If there is a discrepancy in the information presented in this file and in the main sysop's docs for this product, please use the information presented HERE, as it will tend to have UPDATED information. DEVONLINE PRODUCT SUPPORT INFORMATION -- ------------------------------------- DevOnline offers support via one of its authors for its various product lines. Well-known as one of the most accessible shareware authors worldwide, the following information is provided to help users of DevOnline products with any difficulties and questions they may have: Address: Steven H. Lin, Ph.D., M.S. DevPal MetroNet Communications 20725 NE 8th Ct., #202 Miami, FL 33179 BBS: Shining Glass Darkly Virtual BBS/NET Partition [The Deviant's Palace] of Miami 305/655-3041 2400-14.4k HST/v.32bis 24 hours except ZMH Voice: 305/655-3145 ExecNet: slinc@devpal*miami*fl*us FN NetMail: FN 1:135/105.0 SB 13:200/6.0 DN 55:55/1.0 DR 75:75/1.0, 75:7305/1.0 FN EchoMail: AOTD - DevOnline Products echo [DN/DR/FN] DEV_SYSOP - DevNet Systems Operations echo [DN/FN] DEV_TPA - Third Party Apps Developers echo [DN/FN] D_ADVENT - Adventure DOORs echo [DR] D_CHANCE - DOORs of Chance echo [DR] D_SYSOP - DoorNet Sysops echo [DR] PCBNET - PCBoard Sysops echo [FN] RADWAVE - Radical Wave Products echo [DN/FN] Internet: slinc@f135.n105.z1.fidonet.org Onyx: lord_mercenary@dpm.devpal.mil U'NI-net/US: DOOR-UTIL - DOORs and utilities for BBS's Voice support is given freely and is the preferred method of communication by the author. Please take advantage of this remarkable avenue of support. OFFICIAL DEVONLINE DISTRIBUTION SITES -- ------------------------------------- To further expand accessibility, there are now official DevOnline distribution sites available to provide you with the latest unregistered versions of DevOnline products: DevOnCA (Western US) : Amber sysop: Wayne Bell (Random) loc: Los Angeles, CA #: 310/208-6689 baud: 300-14.4k HST/v.32bis ice: WWIV addr: WN @1 PCP: CALAN DevOnCO (Mountain US) : The Hornet's Nest sysop: Kevin Higgins loc: Fort Carson, CO #: 719/579-0593 baud: 2400-14.4k HST ice: TAG addr: FN 1:128/74.0, DR 75:7719/1.0 PCP: n/a DevOnFL (Southeastern US) : [The Deviant's Palace] of Miami sysop: Steve Lin loc: Miami, FL #: 305/655-3041 baud: 2400-14.4k HST/v.32bis ice: PCBoard, QuickBBS, RemoteAccess, TAG, TurBoard, Virtual BBS, WWIV addr: FN 1:135/105.0, SB 13:200/6.0, DN 55:55/1.0, DR 75:75/1.0, Exec @devpal*miami*fl*us, Onyx @dpm.devpal.mil, UNI DEVPAL PCP: FLMIA DevOnNC (Mid-Atlantic US) : The Game BBS sysop: David Fife loc: Winston-Salem, NC #: 919/744-9030 baud: 1200-14.4k HST/v.32bis ice: TAG addr: FN 1:151/603.0, DR 75:7919/31.0 PCP: NCRTP DevOnNJ (Northeastern US) : APFL-The BBS sysop: Tom Kane loc: Tenafly, NJ #: 201/567-6994 baud: 300-14.4k HST/9600 v.32 ice: Telegard addr: FN 1:2604/306.0, DR 75:150/0.0 PCP: NJNEW DevOnWI (Northern US) : Exec-PC sysop: Bob Mahoney loc: Milwaukee, WI #: 414/789-4210 baud: 300-16.8k HST/14.4k v.32b #: 414/789-4352 #: 414/789-4337 #: 414/789-4360 ice: Network BBS addr: n/a PCP: WIMIL Mail network address key: DN : DevNet DR : DoorNet Exec : ExecNet FN : FidoNet Onyx : Onyx RIME : RIME RN : RBBS-Net SB : SBCnet UNI : U'NI-net/US VtN : VirtualNet WN : WWIVnet