Chat Manager enables you to chat with multiple other users at the same time. It also enables you to download at the same time using the CMP external protocol (ask your sysop!). As you start, you will see a screen listing all chats and their status. Select a chat by pressing it's key [A, B , C..] Selecting an empty chat will start a new one. If the subject wasn't fixed you will be asked to enter a subject. Then you'll have to wait until another user decides to join your chat. You could also list the users present in the BBS and ask or force them to enter Chat Manager. Everything you type in your window will be immediatly visible by all other chatters. Backspace and Enter can be used. Try a little, and you will get the feeling. Pressing Escape gives you a menu with some options; [O] Send a private One-liner, sends a private message to a specific BBSline within your Chat! [D] Download, enter filenames (wildcards allowed) of files you would like to download. Seperate them with spaces. CMP Protocol needed! [C] Cancel Download, only available when a download is in progress [I] Information display, gives you a review of some data including time left on BBS, subject of the chat and whether the chat is private. [N] New subject, allows a subjectchange that will inform possible new chatters looking for a chat what your (new) subject is. [T] Toggle private chat, Allow or disallow the admittance of new users to your chat. [P] Page the sysop. If this is enabled, you can page the sysop and if he is at home, he will probably join your chat within a few moments. [M] Messages Submenu [O] Send a private One-liner, sends a private message to a specific BBSline within your Chat! [S] Save as message. This saves all text in your window as a message to another user. Enter his name very carefully, or he will never receive the message. Screen is cleared after saving. Use SYSOP to save it to the Sysop. Below a certain userlevel you will only be able to write to the sysop and not to other users. [W] Window Submenu [R] Redraw your screen. Use this if your screen is messy because of a bad line or something like that. [E] Empty window, clears your window and relocates your cursor at the top. [L] Leave the Chat, return to the main screen. Avatar and Ansi are strongly recommended. Also the use of CMP, the Chat Manager Protocol is very useful. This protocol can be downloaded as CMP*.*. It enables you to download during chats, hear the sysop's paging tunes and use Avatar with non-avatar BBS's and communication programs.