LEVEL 5 NECROMANCY Orcish troops lie dead on the grass of the outer walls. The battle was big and took many lives from your knights. But the remaining force was driven away. But something didn't just match; dead knights and skeletons. Herecy. As your thougths wander you realize that Guldan, the neuromancer, has to have somekind of connection to this siege. The days pass as your men repair the walls and weapons. Most of the orcish army was destroyed, but some lucky ones survived. As you went to the humid and dark dungeons you started to look for an officer. The main idea was to squeeze the information from the officer so that the leaders of the army could punished. The officer was wounded to his muscular arms and he or it had scars on his slimy face. As you spoke to him/it you found out that the siege was planned by Guldan and Zoldak, the leader of the trolls. Their army combined still provided a problem; they could siege again or tease nearby villages. In few days Lothar and Uther the Lightbringer brought their armyes to your city from your city. You still needed protection until you would get your defences ready. But as you checked the forces that were brought you realized that there is an option: If your army would be combined with Lothars and Uthers you would have a fairly big army. This gave a change to attack Guldan and Zoldaks forces. As Lothar pressured you to attack and the fear of and orcish army nearby made you reluctanly agree. OBJECTIVES: 1) KILL ALL ORCS 2) KILL GULDAN ZOLDAK