NParse32 Registration Form Ordering by check: To order by check, send this order form and a check for $29.95 + $5.95 s&h, plus applicable sales tax (for Florida residents only) payable to Nanoware, Inc. to the address: Nanoware, Inc. PO Box 7468 Seminole, FL 34645-7468 Payments must be in US dollars drawn on a US bank. Diskettes are only available in 3.5in HD format. CompuServe Registration: To have the registration fee added to your CompuServe bill "GO SWREG" and follow the menus. NParse32's registration id is 10388. Foreign Orders: Currently, no orders from outside of the United States of America will be taken. ------------------------------------------------------------------ NParse32 (120-A) ____ copies at $29.95 each = ______ s&h (if diskettes requested) = $5.95 Sales Tax(FL only) = ______ Total = ______ Note - Florida Residents, please add applicable sales tax. Name: ______________________ Date:___________________ Company: ____________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________ City, State, Zip: ___________________________________ Electronic Mail address: ____________________________ Where did you hear about NParse32? ________________ Comments: