RUE Quick start: 1) Setting RUE up RUE should be located in own directory. For example: C:\SBBS\RUE Also I recommend opening menu file archives in own subdirectories with command: ARJ X MNU*.ARJ 2) Configuration changes in SuperBBS Start SuperBBS's CONFIG.EXE and insert new door called 'SuperBBS Remote User Editor'. Enter security level and flags which are required to enter RUE. Change start and end times if necessary. Set active flag on. On commandline you should enter something like this: C:\SBBS\RUE\RUE.EXE -CRUE.CFG -KNORMALMENUS *E I have following door setup in SuperBBS: Door name : SuperBBS Remote User Editor Command line : C:\SBBS\RUE\RUE.EXE -CRUE.CFG -KNORMALMENUS *E Security Level : 1024 Flags A : -------- Flags B : -------- Flags C : -------- Flags D : -------- Start time : 00:00 End time : 24:00 Active : Yes 3) Configuration changes in RUE Edit configuration file RUE.CFG with word processor. Configuration file that comes in RUE package should be quite self-explanatory but here is the most important things you should check and change to fit your system: SYSOPNAME, BBSNAME - Put here your name and your BBS's name. REGCODE - If you have registered RUE, put here your registration code. MODE - If you have mono screen (no colors), put here 'NO'. SBBSDIR - Put here your SuperBBS Main Directory. SBBSMSGDIR - Put here your SuperBBS Messagebase Directory. NEWUSERSEC - Put here your BBS's new user security level. COMPORT - Put here COM port where your modem is. DORINFO, EXITINFO - Put here full file path names of your DORINFO?.DEF and EXITINFO.BBS files. On single node systems they are usually created to SBBS Main Directory and on multinode systems to each Node Directory. RUEDIR - Put here RUE's _Menu_and_Ansi_ Directory (where menu and ansi files that you use are). Usually one of the subdirectories of RUE directory. TEMPLATEFILE - Full file path name of templates (groups) file. It will be created at run-time. After changes, save RUE.CFG in ASCII-format. 4) Now RUE is properly set up and you can try running it locally from SuperBBS. Have fun!