GAME.LIB v1.0 - copyright 1996 Andrew McNab shareware C games library WARNING - You use this library at your own (and your computers) risk. Tested with Turbo C++, large model. Files included: game.lib - the C library file, link it to your programs grlib.h - The header file of function declarations (useful for C++ users!) functions.txt - how to use each and every library function readme.txt - This! ex1.exe,ex1.c - The first example program ex2.exe,ex2.c - and the second back.pcx,sph.mbm - images for use by the example programs pcx2mbm.exe - converts normal pcx files into super whizzy masked bitmaps (.mbm files as I call them). My own creation. pcx2mbm.txt - how to use the above program keycodes.txt - All the codes for every key, needed for using the CheckKey() function. How does it all work? This library of graphics functions has been developed with games creation as the target. Therefore they make use of a virtual screen area, or 'games buffer' as I have named it, in which each frame of animation can be built up before being pasted to the screen display, this allows for smooth updating of complex displays. The buffer can also be used to create a large scrollable playing area several screens in size (you will be limited to around 8 by low memory), a window of which can be displayed on screen each frame. With this latter method the foreground sprites should be pasted onto the screen for each frame and then the relevant background areas restored afterwards. Ex1.c shows you the basics of creating a scrolling game with the library while Ex2.c shows the first method of building up the whole screen each frame, and also gives examples of how to use some of the drawing functions. These functions were written in Turbo C++, making them a little slower than assembly language routines but you should find them more than fast enough on most computers. I am not sure how usable these functions are on non Borland C compilers, but I would like to know if you have any difficulties or solutions for using them with other compilers. Both C and C++ should work well with the library, though you may have to declare the functions in grlib.h as 'extern "C"' for C++ programs, as well as converting a few void pointers to the unsigned char pointer type needed by my functions. CONTROL INPUT - This being a somewhat vital element in games creation I have included a very capable keyboard scanning routine which once initialized will keep a record off which keys are currently pressed. You can then use the CheckKey() function provided to check if a certain key is currently held down. Just remember to close down this function before exiting your program or you may lose control temporarily of your keyboard! As for joystick and mouse input you will have to buy the registered version of this library to get all the necessary functions (only œ10, see below). SOUND - I get a bit stuck here, however, luckily there are some top freeware C libraries/functions available on the internet, such as VAT. But if anybody has some top C soundblaster functions that I could incorporate into this library, please email me and I'll make you a deal! If you have any problems, comments, etc contact me by email at: SHAREWARE REGISTRATION This library is shareware (please give it to lots of people), you may use it for up to 14 days after which time you are required to pay the œ10 (UK sterling) registration fee. Registered users get free updates/fixes to this library and reductions on future C programming related releases, not to mention a new library with additional joystick and mouse functions, on 3.5" disk. To register, send cheque or postal/money order, worth 10 UK pounds and payable to A.L.McNab, to : A.L.MCNAB 40 Nine Acres Close Charlbury Oxford OX7 3RB UK Include your email address if you want free updates, these will be sent to you via the internet. Now go use it!