Name | Extracted | Size | Date | Description |
CZINS101.ZIP | Yes | 538192 | 4/28/1995 | CzarInstall 1.01 is an installation program for software developers. (CZAR Software) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $34) |
EDI_DOS.ZIP | Yes | 58287 | 4/27/1992 | EDI Install for DOS 1.0 is a complete customizable installation program. (Eschalon Development Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $45) |
EZINSTAL.ZIP | Yes | 155809 | 4/20/1994 | EZ Install 1.6 offers software distributors an easy way to create install files for programs. (Service On Systems) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
EZINSTL.ZIP | Yes | 38707 | 10/3/1991 | Easy Install (Scanlon) 1.0B automates the installation of your software. (Scanlon Enterprises) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
FINISH30.ZIP | Yes | 130849 | 4/18/1995 | The Finishing Touch 3.0 is a simple software installation program that reduces the amount of space required on disks by 50 to 75 percent. (Michael J. Prestwich) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $74) |
GO_PSL.ZIP | Yes | 11427 | 5/3/1994 | Go-PsL 1.0 is a small (10k) software installation utility. (Nelson Ford) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
GO_TC.ZIP | Yes | 202154 | 6/9/1994 | Go - TC 2.3 is a software installation program. (Timothy Campbell) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
GO_UTILS.ZIP | Yes | 202221 | 6/16/1994 | GO Utilities 2.30 is a set of utilities for DOS software developers. (Timothy Campbell) (Reg.Fee: $19) |
II200.ZIP | Yes | 325950 | 4/8/1995 | InstallIt! 2.0 is an installation utility for use in your DOS applications. (Rick Pedley) (Reg.Fee: $33) |
INOUT11.ZIP | Yes | 14231 | 12/19/1994 | In and Out 1.1 is a software installation package. (Kevin Solway) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
INST103.ZIP | Yes | 64158 | 1/31/1995 | Installer! 1.03 is a programming script-based installation procedure for software authors. (Matthew Mastracci) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
INSTALIT.ZIP | Yes | 85516 | 1/30/1994 | Install It 2.08 is a software installation program. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
INSTL4.ZIP | Yes | 14495 | 12/9/1993 | Install (KWI) 4.0 is a simple software installation program. (Kenneth W. Illig) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
INSTPRO3.ZIP | Yes | 131631 | 3/17/1994 | Install-Pro 3.20 is an automated installation system. (DB/Soft Publishing) (Reg.Fee: $43) |
INSTY.ZIP | Yes | 73618 | 9/13/1994 | Insty 2.2 is a configurable installation program which program authors can set up for their specific needs and distribute with their programs. (Eric Jarrett) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
INSTY21.ZIP | Yes | 68811 | 6/13/1994 | INSTY 2.1 in an installation program for software authors. (Eric Jarrett) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
PHELP.ZIP | Yes | 67721 | 10/15/1993 | Pinnacle Help 1.01 will help you package your shareware with a slick, professional appearance. (Pinnacle Help) (Reg.Fee: $75) |
PILOAD.ZIP | Yes | 97338 | 2/2/1995 | Pro-Install 1.02 allows application programmers to create custom installation programs with introduction and closing screens. (Tamalpais Technologies) (Reg.Fee: $61) |
PINST143.ZIP | Yes | 270527 | 12/23/1993 | PowerInstall 1.43 is a software installation utility. (William S. Ataras) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $39) |
PKGDMO.ZIP | Yes | 304327 | 7/28/1994 | Packager/Installer 1.10 allows you to distribute AS/400 applications via floppy diskettes. (Frank M. Villafane) (Reg.Fee: $265) |
QINST20.ZIP | Yes | 116281 | 3/9/1994 | Quik-Install 2.0 is a small (8k) software installation program. (Michael L Wester) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
SHINST13.ZIP | Yes | 48438 | 5/9/1995 | Shareware Installer 1.3 is an installation program for software authors. (Relative Software Innovations) (Reg.Fee: $29) |
SHVEND14.ZIP | Yes | 34232 | 5/9/1995 | Shareware Vendor 1.4 is a customizable installation program for software vendors. (Relative Software Innovations) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
SIMPLE.ZIP | Yes | 141221 | 11/9/1994 | Simple Install 1.3 will do simple installations. (LRC Computing) (Reg.Fee: $50) |
SINSTD12.ZIP | Yes | 212461 | 4/4/1995 | SuperInstall for DOS 1.20 is a software installation program. (Stephan Patterson) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $55) |
STANKIT.ZIP | Yes | 177254 | 3/9/1993 | StanKit 4.07 is a software installation utility. (Stanislav G. Liachev) (Reg.Fee: $102) |
UI231.ZIP | Yes | 181749 | 1/20/1995 | Universal Install 2.31 is a professional installation package. (Matthew Brown) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $40) |
VSEG10.ZIP | Yes | 97560 | 12/12/1994 | Visible::Setup-G G1.0 is the VGA splashcreen edition of Visible::Setup, a developers' installation utility for DOS applications. (RCCO Research) (Reg.Fee: $45) |
VSET12A.ZIP | Yes | 72881 | 2/16/1995 | Visible::Setup 1.2a is an installation utility for DOS applications. (RCCO Research) (Reg.Fee: $33) |