The Indiana Soybean Development Council (ISDC) invites you to subscribe to SOYFOODS USA, a monthly Email newsletter designed to inform media sources, dietitians, and consumers about the latest soyfoods information. With the increased attention on the health benefits of soyfoods, soybean producers believe it is important to provide information about soyfoods for consumers, health professionals and nutrition experts. In each newsletter, you will find exciting news about soyfoods, summaries of soy research activities, and links to soy-related sites on the Web. And you won'want to miss our wonderful soyfoods recipes. We want everyone to enjoy the benefits and delicious flavors of soyfoods, so subscribers are urged to redistribute or reprint any part or all of the newsletter for friends, family, and clients. Just add a note about where the information comes from...the Indiana Soybean Development Council. Here's how to subscribe: 1. Send an Email message to You must send the message from the account that you wish to subscribe. Otherwise, we won't know which mailbox to send SOYFOODS USA. 2. Message subject should say ONLY the following: SUBSCRIBE SOYFOODS USA. 3. Message body should say ONLY the following: SUBSCRIBE SOYFOODS USA. Your name will be automatically added to our distribution list and you'll start receiving SOYFOODS USA the very next issue. If you really want to get off our mailing list, here's what you have to do: 1. Send a message from the account that you wish to unsubscribe. This message should go to 2. Message subject should say ONLY the following: UNSUBSCRIBE SOYFOODS USA. 3. Message body should say ONLY the following: UNSUBSCRIBE SOYFOODS USA. If you have previously attempted to unsubscribe without success, most likely you sent your unsubscribe request from an account other than the one you subscribed from. You may also have several usernames or aliases, or perhaps you're having your mail forwarded from one machine to another. If this is the case, please send an email to letting us know. Thanks for your interest in soyfoods! Copyright 1996 Indiana Soybean Development Council