CCMPRS is a command-line file compression utility for Windows NT. It allows you to select files for NTFS file compression based on file name (with wild- cards), minimum file size, and/or a minimum compression ratio. You can also specify file extensions of files to be ignored. The command line format is: ccmprs filespec [options] where filespec is the path and filename (wildcards allowed) of the file(s) to be examined. The options are: -s : Examine files in subdirectories as well as the specified directory. -d : Decompress any compressed files encountered that do not meet the specified conditions for compression. -t# : Compress file only if resulting file size is # percent or less of the uncompressed size. If this option is not specified, the default is 75 percent. -m# : Compress file only if its uncompressed size is at least # bytes. If this option is not specified, the default is 0. -xa[,b[,c...]] : Ignore files with the specified extension(s). For example, -xzip,gif would ignore ZIP and GIF files. -a[h][s] : Include hidden and/or system files. Default is neither. -q : Operate quietly, with no status info displayed. For example, the command: ccmprs d:\stuff\*.* -xzip,gif -s -t66 -m10000 would compress each file in directory d:\stuff and its subdirectories, but only if the file is at least 10,000 bytes long, and would compress to 66% or less of its length. ZIP and GIF files would be skipped. I developed and tested this program under Windows NT 3.51, service pack 3. I don't know how well it will work under 3.5 or 4.0 beta. The included .MAK file is in Visual C++ 4.0 format. Since this is a simple console app, it shouldn't be too difficult compiling it with other 32-bit compilers. If you fix any bugs or add significant features, please write and let me know. My email addresses are: Internet: CIS: 72560,3353 AOL: RobertE49