Everyone's Moves For MK3 By: StarFish Software! DOWNLOAD ONLY! DOWNLOAD ONLY! Thank you for registring Everyones Moves For Mortal Kombat 3, V0.2, By StarFish Software. Below please check what you will be registring. If you purchase SubZero's Moves and all of the other codes (Kool Stuff, Scott's Stuff, Kooler Stuff, Tournament Mode, Random Select, and Stealth Select) for $5.00, then you will get all of the rest of SubZero's moves, and the rest of the codes. If you purchase our issue of MoonLite Entertainment Electronic Magazine, you will get a nice little computer program that is like a magazine, that has some notes and codes for other super nintendo and computer games. Put an X on what you want to purchase. --------------------------------[ Cut Here ]------------------------------- Name........:____________________________________________ Address.....:____________________________________________ Number......: ( ) ___-____ City,State..:_________________, ____ Notes.......:______________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Yes, I would like the rest of SubZero's moves, and the rest of the Mortal Kombat codes:____ $5.00 Yes, I would like to purchase the issue of MoonLite Entertainment Electronic Magazine:____ $2.00 NO CHECKS EXCEPTED! MONEY ORDER OR CASH ONLY! --------------------------------[ Cut Here ]------------------------------- We thank you for your great support. Once again, No checks accepted, money order or cash only. Send to: StarFish Software Jason Knowles 7 Gloucester Road Worcester, Ma. 01607