--------------------------------------------------------- - PANZER 1.0 - --------------------------------------------------------- (c) Klepp Nikolaus Ohlsdorferstrasse 51a A-4810 Gmunden email: nikolaus.klepp@kfunigraz.ac.at Send any comments, notes, etc. to me! --------------------------------------------------------- Installation and startup: Unzip all files to a directory: PANZER.EXE the game TEST.TXT game landscape MANUAL.TXT this file FILE_ID.DIZ short description Start the game. To play via internet enter the hostname (NOT IP-address) of your opponent. The program will wait for the other end to start. To play on one computer, enter 'localhost' - if it doesn't work, add the following line to your 'hosts' file: localhost At last, select your playground - you only have one, test.txt, for the beginnig. Take a look at that file for designing your own. Description of the Units: ------ |A B| | | ------ A represents the unit's strenth, 6 ... full, 0 ... dead. All units are self repairing, probability is 0.2 per turn. B represents the unit's skill. 6 ... professional, 0 untrained. raises by 1, if unit reduces an opponents strenth, or by 2 if it kills an opponent. A game turn is departed in 2 phases, a combat and a movement phase. Combat: klick at a unit, all valid aims will be marked, then klick at a marked unit to fire. The probability of killing are modified by terrain and surroundig units. Movement:klick at a unit, all valid aims will be marked, then klick at a marked unit to move. Ar, there are some points, I didn't have time to write them in, so try it out. Your aim is to destroy your opponent's tent. The playground file: Take a look at test.txt for a description and then go for an experiment. If you design some nice terrains, send them to me! The program is sharware, if you like it and want the latest version, send me some paper money. If you'd like the source code (pascal), send me $20US. --------------------------------------------------------- Enyoy. nikolaus.klepp@kfunigraz.ac.at ---------------------------------------------------------