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Simple put, our main focus is Fellowship in the Love of Christ and information exchange. In addition, CalvaryNet is run by... YOU! Check information on the 4HisGlory Conference and text later in this document for further information on Calvary Pastor and Sysop involvement. In addition, Please check the CC-NEWS.TXT file for the Calvary Network Newsletter, which will list up to date changes and other exciting information regarding CalvaryNet. The structure of CalvaryNet is quite unique.. where the Sysops and Pastors become involved through input and discussion in the 4HisGlory Conference. Here is a breakdown regarding the Administration of CalvaryNet: For the History of CalvaryNet, please review the WELCOME.TXT file located in the CALV####.ZIP file, where the "#" represents the current month and year. The Administration of CalvaryNet consists of the following: Mapped out, the Administrative body of CalvaryNet is be: Administrative Pastor Pastor Ralph Wood {Calvary Chapel Oceanside} --------------------- | | Network Administrator John Scudder ------------------------ | | Network Advisors Pastor Dave Rolph Pastor John Brown Pastor Ken Armstrong Pastor Pat Lazovich - others ----------------------- | | Administrative Pastors representing each respective Calvary Chapel Bulletin Board | | The Sysops of Each BBS ---------------------- | | Network Hosts ------------- Note: Network Hosts help monitor and manage the individual conferences on CalvaryNet DESCRIPTIONS of RESPONSIBILITIES: ================================= Administrative Pastor: ---------------------- The Administrative Pastor of the Calvary Chapel Computer Ministry: CalvaryNet, is Pastor Ralph Wood of Calvary Chapel Oceanside. The Administrative Pastor has access to all CalvaryNet message base communication. Please see the documentation "disclaim.txt" in the Calvary Information File (CALV????.ZIP). He is kept current regarding all aspects of CalvaryNet operations through direct communication on the Network or by the Network Administrator {John Scudder}. Through prayer and supplication to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the Administrative Pastor directs all operations and functions of CalvaryNet. He may allow the Network Administrator to perform any or all network functions unsupervised at his discretion. Network Administrator: ---------------------- The Network Administrator is under the authority of the Administrative Pastor. The Network Administrator and founder of CalvaryNet is John Scudder, who functions to preserve CalvaryNet for the Glory of God and a Calvary Chapel Focus in directing all aspects of network business. While the Network Administrator will heavily review input from other branches of the CalvaryNet administration, he reserves the right to direct all network decisions as the Holy Spirit directs him to do so. The Network Administrator has taken great care in providing a means for other branches of the CalvaryNet administrative body to provide their input and concerns. The Network Administrator will represent CalvaryNet in all aspects of computer communication and other aspects as will arise. CalvaryNet Network Advisors: ---------------------------- The Network Advisors are not under the authority of any CalvaryNet Administrative body. They are Pastors, Sysops, and trusted friends who provide wisdom as the Lord leads them regarding requests for such by the Network Administrator, and function to provide direct support for the Network Administrator. Their input is prayerfully considered, and relayed to The Administrative Pastor when appropriate. They provide a valuable spiritual support to CalvaryNet's function and structure. Calvary Chapel BBS Sysops: -------------------------- Regarding CalvaryNet, the Calvary Chapel BBS Sysops are under the Authority of the Network Administrator. Regarding their particular BBS systems, if such are set up to directly represent a Calvary Chapel Church, they are also under the subjection and authority of their Senior Pastor or someone that their Pastor has authorized such position. Their function is to provide uninterrupted mail transfer between their relaying BBS for CalvaryNet mail as stated in the CC-SYSOP documentation. They are also under agreement to post the CCPOLICY.TXT file to their users prior to their users having access to CalvaryNet communication. When able, they are responsible for monitoring or assisting the Conference Hosts on their particular BBS. They are also responsible for monitoring CC-ADMIN and 4HisGlory on a consistent basis. Please see the CC-SYSOP.TXT file for further Sysop responsibilities. CalvaryNet Hosts: ----------------- CalvaryNet Hosts are under the authority of the Network Administrator as well as the CalvaryNet BBS Sysops. They are basically responsible for monitoring and participating in their chosen CalvaryNet conference according to the CCPOLICY.TXT or Conference specific guidelines they set up. Please see the CC-HOST.TXT file for information regarding CalvaryNet Host Guidelines. THE FOCUS OF CALVARYNET: ------------------------ CalvaryNet focus in the past has been basically a "Fellowship in the Love of Christ and the exchange of information" oriented. As CalvaryNet grows, we have been expanding into areas of ministry outreach, global connections,, teaching Christians and non-Christians Biblical doctrine and Church beliefs, providing support for those in need of prayer and Church assistance, and... possible provision for orientation to future Calvary Chapel based or community based evangelism. Thus, the "expanded view" of CalvaryNet is to provide a Reach, Teach, Mend and Send approach as a Calvary Chapel Ministry... while strictly monitoring all aspects of the network to ensure that communication adheres to the CCPOLICY.TXT statement in the manner in which brethren respectfully communicate with each other. Any opportunity to assist a brother to grow and become involved in Calvary Chapel Ministries will be greatly encouraged, and receive support from the CalvaryNet staff. THE STRUCTURE OF CALVARYNET: ---------------------------- Then we come down to the nuts and bolts of CalvaryNet. Great care has been taken to allow for Pastor and Sysop interaction with the processes of CalvaryNet. Although the Administrative Pastor and Network Administrators will seek to ensure a Calvary Chapel focus is maintained on CalvaryNet, we do leave ourselves open to input received from (1) Network "Advisors"; (2) Calvary Chapel Pastors; and (3) Calvary Chapel relaying Sysops via the 4HisGlory Conference. As stated earlier, the HOST System for CalvaryNet Mail is The Shepherd's Flock Family BBS in Oceanside, California. The HOST system is the main relay point for all CalvaryNet Mail.. sort of the Grand Central Station as it were. The Network Administrator and Founder of CalvaryNet {John Scudder} will maintain contact with CalvaryNet's Administrative Pastor (Ralph Wood) and relay all network concerns for prayer and input... as well as for the implementation of any network actions the Lord prompts through the leadership of Pastor Ralph. This happily brings us to the CalvaryNet Information packets. Each month there is a new CalvaryNet ZIPPED (compressed) file that holds a lot of info for Computer Users as well as prospective Sysops regarding CalvaryNet. This file is in the form of a CALV????.ZIP, where the ???? stand for the month and year of that particular information file. For instance, the file for November 1995 is CALV1195.ZIP. There is also a CalvaryNet Newsletter within this information file. You can download this file from any Calvary Chapel Computer Ministry. The CALV????.ZIP file also contains the important file CCPOLICY.TXT, which is a ASCII text file outlining the expected behaviors on the Calvary Chapel Network.. and.. you will find that these guidelines are also those that are expected behaviors on any Christian Bulletin Board. We are a little strict here regarding how the brethren communicate with one another... with the focus and thrust always in "the love of Christ". As an example... here are the first 4 "Rules of Conduct": 1. Let all your typing give glory to God; in respecting your brother, in treating your brother with brotherly love, and in your witness as a Child of God, and Ambassador for Christ... while communicating on CalvaryNet. 2. Let all bitterness, envy, strife, speaking evil of dignities and of government rulers be far from you. Let backbiting be something far from you. Shine as a light on a hill... and salt to savor the minds of each Christian and potential Christian on CalvaryNet. "And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you." {Ephesians 4:32} 3. Let all evil communication be far from you. Don't judge your brother as being from the pit of hell... or as being from an evil spirit, nor to say evil things to your brothers... be kind.. treating your brothers and sisters with the respect you would want to be treated. 4. Above all.... love.. and forgive one another... for in doing so you show you have great command of the scriptures.. and of yourself. I think you will get the picture {smile}. IMPORTANT NOTE: Although the Network Administrator may officially present *suggestions* and/or practices on how a Calvary based ministry can give Glory to God in all their Ministry service, the CalvaryNet Administration will *not* actively nor routinely call each Ministry Connected with CalvaryNet (or any other Calvary Chapel Ministry) to monitor their process and their actions.. their door games or their files, or any other aspect of their Ministry. Calvary Chapel has from day one relied on teaching the Bible as a means of direction in the lives of others and has left it up to the Holy Spirit to change the lives and direction of the Body of Christ (church). The CalvaryNet Administration will however, call those CalvaryNet Systems that have submitted an application for Network Relay, and will evaluate the Spiritual leading of such a ministry at that time of original application submission. At such time, Calvary Chapel Ministries containing questionable and inappropriate material will be handled on a case by case basis. Any future reference to inappropriate material during the coarse of their ministry and connection with CalvaryNet will be also be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and be reviewed at that time. It is the express view of this ministry to minister in love regarding all Network Administrative functions... to teach forgiveness in every situation.. and seek to lead others through example and Biblical instruction.. to an enhanced and fruitful relationship with their Saviour Jesus Christ. Please let me know if I can be of any more assistance my dear friend. I can be reached reached on the following resources: With love in Christ... John Scudder Administrator: Calvary Chapel Computer Ministries: CalvaryNet Internet: john.scudder@kandy.com BBS: 619-630-7437 VOICE (24 hr info): 619-630-0340 CalvaryNet's Home Web Page: http://www.khouse.org/calvarynet Administrative Pastor: Pastor Ralph Wood, Calvary Chapel Oceanside