*********************************************************************************** BOEING B737-300 KLM AIRLINES *********************************************************************************** KLM - EDITION USAGE ----- BAO's FlightShop and FS5.X are required to use this aircraft model. Copy the PH-BDK.AIR file to your FS5 \PILOTS directory. Copy all the PH-BDK.#AF files to your \TEXTURE directory. The original plane was build by Jan Moons from Belgium and repainted by Ard Middelkoop from The Netherlands. It took Jan over 120 hours to create the plane so he did the most of it. I used the flight characteristics from a Delta 737-200 made by Brian Quale. Happy Landing from all of us. Internet: Jan Moons 100041.2740@Ccompuserve.com Ard Middelkoop ard.middelkoop@tip.nl Brian Quale nn Copyright 1995 Jan MOONS. Meidoornstraat 8A 2860 St. Katelijne Waver BELGIUM - EUR Phone (32) (0)15-552835 For the flightmodel WEB: ard.middelkoop@tip.nl