ClusterView v3.02 26 April 1996 (C) Yves Roumazeilles ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ClusterView is a Windows 95 application designed to help handle text searching tasks in a group of large files. They can be either plain text files (like documentation files) or HTML source files (like those you can get back from Internet with the help of the "save page" feature of Netscape, Mosaic or the Internet Explorer). It's often difficult to handle all these different files, ClusterView allows to view them (for HTML files it provides a fast viewing mechanism with none of the flashy features of the full-fledged programs), and then to search in the group of files. The most prominent features are: - grouping of documents in a structure named "cluster". This allows to consult simultaneously various files you decide to link together according to your needs. Various operations (other than mere viewing) can be applied to the documents of a cluster. It's easy to build a cluster for all HTML documents of the cache directory for NetScape or Mosaic. - approximative search based on Baeza-Yates algorithm to find a pattern which is only partly known (also known as search with erroneous patterns). For example, you can search for "pattern" with 1 error (at most) and it will match "pattern", "pittern" and "Pattern" while stepping over "lantern" (2 errors). - search modelled on the Unix utility named GREP. It is particularly useful for complex searching with the help of its specific search "language" to describe the pattern you look for. For example, you can search for "^pattern" to look for "pattern" at the beginning of a line; or for "[pl]a[nt]tern" to look for either "pattern" or "lantern". Look into the Help file for an extensive description of the pattern language. - files viewing is not limited by any constraints of size. You can be viewing anything you want (even gigabytes files if your computer has them readable - e.g. from a network). - capability of using ClusterView over Windows 3.1 using the Win32s wrapping. This allows to get the 32-bit performance without upgrading to Win95 or WinNT. - some display processing allows to filter/modify the presentation of data to the document window. - most of the keyboard commands are similar to / compatible with the ones from the Unix utilities named MORE and LESS. Both search methods are particularly useful to tackle large amounts of data when you are looking for important but difficult to locate data. The Windows help file gives detailed information about using it. File List: CLUSTER.EXE The executable file CLUSTER.HLP Help file CLUSTER.TXT This file YGREP32.DLL Support DLL YGREP.TXT Description of the YGrep Search Engine support DLL BITLIST.TXT Description of the BitList Engine ORDER.TXT Minimal order form To install ClusterView, simply put all the files in any directory already included in your path (C:\WINDOWS is suggested). If you already have an earlier version of ClusterView, replace its old files by the new ones. If Windows cannot find the DLL when the application is run, make sure it is either in the ClusterView directory, or in a directory on your path, and try again. Eventually, move YGREP32.DLL to the C:\WINDOWS directory. ** ClusterView is shareware. ** It it not Public Domain or Free. See the help file for shareware information and extensive description of the registration steps (including a number of registration sites accepting 800-calls or credit cards; Including the SWREG registration forum of Compuserve). If you cannot find the Help file and its registration forms, use the minimal form file ORDER.TXT and mail it with your payment to the address shown. If you find ClusterView useful, do the decent thing and register! In return you will receive: - the full ClusterView application (in its latest version), - help file (in its latest version), - sample cluster files for you to modify, - a registration number to identify yourself, - support thru Email and Fax.