after 1.19. Trying to abuse the radar map in this manner in versions after 1.19 will have unpredictable results. You have been warned. Tim Brutton ( wrote: A working radar map is required for this cheat. Scroll your screen in such a way that a part of a building you own is cut in half by the menubar at the right. Select that building. Start construction on the building you want to build anywhere. When the construction is complete and the building is ready, move your cursor over the building that is on the map. Drag the hash marks past the building as your move your cursor into your radar map. It is important that it leaves an area of white hashing - one white hashed square is enough. Move your cursor into the radar map. It should display a no-smoking sign. Wherever you click your mouse button now will deploy your building on that spot in the map. *4-5-8* Infinite minigunner cheat ------------------------------------- Sell any building that has a weapon (turrets, obelisks, etc) Quickly select the building, and press 's' to stop the sale. The building will remain where it is, but the minigunners will have already poured out. Repeat this as many times as you like to get an army full of minigunners. These minigunners can be sold using the sandbag proximity technique to get infinite cash as well. *4-5-9* Stealth tank detection cheat ---------------------------------------- Neil Bradley ( Select an Orca. Move your cursor around in the radar map. When the cursor drifts over a square occupied by a stealth tank, the cursor will turn red. *4-5-10* Transport helicopter denial ---------------------------------------- Matthias Gutfeldt ( If you place a unit on the exact landing spot of a computer transport helicopter, it will not land on top of your unit. It will not look for another landing site either. It just hovers there with infinite fuel. Get some bazooka guys, and blast away. Then wait for the next transport chopper, and do the same. *4-5-11* Safe Orca killing ------------------------------ Colin Jacobs ( Attack an Orca on its pad with a stealth tank. The Orca will lift off, but your tank will cloak, and the orca will land, allowing the next volley to be fired. *4-5-12* Longer ranged towers --------------------------------- Jeremy Gilbert ( The obelisks and advanced guard towers have a one square advantage when attacking units to the north because the origin of fire and the base of the structure are not the same. Enemies can only target the base of the structure. It is therefore possible for two obelisks or advanced guard towers to be built in such a way that the first can target the second, but the second can not target the first. [4-6] Are there any hidden game elements? ============================================= *4-6-1* Chem. Warriors ---------------------------- Kareem Harper ( These troops are identical to the flame-thrower infantry but with the following differences: 1. They wear an insulated outfit that protects them from taking damage in tiberium fields. 2. They produce a poison gas that is 50% more lethal than a flame- thrower. They are available in multiplayer games only, and can be found in crates, or can be built with a hand of NOD and temple. [4-6-2] Visceroids ---------------------- Andrew Griffin ( It regenerates when in a tiberium field, and unlike a mammoth tank, can regenerate to full strength from a low red condition. They are pretty slow and don't have many hit points, but their weapon is the chemical spray. *4-6-3* Dinosaurs -------------------- EDITOR'S NOTE: The dinosaur units are not available without judicious hacking. Andrew Griffin's CCEDIT 1.5 has the necessary tools to enable the dinosaur graphics and units. Andrew Griffin ( During the development of Command and Conquer, the guys and gals at Westwood thought it would be cute to have some dinosaurs walking the Earth. They constructed a group of dinosaur units for use in the game. When the time came to put the game out on the shelves, they murdered the dinosaurs. For months, the dinosaurs were extinct, or so they thought. There are four such units: the Tyrannosaurus Rex, Velociraptor, Stegosaurus and Triceratops. There seems to have been a fourth team in multiplayer mode after GDI, Nod and civilians, called JP, obviously for Jurassic Park. Their bite is great against infantry, and they can squish all the soft targets, but they aren't that good against heavy tank armor. -------------------------- CHAPTER [5] Defensive tips -------------------------- *5-1* Sandbag defense ========================= Dave Smith ( The computer does not know how to deal with sandbags. It treats all barriers as impassible terrain. It is possible to wall the enemy inside its own base. This is especially useful for keeping their harvesters out of your tiberium. [5-2] Building base defenses ================================ Rune Fostervoll ( Always use your advantage on a level. Sun Tzu said, first become invincible, then destroy your opponent's invincibility. Do so. Make a base that can shrug off any (reasonable) attack, and assure a steady cash flow. Once this is done, a computer opponent is lost. On most levels, doing this is the problem, not destroying the opposing base. Against GDI, he can always attack your base with air strikes, and you will grow to loathe the A-10's, simply because making a base impervious to air strikes is so difficult it is inefficient, and so your opponent can always harm you. GDI does not have this problem, as long as they have enough guard turrets and walls. This is some of the reason that the common guard turrets cost almost double that of the NOD gun turrets (I think.), so that making a base impervious to ground assault would cost too much. James Hindman ( As anyone who has used NOD knows, turrets suck against men. SO a very useful strategy is to take either Flame tanks, or flame men and tell them to guard the turrets. This will prevent grenadiers from getting close and thrashing your turrets, and the turrets protect the Flame units against tanks and other large units. Of course for any base defense you should build flame infantry, because they are your best infantry defense. Build turrets, lots of turrets. They are great against tanks and other large vehicles, don't bother with obelisks unless you have A LOT of extra power, in case your enemy takes out one of your power plants, it may still function. [5-3] Help! I'm being attacked by enemy... ============================================= *5-3-1* Nukes ----------------- From's web page Spread your base out through the use of sandbagging, all structures must touch each other but sandbags count. You can sell them afterwards if in the way. Have excess power. Your power plants will go down in a nuclear blast if near impact almost all the time. Building is outrageously slow when your power is low. If stuck in this situation perhaps sell off some of your structures. Two weapon factories don't hurt. Unfortunately this thing usually also bites it in one shot. Yes it's expensive, but it's slow to build and if your enemy follows up a nuke with a conventional attack you may want units churning out. If you can, right from the start bottle up all entrances to your territory. Obviously some scenarios make this more or less difficult. Avoid putting your structures in the extreme corners.. if I was shooting a nuke blind that's where I would go. Ideally get some concrete walls and advanced guard towers going before your enemy has more than scouts to check out your situation. Stealth tanks and recon bikes aren't going to make keeping your base hidden easy, but I don't imagine you thought you were signing up for a picnic. Raymond Lee ( NOD airstrips and the Temple of Nod are the only buildings that can withstand a direct nuclear attack. The computer Nod player will always fire its nuclear missiles at the GDI advanced communications center. It is best to build it in an out of the way area. *5-3-2* Orcas ----------------- Build bazooka or recon bike units. Unlike SAM sites, these are mobile, and can be deployed anywhere. Scatter them around a bit. Lay a bunch of them around your harvester routes. If you are Nod, follow your harvesters around with stealth tanks or recon bikes. If you are GDI, you can use rocket launchers, but they are too easy to kill, and a smart opponent will target the escorts before attacking the harvester. Casper Lund ( A trick: If the enemy (computer or human) sends Orcas against one of your (fast) vehicles, and you have bazooka's/adv. guard towers/SAMs available. Simply drive your vehicle towards one of them and circle it manually. The Orca will follow, circling around trying to get a shot off (they fire slowly on fast moving objects), and your SAM/tower/bazooka's will bash away at it, usually killing it. Actually, if the opponent hasn't put his Orca under "CTRL-control", you can tie his Orcas up pretty much by simply driving around the map like crazy with the Orca(s) in pursuit, but this only works if your "bait" vehicle is pretty fast! :) [5-3-3] SSMs ---------------- These have very few hit points. Three choppers can take this out in one and a half volleys, as can three stealth tanks. [5-3-4] Advanced guard towers --------------------------------- Don't send infantry against them. Use armored vehicles instead. [5-3-5] Transports loaded with engineers -------------------------------------------- Sandbag your base. Do not leave any openings where a helicopter or APC can land. Block entrances to your base. *5-3-6* Attack helicopters ------------------------------ If you are Nod, use SAM sites against these. Bazookamen die too easily unless they are deployed in groups of six or more, and are spread out. You shouldn't use recon bikes as anti-attack chopper escorts. Recon bikes have a particular weakness to the attack helicopter machine-gun. If you are GDI, you can send an Orca or two and destroy the attack helicopter while it is on the pad. Even if the attack helicopter takes off, it will still die, because the Orca has air to air capability, and will chase the attack helicopter and keep pumping rockets up its backside. Ossi Mantylahti ( Follow your harvesters around with two APCs packed with bazooka dudes. When your opponent attacks your harvesters with his Apache's, quickly unload the APCs, and watch his helicopters go BOOM! *5-3-7* Recon bike gangs ---------------------------- Jeff Montondon ( I'd suggest using Orcas as a kill/distraction. When a human player stops his bikes to attack the Orcas, run 'em over with the tanks. When the bikes move in to kill the tanks, shoot 'em with the Orcas. Come to think of it, I'd say use infantry and APCs. The APCs would have to have cover by the infantry to keep the bikes off their back, but when the bikes stop to attack one target, run 'em over with the APC. Jason West ( Get a GDI APC, maybe a "pack" of equal cost to his wolf pack. And just run those wimpy little bikes over. Have fun. Richard Wesson ( Throw a couple of Orcas into the melee. He can't target them while they're in the air, he can only stop attacking and let the bikes fire on their own, which he'll be loath to do while they're being shot at and run over by APCs and things. In the meantime, send an APC full of bazookas tagging along with your harvester. After you do this a few times, he'll avoid attacking any harvester that has an APC around it. So you can save money sometimes by using an empty APC. Like Dirty Harry says, "Do you feel lucky, punk?" Ola Olsson ( Pound for pound, a group of humvees are better than a bike gang. Try it! [5-3-8] Airstrikes ---------------------- Joachim Rijsdam ( One can draw away enemy a10's with only one minigunner. The AI only attacks from left to right and from top to bottom when 'paving'; like reading a page, really. So you just move one minigunner a little to the northwest of your base, and viola, damage is restricted to 100 credits. [5-4] Suppressive fire ========================= There is no reason to wait for the enemy to come to you before firing. Use the CTRL key to force your units into continuous fire mode. This works well with area effect weapons such as artillery, flame-throwers, rocket launchers, and grenadiers. This will intimidate a human opponent into thinking twice before attacking, and will utterly decimate any AI opponent who will walk blindly into the killing field. This is also useful to preserve the integrity of your choke points. Build a concrete wall one square thick across the river crossing. Build two turrets in front of this wall. Place a couple artillery units behind the walls, and concentrate their fire at a point two squares in front of the turrets. Because of their inaccuracy, you will end up laying a large area of suppressive fire that will rip to shreds any infantry trying to destroy the turrets. Back up with bazookamen as AA support, and nothing but a very determined attack will breakthrough. -------------------------- CHAPTER:[6] Offensive tips -------------------------- [6-1] How do I destroy? =========================== *6-1-1* Obelisks of light ---------------------------- Lynda Myer ( Nod obelisks use much power. If you can take out a power center with an Ion Blast, the entire base usually goes down, and you can walk right in! Mike Mulligan ( An ever better way to take out the Obelisks are the SSM units! There range is greater then the Obelisks. They can just keep lobbing rockets on it without being hit! Try it, it works! The only thing though is you have to protect them! It doesn't take much to kill and SSM, one recon bike can end the bombardment really fast! So have 2 or 3 SSM and 2 mini tanks as great! Douglas William Cole ( (1) Air raid it if there are no SAM sites around (fat chance). (2) Overwhelm it with minigunners. (It can only pick off one at a time... so just swamp it with guys and you'll come out on top with minimal casualties) (3) Take out the power supply. Whatever you do, DON'T bring any kind of armor in there. You'll get nowhere fast. [6-1-2] Flame-throwers ------------------------- Lee Beng Hai ( Use minigunners, but do not send them together... keep them separated, usually 2 or 3 minigunners from different direction can take out a flame thrower easily. Send them one at a time will work but you'll have more casualties. [6-1-3] Gun turrets using Orcas ----------------------------------- Casey Robinson ( First, attack the turret with just one Orca, it will damage the turret, but not so much that the computer repairs it. Then hit it with both Orcas, leaving it a pile of rubble. [6-1-4] Most vehicles without getting squashed -------------------------------------------------- Stephan Lau ( I find that when I "surround" an enemy harvester or tank with my men, the AI usually ends up spinning the vehicle endlessly around; apparently it doesn't have a single train of thought. So if you attack in groups, you can "confuse" the vehicle enough so that you don't get run over. Make sure you have some mini-gunners nearby for that annoying following infantry. [6-1-5] Tanks in general --------------------------- Stephan Lau ( (1) Don't take on tanks head on, use the APCs to lure them into your killing zone; (2) In the kill zone, place mini-gunners up front for use the described single attack, place grenadiers behind as a main line of defense, and have three or four bazooka guys behind to take on the tanks; (3) Once the tanks gets into the zone and enemy infantry have been mostly eliminated, surround the tanks with your grenadiers in the "circle of death" [6-1-6] Flame Tanks ----------------------- Stephan Lau ( Use your Orcas against these guys to soften them up. Assign a very expensive medium tank or two take them on; send the tank back to your repair shop for immediate reconditioning. [6-1-7] Mammoth tanks ------------------------ Douglas William Cole ( (1) Air strikes are always nice. (2) 5+ infantry guys should take a single one out easily. DON'T forget to keep hitting the 'X' key to scatter your troops when it gets too close for comfort. (3) Stealth tanks. I've seen 3 do it, but use 4 or 5 to be safe. Mammoths actually aren't that great, they just have a lot of hit points. Use infantry on it if you can rather than armor, though... [6-1-8] SAM sites --------------------- Thenardier ( Beside the Obelisk of light, the other structures which people would most possibly like to destroy are SAM sites. SAM sites have really strong armor and long bar of health. One strategy of taking down SAM sites is to fly an Orca close to it. When you see the cover open, blast it with the ION CANNON. Zeff Yusof ( Try taking out the SAMs with 4 Orcas at once, all 4 will survive. If there are two sites within striking distance use two waves, one for each - you'll get back unscathed. [6-1-9] Strong bases ------------------------ Rune Fostervoll ( Three tactics work.(At least.). One is to attack him through his harvesters. He will usually have more than one working, and can usually get more even if you attack all you find, so it could take some while. But eventually this will cripple him. Then you can pick him off at leisure. But, especially early, destroying a harvester can bring an all-out attack. Be prepared for it. The other tactic is to attack with an attack not designed to destroy his base, but to cripple part of it. Stealth tanks are good at this. The construction center is usually the first priority, then the refinery, then the unit builders. Thirdly.. no base is perfect. It has a weakness. Find it, and exploit it. A back entrance, a cliff overhang, something should be there. [6-1-10] Harvesters ----------------------- Tucson Luke Loh ( While its true that when you attack a harvester the enemy sends a huge force after you, they comprise mostly infantry so an adequate defense will easily mop them up and pay huge dividends i.e. lots of troops lost on the enemy side vs. few (if any) of your own. Of course, please make sure you have adequate defenses first. Strategy works best if you are NOD (with an Obelisk and a turret or two). *6-1-11* Gunboats -------------------- Gunboats seem to have a one track mind. To destroy them easily, move a minigunner towards the gunboat as close as you can without the gunboat firing at you. Even though the gunboat can not hit your minigunner with missiles, it will have selected it as a target, and will ignore all other units from then on. You can now move something heavy into range and blast the boat without fearing retaliation. [6-2] The spiderbase strategy --------------------------------- Jim Varner ( I developed a strategy for Dune2 I call the spider base, and it works just fine in C&C. The concept is simple, build a sandbag wall from your base to your opponents. Then start building turrets right in the middle of their base. It is tedious and expensive, but it is sometimes the only way to destroy the enemy in those SERIOUS wars of attrition. You can also use your wall to block off choke points. You see, the AI doesn't recognize walls as targets so you can build a sandbag fort right in the middle of their base, just have plenty of $$$ for replacement turrets though. All's fair in love and war... Exploit your enemies weakness... I am NOT cheating!!!! OK, It is cheating. [6-3] How do I drain the computer's funds? ============================================== Drone ( I just send a few units to bomb or shoot at the SAM sites. Not enough to ever destroy them but enough so the computer just repairs them until its broke. I'm sure a human would never fall for this. Andre Pang ( If playing against the computer, you take over a base and he still has another construction site somewhere, sell the tiberium silos which he had (or make sure that spot is vacant so he can build there again). Occasionally the AI will build another one there, usually full of money. Send an engineer to capture it. Repeat process. This will only work if the silos are surrounded by his own structures, so it might be an idea not to capture the buildings around them, if possible. ------------------------------- CHAPTER [7] Miscellaneous tips ------------------------------- *7-1* How do I sell my infantry/vehicles? ========================================= David Hulet ( A Westwood bug that turned into a feature for us. You can sell infantry, vehicles and even civilians! Build a sand bag and move the unit as close to the sand bag as you can. Click on the sell button. Move the cursor over to the sand bag. Move the twirling dollar sign as far away from the sand bag (toward the unit) as you can without it loosing its rotating property. while its spinning near the unit click and sell him down the river!!!! This is a great way to make money if you are seriously down and out and about to get your butt kicked. It takes a little practice to figure out, but once you have done it the first time its simple. Frank Wen-heh Lee ( If you put the unit in the repair bay (no infantry, of course), click sell, and move the cursor over the unit, a little green $ will appear. You can sell the unit for half-price. Kenneth Chen ( I find this useful when my units are injured. Usually, I will bring back a vehicle that is almost dead and sell it away to build a new one. It's better to gain some money then none at all. [7-2] How do I control Orcas in mid-flight? =========================================== Group the Orcas. You can then select the Orcas using the group keys and give them orders, even when they are in flight. *7-3* Why should I destroy villages? ======================================== Because you can find crates full of money under churches. [7-4] How do I make a convoy? ================================= Seth Hutchins ( When you've got a group of units, and want them to follow one another in a "single-file" style grouping, make use of the CONTROL+ALT key combination like this... 1. Send the leader towards destination. 2. Control+Alt Click on the next unit to follow him 3. Repeat 2 until you have your group This tactic can be altered to get an interesting "circling patrol" effect out of Hummers, Buggies, and Tanks. 1. Select a "lead" unit. 2. Control+Alt Click the next unit. 3. Repeat 2 until you have all but one of the units in your group. 4. Control+Alt Click the LAST unit on the leader. This can annoy your opponent on the modem, and is a decent way to patrol an area. It works well (for me) in closed spaces. EDITOR'S NOTE: This technique can also be used to keep faster units from traveling too quickly. Make all the faster units 'guard' the slowest unit in the group (e.g.- mammoth tank) and wherever you move the unit, the faster units will follow at the same speed. [7-5] How do I get rid of trees? ==================================== Craig M. Kazial ( You can destroy trees. However it has to be just one lone tree. In other words, you can not destroy a clump of trees. It is not really useful except if you need to place port of a base at a location that the tree is at. Usually grenadiers and rocket launchers are the best to destroy trees. [7-6] How do I hide under trees? ==================================== Richard Lio ( Well, you can do it. Select your unit to move past the tree. When your unit is under cover, hit 's' to stop the unit. Your unit will be behind the tree and invisible to other human eyes. :) My friend does that often in multi-player games. [7-7] How do I stop the computer from rebuilding? ===================================================== Michael Stango ( Park a vehicle on the spot where an enemy building or turret was, so it can't be rebuilt there. [7-8] How do I keep my harvesters from gathering all the tiberium? ====================================================================== Put a vehicle on a patch of tiberium. The harvester won't be able to get to it. The tiberium patch will then regrow around it. If you have a blossom tree, parking a vehicle is not necessary because tiberium will begin to sprout around the tree. *7-9* How do I get nukes in the last Nod mission? ===================================================== VT ( To use nukes, building the Temple of Nod is not enough. You'll need to get the crates in missions 6, 8, and 12. You may have to capture or destroy some of the buildings to get at the crates. Jon Osborn ( On level 8, the crate is by an Orca pad. On level 12, the crate is underneath the GDI construction yard. Brian Albers ( I didn't get the nukes after installing the 1.18 patch halfway through the game. So I went back and replayed _all_ the missions and made damn sure I had gotten all three crates using that version. No nukes. So I loaded 1.19 and restarted the last mission, as they instructed. Still no nukes. For Chrissakes, Westwood, I hope that in the 1.20 patch you will quit screwing around with event flags that don't work and just GIVE EVERYONE WITH THE TEMPLE NUKES, NO QUESTIONS ASKED!!! Sheesh. *7-10* How do I run over things? ==================================== Some objects and vehicles can be run over by tracked vehicles. Use ALT- click to do a forced move to a location with the object/unit directly in its path of movement. Infantry can be crushed by Harvesters, Tanks, APCs, and Dinosaurs. Recon bikes can be crushed by Harvesters, Tanks and APCs. Sandbags, fences, and walls can be crushed by mammoth tanks. --------------------------------- CHAPTER[8] Single player tactics --------------------------------- *8-1* Blue Aardvark's Anti-Crummy AI Tactics ================================================ Phil Sykes ( Punch a hole in their wall where they aren't expecting it. They won't react unless you attack buildings, and you can waltz through, and they still won't react until you open fire (N.B. Turrets will!) Go up on a hill behind or beside the enemy base (every other enemy base has one that isn't guarded very well) APC engineer assaults Load up your APC, and have two Hummers ready. Select a safe forward staging post to meet the squad up. If you haven't got recon on their perimeter defenses, do that now, but DON'T attract enemy attention to the massed armor, cos they'll die. Group all of the units together, and send the APC in AFTER the Hummers, straight through the main gate, or a hole in the wall (much preferred) if you made one. Don't worry about: Light tanks, troops (except flame-throwers and minigunners close to the engineers final objective - run them over if you can) Do worry a bit about: Gun turrets, obelisk tips - the Hummers are there as a sacrifice, and the APC can (just) survive one Obelisk hit! Hopefully if and when your APC dies, you'll have got close enough so they can't fire again on the engineer. Do worry a lot about: Flame tanks and artillery, and I suppose stealth tanks (never faced them defensively), near the objective. All of these eat APCs and engineers for breakfast. If possible, go for another objective, or abort the mission until you can draw them out or confuse them. Targets: (1) VITAL to take out the construction yard, first, or any captured buildings can just be rebuilt. He will *NOT* be running out of money at this stage (if he is, why aren't you doing a mass assault??) He ISN'T restrained by building coherency rules on later levels. (2) Vehicle yard (he's still got money, remember, so not much use in removing his spice yard just yet, cos he'll have enough for loads of vehicles. (3) Refinery (hurt him bad, but remember he's got a huge strategic reserve of cash). This is good for money, especially if there's a harvester in it at the time (4) Hand of Nod. These are VERY difficult to actually get an engineer close to, but worth it. Capture it and churn out a couple of flame-throwers to hold it for a bit. (5) Power Plants / Spice silos / whatever else Take 'em for money. Easier and cheaper to blow em up, but shutting down obelisk power can be useful. Interesting things to try: Draw 'em out: Send a recon unit inside the base, shoot someone and run out. He will follow you to his doom. Lead enemy troopers across tiberium field, they will follow in droves and die. The Nod base, on every level has at least one tactical weak point. Things to look out for: (1) Wide entrances - unguarded or with no turret guards. (2) Hills to the side or rear of the base that can be used for assaults without being directly hit with base defenses. (3) Weak spots where there are no defenses round a wall (4) Having two bases, one big and well defended the other not. Take over the one that isn't well defended, and built some advanced guard towers to defend. This will really annoy them (5) Harvesters going a long way from home - blow them up, and more will be built. If you can get them every time, then they will continue to waste their money! Retaliation: Sometimes after a successful engineer raid or limited attack, they will retaliate by going after your harvester. Make sure they don't get this chance by keeping the harvester in the base following a limited attack, or light tanks will hunt it down Tiberium field guarding: Often, the enemy will send rocket troops or tanks to guard spice fields. Sometimes, the troops will keep dying trying to get to the tiberium field, and they will be replaced indefinitely. ---------------------------- CHAPTER *9* Confucious says ---------------------------- Confucious says: "Bird in hand worth two in bush." I have dropped this section from my FAQ. I will, however, add Murphy's Laws of Combat and Sun Tzu's 'The Art of War' to my C&C Field Manuals webpage. ------------------------------ CHAPTER [10] Technical Issues ------------------------------ *10-1* What determines my score? ==================================== Craig M. Kazial ( Leadership is based on the number of units killed. Efficiency on ending cash (note, not the same as cash used). Time taken does NOT enter into final score and is only for your information. GDI scores the above two [L+E] higher when determining final score. Nod emphasizes simply accomplishing the mission (in other words, the L+E do not factor in much)... Terrorist style "who cares about the cost". Final score ONLY impacts how much cash is brought forward as a percentage ranging from a fixed minimum (enough to get started) to a max. allowable, so players can't become an unstoppable cash machine. Some scenarios zero-out score and all past cash allocation info is lost. Raymond Lee ( Destroyed civilian buildings will go under GDI structure loss even if it is a Nod village. Also, when I have no casualties, my leadership rating under Nod is 75% where as GDI, it is 100% [10-2] What is the CONQUER.INI file? ======================================== The CONQUER.INI file sits on your hard disk in your C&C directory, and supplies C&C with startup values for various configuration items. Most of these startup values can be changed within C&C, but there are some that are only available by editing the file directly using a text editor. Robert J. Trembley ( deathannounce Default = 0 If set to 1, each time a GDI or NOD unit is lost, the female computer voice will state "GDI (or NOD) unit lost". It gets old kinda fast, and I rather prefer the screams... Alan Schneider ( Last night we found a new feature (?) in C&C. Editing the CONQUER.INI file .... and under the multiplayer section, change side=1 to side=3. What this apparently does, is allow both GDI and NOD to build EQUALLY, i.e.- NOD can build medium tanks (by first building a GDI Factory) and GDI can build NOD bikes (by first building an Airport) *10-3* KALI related issues ============================== see also [15-3] KALI C&C SERVERS You can find out more about KALI at Please do not E-Mail me for help regarding Kali related issues. Nemesh ( If you are planning on playing a lot of C&C over the net, you should try to get the latest copy of KALI. At this point, kali1.2e is out, and is an INCREDIBLE improvement over 1.1g. Everything is much faster, and the game almost never locks up. Check it out if you can (talk to someone on one of the servers...the kali.exe is around.) Stephen Vakil ( I finally got C&C and KALI to work. I'd like to say that when people were asking why it wasn't working, it wasn't very informative for people to say "it's a known bug.." without saying _what_ is a known bug. Basically, from what I can see, using any sort of slip tsr derived from the 16550 one will not work. It would cause frequent crashes on C&C, sometimes a reboot. I got pppshare from and got that to work, and that worked through 3 games of C&C and 1/2 hour of descent. Stanley Hu ( You can C&C with up to three other players through Kali, but everything has to be almost flawless. Each player should have at least a 28.8k PPP/SLIP connection to a provider (direct Ethernet, ISDN, or T1 are preferable) because C&C multiplayer is very sensitive to packet loss. Even with four 486/66 machines directly linked with Ethernet cards, C&C has problems starting. 14.4k users will not be able to provide enough bandwith to accomodate three other players. Make sure all the ping times in KCHAT (/ping ) are within 400-600 ms. Anything higher can be deemed as "high-risk," which may lead to a player dropping out in the middle of the game for no apparent reason. Have the person with the fastest ping time (or connection type) start the game. You can usually get a rough feeling as to whether the game will actually start with all players if none of the names on the list disappear and reappear periodically. If this happens a lot, you can try to start the game, but more often than not the game will not start correctly. Be persistent! If the game doesn't start, keep trying a few more times. Otherwise, reduce the number of players. An undocumentated feature in C&C is specifying "-socketnn" (where nn is a port number) on the command line. This will run the network game on a different IPX socket. If a Kali server is running many C&C games, specifying a different socket may help improve the chances of starting a game with 3-4 players. Jet ( KALI in Windows 95 Are you: - Ripping out your hair trying to get it to work??? - Ready to punch your computer monitor??? - About to grab your PC and throw it across the room??? - Seriously thinking of snapping the C&C disks in 1/2??? - Pissed off at how DOS conventional memory works? - Thinking the authors of these software programs are a**holes? !!!ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! <*sigh*> Don't do it... please... Everything can work. Just read this: Command & Conquer will work beautifully in Windows 95... and if you want to play it over the Internet, get KALI or ihhd(they will work great if you set them up right) I have a 486/66 16 megs of ram with a 2meg video card, and this is how I got it all to run in Windows 95: Making Command & Conquer run in Windows 95 0. make sure you have emm386.exe noems running in your config.sys make sure there are NO numbers after noems 1. Create an icon that shortcut's to C&C's RUNGAME.EXE file a. Start Explorer b. find RUNGAME.EXE c. Right click on it and left click on Copy d. Goto your desktop and right click and left click on Paste Shortcut e. Click on the icon. Then click on the text "Shortcut to Rungame" Type what you want it to be and hit enter. 2. Edit the C&C.EXE program properties a. Start Explorer b. find C&C.EXE c. right click on it d. choose Properties... e. click on the PROGRAM tab i. click on the Advanced... button ii. make sure MS-DOS mode is not checked iii. make sure Prevent MS-DOS-based programs from detecting Windows IS NOT checked. iv. Make sure NOTHING at all is checked. v. click on Ok f. click on the MEMORY tab i. make sure everything is auto ii. make sure Conventional memory is Protected iii. make sure Uses HMA is checked g. click on the SCREEN tab i. Usage = Window / Initial size=default ii. Make sure both setting in Window are checked iii. Make sure Fast ROM emulation is checked. iv. Make sure Dynamic memory allocation IS NOT checked. h. click on the MISC tab i. Uncheck everything except for the Windows shortcut keys ii. Idle sensitivity slider should be all the way Low. i. Click on OK 3. Goto the Control Panel a. Click on the Start Menu b. Choose Setting c. Click on Control Panel d. Double click on System e. Click on the Performance Tab i. click on the File System tab ii. click on the CD-ROM tab a. Set Supplemental cache size to Large b. Optimize access pattern for : Whatever speed your CD-ROM is c. Click on OK iii. Click on OK f. Close Control panel and reboot if it says to do so. 4. Double click on the icon you created on your desktop. 5. Play Command & Conquer! If it doesn't work, read the error messages. Modify your config.sys or autoexec.bat file. Search around in control panel and experiment. It's not working because you have something that isn't set optimally... not because Command & Conquer or Windows 95 "sux". Your settings suck, that's all there is to it. Learn how to set up your system. Learn how to CONTROL your system. Using Command & Conquer with KALI! 0. Set up KALI (you're on your own here, I'm not the KALI expert) a. Create a batch file that executes the dialer. Call this DIAL.BAT 1. Create and icon that shortcut's to your ppp or slip dialer. a. Right click on your desktop and choose New and click on Shortcut b. In the Command line, enter C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND.COM and click on Next c. For the name, put Kali Session (DOS) d. Click on Finish 2. Edit the Icon's Properties. a. Right click on the new icon you created and click on Properties b. click on the PROGRAM tab i. Change the Working to whatever directory you keep Kali in For example: Working: C:/Kali ii. Change batch file to DIAL.BAT iii. Click on Advanced... iv. Make sure NOTHING is checked here v. Click on OK. c. click on the MEMORY tab i. make sure everything is auto except for Initial Environment Make Initial Environment = 1024 ii. make sure Conventional memory is NOT Protected iii. make sure Uses HMA is checked d. click on the SCREEN tab i. Usage = Window / Initial size=default ii. Make sure both setting in Window are checked iii. Make sure Fast ROM emulation is checked. iv. Make sure Dynamic memory allocation IS NOT checked. e. click on the MISC tab i. Uncheck everything except for the Windows shortcut keys ii. Idle sensitivity slider should be all the way Low. f. Click on OK 3. Double click on your new icon and you should be able to connect to a Kali server and run C&C. Make the Window FULL SCREEN to speed things up. If it doesn't work, try to figure out where you have a conflict or error. I spent days tweaking my system to get my programs to work. I have never said "Windows 95 sucks". Instead I say damn!!! I need to figure out how this thing works and configure it right! I wish I had more time, then I'd be able to get all my DOS games to work with Windows 95. Problems occur for a reason... and more than likely it isn't because "such & such sux!" Everybody's machine is different.. different hardware, different controllers, different amounts of ram... video modes, etc... I have helped many people successfully get their C&C and KALI working in Windows 95, and I am tired of trying to think of what is wrong with the other person's machine... especially when they are on the other side of the world and we are communicating through email or on the irc. Like I said, I have spent days tweaking (playing around with configurations and rebooting a million times) my system to get C&C to work with KALI. If this Document doesn't help you, you need to spend some time figuring things out on your own or you'll never learn. Hope this helps, *10-4* How can run C&C off my hard disk? =========================================== EDITOR'S NOTE: I wasn't sure whether or not to include this, but since there are plenty of legitimate reasons why one would want to do this, and because it's a frequently asked question, I have. Running C&C off the HD: step 1: install C&C like normal step 2: copy all the files from the root directory of the CD-ROM into the directory you just installed C&C into. step 3: now copy the general.mix file from the other CD-ROM into this directory as well (rename the first one before doing this). step 4: before playing C&C, make sure you have the general.mix file representing which side you want to play (I use gdi.mix and nod.mix as the filenames and rename one to general.mix depending on which side I want to play). ** step 5: ** Instead of typing C&C to start, type in C&C -cd where path is the full path to the C& directory. ie.- If you installed C&C to c:\games\c&c, start the program by typing in: c&c -cdc:\games\c&c Notice that there is no space. You no longer have to have the CD-ROM loaded to play c&c. This takes up a little under 30M if you omit the video and music files. ================================== -SECTION THREE- MISSION STRATEGIES ================================== ------------------------------------- CHAPTER [11] What is a mission tree? ------------------------------------- When playing C&C, sometimes you will be given a choice of countries to fight over. The hierarchical listing of these choices and the possible paths one may take is described as the mission tree. Andrew Griffin ( About the mission path, it seems that (for some countries), if there are multiple arrows into the same country, clicking on a different arrow will bring a different map layout. If you look at the option screen (press ESC from the game), above the version number is a group of numbers that represents which mission this is. *11-1* GDI mission tree =========================== Andrew Griffin ( [4EA][5EA] [15EA] [1][2][3EA][4WA][5EB][6][7][8EA][9][10EA][11][12EA][13EA][14][15EB] [4WB][5WA] \---[8EB] [10EB] [12EB][13EB] [15EC] [5WB] *11-2* Nod mission tree =========================== Andrew Griffin ( [6EA][7EA] [13EA] [1EA][2EA][3EA][4EA][5][6EB][7EB][8EA][9EA][10EA][11EA][12EA][13EB] [2EB][3EB][4EB] [6EC][7EC][8EB][9EB][10EB][11EB][12EB][13EC] ------------------------------------------- CHAPTER [12] I'm stumped! Can you help me? ------------------------------------------- [12-1] GDI missions ======================= *12-1-1* GDI Mission 1, Estonia ----------------------------------- Objective: Use the units provided to protect the Mobile Construction Vehicle. (MCV) You should then deploy the MCV by double clicking on it. Then you can begin to build up a base. Start with a Power Plant. Finally, search out and destroy all enemy Nod units in the surrounding area. Group your minigunners in teams of 5. Scout with your vehicles. When you find trouble, retreat your vehicle back to your minigunners, and they will make short work of the pursuers. [12-1-2] GDI Mission 2, Estonia ---------------------------------- Objective: Defend your position, deploy the MCV, then build a sizable force to search out and destroy the Nod base in the area. All Nod units and structures must be either destroyed or captured to complete objective. Build the MCV next to the barracks. Build a power station. Build a 2nd barracks. Crank out 20 to 30 minigunners. Group the minigunners into groups of ten. Scout the surrounding area using one of your hummers, but do not engage the enemy. If you come across soldiers, run your vehicle to your infantrymen to drag the enemy into an ambush. When attacking the base, it is best to form a two pronged attack. Have 1/3 your men attack from the west, and 2/3s of your men attack from the south. Move your engineers behind your main force. Have them capture the construction unit, the refinery, and the powerplant. Do not capture the refinery until the enemy harvester has returned to unload. This way, you capture the harvester as well. Destroy the remaining structures save for one tiberium silo. Build two more tiberium refineries, and tiberium silos as needed. You want to harvest the map clean of tiberium. Once all the tiberium is harvested, sell all the buildings for cash, and destroy the last remaining silo to finish the mission. You should end the mission with over 20,000 credits. Half of these funds will transfer to the next mission. *12-1-3ea* GDI Mission 3ea, Latvia -------------------------------------- Objective: Build up forces to destroy Nod base. Once all Nod SAM sites are neutralized then air support will be provided to combat obstacles such as turrets. Destroy all units and structures to complete the mission objective. Make your base and get harvesting as soon as possible. Churn out as many grenadiers as you can, and use them to pummel the SAM sites you find along the way. [12-1-4ea] GDI Mission 4ea, Belarus ------------------------------------- Objective: Nod has captured classified GDI property. You must find and retrieve the stolen equipment. It is being transported in a shipping create. Use the new APC to strategically transport infantry through Nod forces. Mark Willoughby ( Explore in one turn, scrap the mission and start again. Load up the APCs and sprint for the base. De-bus south of the river, and try to take out the tank and the troopers. Once this force gets trashed, use the reinforcements to mop up the rest of the troops, and steal the crate back. Take advantage of the extra range the APCs have to avoid the Nod troops where possible. Hopefully once you get trashed in the first attack, the Noddies try to launch a counter attack which you sidestep, and fulfill your mission. Not too much fun this mission IMO. Although I did use this quick and dirty strategy. Lemming ( I didn't unload my APC at all. Just loaded 'em up, and run like hell to the Nod base, tag the carton, and that's it. [12-1-4wa] GDI Mission 4wa, Belarus --------------------------------------- Objective: Same as previous [blank] If you can fill this space, please write to *12-1-4wb* GDI Mission 4wb, Poland -------------------------------------- Objective: Nod is moving to capture and hold a civilian town. Your mission is to reach the town first and hold off invading Nod units until GDI reinforcements can arrive. All invading Nod units must be destroyed. The town is south of where you start off. The best way to do this is to hold your position at the bridge that leads to the village. The Nod guys will have to get through your massed forces first, and you can cut them down with no trouble. *12-1-5ea* GDI Mission 5ea, Germany --------------------------------------- Objective: A GDI field base is under attack. They have fended off one attack but will not survive another. Move to the base, repair the structures and then launch a strike force to destroy the Nod base in the area. Destroy all Nod units and structures. James Chiu ( Harry F. Harrison ( :Level 5: What a pain in the $#$#! to finish. I thought it was standard :Dune defense, then offense strategy, but the computer comes with waves :at you. Try this: blockade your right entrance (to your camp) with :4+ turrets (should be sufficient, as computer rarely sends tanks to If you build near the hills, they only have a small opening to attack you with. You can get away with 2 turrets. One of the first things I build is a second harvester in this mission. I am usually able to do it just as the first patch of tiberium is gone. By the time I am ready to attack, I will have 4 harvesters going. :hat you have to destroy the buildings AND all of the units. I thought :of an interesting solution. I send a Hum-Vee through the "middle" of :the camp, which bore a path through it. Then I followed this with a :very fast APC containing two engineers and some grenadiers. Target two :important structures next to each other: the construction yard and :the refinery. Without a refinery, no Tiberium, without a construction Go in from the upper right side, you can capture the hand of Nod very easily there. Engineers are very useful, I was able to take over all the enemy buildings, a great plus when getting the silos. [12-1-5eb] GDI Mission 5eb, Germany --------------------------------------- Objective: Same as previous [blank] If you can fill this space, please write to [12-1-5wa] GDI Mission 5wa, Germany --------------------------------------- Objective: Same as previous See [12-1-5ea]. [12-1-5wb] GDI Mission 5wb, Germany --------------------------------------- Objective: Same as previous [blank] If you can fill this space, please write to [12-1-6] GDI Mission 6, Czech Republic ------------------------------------------ Objective: Use a GDI Commando to infiltrate the Nod base. **** ** destroy the ******** so that the base is incapacitated. Get in, hit it, and get the **** out. Andre Pang ( Easiest way I found to do this (and it was very easy!) is after the Chinook arrives, land to the left of the village/flare. With the commando, march him up and left in the pass, so you enter the base from the left. The AI should start sending many troops to attack the Chinook, and your commando will probably get hassled by a light tank or Nod buggy. There is one SAM site southwest of the base by itself; get your commando to take it out, then send the Chinook in to pick him up, and drop him off inside, to the left of the base (the chopper can just withstand two shots from the one SAM site in the southwest corner of the base). Run up and right, and blow up the airstrip. Matt Ho ( Take out the SAM site on the island to get your transport off. Have the commando run around the edge of the map and take out the infantry and SAM sites on the edge. Bring your transport to your commando by following the path that the commando made. Send your commando at the base. A ton of troops will start pouring out. Pick off the lead infantry to give yourself more time and then run like Hades. The tanks and buggies should come out to chase you. Send the transport in to extract you. Once you're airborne, fly into the enemy base toward the top edge. A SAM will probably peg your transport a few times ... ignore it and go on ... Drop the dude down and have him dash for the airstrip (or whatever it was ... I forget) and nuke it. David Hulet ( It's best to work north then east once you cross the river in your transport chopper. Jumping from location to location in the chopper also works well to confuse the patrolling buggies. Once in the base what ever building you take out will not be there for the cleanup mission. It's best to take out the tiberium refinery. AI does not rebuild and so Nod runs out of money quickly! [12-1-7] GDI Mission 7, Czech Republic ------------------------------------------ Objective: Previous mission objective not complete. Airfield was to be targeted. New objective: Build up a base and Destroy remaining Nod structures and units. Reinforcements will be provided. Rick Murray ( Once reinforcements land, proceed due north, continue past the first tiberium. You will find another field. Establish your base just south of the field. Build guard towers(mostly on the north side of the base) and hoard your forces on the south side of base. The towers will handle most all that the NOD will send your way. You will need to destroy the gun turret, which can be found by following the northernmost boundary. After you have destroyed the turret, use what ever you have left to attack the north wall of the NOD base. The purpose at this point is just to open up an easier route of attack. After building a considerable amount of forces, I used 6 tanks, 5 APCs mostly with grenadiers, 4 Hummers, and about twenty grenadiers on foot. Stage your forces north of the tiberium field which is to the east of the base. Send in the Hummers first. Set two outside and just north of the main entrance to the base and the other two. Use the hole you made in the wall and send to the center of the base mostly as a diversion of sorts. Do not immediately attack the Hand of Nod. Time it out where the tanks and APCs follow the Hummers through the hole. Dispatch two APCs and foot soldiers to dispatch the tanks within the compound( your route of entry leads directly to their parking area). Send the rest of your force on around north and attack the airfield and power plants in this area. This strategy seems to reduce the amount of resistance encountered while attacking this base. [12-1-8ea] GDI Mission 8ea, Austria --------------------------------------- Objective: UN Sanction has cut funding to the Global Defense Initiative. Field Units are helpless. Use the repair facility to keep your units in the field long enough to destroy the Nod base in this region. All Nod units and structures must be destroyed. Tim Hardy ( If this is the mission I am thinking about, I found a technique that is extremely effective and easy, and I haven't heard it mentioned yet. If you clear out the meager troops straight above the base, then all the way to the top and over to the left, you'll find a cliff overlooking the Nod base (you'll also be able to kill most of the SAM sites). From this cliff your rocket launchers can pound the heck out of his airfield, several silos, and the Hand of Nod, as well as the infantry he tries to mass there. The cool thing is he never figures out how to get to your rocket launchers. You can kill every single one of his mobile forces and ability to produce mobile forces without losing any of your units. Then can just walk in the base with bells on. Jason Thomas ( That's the same thing I did. I think the AI wants to stay close to home because its base is under attack, but once you destroy the airstrip, no more vehicles. Once it's all gone, you can leave one rocket vehicle up there and about ten bazooka guys, and just blast the crap out of anything that gets built as it's coming up. Also humvees are pretty good against infantry so you can keep one of those up there to provide machine-gun support. I wasted about 3 hours playing this mission and dying, before I discovered this technique. In Aikido and other "soft" martial arts, there's a principle of never meeting force with force. In other words, when the enemy attacks, you should let your forces fall back a bit to surround and absorb. In attack, don't keep hammering a strong point, but use recon to find enemy weak points and then strike hard. It's a lot easier in the long run than just throwing cannon fodder into the meatgrinder. [12-1-8eb] GDI Mission 8eb, Slovakia ---------------------------------------- Objective: Dr. Moebius is establishing a Hospital to treat the civilians in the region who are falling ill due to exposure to Tiberium. Protect Moebius and the civilians. Eliminate Nod presence in the area. Move all units to the southwest. The village is there. There are large tiberium fields to the northeast and northwest that you can mine. Build MCV in the clearing north of village, past the bridge. Build sandbags around the blossom tree in the village to keep the Nod paratroopers from wrecking havoc. Also sandbag off the eastern bridge entrance to the village. Paratroopers land there also. Andre Pang ( You might have to blow up some of the tiberium (with the rocket launchers) to the east of the village, since a couple of the stupid civilians tend to wander off into that area and commit suicide. Make sure to repair your rocket launchers regularly in this mission, as you can't build them. [12-1-9] GDI Mission 9, Hungary ----------------------------------- Objective: Take out Nod turrets along shore so Gunboats can move in safely on the Nod base. The Nod base must be destroyed. If gunboats can get in, they should be able to destroy the base with no difficulty. Keep an eye out for the new weapon Nod is rumored to be working on. Dave Glue ( In mission 10 (the one with the first appearance of the laser obelisk), I beat their base by basically using 4 humvee's and 2 APCs of engineers. I used two hum-vee's to map their base, then used 2 more and filled 2 APCs with 3 engineers each. The 2 humvees went in first and drew the enemy away, and when they would out of line I drove my APCs in, unloaded the engineer's and took their airstrip, construction site, and sold some silo's for my own profit, as well as providing some infantry to keep tanks and other guys busy. Then I started making a mass of gun turrets and destroyed their own base from the inside out. Engineer's and APCs boys, and hum-vee's for their speed and ability to attract the enemy. That's the secret. Then again, we'll see what happens in mission 12. *12-1-10ea* GDI Mission 10ea, Slovenia ------------------------------------------ Objective: UN funding has been re-established. You now have access to a new aircraft, the Orca. This unit is to be used to scout out the immediate area. Destroy all Nod presence in this region. Zachary Harrison ( North of his base is a plateau of tiberium which the computer will eventually harvest. If you send an APC full of engineers to this plateau, all the way east, and then south, there is a back door to his base. With five engineers, one can take the airstrip, construction yard and many silos. Build a Hand of Nod, sell the useless buildings (especially the power plants, to disable the Obelisk) and pump out engineers to take over the base with extreme ease. The only weapons the computer has in range of this part of the base is a turret a SAM site. Blow through the wall, and there's nothing to it from there on in. Robert "Crash" Cullen ( I think this mission is the most fun of the entire bunch. Pretty easy too. Start by securing your location in the upper left hand corner. Get your power station, barracks and refinery up ASAP. Produce a few grenadiers, and bazookas, and take out the NOD forces on the ledge behind you. Good job. Now put them on guard duty. Get three guard towers up to guard the left pass. Build a weapon factory, and repair bay, then the Comm. station. Keep building grenades and bazookas for guard duty. You should be mining the tiberium out of the upper right hand corner of the map. By this time, you should have the upper third of the map under your control. Build a second harvester. Now you are ready to build a second power station and 4 helipads. Add a bit of sand, and guard with 3 towers on the right pass. Position secure, let's go find George and Gracie. Produce 2 Hummers and explore like crazy. Once you have two thirds of the map explored, start sending the choppers to take out the turrets. Stay away from the lower third of the map with the choppers, or you'll get waxed by SAMs. Explore as much of the NOD base, (lower third) as possible with the hummers. Your hummers won't survive, but hey, you're over it. Besides, revenge is just around the corner. By this time, you should control 2 thirds of the map. Cool. Now the fun begins. Start building tanks. Lots of them. 20 in all. Your Tiberium is probably running out in the upper right hand corner, so start harvesting out of the lower left side. With your 20 tanks, take the left pass down. You will need to stop short and regroup. Stopping at the 2/3 point worked for me. Now move the group to the lower left hand corner. The reason for stopping and regrouping is simple. Moving down that pass strings your forces out like a bunch of Christmas tree lights. If you were to move into the base one at a time, you wouldn't stand a chance. Especially against that Obelisk. Now you have a group of tanks across from the NOD base. Don't just sit there....ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!! Move the group in and take out that Obelisk first. Next, move the group all the way to the right and take out the construction yard. Next the airfield, and finally the Hand of NOD. Now lets pillage this village. The nice thing about so many tanks in such a small area, is that the soldiers have nowhere to run. It's splat city everywhere you turn, and I suggest you turn a lot. Blow up everything in sight. Don't even think about engineers or taking over buildings in this one. Game over, You've won. Now wasn't that more fun than listening to Black Sabbath at ‘78? [12-1-10eb] GDI Mission 10eb, Romania ----------------------------------------- Objective: Same as previous see [12-1-10ea]. *12-1-11* GDI Mission 11, Greece ------------------------------------- Objective: Intelligence operative, code-name Delphi, has info on Kane and a new bio-research laboratory. After landing on the beach here in Corinth move north to make contact with him. Nod will attempt to stop you. You must reach Delphi! EDITOR'S NOTE: Sometimes sighting Delphi does not trigger the automatic rescue helicopter. Some people say that you need to breach the right hand walls surrounding the Nod compound in order to trigger the transport helicopter. Bill Seurer ( First, immediately follow the coast to the right. Ignore the turrets. You'll run into a tank but your 6 grenadiers should handle it without a problem. Follow along the cliffs to the right (they wind a lot) until you hit the crops. Set up your base there. Send the 6 grenadiers slowly to the SE. There are some bazooka guys just across the river. Kill them and move just far enough to see the fields. Build a refinery first, then a Weapons Factory, then a Barracks. Build tanks and APCs as fast as you can. Line them up diagonally NW of your base. You may want to build a sandbag line out a bit and build a couple of guard towers too. Build a repair platform ASAP. Repairing a tank is a *LOT* cheaper than building a new one. You'll be faced with hoards of flame-thrower guys at first. It is impossible to defeat them without tanks backed up by APCs or guard towers. Their flames don't hurt tanks much and the APCs will chop them up. Put a few infantry in front of the line of tanks and APCs if there are still some alive. After a while the attacks will die down a bit. Send an APC across the river to the NE and explore that area. You'll see the Nod base up on the hill. Move the APC up to where it can fire at the SAM site and let it hammer away. Yes, it won't really do anything, just leave it though. This will trigger another flood of Nod attackers. By now you should have 4 or 5 tanks and a like number of APCs. Line them up with tanks in front in a line straight south from the river just south of the Nod SAM site. You will slaughter the Nod guys as they come. I find putting a few grenadiers in front works even better but they do tend to get toasted. **IMPORTANT** Be sure to cycle your damaged vehicles back to the repair depot. Take any extra tanks you are producing to where you left the APC and kill the SAM site and any adjacent buildings. The computer will kindly keep building new ones for you to kill. Keep at them. The buildings are power sites and once all three in your range are shot up the Nod base will start to fail. Gradually move the line to the west until you start seeing the Nod harvesters and your tanks shoot at them. This will trigger another Nod wave which by now will be a piece of cake to slaughter. Your tanks will kill off the harvesters quite handily and they rumble past. Eventually you will notice that the attackers are reduced to a dribble of infantry. Now is the time to attack! Sell off all the buildings of your base and rush the dozens of infantry that will produce up to the "front". Load them in the APCs. Send one humvee or APC to run all the way through the Nod base and spot things. It may get toasted by one of those laser towers. ATTACK! Send all your tanks against the laser tower and mix in the APCs with the trailing elements. Once the tower is gone unload the infantry and attack whatever Nod units show up with the infantry and APCs while the tanks hammer at the Nod barracks and airfield. Once those are gone it's all over but the mop-up. I sent in an APC full of engineers that took over 5 buildings, which I immediately sold. I build a couple of Orcas but didn't find them that useful in this scenario. 4 more tanks would have been much better. What a minute, where's the guy you'll supposed to rescue? He'll appear on a plateau in the NE corner once all the SAM sites are gone. A transport chopper will appear to pick him up. And what about those turrets by where you first entered? Ignore them. *12-1-12ea* GDI Mission 12ea, Albania ---------------------------------------- Objective: A GDI base is under siege in this region. Dr. Moebius is trapped in the base. Move in, grab Moebius, and then a transport helicopter will be sent to you. Get Moebius into the transport. Make sure that there are no SAM sites in the area or else the transports will be useless. Yannick Asselin ( In the upper left of the map there is a crate containing 2000 credits. David Tong ( This one is actually very easy. Repair everything, then send all your forces except the APC to the bottom left corner. Cross the river, then head North to the bridge. Park the Mammoth north and to the east of the bridge. Park the APC next to it. Park the Rocket Launcher south and to the west. Park the medium tank on the bridge. Eventually a harvester will come to try and cross the bridge. If it's to the north it realizes that it can't cross, so waits to the west, within range of the rocket launcher. Destroy it. After you destroy a harvester NOD will send a tank or two and a few bazookas. The tanks and APC makes mincemeat of them. Repeat this until he stops sending harvesters (he can't afford them). In the meantime, build 5 engineers. Sell the hospital and the heavy weapons factory. KEEP THE REPAIR UNIT. and use it often. Send the troops round to the bridge. When you're ready, advance the mammoth slowly until you can see the wall of the base. Make holes in it. Now send all the grenadiers and minigunners against the left hand obelisk. It will fire a couple of times, and then he will sell it! Kill the troops who come out of it. Now do the same thing to the right hand obelisk. Use your tanks against his vehicles, and send in the engineers. From then on it's a mopping-up exercise. Take out all the SAM sites (there is one in the top right hand corner) and the chopper will come. [12-1-12eb] GDI Mission 12eb, Bulgaria --------------------------------------- Objective: Same as previous Kevin McQuire ( There may very well be a more elegant way to do it, but I sold off all of my buildings, built as many tanks and engineers as I could afford (plus the bonus cash crate up near the northernmost SAM site) and then charged the Noddie base en masse, concentrating on getting my engineer-laden APC near enough to capture the construction yard, the hand of Nod and their tiberium refinery. By the time this had happened, I had taken out the Nod death rays and their units. The only thing you need to take out are the SAM sites, though. Jeff Powell ( That's what I did. One APC full of minigunners to draw the death rays while the 2nd APC full of engineers shot around the airstrip and unloaded without taking a hit. From there it was a race for the construction yard and the hand of Nod. Sold the yard immediately, started repair and flamer building on the hand. Piece o' cake. The key to scout with your hummers. Don't worry about the turrets your faster than their shots just look out for the laser towers. Make some tanks and hummers after they stop attacking your base ( don't leave the base until this happens your guard towers make quick work of tanks and infantry when backed up by your vehicles) and go to the very top of his base with about 3 or 4 tanks and maybe 2-3 hummers and an APC ( with some engineers). At this point blow away the wall then hammer the powerplants with you tanks. He will send infantry to stop you but your hummers should keep them away from the tanks. Once the power stations are down roll the APC into the base and take over stuff and sell it. Make sure you keep repairing your vehicles don't lose any!!!! There is also a money crate in the top left corner near the SAM site and the turret. Once all SAM sites are down GDI will send another chopper. Also use your Mammoth tank as the point tank since after battles it will heal itself to half way. [12-1-13ea] GDI Mission 13ea, Yugoslavia -------------------------------------------- Objective: Delphi's info decoded and Kane has been found. He is overseeing experiments at a Bio-research facility in this area. Destroy facility while we have him cornered. Build an Advanced Communications center to access the new Ion Cannon. It will greatly assist you in your objective. Howard McGee ( Level 13ea was the best level in the game. I started out by moving everything from the south east corner to the south west corner. I built my base there. Then I quickly got 2 harvesters going. Then built comm. and advanced comms. The barracks and weapons factory. Then a third harvester. By this stage I was earning more money than I could handle. I built a large force then took the small base above me. I captured his refinery and 4 silos(when full). Sold them he rebuilt them I captured them again. By continually repeating this I was able to build 10 advanced comms. and still have 60000 dollars. With the endless supply of $$$$ I built a sandbag wall to lock him in his own base. Blasted him with ion cannon and rockets. Till I walked through his base with bells on to mop up and destroy the research base. The mission took over 7 hours but scored over 1100 points. I loved this mission. [12-1-13eb] GDI Mission 13eb, Yugoslavia -------------------------------------------- Objective: Same as previous [blank] If you can fill this space, please write to [12-1-14] GDI Mission 14, Yugoslavia ---------------------------------------- Objective: We have learned the path of evacuating Nod forces. They are moving through this valley. Cut them off so that they can't rejoin the main force. Attack and destroy all the vehicles in the Nod convoy. Joe Pantuso ( :I cleared the WHOLE map as far as I can tell, I killed about 2 :invisible tanks, and a whole bunch of mobile artillery, and couple units :coming south from the canyon.. The map is clear, no visible units :I let it sit for about 30 min. and nothing happened.. :I scouted the whole map about 10 times now, nothing there! Sigh.. How :long do I have to wait on this mission? You missed some stealth tanks. There are at least four. Tan Tot Lit ( :: When I played GDI 14 there were three stealth tanks, two a bit left of :: the lower right and one in the area left of the upper right. :I destroyed seven Stealth tanks... one in the West, four attacked me while :my force was in the crossroads and one was in the north-east corner I knocked out five. Two in the south east, the other three attacked me in two sorties in the east. [12-1-15ea] GDI Mission 15ea, Bosnia/Herzogovina ---------------------------------------------------- Objective: The Temple of Nod has been located. We are sure Kane is there. Destroy him, the temple, and any other remnant of Nod that exists there. Nod has been rumored to have completed its own nuclear device so it's do or die time. Let's do it! ( Wow, did you have the frustration of running out of Tiberium in the last stage of GDI? Well, consider the problem solved. In the last stage, Nod always have a little section of base for silo. It is usually lightly guarded with only 2 turrets and maybe 1 stealth tank. At the start of the game harvest as usual to build up a nice base to fend off the invading Nod. After you have enough force to take out those turrets I mentioned above, build an APC and have 5 engineers in it. With you first force take out the guards and the north wall of the "silo compound”. Then leave for home otherwise it will attract more Nod tanks. Wait until the silo fills up and then send your engineers in carefully. Once you take over a silo, sell it so it's easier for the next engineer to take over the next silo. Before you know, you have about 8000 units of tiberium to build some mammoth tanks. Be sure you have some silo ready otherwise you'll waste all those effort. There is more. Once you sell their silo. They'll rebuild it so that we can take over again. Isn't it just so thoughtful of them. :) Those newly build silo only take one full harvester to fill it up. (What kind of motherless harvester do they have??) All you have to do is to repeat the trick ....forever. I even sold my refinery. Before I attacked their base, my base was already bigger than Nod's. (and you know how big their base is!) I even had a nice parking lot for all those tanks that I build and all those harvester that 'retired'. With about 25 mammoth tanks and 25 SSM's, I believe anyone can pulverize the Nod base in less than half an hour. There's one more thing, I attacked Nod from the north. I don't know if other directions will have the same situation. [12-1-15eb] GDI Mission 15eb, Bosnia/Herzogovina ---------------------------------------------------- Objective: Same as previous Robert A. Hayden ( On that final mission, engineer-steal the power plant and hand of Nod, and then park an infantry right in the place where the obelisk would pop up. the computer is stupid and won't build with you standing there, and won't build somewhere else. Brian Cornett ( The key to this level is endurance and patience; along with some quick mouse clicking. I must have played the first twenty minutes five times before I was able to get everything set up and not lose my Construction Site. The key is the very beginning. SETUP First, when your MCV is unloaded, drive it immediately to the left edge of the screen. When your tank comes ashore, immediately put it between the construction yard and the flame tank. Not right in front of the MCV. Away from the MCV. Keep the flame tank away from the MCV. Once the flame tank begins to move toward the MCV, start moving it toward the bridge on the northeast corner of this little island. There will be two NOD bazooka infantries. Use the MCV to run over them. Once this is done, drive the MCV over the bridge and then left. DEPLOY and begin building your base in the following order: Power plant, Refinery, Communications Center (CC), sandbags, Advance Guard Towers (AGT), and Advanced Communications Center (ACC). Place the AGTs on the Northern and Eastern sides of your base. Use sandbags to build them away from your Base. The Eastern AGT should be placed on the northeast corner of the bridge. Sandbag across the bridge and disregard the island. (You'll find out why later.) Sandbag in the rest of your base leaving only space for the harvester to get in and out right by the northern AGT. Also, build a 3/4 concrete barrier around the AGTs in order to protect them from flame tanks. Make sure to repair them continuously while engaged in battle; especially when fighting flame tanks. This is the point where your options begin to open up. If you can control their flow around your base, then you can slowly begin to expand outward. I decided to build a second Refinery to get the harvester and then sold the Refinery. Build a silo instead. they're cheaper. Keep building your power plants as well. The AGTs don't work without adequate power. Once you have enough money, build the Advanced Communications Center (away from your Construction Site). Sell your old CC. Let the clock start ticking. After you build your ACC, build your barracks. Now your probably wondering why up to this point, I haven't built a Barracks or a Weapons Factory. Well, I didn't need either until I decided to go on the Offensive. Just prepare yourself with AGTs for their onslaught. Build one more AGT in the northeast corner of your base, and just be patient. When your harvesters are attacked, just move them back in and watch the AGTs do their job. Then go back out and harvest until there is nothing left in the Tiberium Field just north of the base. This is when you have to begin to take control. Now build your Barracks and your Weapons Factory. Then build one to two (1-2) APC and ten (10) grenadiers. Tell your Harvesters to stay put for moment. Use the mini gunners you got out of the Refinery and the CC and explore the area to the north and north east. Don't explore to the East yet. Begin placing sandbags north along the bottom of the ridge you'll uncover running north from the northeast side of your base. Then when the ridge turns right, run the sandbags east along the bottom of the ridge. When the ridge turns south keep running the sandbags east until you sandbag across the valley. Sell all those sandbags except for the ones running across the valley and a few at that corner of the ridge where you make the first turn right. Once you kill the turrets and remaining units inside this area with your roving grenadiers in APC(s), you'll have control of 1/3 of the screen, and 1/2 the tiberium; and NOD forces cannot get in. The sandbag defense works very well and continued to work well throughout the mission. THE SOUTH BASE Once you have control of these areas, it is time to move East. If you have not uncovered the south plateau, then their base will not be built yet, and it will be time to strike. Fill an APC with Two engineers, one technician from the sold buildings, and two Grenadiers. Drive your APC and a harvester directly east, and then take the first turn South. Then drive west to the northwest corner of the plateau and let your grenadiers stand guard. Place the tech on the northwest square as previously mentioned. Move the Engineers to the south and wait. While you're waiting, have the harvester eat a path through the tiberium so that you can build sandbags east. When the Fist of Nod sprouts up, take it over. Now build a wall running from the Fist east until you close off the opening to the plateau. Now take over the power plant. Now, sandbag north until you reach their southwest base and sandbag them in. Now you have control of over half the map, and there is a HUGE tiberium field in the southeast corner. Take out that south turret and it's yours. (After I took out the turret, I went and sold all the walls except the ones that would keep my harvesters from taking their usual "long cuts" in front of their obelisk. Then I built a refinery right below their base. They never touched it.) Now build 2 APCs worth of engineers, 10 grenadiers and three Mammoth Tanks, and about 6-10 Orcas. Keep blasting the infantry they keep building with the Ion Cannon. You can take out up to nine (9) grid squares or 45 infantry at a time. Just think of those thousands of credits they keep losing every time you knock out a platoon of engineers. I couldn't stop laughing from this point until the end of the game. THE SOUTHEAST BASE SAVE the GAME. Knock out the obelisk with the Ion cannon. Build a sandbag and place it where the obelisk was. They won't build it back. SAVE. Kill the two turrets at the front of the base with the Mammoth Tanks. SAVE. Now, build a AGT and place it inside their compound on the northwest corner. Build another. Run the Mammoths into the center of the compound and run your engineers in behind. SAVE. Take over everything. Don't sell anything. Place the other AGT right beside the Fist of GDI. PROTECT AND DEFEND. SAVE. Take out that Northeast SAM site inside the compound with the tanks and grenadiers and brace for his first NUKE. SAVE. If you don't like where the nuke hits (it's got to hit somewhere), then just like Dune II, you can restart and it will hit somewhere else. If you're a purist then accept wherever it hits and go on. If you do things right, you won't lose another building until the end of the game. Building a Repair Bay in the middle of GDI base 3 makes an ideal repair station on the way into battle. Now that you have two hands of NOD, it makes building Engineers much quicker. Also, use that Airfield to build those new GDI Recon Bikes! Map out the area using three bikes at a time so that you can continue on mapping if the remaining three obelisks get one or more of your bikes. You will find if you can get to it, a Construction Site in the extreme northeast corner of the screen. This will become your base 4 THE NORTHEAST CONSTRUCTION SITE Sandbag north until you get to the front of their base. Sandbag them in. Now clear the area of turrets, tanks and SAM sites with your Orcas and Mammoths. Repair and repeat. There is one hidden turret that you'll have to park an infantry on once you destroy it. Now fly your Orcas up to the northeast corner and take out the turret. Build three more recon bikes, an APC and five engineers. Drive up to their base and use the recon bikes as fodder while the APC sneaks by. Blast the obelisk with the Ion Cannon right when the APC goes by. Now head for that construction site and power plant. If any bikes survive (they will immediately rebuild the obelisk), then send them up as guards. Build another Fist of GDI and build six engineers. Load up the APC and drive them along the very top edge of the screen until you reach the silos. Don't drive down to them until you're at the end away from the north central obelisk. Park at the left end and just take all of them over. You'll get about 8,000 credits from them. THE NORTH CENTRAL BASE Now build four Mammoths and move them to the ridge below their southwest wall of the north central base. Blow the wall, the SAM site, and the airfield. Sandbag from their front gate over to here and build a Fist of GDI, and two guard towers. Build five mini gunners and seven engineers. Move the mammoths around to the southeast corner of their base outside the range of the obelisk. Run the mini gunners toward the obelisk and get those engineers into those power plants. Sell them and kill the obelisk. Build some guard towers and plant them out in front of their Fist. Now take everything with engineers, and kill the other obelisk on the north east corner. Blow up the remaining obelisk in the northwest corner with the Ion Cannon and destroy the Temple of NOD. Leave the other building for now. Take over the power plant. Blow up the SAM sites. and then sell everything except your infantry and vehicles. All the walls -- everything except for the tiberium silos. Then blow up the last building and watch the cool preview of C&C2. [12-1-15ec] GDI Mission 15ec, Bosnia/Herzogovina ---------------------------------------------------- Objective: Same as previous [blank] If you can fill this space, please write to [12-2] Nod missions ======================= *12-2-1ea* Nod Mission 1ea, Libya ------------------------------------- Objective: In order for the Brotherhood to gain a foothold, we must begin by eliminating certain elements. Nikoomba, the nearby village's leader, is one such element. His views and ours do not coincide, and he must be eliminated. Nikoomba is on a plateau north of the village at the extreme west of the map. *12-2-2ea* Nod Mission 2ea, Egypt ------------------------------------- Objective: GDI has kept a stranglehold on Egypt for many years. Set up a forward attack base in your area. To do this you must double click on your Mobile Construction Vehicle. (MCV) From here you can begin to build a base. This area contains plenty of Tiberium, so establishing the base should be easy. Build lots of minigunner dudes and keep them in packs of 5. Attack the base from the north, and send in a couple engineers to take over the refinery and the construction yard. [12-2-2eb] Nod Mission 2eb, Egypt ------------------------------------- Objective: Same as previous [blank] If you can fill this space, please write to [12-2-3ea] Nod Mission 3ea, Sudan ------------------------------------- Objective: GDI has established a prison camp, where they are e detaining some of the local political leaders. Kane wishes to liberate these victims. Destroy the GDI forces and capture the prison, do not destroy it. Andre Pang ( Easy mission after finding the enemy base! Send in some decoy units to his base (Nod buggies), and walk in three or four engineers behind them. At least one engineer should make it to the prison safely, and the moment it's captured, mission accomplished. [12-2-3eb] Nod Mission 3eb, Sudan ------------------------------------- Objective: Same as previous [blank] If you can fill this space, please write to [12-2-4ea] Nod Mission 4ea, Chad ------------------------------------ Objective: GDI is attempting to relocate a village of sympathetic civilians. Intercept the convoy and destroy it. It is imperative that the villages be totally destroyed, as a lesson to any other natives who may oppose us. [blank] If you can fill this space, please write to [12-2-4eb] Nod Mission 4eb, Chad ------------------------------------ Objective: A small village friendly to our cause has been increasingly harassed by GDI, and the Brotherhood wishes you to assist them in their efforts. Seek out the enemy village and destroy it. The event will be disguised as a GDI attack. Peter Hearty ( : I'm stuck in NOD Mission 4, where you have to destroy an enemy : village, and you just have a couple of buggies, three mots and some : infantry. How do you deal with those grenadiers ? : They always kill my people really effectively - how do you solve this : mission ??? I solved it by going really slowly. Advance slowly, and while no enemy troops are around, send one buggy to the closest enemy, and then return to where all of your men are. Then kill it. Keep doing this, they have no way of rebuilding vehicles or men, so if you just fight everybody on your side against one or two of their men, then you can beat everyone and have no trouble destroying their village. [12-2-5] Nod Mission 5, Mauritania -------------------------------------- Objective: Our brothers within GDI tell us of A-10 strike jets scheduled to be deployed here soon. Our suppliers have delivered new Surface to Air Missiles to aid you. Use the SAMs to defend your base, then seek out their base and destroy it. Fabrice Timmermans ( First of all, don't build SAM sites immediately, they are slow and not at all useful (you will just need to build one at the end to end the mission). Build your base in the southeast corner of the map, go for a refinery, hand of NOD and airstrip. Go ahead and explore the map to the west with your buggy. One big point, SCATTER your troops in groups no bigger than three or four units because off A-10 strikes ! If you follow the road to the west, you will come across a bridge. Go north along the edge of the map and at the top a little east. You will arrive just near his construction yard. Send your four recon bikes while building new ones and hammer the yard to dust ! He will probably send one heavy tank after you so if you can, protect the bikes with light tanks. OK yard is out of business so no more construction! Time to take his base piece by piece. From your base, follow the eastern edge of the map to the north. You will eventually cross a small tiberium field. There head west. You will arrive near his base just near his construction yard. Send a tank and an engineer. Launch the tank in the middle of the base to attract enemy fire and take the construction yard. Sell it immediately to build more tanks or bikes. OK, no more GDI vehicles ! You can now send a massive assault to the base and kill the remnants of GDI forces or send more engineers to capture the rest of the base. *12-2-6ea* Nod Mission 6ea, Ivory Coast ------------------------------------------ Objective: GDI has imported a Nuclear Detonator in an attempt to sway a few local political leaders. Penetrate the base and steal the detonator. A chopper will be sent to meet you at a designated landing zone. Look for the landing flare once you have stolen the device. I had the light section (the one with the recon bike) attack the sandbags of the base and create openings. My cycle blow a gap in the fencing, ran it through, and made it pick up the nuke. I boogied to the pickup site by going south and following the ridge. [12-2-6eb] Nod Mission 6eb, Benin ------------------------------------ Objective: Same as previous [blank] If you can fill this space, please write to *12-2-6ec* Nod Mission 6ec, Nigeria --------------------------------------- Objective: Same as previous Ray Van Dolson ( One of my friends found an interesting solution by capturing the enemy's refinery with the harvester inside. He then used the tough harvester to grab the detonator without being easily destroyed. Brian Hassink ( After a few initial failures, have figured out how to win it. Of these missions, mission 6 has been the hardest so far (I finished it with just one remaining unit who almost died because I had to force him across the Tiberium field to reach the helicopter). It took several tries, but I managed to cross the bridge and arrive at the northeast corner of the map with most of my units (leaving the Engineers back in the southeast corner). I now took this surviving group and walked them along the ridge at the top of the map to the northwest corner, and then south. I then opened fire on the GDI buildings with the Bazooka men. This cause the AI to send its men out of the base and up along the way I came in. As his men came in, I ran my tanks up and down squishing them. This was far more effective than trying to take them out with gun and tank fire. Eventually you'll bleed off most of his men and you can move your group back around to the base entrance. Use the tanks to take out the towers (and place a man where they used to stand or the AI will usually replace them). You'll now have to clean up any residual units in the base and can also bring up the Engineers. Take over any GDI buildings you want, or simply grab the crate and head for the helicopter. [12-2-7ea] Nod Mission 7ea, Gabon ------------------------------------- Objective: The Brotherhood has located a huge field of Tiberium in the area. The nearby village has laid claim to the field. Eliminate the villagers, as to prevent any infection of our own workers. GDI forces are reported to be minimal, so elimination of them is of secondary importance. Fabrice Timmermans (ftimmerm@pobelgium.belgium.ATTGIS.COM) The goal of the mission is to kill all villagers (by the way, you can destroy all buildings also) and eliminate GDI forces (only scientist they say! Ah, Ah, let me laugh !!) At the beginning your are north of the first part of the village. Just destroy everything in sight there is no opposition there. Use your two tanks to scout ahead (you have only one path possible between two ridges) but back them with your bazookas. Your will arrive soon to the second part of the village (south of it is the GDI base). There also destroy any buildings north of the church for the moment (if you go south, you will attract GDI forces). Cross the bridge and you will have access to the remnants of a NOD base. Repair what you can and go for a hand of NOD and construction yard as soon as you can. For the moment, don't go for the money crate south of the church because it will trigger a massive GDI attack. West of the church and a little south, there is a power plant and a hospital. Take them with your two starting engineers and sell them so you can borrow a little cash. Now, fortify your positions north of the bridge by moving all your units there and build tanks and bikes. Be careful to protect also your west flank because it is possible to cross the river a little west of the bridge. When you feel confident enough to withstand a GDI attack (grenadiers and tanks), send a suicidal unit to take the crate (it's suicidal because you will be in the fire range of two guards towers). With that money, you can build another harvester. After that, repel each attack by running over the grenadiers crossing the bridge and stay north of the river. Keep building tanks (you can also build a buggy or two to recon his base). I've waited then that he runs out of tiberium and I've destroyed his harvester as he tried to cross the bridges. He has then launched nearly all his remaining forces and I have then sent a massive assault on his base to destroy all in sight. His last move was to send an APC with engineer at my base but if you keep there one tank or bike, you can easily defend it. [12-2-7eb] Nod Mission 7eb, Cameroon ---------------------------------------- Objective: Same as previous [blank] If you can fill this space, please write to [12-2-7ec] Nod Mission 7ec, Central African Republic -------------------------------------------------------- Objective: GDI have left themselves open to the deadliest weapon of all, information. Our spies tell us the GDI base in your area contains an advanced attack helicopter, the Orca. Steal this weapon, then fly to the nearby village and destroy it. The attack will be blamed on GDI. Andre Pang ( The hard part is clearing out all the infantry surrounded at the barracks, they're the whole reason engineers can't get through. You have to send in your tanks (the second group) to the base and take out at least the barracks, after this is done, piece o' cake. Walk all your units in from the north of the base in one huge group, placing an engineer somewhere around the middle. They should make it safely since the guard tower aims for the first troop that comes in and not the engineers. Then, just capture the helipad. Brian Hassink ( : When I sent the engineers into the ORCA installation, they came : right back out. Much to the amusement of the few remaining GDI gunners : who promptly killed me good. Don't tell me I needed all 4 engineers to : complete the mission?! DOOHH!!! I had this happen as well. What I ended up doing was moving the Engineer around to the other side and entering the structure from the bottom. Some advice for this level... Use the cluster of vehicles to bleed away enemy units from the GDI base. I ended up rolling them along in a row, and using the recon-bike unit to lure enemy units to their death. Attacking the GDI harvester is a very good way of getting him to send his units out of the base. As for the squads of men, I space each man out so that the grenades and tank fire from the GDI don't do collateral damage to nearby units. Generally I don't use them until I've almost completely drained the GDI base of units with the vehicle group. Once the GDI base is drained, use your tanks to eliminate the machine gun towers from a distance. It may take a little time, but it'll save you a lot of grief. Once the towers are gone, send in the engineers and grab the Orca. You can use your other engineers to grab the other GDI buildings (hint: Don't grab the refinery until the harvester is in it). OK, you've got the Orca. Next thing is to get rid of that pesky patrol boat. If you don't, your Orca may get hit by its missiles. For this, I took all my remaining units (you can build more if you captured the other GDI buildings) and lined them up along the shore. A few tanks are usually enough to take out a patrol boat. Now that the boat's gone, send the Orca after the lone GDI Bazooka unit in the village. You need to take him out first or his missiles will kill the Orca and you lose the mission. The Orca will fire off missiles automatically and return to the helipad to reload. It takes a few trips to kill the Bazooka, and several more to wipe of the village. [12-2-8ea] Nod Mission 8ea, Zaire ------------------------------------- Objective: Since we are low on troops, you will have to make use of all available resources. Locate the abandoned GDI base in the area and restore it to operational status. Once that is done, use GDI's own weapons against them. Be sure that no GDI forces remain alive. Andre Pang ( The key to this mission is engineers. Take out any units/structures which can cause damage to a transport helicopter, send in a small attack force, then while they're distracting the enemy, send in the transport helicopters with the engineers. Target the construction yard, barracks and weapons factory in that order. Jay 'PyRo' ( I sold the old base, made flamers transported three flamers, and two engineers. That was all I needed. That was a pretty simple mission. If you think that's hard... boy do you have a thing coming. Just wait till the 12 and 13 mission... damn ION Cannons and bombers!. And those 'missile towers' don't help your stealth tanks at all. [12-2-8eb] Nod Mission 8eb, Zaire ------------------------------------- Objective: Same as previous Douglas McCreary ( I found that the civilian church on this level is hiding a crate worth $3000. Discovering that fact really helped me solve that level. [12-2-9ea] Nod Mission 9ea, Egypt ------------------------------------- Objective: GDI is attempting to retake Egypt. Use every available resource in your efforts to stop them. The populace has once again swayed in support of GDI forces, so show no mercy in dealing with the villagers. There is a Nod base in the southwest corner of the map. Use your commando to get to your bazookas, killing all soldiers along the way. Stack your bazookas in a line in front of the bridge they are near. Make your commando run to the edge of the plateau and get the Hummer to attack. Place your commando behind your line of bazookas, and wait to demolish the Hummer. Gather everyone up into a single group by the engineers. Move everyone south across the bridge, and through the valleys until you get to the base. You're on your own from there. [12-2-9eb] Nod Mission 9eb, Egypt ------------------------------------- Objective: Same as previous John C. Price ( Well, here's the Doc's Guide to GDI Base Bashing. i) Build up a strong defense. You heard me. Defend FIRST. Why? Because any assault on a CPU base must destroy the construction center, or it accomplishes nothing, so you need a hellacious attack force. Throw up a few turrets and an Obelisk if you can afford it. SAM bases are mostly useless, but if you build enough of them, the CPU will get scared and bomb your harvesters instead (they'll survive, but keep 'em in good repair). Once your defenses are up, you have as much time as you want, because you're invulnerable. The computer is just too dumb to mass an assault force, so it sends in wave after wave of unsupported infantry and the occasional tank. Just have a flamer guy standing around and you'll have no problems. ii) Pick your plan. a. The Rommel Attack: This revolves around building a slew (15-20) light tanks and roaring in through the enemy's front gate, blasting the bejesus out of everything. The tanks take an incredible amount of damage to kill, so odds are you can wreak so serious havoc before you die. Again, the construction base MUST die, or the CPU will just rebuild all you knocked out. Note: Since tanks SUCK against infantry, you might need a couple of flame tanks. b. Flame On: As the name implies, this tactic revolves around flame tanks. Build a horde (at least 10, because they're lightly armored), and a few light tanks as damage sponges. Send in the light tanks to draw fire, then charge the flame tanks at any advanced guard towers (they'll cause too many casualties if allowed to live). The flamers do HELLACIOUS damage, so the towers should die rapidly. Next, everybody goes after the construction base, with one or two tasked to kill the hordes of infantry pouring out of the barracks. If you get the construction base, you've won, regardless of your losses, because you can just rebuild your attack force and attrition him to death since he can't rebuild his lost defenses. [12-2-10ea] Nod Mission 10ea, Angola ---------------------------------------- Objective: GDI is developing an orbital weapon. Our spies have told us of a large lake near the location of the R&D center. Find the base, and use the sniper to eliminate their scientist. Marcus Augustus Alzona : This took me awhile to find, but in the end it was easy. You start on the (lower) left edge of the lake with just units(Tanks, infantry, commando, artillery, buggies, flametanks). Save the commando. Move your units north, eliminating units as you go. eventually, near the top-right edge, they'll be a land-bridge south. Follow that. You'll come to the outside wall of the GDI base - the most important thing here is that you can ignore it - try to stay clear of the gun tower. If you stick to the right and go south past the base, there is a smaller sub-base past the base to the south, with the scientist in reach if you have a commando or a tank left. [12-2-10eb] Nod Mission 10eb, Tanzania ------------------------------------------ Objective: GDI is developing a new, heavily armored tank. Our spies have located the GDI R&D base. Use your small strike force to locate and penetrate the center. Be sure to destroy the tanks in the base and the factory. J. Willig ( Use your commando to mislead the two tanks and than walk down to the right until you can cross the river. walk to the left (watch for grenadiers) and pass the bridge on the left side of the field. Wait for the mammoth tank to pass and run across the other bridge (where the tank came from) and use the left bridge to enter the base. destroy the tanks and factory and get ready for the next thrilling animation [12-2-11ea] Nod Mission 11ea, Namibia ----------------------------------------- Objective: GDI has captured one of our technology centers. You must recapture the base and recover the stolen information. Our forces in the area don't have time to find a way across the river, so you will have to control the two forces separately. Andre Pang ( Great mission this! After finding your base, immediately build two power plants directly to the east of your communications center, then sell your comm. center (build it later, it's not needed now) and build an Obelisk. Watch it toast the two guard towers, then build a refinery and get your harvester to lure his tanks surrounding the tiberium field to your laser. The AI tends to try to approach your base from the top (the cliff). Keep a commando along the bottom of that cliff; he just takes out all the infantry that wander around that area, which can number into the 50's. Tyler Novak ( Andrew Ellsworth ( There is a much easier way to deal with the guard towers. Don't ignore your southern troops. I worked my southern troops westward until they reached the civilian village. This is rough because you have to time things with the gun boat because if it catches you it will tear you to shreds. The only thing you have to sure of is that one of the artillery pieces survives. Nothing else matters as your infantry and other units become worthless once you secure the southern part. Actually, that's not the case (about all units but artillery being worthless). Read on... Now work your northern forces down toward the river and have your commando map the guard towers. First map the first one then have your artillery take it out from across the river then map the second one and do the same. This way you don't have to worry about taking fire from the towers. Then run the engineers in and capture those buildings. But watch out for the harvester and the gun boat. One of the first things I did after securing the base was set up ~3 turrets along the river to guard my front door and to destroy that annoying gun boat. The strategy I used for killing the damn gunboat was quite simple: pull all of your armor units back out of range of the gunboats, and move your bazooka/minigunner infantry up to the river, so that the gunboat will sail past them. As the gunboat passes, the infantry will pound away at it, but get this: it won't shoot back! I guess it doesn't consider the infantry to be much of a threat... So if you have the patience, just have your men sit by the river, and they'll tag the gunboat each time it passes by. After about 5 passes it'll be toast. *then* move your artillery up and pound those towers into nothingness. Oh, and you'll find a nice surprise in that civilian church, if I remember the tune of a $2000 crate. Maybe those southern forces aren't so useless after all... Believe it or not, in the last 5-6 Nod missions, almost every civilian church you see will have one of those money crates in 'em. It's worth the sacrilege... [12-2-11eb] Nod Mission 11eb, Mozambique ------------------------------------------- Objective: Same as previous Jeroen Kwast ( Forget a great strategy! Use your commando to scan the base to the north. If you do this right your base will become active without actually entering the base and you're ready to build! The first thing to do is make sure your units remain intact, because they can't reach the base without damage. The second thing is to build a hand of nod and an engineer. Recapture the tiberium plant and harvester. Now you need to do two more things. Use the force in the south to reach the village church and destroy it for a money crate. Use the force in the north + created forces to protect the harvester. While some gdi forces attack the harvester, move the 3 engineers back to the base (while protecting the harvester). Oh! don't forget to destroy the two watchtowers with : created forces or a turret placed close by. [12-2-12ea] Nod Mission 12ea, Botswana ----------------------------------------- Objective: Somewhere in this area there is a GDI Advanced Communications Center. Inside this center are the firing codes for their orbiting Ion station. The Brotherhood must have these codes. Capture the center and retrieve the codes, do not destroy the center. Chee Hui ( In this mission, you need to capture the advanced comm. base where you started off with a mobile construction yard, two recon bikes, two Nod buggies and a light tank. The main problem is that the surrounding area in your vicinity has no tiberium fields so you need to cross the bridge to build the yard there. Unfortunately, 2 Mammoth tanks are stationed at the bridge. Here's the trick. If you recon the area, you will find it's actually a nice square loop. Select 1 recon bike and ask it to target the further Mammoth tank on the bridge while you stationed the rest of your forces just outside of the edge of this square. Once the Mammoth tanks start attacking, run your bike as far away (and from your main force) ASAP towards the loop. When the tanks see your mobile yard, they'll turn their attention to it instead. So select all your vehicles (except the bike) and run round the loop to keep ahead one step of them always. Since the 2 tanks are now preoccupied with your other vehicles, reselect your bike and chase after the 2 tanks. Start with the 2nd further tank and shoot his butt black ! Once the 2nd tank got his butt fried, do the same for the 1st tank. Just be sure to maintain the rest of your forces beyond the Mammoths' range and you'll be all right. The rest of the mission will be fairly routine. Boy, those Mammoth tanks certainly have no brains. I actually like this mission because you can just use 1 bike to beat 2 Mammoth tanks. Talk about the odds of doing that in real combat. PS: If you think that's tough, wait till the next one. [12-2-12eb] Nod Mission 12eb, Botswana ----------------------------------------- Objective: Same as previous See [12-2-12ea]. [12-2-13ea] Nod Mission 13ea, South Africa --------------------------------------------- Objective: Establish your base, then build and defend the Temple of Nod. All GDI forces are to be destroyed. Kane has ordered you to defend the Temple at all costs, even your own life. Do not allow GDI forces to overrun you. Andre Pang ( I think I did this mission in a very unorthodox way. Firstly, notice that a transport helicopter lands on the island you start off on. Use your engineer to take over it! Later a commando will appear on his own island (blowing up that church next to him will give you $7000 by the way), and use the transport helicopter to pick him up. If you use the commando to explore to the east of your island, he will be able to see the concrete walls of the secondary GDI base. That base is guarded mostly by bazooka men along the western side of the base, except for two mammoth tanks at the south-west of the base - which is a very good drop off point! Make around 6 or 7 bazooka men, and transport them along with your commando to that south-east point of that island. Start pre-building an obelisk. Your commando will take out all the troops who come near you, and the bazookas will take out the two mammoth tanks which appear (bazooka rockets can go over concrete walls, 120mm cannons can't!). After you've eliminated the force there, send in an engineer with the transport helicopter, take over the repair bay, and place your already built Obelisk next to it. Watch it take out all the buildings! The base is now yours, and you should be able to take over the weapons factory and barracks, allowing you to build mammoth tanks. Chee Hui ( I won this end-game by doing something incredibly brave (and stupid too!). Using my transport helicopter, I filled it with a troop of bazooka guys and the one commando dude. I proceeded to land at the left coastline of the GDI base at the top. I unloaded my troops and used my commando to make short work of the surrounding infantry. I then attacked the nearby tanks and waited for the tanks to roll in. In the meantime, I flew my heli back to carry a full load (with the commando of course) of engineers. Once all loaded up and repaired, my heli landed on the inside wall to the left of the weapons factory. I unloaded one of my engineer immediately and right away, asked my chopper to take off and return to base for repairs. The advanced guard tower station there is a real pain. But it will begin shooting at the factory once you took over it. Once done, my heli took off again and proceeded to land at the same place. I unloaded my engineers and took over his barracks immediately and started making grenadier units there. I then took over his refinery and sold it immediately to furnish my funds while I made grenadiers. Once the guard tower is gone, I constructed a line of fence all around to keep out those pesky tanks which by then had rolled over my troops. It took 3 successive tries before I got this timed right. Phew! From then on, I literally drained the computer of funds by proceeding to take over his refinery (with the harvester) which keeps getting rebuilt next to my barracks. I timed my engineer movement just right, so that when the refinery is in the earlier stages of building, my engineer was halfway in. I then sold off the refinery and the harvester for a handsome profit of about 1000+ credits (compared to the price for producing engineers). Of course, others might say this is stupid but after 10+ takeovers, the computer was drained of money. How did you know ? Everything you attack will be sold off by the computer. It took me 3+ hours to complete and the feeling was great because I was churning out Mammoth tanks inside their base and using it to destroy their nearby yard. And all done without the nuke! 8-) I literally fenced out the GDIs for my second yard and was harvesting in absolute peace. [12-2-13eb] Nod Mission 13eb, South Africa --------------------------------------------- Objective: Same as previous [blank] If you can fill this space, please write to [12-2-13ec] Nod Mission 13ec, South Africa --------------------------------------------- Objective: Same as previous [blank] If you can fill this space, please write to --------------------------------------------- CHAPTER [13] I need help playing multiplayer --------------------------------------------- see also [2-1] INFANTRY [2-2] VEHICLES [2-3] BUILDINGS [2-4] SPECIAL UNITS [5-1] SANDBAG DEFENSE [5-2] BUILDING BASE DEFENSES [5-3] HELP! I'M BEING ATTACKED BY ENEMY.. [5-4] SUPPRESSIVE FIRE [6-1] HOW DO I DESTROY... [7] MISCELLANEOUS GOODIES [13-1] What do I do with crates? ==================================== *13-1-1* Stealth technology ------------------------------- Stealth crates will stealthalize everything within a 3 square radius. Rorke Haining ( I'm out of this game, kibitzing a player who never uses Engineers OR APCs. Totally not my style. The game gives him an APC to start with, and he uses it to explore. I tell him that's a dumb idea, he should use his humvee instead, APCs are too valuable to risk losing until you suicide them into the enemy bunker with a load of Engineers/Commandos/diversionary troops. He doesn't listen. He finds a crate. I say don't touch that crate with your APC, you've got a man really close by. He grabs the crate with the APC. And inside was something I had never seen inside a crate before. STEALTH TECHNOLOGY! HE HAS A #@*$&! STEALTH APC!! AND HE WON'T BUY A SINGLE ENGINEER!!! What does he do with it? He keeps exploring. He explores a large island. Turns out one of his enemies is on that island, and is just now moving tanks onto both bridges. For the rest of the game, he has a wounded, invisible, empty APC trapped on an enemies home island, which he eventually just suicides into something in an attempt to get it back off the island. (whimper) Douglas William Cole ( Whoa, I've never gotten a stealth APC, that would be the be all, end all, ultimate weapon. I've gotten a stealth harvester (the little bugger must have just run over it himself), a stealth humvee (yay!), a stealth med. tank (oh boy), and other stuff. Once, there was this crate that appeared right in the corner of my base and when I got it and opened up the stealth technology, it made my unit (like a buggy or something), a refinery, a powerplant AND a harvester that was in the refinery all stealth! I freakin' had a stealth power plant! Whoo boy! My friend got a stealth Mammoth but I didn't notice it because he had like 8 more with it. A stealth Orca would be almost impossible because Orcas can't get boxes (you'd have to park an Orca around a box then open it with some other unit, I guess). A stealth commando would ALSO totally rule. I wonder if he would be visible the whole time he ran to a building to C4 it, or just at the instant he attacked it. Hmm. Andre Pang ( Here's something hilarious. A friend of mine was playing, and a crate appeared right next to his three helipads at his base. He sends in a humvee to pick it up. Not only did the humvee stealth, but his helipads and his Orcas went stealth as well! And what's more, when he used them to attack, the Orcas would uncloak, fire two missiles, AND CLOAK AGAIN! The Nod SAM sites just went up when they saw them uncloak, and back down when they cloaked again, without firing a single missile. Needless to say, the game was stopped after about 30 minutes due to him almost not being able to breathe, rolling around the floor laughing :). Point is: the stealth technology in crates applies to an area, not the unit which picked it up. If you're feeling lucky, drop off a transport helicopter or an APC right next to the crate before you pick it up. A stealth transport helicopter is almost unbeatable. [13-1-2] Units ------------------ Douglas William Cole ( Units. (All infantry, commandos, flame tanks, stealth tanks, APCs, Mammoths, **MCVs**, Chem. warriors, almost everything I guess. [13-1-3] Visceroids ----------------------- Kevin 'Zaph' Burfitt ( If you open a box and find one of those red blob things, then head the unit that opened it towards the enemy base, if it dies, the blob will continue to their base, and you can get back to killing them... [13-1-4] Explosions ---------------------- Not particularly desirable. These come in three flavors. The incendiary explosion is roughly equivalent to a bell pepper. The napalm explosion is about on par with a couple of chili peppers. The nuclear explosion is about equivalent to five jalepenos. [13-1-5] Cash ----------------- This contains up to 2000 credits. [13-1-6] Nukes, airstrikes, ion beams ----------------------------------------- Douglas William Cole ( One time use nukes, airstrikes and ion beams. [13-1-7] Map modifiers -------------------------- Will either hide or reveal or cover all territory on your maps. [13-1-8] Heal all units -------------------------- Joe Bostic ( sphere with rings -> heal all units and buildings to full strength *13-2* Offensive tactics =========================== EDITOR'S NOTE: Much of the information found in Chapter 6 is directly related to multiplayer offensive strategies. Firefox ( Diversionary Tactics (can be used by both NOD & GDI) ---------------------------------------------------- I have used this strategy successfully in net games as well as against the computer: Build up about 20 minigunners, a hum-vee (or nod bike) and maybe a cheapie tank. The idea is to make this force look as convincing as possible. Group this "Attack Force" and hold it in reserve. Build an APC and load it up with 4 engineers and a bazooka (NOT a flame thrower, they'll sometimes kill the engineers). Move the APC on the side of the map that the enemy's construction yard is on. Now, with the Grouped Attack Force attack the enemy base from the side OPPOSITE of where the Construction Yard, other important buildings are. You ARE NOT concerned about what happens to the attacking force. Just as the force starts to engage in battle and you see the enemies troops, etc. running to defend the base, bring in the APC and unload the engineers. Take over (in order of priority: Construction Yard, Airbase (or Weapons Factory), Hand Of Nod (or Barracks). The enemy will be defenseless! If the enemy has tanks around his base, build a turret and have it ready to deploy as soon as you take over a building, then put it next to it so it can destroy enemy forces. I have successfully used this diversion many times to the disdain of my enemy. It works almost all of the time. The key point to remember is that your attacking force should be convincing. A mammoth tank in it will convince the enemy that the force is REAL and not a diversion and hence will draw all his troops to attack it. In general, use this tactic to draw forces AWAY from something you REALLY want to attack. Harassment ----------- One of my favorite ways to annoy the enemy is to build a bunch of Grenadiers/Bazooka's and send them out, one at a time to attack different buildings of the enemy base. This really only works if he has not yet built a Obelisk Of Light. The enemy will be so preoccupied killing the annoying attackers that they won't see (hopefully) your APC or REAL strike force attacking his base from another point of the base. This tactic also wears heavily on the enemy finances since he is constantly repairing many different buildings. Your enemy will be become paranoid and demoralized, THEN you can send in the tanks, etc. that you have been building the whole time and wipe them out. Overwhelming Force ------------------ If your enemy has an Obelisk Guard Tower (and hopefully no flame- anythings), then build about 40 minigunners and send them to attack his Obelisk Guard Tower. The Tower takes so long to recharge that it cannot possibly kill off all of the attackers. Also send 1 or 2 off to attack a power plant (which makes the enemy rebuilding take just that much longer). Jason Thomas ( :I was on the losing end of a game when I got lucky with an APC :full of engineers and took most of his base - my opponent promptly resigned. :Yes, I won technically, but it felt like a hollow victory. It also places :way too much emphasis on that tactic instead of a mix of strategies. There's no such thing as an unfair tactic. If you haven't arranged your defenses so that you can defend against a couple of APCs with engineers, perhaps you should reevaluate your strategy. It is, however, a devastating assault. Picture this: A few waves of humvees driving parallel to the wire to snipe at infantry units. Follow this up with a wedge of medium tanks, spearheaded by a heavy if you have it, directed at a turret. Follow this up with rocket artillery. Then the APCs with engineers come through. If the APCs get through, game over. If they don't, then the defender's base is going to be pretty much toast, and his defending forces crushed. Your attack force is going to be gone too, but it underscores the principle of attacking first. Don Good ( It appears that most players use a defense first strategy. Sorry, but this is not the most effective way to go. At the outset, you should hunt aggressively for your foes base. Assign a humvee/recon bike to a ctrl number, and send it first to one corner, then the others. While the unit is in transit, build your base right next to a tiberium field. Your order of build for NOD is powerplant, refinery, Hand of NOD. For GDI it's powerplant, then refinery. If you have found your foes base, and he has no Helipads yet, then GDI should build the barracks. If your foe has Helipads, or Hand o NOD; GDI should build a communications center. The comm. center allows you to build Advanced towers, the barracks allows everything else. During this phase, listen for sounds of gunfire. When you here gunfire it's your scout being attacked. Do an alt+# to jump to him and thoroughly scout out his base. If he has no SAM's/advanced towers, your in luck, quickly build 2 Helipads, and 1 powerplant and start attacking his harvester. Meanwhile, if your GDI, train to engineers and load them into your APC for an assault on his construction yard. From this point on, your main objective is to build more harvesters, and constantly attack his harvesters and powerplants. When a powerplant gets knocked out attack his ground units on his base. Concentrate on units which can attack helicopters/Orcas. By attacking from the get go, you force the "base builders" into a constant rebuilding mode. If they insist on still trying to build and advance their bases they will leave themselves open to further attacks upon production. If they try to return the attack, you will have already gained significant ground in offensive punch over them. This strategy is especially effective against the GDI "spider base" builders. In the early stages of the game their defenses are too spread out to prevent constant air attacks, and too spread out to deal with an APC/engineer attack. Terminator ( When playing NOD build a Power Plant, Tiberium Refinery, and Airstrip in that order. Don't build anymore buildings. Just keep churning out Recon Bikes until you run out of money. You should have about 10-20 bikes now (you started with 9999 credits right?). You now have an unbeatable army. Send them to destroy the other guy's harvester(s). Usually they won't have enough time to put together a defense by then. Your bikes can then just head in and blow the bejesus out of them. This tactic works very well and I haven't found anything else that can stop it. The only problem is that once you've used it on the other poor guy a few times he'll start doing the same thing. Then it bogs down to who builds first. :) Build Power Plant, Tiberium Refinery, and Barracks/Hand of NOD, and then build as many helipads as you can. You should be able to gather a nice 5-10 chopper/Orca force. If the other guy is GDI then you'll usually be able to go over and blow their Construction Yard away before they can form a good air defense. If the other guy is Nod then they might have made a Sam Site by now. Go and blow the Sam Site away. You shouldn't lose one chopper/Orca if you sent at least four or five. Then blow the Construction Yard away. This really annoys people, and half the time they'll lose self confidence and resign. Make the all famous engineer/APC combo. Before you send them over have an Obelisk/Adv. Guard Tower ready to put down. When they capture a building put down the Obelisk or AGT right there in there base! If you're NOD keep building turrets and put them in their base. Destroy them from the inside out. If you're GDI then building a barracks (if you haven't captured theirs) and putting it in and building more engineers to capture more buildings might be best, since Guard Towers build slower. It's just like cancer. Once it's started it can't be stopped. [13-3] Defensive tactics ============================== EDITOR'S NOTE: Much of the information in Chapter 5 directly relates to multiplayer defensive strategies. JB Hall ( Here is a great tip for 4-Player Net Games with alliances. Both you and your teammate pick Nod and GDI. During the game (after you've both got things rolling) build an MCV each and send 'em across to the other guy's base. After that set them up build an engineer and VIOLA!! both of you have Nod and GDI capabilities. Sure it's REALLY expensive but well worth it. With both capabilities, the perfect base defense is: -Obelisk -2 Turrets (Hum-Vee Killers) -Guard Tower (Infantry Killer) -SAM Site (Bye Bye Aircraft) -Missile Tower (Chews up leftovers) Untouchable!! Jason Thomas ( Now, what if you had two layers of defense? An outer wall, possibly sandbags, with gun turrets, infantry, et cetera. Then, an inner wall of chain-link or concrete surrounding your buildings with gun-turrets, grenade guys, et cetera. That might help keep the engineers away a bit better. It's a legitimate tactic; use it and learn how to defend against it. -xxx- Phil Sykes ( Surround your base with guard towers. If an enemy (even an allied one) approaches to try and get recon info, waste them. The less they know at the start, the more costly it is in the middle. Spice harvesters are great to hassle with Orcas. Pointers to remember during netgames: The computer player ALWAYS repairs structures when they get damaged. The same is not true for the humans however. Humans may get demoralized and quit if you kill their construction yard! Always keep a couple of engineers next to your refinery and construction yards - to recapture them immediately. Humans have VERY limited money, especially if you've killed their harvesters! Those ion cannons are much more useful when repairs can't be made and obelisks / guard towers can't be replaced indefinitely. Try to cripple your opponent early on by making them spend money on repairs and replacements so their 'base-economy' cannot develop. If playing against a tech 6 or 7 Nod opponent, wall up your base apart from one choke point which should have a guard stationed there who moves out of the way to let units in / out. This prevents stealth tanks. Never leave your base open anyway - the other guy will be fighting a penetration war if he has to get through walls! Often, humans will repair their units. Clobber them on the way out if you don't like this! [13-4] Capture the flag =========================== Kevin 'Zaph' Burfitt ( Playing 4 player Capture the Flag, with Alliances: The Zaph strategy: As soon as the game starts, gear to building fast vehicles (humvees/Bikes) and run groups of 3 or 4 into the enemy base, grabbing the flag and dragging it further away - they wont have the defenses to prevent this in the opening stages... The Anti-Zaph Strategy: After forming an alliance with your teammate, run a tank into their base, and take their flag. Then drive it a few squares away, somewhere convenient and hard to get to!. Now the only way someone can take the flag is by destroying your tank (they can't just grab it and run). - have your teammate do the same for you! [13-5] Various player strategies ==================================== [13-5-1] Aardvark's strategy -------------------------------- Phil Sykes ( (1) Get recon on the enemy base as soon as possible. Preferably, send all of your recon capable guys out to corners of the map to get info on the areas around the base. This saves you enormous hassle getting it later on, when it will be needed to detect buildups, aim airstrikes / Orcas and mount an attack. When your guy gets there, offer (verbally or using f1-f4) to make an alliance. If you command the respect I do in C&C, they will probably agree. Say you will team up and crush the other two (so the other two can here it). This will cause them to ally (maybe) Once you've made the alliance, run all the way round the base (if someone else tries to do this to you, unally and whack them). Then set off to another base. (2) Defend your base from recon. Put fences up around 'choke points', areas where the base is protected by natural features to prevent other people getting in. Put a tank at the entrance (and a guard building) to discourage people from getting in. With any luck, no-one got a good look round your base. If anyone did, offer to make an alliance with them - they could be very dangerous. (3) Build more base. Put at least two tiberium refineries in, preferably on opposite sides of the base. Make sure harvesters have easy access to them, but put them inside the fence, or engineers will attack them. Don't worry about defense too much at this stage, but be sure to make a base that is easily navigable (so troops can get through to defend). Avoid making 'transport chopper magnets', that is large areas of open ground deep inside your base. If you have any, be sure to station a minigunner and a bazooka guy to shoot down or mop up any penetrators. My personal preference is for a fairly open plan base, with all areas defended by advanced guard towers or SAMs. If you're playing NOD, put your obelisks RIGHT next to SAM launchers, and preferable within range of two or three SAMs, because this will mean any air attack to remove it takes hideous casualties. Be sure to produce five or six bazooka dudes to plant around the inside of the base for SAM cover. In areas where a tank attack seems probable, place fence 2 squares deep, or concrete if you can get it. DON'T leave huge gaps in your defenses. If possible, only two or three squares should afford entrance or exit to your base, and these should be defended with advanced guard towers like so: ************ ************ *** *** G** **G * = fencing / natural defenses G = advanced guard tower / obelisk This fencing two deep prevents flame-throwers or minigunners from getting next to the targets. (4) Be really evil. At this point, everyone's base is defended. A frontal assault would be suicide and lose you the game, so you have to fight dirty, using attrition or psychological tactics or luck to destroy the other three. Build three harvesters and two harvester plants at least. If you're GDI, get around five Orcas. Start blowing up harvesters. It doesn't take long for the human to feel the pinch. If he gets stuck without enough money to build more harvesters, he has to sell units or buildings. If you can see areas in the enemy base not under SAM cover, blow them up. This works especially well against weenies who build their construction yard right at the back, and form a front line to stop enemies. If your harvesters start to get blown up, complain violently. Protest to the other guy, and suggest to everyone that a punitive raid should be launched on player X to stop them from being so evil. Also, send a few bazooka guys to the spice farms. Orcas aren't much good at hitting moving targets, so this is where they are most vulnerable. If you can afford it - spider base. Build a line of sandbags out to a large spice field, and plonk an advanced guard tower or a SAM site (protected by a tank). This is an excellent place to mass troops prior to an assault, as they don't get pummeled by aircraft (it's also a big target for ion cannons / nukes, deflecting the attention away from your base. If another player looks stronger then you, say so. Explain to the other players how it would definitely be best to take this guy down 'I can see troops massing in his corner, he's going to attack' or 'I'm sure he's got stealth tanks in your base!' Launch a combined assault. This will undoubtedly remove him from the game if you are playing with anyone half decent. Offer to lend 'air support' but not ground troops. Whilst they're doing this - engineer attack their base or blow up their harvesters. Chances are they'll be too pre-occupied to notice. If you're NOD - Stealth tanks! - Sneak em in through enemy defenses and mass them in the gaps between his buildings. Go for his construction yard first, because once the construction yard is gone, the will to fight can go too, and they may resign. Also, use stealth tanks or recon bikes to hunt harvesters in packs ;) Crates are always useful. No matter what you got, say it was a good one to your enemies. If you're nod, decloak one of your stealth tanks to make the noise, and say it was a stealth APC/engineer/mammoth tank. Make sure you have recon all around the map, and periodically scan it for crates. Have a humvee ready to go after the crates (be sure to tell an ally what you're doing if you approach his base, or he may attack you) Set up a buffer zone around your base. If anyone comes inside a LARGE radius, say 'that (unit) better get out of here or my Orcas / assault choppers are gonna whack him'. 'You got 10 seconds - 9 - 8 - 7 (launch the Orcas now) - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 (Orcas attack now) - damn, I can't count.' This will scare weenie players a bit. Of course, no treatise on being nasty would be complete without the engineer assault. I've already described the best method for this, but after a bit more multiplayer playing, the enemy has got wise to these tactics (remember - you can target your AGTs and obelisks manually). So, a few more pointers: The enemy will whack any APC approaching his base, for sure. (I know I would). If he sends choppers up, the APC is in trouble. Guard it with bazooka guys, who get out when you're nearly there and march with the APC. Remember to ally with him in the middle of this. It might confuse him, but your APCs won't stop to shoot that way. Say 'OK . he's turning around now - he was just doing some recon', turn him round, and move straight back in again (or attack one of his harvesters, to divert attention). There must be a weak point for the APC to get through. Defenses like I have described will chew up APCs and engineers every time without a problem. If you've got stealth tanks inside, use them to divert his attention away. By the time he notices, it may be too late. Else use an Orca strike to remove a gap big enough to get an engineer through. If there's no way that's going to work, use a chopper. Land it as far from SAM sites as possible, and get out four grenadiers and one engineer. Use the grenadiers to chew up a power station or two, and send the engineer in. To defend against this, just put a wall down where the chopper is about to land. It has to take off again. Once you've got the building, sell it. Use the minigunners to get more recon, or to attack a building. Don't suicide them into the nearest guard tower. Power: If an GDI enemy runs out of power, send the Orcas in. If a nod player does, have a quick engineer attack ready ;) Always turn your sound down if you know you will lose power (same for building nukes/ion cannon/air strikes). Turn in up again afterwards. (5) Endgame You got walloped? Had to sell all of your buildings to pay for a few units? Got a few guys left (or a mass of minigunners from building attack?). Make use of them! Send them to attack harvesters or camp out close to an enemy base, inviting an attack (which will cost the enemy dear if you are going to try a head on assault - make sure you send the armor in first. Offer to send any harvesters you have to other people's bases in return for air support / backup in an assault. In short, get the other guys to help you against the guy that beat you. You may still win! Everyone else has no money and a load of units which are crap? Start building up defenses. Close up entrances you no longer need, and plant extra advanced guard towers in. Say 'come on then - finish it off - I've got bugger all money left now' and other such things to entice an attack. When it comes, mass all units inside the fence and pound away. Two advanced guard towers and a wall can kill a virtually infinite number of men, especially with money to repair them. Send up the assault choppers and or Orcas to attack them on the way in. you start getting beaten, fall back inside your base a bit more. They generally can't prosecute an attack against a multilayered base (units too scattered - not enough armor etc.). HOUSE RULES FOR C&C (+ interesting deathmatch games) No engineers attacks No engineer attacks in the first half hour No attacking harvesters (in the first half hour) No sending out first minute recon buggies No resigning (sell all your buildings and try a head on assault) Must resign and abort once beaten (to speed up the game) Two on two alliances Nod and GDI vs. Nod and GDI (capture allies buildings for a nice mix of units). Three on one (I've won a few playing the one) No bases - 50 units tech level 1 No bases - 50 units tech level 4 No bases - 5 units tech level 4 (this is a hoot!) Tech levels 6&7 are the most fun to play on. Use CCEDIT to edit the weapon loadouts for all players. e.g. Bazookas guys armed with SAMs, cost 700 Nod recon buggy armed with SAMs, cost 900 MCV only costs 2000 Orcas only cost 300, SAMs 400 and AGTs 450 (air war!!!) Flame-thrower troops have obelisk lasers, but cost 1200 Nod buggy and Hummers both have high velocity machine gun, but cost 100 more. Engineers cost 1000 Everything is half price (this is FUNNY!) Everything is one credit (this is SILLY!) [13-5-2] Joseph's strategy ----------------------------- Joseph E. Bellerose ( One can win against any opponent with a Low Tech Strategy. I have overrun my opponent with just foot soldiers as the NOD and as the GDI. Basically I NEVER build the advanced structures. I put my cash into "troopers" or some other low tech capability. My "Chinese strategy" is to overwhelm the opponent early on with a combination of grenadiers/flame- throwers and a few bazooka and mini-gunner troops. While he is building all those fancy buildings I'm sending groups of 12 to 15 troopers at him from several different angles. The trick is to attack from two or preferably three different directions. This has the effect of inducing the greatest military weapon of all...PANIC into the heart of your opponent. Another favorite of mine is the HELLS ANGELS strategy. I build Recon Bikes as fast as I can and nothing else. 12 Recon Bikes can easily overcome any Orca strategy and I have rushed the enemy base with Recon Bikes and taken out his Construction yard, Vehicle Building and usually 1 or 2 of his Orca Pads before the 12 Bikes expire. In the meantime I am building the second wave of HELLS ANGELS for the finishing moves. It is amazing to watch 12 to 15 HELLS ANGELS shred a harvester or a squadron of Orcas. They can reduce a couple of Mammoth tanks to scrap iron in a matter of no time at all. The basic idea is to get there "furstus with the mostus" and to have a "second punch" to finish off the enemy after your first attack has caused chaos. The money you save by NOT building the fancy structures and going for the Wunder Weapons allows you to get there with a killer punch FIRST. The basic defense against the HELLS ANGELS...Hummers of course. The Recon Bikes are lightly armored and the Hummers or Nod Buggy can run with them and shred the Bikes quickly as well. So it is a good counter. Of course, if you are building all those Monuments to Greatness (Advanced Comm...NOD temple etc..) well you are not going to be able to produce too many Hummers or Buggies are ya? Hahahahaha [13-5-3] Kokko's strategy ---------------------------- In our small (10 player, local net) C&C group it's become very apparent that 1 or 2 refineries and 3-4 harvesters just gets you killed. As we start with just 3 units, it means you just can't mount a good offensive real fast, so we go like this: start - send fastest unit (humvee/buggy) to explore. Find enemy ASAP as mapping the base area helps a lot. at the same time build: construction yard-> power plant-> refinery-> refinery-> advanced power plant-> troop or vehicle factory-> some defensive troops-> refinery-> (start building defenses and buildings in your preferred order) Usually mid-game we have 3 refineries and 5-6 harvesters. If you stick to two refs. (or one, for god's sake) you get overrun sooner or later as you are out of funds/waiting for harvester while other player keeps on building and building... We also usually frown upon 'hunt the harvesters' strategy, and in 4- player game it's simply enforced by the fact that whoever starts to kill harvesters (unless they wander into base defenses) usually becomes public enemy no.1 and gets killed by the other 3 players :) I wish 'guard' option would work better so you could put some bikes or rocket launchers to guard harvesters but as of now (at least with bikes) they just prevent the harvester from entering refinery unless you manually do so. It's a shame the areas are so small. 4 times the current size, please. 4-player game gets REAL claustrophobic. Real fast. And even with 9999 funds at start, you need to use 'low tech' approach or capture one enemy with engineers *fast* or you just run out of cash. Too little tiberium for each player. ============================ -Section Four- MISCELLANEOUS ============================ -------------------- CHAPTER [14] Tables -------------------- The data in these tables are the result of the hard work of Andrew Griffin and Mike Lee. My many thanks to Mike for his initial field experiments, and to Andrew for his dedication to cracking that rascally game.dat file. What a patient guy! Also thanks to Max Ahston ( for some time to build values. *14-1* Armor ================ The armor levels of units in C&C range from 0 to 3. Each react to weapons in different ways. Armor level 0 has high resistance to armor piercing munitions such as tank shells. Subsequent levels are less resistant to tank shells and bazooka missiles, but have higher resistance to small arms fire such as miniguns and grenades. Unit Armor Level Description 0 very resistant to anti-armor weapons (rockets and cannons); gets chewed up very quickly by machine guns. 1 recon bike is equipped with this. Squashable. 2 stealth tank, artillery, hummers, buggy, MRLS, harvester and MCV are equipped with this. So is the SSM and rocket launcher. 3 flame, light, medium and mammoth tanks as well as the APC are equipped with this. So is the gunboat. [14-2] Weapons ================== Weapon type : Name of weapon Weapon ID : Internal ID number of weapon Damage to armor: Hitpoints damage to units of specified armor Area damage : Radius of damage area in game squares Range : Range of weapon in game squares Reload : Reload rate of weapon in minutes and seconds Accuracy : Accuracy of weapon. AA is excellent, FF is hopeless. Weapon Weapon Damage to Armor Area Range Reload type ID 0 1 2 3 4 Dam. (sq.) (sec.) Accuracy -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sniper rifle 0 99? 4 4 4 ? N/A 6 :05 AA HV machine-gun 1 22 19 14 6 25 1 3 :05 AA Pistol* 2 ? ? ? ? ? N/A 1 :25 CC Minigun 3 15 8 8 4 4 N/A 1 :03 AA Rocket 4 8 22 22 30 11 ? 4 :06 BB Flame-thrower 5 26+ ? 24 ? 9 3 2 :05 AA Tank flame-thrower 6 50+ 35 35 13 ? 2 2 :05 AA Chemical Spray 7 40+ ? 36 ? 14 3 2 :07 AA Grenade 8 39 ? 26 13 ? 2 2 :07 BB 70mm cannon 9 ? 19 19 25 ? ? 4 :06 BB 120mm cannon 10 8 22 22 30 15 ? 5 :05 BB 120mm cannon APR 11 10 30 30 40 20 ? 5 :09 BB Turret cannon 12 10 30 30 40 20 ? 5 :06 BB Missile pack 13 ? ? ? ? ? 1 5 :07 CC 227mm rocket 14 ? ? ? ? ? 2 6 :09 DD Ballistic charge 15 ? 112 85 40 ? 1 6 :06 FF 50 cal. machinegun 16 15 8 8 4 4 N/A 4 :03 AA Gunboat missile 17 ? ? ? ? ? 2 8 :03 DD Adv. GT Missile 18 ? ? ? ? ? 2 8 :05 DD Napalm bomb 19 ? ? ? ? ? 1 N/A 12:00 AA Obelisk Laser 20 ? ? 200 ? ? ? 5 :05 AA Surf to Air Miss. 21 ? ? ? ? ? N/A 8 :06 AA Surf to Surf Miss. 22 ? ? ? ? ? 4 10 :24 AA Ion Cannon 592 578 ? 450 450 1 N/A 15:00 AA Nuclear warhead ? ? ? ? ? 3 N/A 20:00 AA There are another 2 weapon types, but they have no sound effects associated with them, nor a graphic. They are associated with the bite attacks of the dinosaur units. * Pistols have a fire rate of about half a second, but take 25 seconds to reload the 10-round magazine. *14-3* Units =============== Unit Type : The name of the unit. Hit Points: The amount of damage a unit can sustain before it is destroyed. Armor : The armor level of theunit. Cost : Cost of unit in credits. Weapon ID : Type of weapon carried, according to internal ID numbers. Mission : The mission number in which the unit becomes available for building purposes. Tech : The tech level that must be met or exceeded to build the unit in a multiplayer game. TTB : Time to build the unit at the slowest gamespeed on my (t)rusty Gateway P5-66. Anyone want to send me a new computer? 'I stopwatched the building time for all vehicles, infantry and buildings and came to the conclusion, that TTB is linear to the cost except the following units: refinery needs only 1/3 of the time, helipad; 1/5th the time, walls need all the same (as if costing 150 credits), a harvester needs a little more time (15%), and orcas, attack helicopters need almost twice the time.' -Stefan Sautter ( On my system, it takes approximately nine seconds to build 100 credits worth of units/buildings. The times to build presented here are only meant to give a rough idea of construction times. Movement : Higher numbers indicate faster movement. Turning : Higher numbers indicate better turning capabilities. Scout : The radius of the unit's visual range in game squares. Req. : The buildings required before a unit becomes available for construction. Unit Hit Weap Mov. Turn Scout Type Points Armor Cost ID Mis. Tech TTB Rate Rate Rad. Req. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minigunner 50 0 100 3 1 1 :10 8 1 Bar Grenadier 50 0 160 8 3 1 :10 10 1 Bar Bazooka 25 0 300 4 3 2 :25 6 2 Bar Flame-thrower 70 0 200 5 5 1 :18 10 1 HON Chem Warrior 70 0 300 7 N/A 7 :25 8 1 HON+Tmpl Engineer 25 0 500 N/A 2 3 :45 8 2 Bar/HON Commando 80 0 1000 0 N/A 7 1:30 10 5 Bar+ACC/ HON+Tmpl Attack Heli. 125 3 1200 1 10 6 1:15 40 4 0 Air+Hpad Orca 125 3 1200 4 10 6 2:00 40 4 0 WF+Hpad Transport Heli 90 2 1500 N/A 0 6 2:20 40 5 0 WF+Hpad/ Air+Hpad A-10 60 2 N/A 19 3 N/A N/A 40 4 0 N/A Transport Plane 25 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 40 0 N/A Flame Tank 300 3 800 6 9 4 1:10 18 5 4 Com+Air Stealth Tank 110 2 900 4 12 5 1:20 30 5 4 Com+Air Light Tank 300 3 600 9 5 3 :50 18 5 3 Air Medium Tank 400 3 800 10 7 3 1:10 18 5 3 WF Mammoth Tank 600 3 1500 11/13 13 5 2:15 12 5 4 WF+RBay Harvester 600 2 1400 N/A 7 2 2:15 12 5 2 WF+Ref/ Air+Ref MCV 600 2 5000 N/A 15 7 8:00 12 5 2 WF+ACC/ Air+Tmpl Artillery 75 2 450 15 9 6 :40 12 2 4 Air Humvee 150 2 400 16 5 2 :35 30 10 2 WF Nod Buggy 140 2 300 16 5 2 :25 30 10 2 Air Recon Bike 160 1 500 4 5 2 :35 40 10 2 WF Rocket Launcher 100 2 800 14 11 7 1:10 18 5 4 WF+ACC APC 200 3 700 16 5 4 1:00 35 5 4 Bar+WF SSM 120 2 750 22 N/A 7 1:05 18 5 4 Air+ Obelisk Visceroid 150 1 N/A 7 N/A N/A N/A 18 5 4 Hacking T-Rex 750 3 N/A 24 N/A N/A N/A 18 5 5 Hacking Velociraptor 180 3 N/A 24 N/A N/A N/A 40 5 5 Hacking Triceratops 700 3 N/A 23 N/A N/A N/A 8 5 5 Hacking Stegasaurus 600 3 N/A 23 N/A N/A N/A 8 5 5 Hacking *14-4* Buildings =================== Building type: Name of unit. Req Power : Power drain in power units. Power Output : Power generation in power units. Hit Points : Amount of damage absorbed before destruction. Armor : Armor level of building. Cost : Cost of building in credits. Weapon type : Type of weapon carried, according to internal ID numbers. Mission : Mission in which building becomes available for construction. Tech : Tech level that must be met or exceeded to construct building in a multiplayer game. TTB : Time to build at slowest gamespeed on a Gateway P5-66. Req. : Prerequisite buildings before construction. Building Power Hit Weap Type in out Pts Armor Cost Type Mis. Tech TTB Req. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Construction Yard 15 30 400 1 5000 N/A 1 1 N/A MCV Sandbags 0 0 20 2 50 N/A 5 2 :15 Cyard Fence 0 0 10 2 75 N/A 9 5 :15 Cyard Concrete 0 0 70 2 100 N/A 13 7 :15 Cyard Power Plant 0 100 200 1 300 N/A 1 1 :20 CYard Adv. Power Plant 0 200 300 1 700 N/A 13 5 :45 Pp Refinery 40 10 450 1 2000 N/A 2 1 :55 Pp Silo 10 0 150 1 150 N/A 2 1 :10 Ref Comm. Center 40 0 500 1 1000 N/A 3 2 1:35 Ref Helipad 10 0 400 1 1500 N/A 10 6 :20 Bar/HON Repair Pad 30 0 400 1 1200 N/A 8 5 2:00 Pp Barracks 20 0 200 1 300 N/A 1 1 :20 Pp Weapons Factory 30 0 200 2 2000 N/A 5 2 3:20 Pp Guard Tower 10 0 200 1 500 1 7 2 :42 Bar Adv. Comm. Center 200 0 500 1 2800 N/A 13 7 4:10 Com Adv. Guard Tower 20 0 300 2 1000 18 13 4 1:35 Com Hand of Nod 20 0 200 1 300 N/A 2 1 :20 Pp SAM Site 20 0 200 3/1 750 21 5 6 1:05 HON Turret 20 0 600 3 250 12 8 2 :22 HON Airstrip 30 0 500 3 2000 N/A 5 2 3:20 Ref Obelisk of Light 150 0 200 2 1500 11 1 2:20 Com Temple of Nod 150 0 1000 2 3000 N/A 13 7 4:50 Com (1) Turrets cost $250 in versions prior to 1.18 -------------------------------- CHAPTER [15] Internet resources -------------------------------- *15-1* Third party programs =============================== C&C Edit v2.0 CCEDIT.ZIP change hitpoints, cost, weapons, power data, tech levels, vehicle speeds, stealth capabilities and ownership of infantry, vehicles and structures. For English language versions 1.07, 1.18, 1.19, and German language version 1.07. written by Andrew Griffin ( C&C Scenario Editor CC-SCEN.ZIP With this editor, you can edit the map, the overlays, the terrain, the structures, units and smudges that occur on the map. written by Andrew Griffin ( C&C Ultimate Map Editor v2.1 A graphical mission editor for C&C. written by Jeroen Rimeijer ( C&C Mix Manager v2.0 Allows you to view, extract, and replace any of the files inside GENERAL.MIX with your own. This utility is required for making third party missions and scenarios. C&C Mission selector v1.4 CCMISS.ZIP change the mission of a savegame written by Andrew Griffin ( *15-2* World Wide Web sites ============================== Westwood Studios Home Page This is Westwood Studio's Official site. It also includes a real-time chat facility. The Roger Wong Home Page This is the official site for all Unofficial Command and Conquer Strategy FAQ updates. Andrew Griffin's Homepage and Editor List Andrew Griffin is the number one name in editor programming. He's written map editors, savegame editors, and unit data editors for C&C. If you haven't heard of him, I don't know where you've been for the past two months. The Temple of the Conquerer This is the mother of all C&C pages on the web. There is a message board here that gets more messages per day regarding C&C than the whole of Usenet. Command and Conquer Data Downlink Almost every single homemade C&C level is kept in storage here. If you want new missions, you want to bookmark this page. The Ultimate C&C File Collection. Claims to be the world's largest C&C file collection. Hmmm, where have we heard that before? :-) C&C MultiPlayer Page The Command and Conquer Modem Players List The Tankers' Wargaming and Military History Homepage Robert's C&C page [15-3] KALI C&C servers =========================== I don't use KALI myself, and so cannot verify the following information. I would appreciate some feedback on its correctness! CastleNet ( is the main C&C server.. "FYI ... The Starlink Kali server has been upgraded to the latest version ..... 1.2 !!!! (it now plays a much better game!!!) Thanks, ... Jay Cotton!" *15-4* Other resources ========================== The Official C&C FAQ by available from: Unofficial Command and Conquer Multi-player Strategy Guide by available from: unknown Guide to GENERAL.MIX by available from: The Command & Conquer Internet Edition Group The C&CIE group are compiling a group of fifty custom made missions to replace all the existing ones in the general.mix. We are looking for plot line editors, scenario and multi player mission producers and programmers. Please email -------------------------------- [16] Bugs, updates, future games -------------------------------- *16-1* The wishlist ======================= EDITOR'S NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT SEND ME ANY MORE MATERIAL FOR THE WISHLIST. Send your comments to instead. This is the last FAQ version in which this list will appear. (thank you...) This list is compiled from dozens of Usenet posts and E-mail sent to me regarding things they'd like to see in the next C&C game. Whether or not they get them is entirely up to the producer. I'd post his E-Mail address if I knew it, but I don't. What I will do is send a copy of this wishlist to Westwood. A mission builder, or random mission generator Formation movement Guarding in place Improving the harvester AI Star Wars meets C&C Ability to dig foxholes with your infantry. Ability to camouflage units. Units that can scale cliffs (seal teams) Mortar infantry. More units with dual weapons systems (like mammoths) i.e. A med. tank w/ machine gun, rocket launcher/flamer, etc... A bridgelayer/combat engineer A heavy-lift chopper to move vehicles, only light ones Flak guns Aerial recon? A Paris Gun (super long range artillery) A laser tank (not as powerful as the obelisk) A purpose-built scout unit (can see stealth stuff?) A scatter command that actually moves infantry out of the path of tanks Jetpack infantry (short hops only, takes time to recharge) Tomahawk missiles, really long range, kill 1 tank or so per shot. A technician-type unit that can field repair vehicles to 50% A field hospital!!!! I hate sending nearly dead guys into combat. Minefields. Mine detecting/disarming troopers. Grenade *launchers* That cool looking one-man robot thingy on the box. Tiberium growth accelerator? Bridge builders. The ability to *destroy* bridges. That cool vehicle from GI Joe that lays bridges. The ability to knock over trees. Let the 'B' key take you to current points of battle. 360 degree sound (via headphones) Fog of war Water based vehicles that you can build and control and amphibious vehicles like hovercraft etc. The ability to target an area instead of individual units. Saving the multiplayer score history to disk. Paratroops (i.e., a way to jump out of helocopters) Trenches Sabatour (like Commando, but is stealth and has only a pistol) Ability to interact with terrain (cause landslides from cliffs) Truck (a cheap way to transport troops, less armour than an APC) Guard dogs (can detect stealth units) And finally... More of that newscaster chick with the nice rack! (I received two dozen requests such as this!) [16-2] Questions regarding C&C present and future ==================================================== *16-2-1* Mouse problems -------------------------- 'My mouse goes crazy when ever I hold down a key.' From my personal experience, it only seems to affect PS/2 type port mice (the kind that fit into a special circular mouse port). Switching to a serial mouse, or using an adapter to convert the round connector to a serial connector will cure this problem in most situations. Some people have also cured their problems by using the latest versions of their mouse drivers. Sadly, this did not work for me, and I still suffer from PMES (port mouse epilepsy syndrome). I am not Microsoft / Logitech / XYZMouse company tech. support, and so I can not supply you with up to date mouse drivers. Westwood told me they were working on it back in November 1995. I have not had any feedback from them since that time. Christopher J Angel ( wrote I have encountered a bug with the mouse while playing a head to head game over an IPX network. During the game the mouse cursor will all of a sudden start jumping all over the screen. There seems to be no way to fix the problem so the game must be restarted. The only computer I can seem to reproduce this problem on is a NEC Ready P60M. I can not play multiplayer games because of it, and I have not seen any references to the problem. David Byerman ( Chris, try holding down while madly clicking both mouse buttons when this happens. I learned about this solution on this newsgroup, and damned if it doesn't work every time. *16-2-2* Multiplayer savegames ---------------------------------- 'Why can't I save my multiplayer game?' C&C was not designed with a multiplayer save game option in mind. Once a project is out of the design stage, changes to the core functions become extremely difficult to make. Hence, multiplayer save game functionality can not be provided in any future patch for C&C. However, both Red Alert and C&C 2 will have such an option. *16-2-3* Mission disk add-ons --------------------------------- Release date: March 1996 'What about add-on missions?' 'Covert Operations' is the name of the Westwood missions disk add on. I will not include a strategy guide for Covert Ops in this FAQ. In my opinion, if you buy the missions disk, you're a hot shot and don't need a FAQ anyway. *16-2-4* Red Alert ---------------------- Release date: April 1996 'Red Alert? What is that?' The next C&C type game from Westwood is called 'Red Alert'. Basically, the premise is that World War II never took place. Germany and Russia duke it out, and the player can choose to be either Germany or Russia. It will sport six simultaneous players, and larger maps. *16-2-5* C&C for Win95 -------------------------- Release date: unknown Skip McIlvaine ( Westwood plans a Windows 95 version of C & C that is more than just making sure it works in Windows. The game will actually be window-based, so that you can resize and move windows around (like the radar map, the building interface, the playing screen, etc.) *16-2-6* C&C 2 ------------------ Release date: end of 1996 The strong rumor is that C&C 2 has some sort of 3-D environment. I heard this as an offhand remark from a VIE affiliated producer, so I don't know if I should have repeated this. The confirmed information is that C&C 2 will include new missions, art, rules, special effects, design, storyline, and computer base building. Kane may not be dead, and because they are doing a complete rewrite of their development tools, they are "heavily" considering releasing a map editor for C&C2. C&C 2 will be Windows 95 only. Frankly, as far as the games producers are concerned, DOS is dead. Windows 95 only games will become a growing trend, and everyone will have either Windows 95 or NT by the end of 96, so don't expect to see many DOS games from many companies. But I digress. *16-3* Update patches ========================= Official C&C patch sites are as follows: FTP: WWW: 1.08a This is an unofficial patch to 1.07. ------------------------------------------ Improves Win95 modem play. Addresses USR modem connect problems at 14.4k or 28.8k. Fixes Diamond Viper palette/color problem. Fixes movies not playing when CD is swapped. *SIDE EFFECTS* Changes hex offsets in game.dat file. This means that early versions of popular 3rd party utilities may not work with v1.08a. Flame-thrower hitpoints increased to 70 from 50. 1.18 This is the first offical Westwood patch from 1.07. ------------------------------------------------------- Fixes connect problems with Win95 and modem connections. Addresses USR modem connect problems at 14.4k or 28.8k. Fixes palette problem with the Diamond Viper video card. Fixes movies not playing. Fixes the silo money bug. Adjusts cost of Nod turrets to $600. Fixes problem with nonappearing nuke in last Nod mission. *SIDE EFFECTS* Incompatible with 1.07 in multiplayer mode. Compatibility mode must be specified. C&C crashes with a DOS 4GW error during initial loading. Sometimes nuclear missiles are still unavailable in mission thirteen even with the retrieval of all special nuke crates on missions six, eight, and twelve. Strange things happen to weapon reload times when save games made with versions prior to 1.18 are loaded. Changes hex offsets in game.dat file. This means that early versions of popular 3rd party utilities may not work with v1.18a. Flame-thrower hitpoints increased to 70 from 50. 1.19 This is the second official Westwood patch from 1.07. ----------------------------------------------------------- It does everything that the 1.18 patch does, with the following additions: Fixes the build anywhere bug. Fixes problem with nonappearing nuke in last Nod mission. *SIDE EFFECTS* Incompatibility with earlier versions in multiplayer mode. Combatibility mode must be specified at run-time. Some people still are unable to fire nuclear missiles, but the number of such complaints has fallen. Keep at it, Westwood, you are almost there. :) [16-4] Errors in the C&C manual =================================== First and foremost, the manual seems to be written to be more of a 'good read' rather than a tech manual. This might explain the exaggerations evident in some parts of the text. The armor values for some units are incorrect. For the true armor values of units, see the tables section of this FAQ. The power usage values for some buildings are incorrect. For true power usage values, see the tables section of this FAQ. ------------------------ CHAPTER [17] Conclusion ------------------------ It has been nearly four months since I first started work on the Unofficial C&C Strategy FAQ and, dammit, I still have blanks. It is probably a good thing that I did not know how time consuming a FAQ like this could be when I started it. I wash my hair less often now, the sunlight stings my eyes, and I lost half a pound of body weight, but I believe that the end product will be well worth the sacrifices made. As a further notice, if you are one of those bad guys who are playing a pirate copy of Command and Conquer, shame on you. You know you really want to stop being a freeloader. I urge you to save up your lunch money and buy the game. The authors deserve to be rewarded. ------------------------------ CHAPTER [18] Revision History ------------------------------ v0.1: First release of the Unofficial Command and Conquer Strategy FAQ. (October 1, 1995 GMT) v1.1: A major revision of the Unofficial C&C Strategy FAQ. FAQ is completely rewritten. FAQ explains cheating, mission-trees, how to do such and such, and contains a section of unsolicited advice. (October 4, 1995 GMT) v2.1: Major revision of the Unofficial C&C Strategy FAQ. All missions listed. Missions listed according to internal mission numbers + countries, to avoid 'which mission is this?' confusion. Most vehicle and infantry entries filled. Building, vehicle, infantry unit stats added. Discovered more ways in how the computer cheats. (October 8, 1995 GMT) v2.2 Oops. I accidentally posted v1.1 instead of v2.1 to the newsgroups. To make up for the error, I'm posting this one, version 2.2. It includes the beginnings of the armor, health, damage data tables. Added cheating util information. More multiplayer strategies. (October 8, 1995 GMT) v2.7 I'm no longer using tabs for spacing. This should ensure readability. Some errors were pointed out to me. I should have read the submissions more carefully. I apologize for the errors. Phil Lochner submitted his C&C strategy FAQ to me, which I have absorbed into mine. Some more multiplayer strategies have been added. I've added the special Nod 'poison troopers'. Expanded section on exploitable computer bugs. Big thanks to Andrew Griffin for extracting data from the C&C files. (October 16, 1995 GMT) v3.2 Tables! Tables! Tables! Completed many tables. Complete vehicle armor values worked out by Andrew Griffin. Added section on bugs and updates. I corrected a few minor errors. Yet more multiplayer strategies are added. The 1.08 patch is out. (October 27, 1995 GMT) v3.7 Lots of errors in v3.2. So many errors, in fact, that I really need to apologize for all of them! Added dinosaurs. Changes in C&C Internet resources. FAQ now available via E-Mail, thanks to Alvin Jiang. A couple blanks filled in here and there. A little more information on future C&C products. If you have any suggestions for reordering elements of this FAQ, please write to tell me about them. I'm an organizational nightmare! (November 4, 1995 GMT) v3.71 Typo in E-mail server address fixed. (November 5, 1995 GMT) v4.7 Westwood releases 1.18 patch. I find time to update FAQ. I'm really pooped now, so I'm going to bed. Goodnight. (December 11, 1995 GMT) v4.7 - Cut some sections out to reduce the size of the FAQ. These v5.0 versions were not released to the public. (February 8, 1996 GMT) v6.0 Oh my gosh, the FAQ has actually SHRUNK in size! Yes! New cheats added. New mission strategies added. More cool things to do with your units. False intelligence reports eradicated. (February 17, 1996 GMT)