===================== BUG REPORT FOR TMSEAL ===================== If you find bugs in TMSEAL, please send email to dfong@igc.apc.org . Fill in this form, or use your own format to provide the same information. Please do not send me ICC or FICS messages - it is hard to reply to them. Important note: Before sending your bug report, please verify that your Winsock setup is functioning correctly. Use the telnet app that came with your Winsock package to contact the chess server, or do other simple tests. (Eg, "telnet chess.onenet.net 5000") If you are using a Winsock other than Trumpet, please also try using a "generic" telnet app like EWAN. The point is that some "Winsock" implementations are non-conformant and only work with their own proprietary apps. If telnet doesn't work, then don't expect TMSEAL to work either. If it turns out you need help setting up Winsock, please ask your service provider's technical support. I cannot help everyone setup Winsock. ========================================================================== 1a. MACHINE TYPE (386, pentium, etc): __________ 1b. MONITOR SIZE (1024x768, 640x480, etc): __________ 1c. WINSOCK VERSION (Trumpet 2.0b, Novell 1.1, etc): __________ 1d. OPERATING SYSTEM (Win 3.1, Win 95, OS/2, etc): __________ 1e. SERVICE PROVIDER: (Netcom, AOL, etc): __________ 1f. WHICH CHESS SERVER (FICS, ICC, etc): __________ 1g. TMSEAL VERSION (1.1i, etc): __________ 1h. CLIENT PROGRAM (SLICS, Raja, etc): __________ ========================================================================== 2. DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEM: Please insert an *observational* description of the problem: WHAT YOU DID and WHAT YOU SAW when you did it. Also explain and contrast WHAT YOU EXPECTED TO SEE. Please be explicit. Include more detail than you think is necessary. Remember that i usually cannot duplicate the problem on my system. All i have to go on is the information YOU provide. If any error messages appear, please send me the exact text. _ _ _ ========================================================================== 3. PROBLEM REPEATABILITY (always, usually, occasionally, only once): ______ If the problem is repeatable, please turn on logging (File|Logging) and send me the log files with this problem report. Please send log files as mpacked or uuencoded. 4. OTHER: ______________________________________________________________ Include any other information you feel might be helpful.