Changes made with updated version of ANSIPLAY: ============================================== (Most recent listed first) Version 2.1 - released 08/14/91 ------------------------------- BUG FIXED: -Vs. 2.0 had a bug in it that when ESC[M was used without specifying "F" (foreground) or "B" (background) music, the program was not translating the music string correctly. Version 2.1 corrects this error. ENHANCEMENTS: -When using the /D option in ANSIPLAY, if you answer No to deleting the file, you will then be given a chance to rename it. -Faster interpretation of Music/Sound codes. -When an alternate character is used in place of the ESC character consistently in the ANSI file, ANSIPLAY will detect this and automatically exchange the alternate character for CHR$(27) (ESC). -/List option in ANSIPLAY which enables you to scroll a list of your ANSI files then select which one you want to view/play. (When no options are used on the command line, the /L option will be automatically invoked). This option will also allow you to toggle the /C, /D, and /Q option flags on-screen. Also [F1] will change drive\directory (registered versions only). -PLAY.EXE has a new repeat option (/R) which will allow you to repeat the last played music string either at the DOS prompt, or when loading the music string editor. -Installation program (INSTALL.EXE) for easy setup of CONFIG.SYS, AUTOEXEC.BAT and ANSIPLAY.CLS. Also allows printing of Documentation files and registration form included with the program package. POLICY: -Updates are now only $5.00 (+ postage/handling) as opposed to the previous discount of 25% from the package price. -Copyright policy - please re-read this section in the file ANSIPLAY.DOC. Version 2.0 - released 06/13/91 ------------------------------- ORIGINAL RELEASE