PRICES.TXT (ASM Edit) This file contains the price for the registration of ASM Edit in various currencies. If you want to pay with a currency that is not covered here, do the following: Convert the DM amount (including cheque surcharge if you pay by cheque or money order, see below) to your own currency using the most current (today's) exchange rate, then add 5%. This list is based on the exchange rates of 31-March-1995. If the exchange rate of your currency has changed noticeably since that date, please contact us for up-to-date price information. IMPORTANT: These prices are only valid if you pay cash! Eurocheques are only accepted in DM! Other checks and money orders should be either DM or $US, plus 15 DM or 10 $US foreign check surcharge. IMPORTANT: Please do NOT send coins, because we can not exchange them. Australia $AUS 35,- Austria ”S 250,- Belgium bfrs 700,- Canada $CDN 35,- Denmark dkr 140,- Finland Fmk 120,- France FF 120,- Germany DM 30,- Italy Lit 45000,- Japan Yen 2500,- Netherlands hfl 35,- Norway nkr 150,- Spain Ptas 3500,- Sweden skr 200,- Switzerland sfr 30,- United Kingdom UKP 15,- USA $US 20,- THIS LIST IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THERE IS NO GUARANTEE THAT THE INFORMATION IN THIS LIST IS CORRECT. (Thanks go to Oliver Fromme, author of QPV - Quick Picture Viewer, for his help in this matter.)