WinWin Overview WinWin version 1.5 Copyright © 1995-1996 New Science Products, Inc. All Rights Reserved. [notepad - maximized] [non-proportional font] ,,, (o-o) ---------oOO--(_)--OOo------------- WinWin Overview > What is it... > What does it do... > Suggestions... >> What is it... It's a different, and for many, a more productive approach to Windows navigation from a 'work flow' perspective. Program Manager, Task Manager, Windows utilities... WinWin bundles and enhances these functions plus it provides new and novel capabilities. WinWin is aimed squarely at "the Power User" and by that we mean people who run many applications simultaneously, frequently switching back and forth between programs. With WinWin you can run more applications with the same RAM and Link applications dynamically to both maximize your resources and speed your work flow. >> What does it do... WinWin provides enhancements to your Windows 3.1 or 3.11 system. Providing many of the tools of Windows 95 without the expense or risk of installing a whole new operating system. WinWin has toolbars like 95; one for starting programs (Launch Pad) and one for controlling current programs (Running Apps). WinWin watches and remembers icons and data about programs you use and intelligently configures and presents them to you. WinWin gives you powerful operational modifiers so you can optimize the system for your work. You can 'Link' programs for fast application switching, 'Remember' running programs at the end of a session and automatically have them waiting for you in your next session, or 'Destroy' a stubborn application. These are a just a few of the functions WinWin gives you for more power over the system. It monitors the Windows resources in real-time, on an on-going basis, reporting valuable info, when you need it, with a complete alarm system. With WinWin you can modify your Windows environment to best suit you and your work. >> Suggestions... Because of the unique way WinWin monitors your activities, many people start WinWin at the beginning of a work day and leave it minimized while they go about their work. WinWin with automatically program its toolbars while it watches you and your system. Although you are encouraged to dig right into WinWin and benefit from all it has to offer, setting WinWin up to run minimized will give a gentle introduction to the WinWin enhanced Windows environment. You will be able to operate as usual with no learning curve. Right away you will be in business and still have the power available. After WinWin learns you and you learn WinWin you will probably want to start weaning yourself away from the Program Manager/Task Manager team and to start to rely on WinWin for your main Windows operation. If you wish, when you are ready, you can option to have WinWin replace Program Manager or Task Manager or both. For information about specific features of WinWin just click the opposite mouse button on the object in question to invoke the EasyHelp(TM) system. ALL visible items are linked to item specific, context sensitive help material. --- To return to WinWin, either close this window (if you want to remove it from your desktop for now) or minimize it. NOTE: If you chose to close, you may review this 'Overview' at any time by pressing the WinWin 'Help' button. Please note the "WinWin Button" in the upper, left-hand section of this window. It is the red "W" next to the window system menu [-] symbol in the extreme upper, left-hand corner. This button provides instant, one-click access to the WinWin program from within other applications. You may also click this button to return. Thanks again for trying WinWin! --- end ---