I have uploaded the OS/2 2.x recompile of Ftnchek, 2.7 to the usual sites: ftp-os2.cdrom.com: (CD-ROM) now: /os2/incoming/fchek270.zip move to: /os2/dev32/fchek270.zip supersedes: /os2/dev32/fchek261.zip ftp-os2.nmsu.edu (HOBBES) now: /incoming/fchek270.zip move to: /os2/dev32/fchek270.zip supersedes: /os2/dev32/fchek261.zip 'Supersedes' means here: is the next version. I am not the porter of fchek261.zip, which has some nice treats (it can run w/o emx; I still haven't found the time to learn how to do that). I would *not* remove it from these sites! ftnchek is a free Fortran syntax checker (some say, similar to a commercial product called FLINT, which I don't know). It allows to catch all kinds of problems Fortran is (in)famouse for: unassigned variables, type casts, too long lines, wrong number / type of arguments in calles to functions/subroutines etc. It can catch lots of problems many Fortran compilers seem to fail finding. To cut it short, it helps do what a normal Pascal compiler would do by itself on Pascal, for those of us who (still) need to use Fortran. The only modifications I have made to the original distribution before recompiling with gcc 2.7.2 / emx09b are: a) Included a makefile for os/2, called 'makefile.os2' (which is identical to the included makefile). This file defines 'gcc' as the compiler and also sets the LARGE_MACHINE option to allow for more table space for large programmes. (If that is not enough, read the readme file and try with the DYNAMIC option, or so. I haven't tried it since I never ran out of space even in the default setting, but someone complained in the fortran news group about needing LARGE). Also, it adds a TARGET with EXE extension, and specifies the object files to be stripped to save some space. b) Included a binary, which needs the 'emx09b' runtime system to work. This can be found as emxrt.zip on many ftp sites, including hobbes (ftp-os2.nmsu.edu) and cdrom (ftp-os2.cdrom.com). I compiled it with gcc 2.7.2 / emx09b + emxfix03. That's it. Have fun. Stefan A. Deutscher , 23-Mar-1996 sad@utk.edu / stefand@elphy.irz.hu-berlin.de