PLAYER HELP for:  *****************  PIE IN THE FACE  *****************   Welcome to the game of PIE IN THE FACE. This game will not take lots of your valuable bbs time to play! Just play for a few minutes each day and you can do very well at the game! There are several UNDOCUMENTED hidden suprises in this game so don't say you were not warned!   PIE IN THE FACE is a game where you buy pies and throw them at other users with the goal of getting a high score!   When you first signon and enter your will see the following screen displayed: (be sure to pick a nice neutral alias because the sysop can easily change your alias or kill your player)    A Pie in the FACE BBS Game Version 1.0  REGISTERED TO: The Seed Sowers BBS   YOUR Score: 0 Money = 75 Name: NEW USER   Pie 1: 0  Pie 2: 0  Pie 3: 0  Eaten %: 0   (C)huck pie  (E)at pie  (T)hree Pie Flip  (F)lip coin  (P)urchase pies  (S)ell Pies  (V)iew high scores  (R)eport daily activity  (N)ame change (K)ill yourself  (L)Score Sale  (Q)uit to BBS   Enter command:     Here is a breakdown of the commands and what they mean:   Score line shows your current score (negative or positive) and the amount of money you have.  YOUR Score: 0 Money = 75   Your alias name is displayed.  Name: NEW USER   Next you will see how many pies you have. Pies are all yours as no one can rob pies or money from you. The Eaten percent will be explained with the Eat command.   Pie 1: 0  Pie 2: 0  Pie 3: 0  Eaten %: 0   If you wish to throw some pies at someone then just enter the command 'c' and it will bring you to the 'chuck a pie sub menu'. More on that later.   (C)huck pie   Eating pie gives you protection and it lowers the odds of you being hit. The idea is that if you eat pie then you will have more sugar in your system and will be harder to HIT! By entering the command 'e' you will see the cost and percentage of eating pie. Obviously if you know someone is going to attack you (revenge) then it is in your best interests to eat a big piece of pie!   (E)at pie   Three pie flip allows you to enter a number between 1-3. The computer will also select a number between 1-3 and if you match you will get back the money you invested. Odds are 33%   (T)hree Pie Flip   Flip a coin is another way to get money. The odds are 50 percent but with a twist. If you put $10 down you can win or lose $20.   (F)lip coin   Purchasing pies is the main part of the game! Buy pies to throw at other users!   (P)urchase pies   Selling pies is another way to get some cash. The command pretty well expain itself.   (S)ell Pies   This shows you all the players ranked by their scores. How well can you do?   (V)iew high scores   Report daily activity brings up another sub menu which will be explained later.   (R)eport daily activity   Name Change is one way you can hide yourself if someone is out to get you! However you will neeed $400 bucks to do it.  If you are attacked heavily and would rather start anew than dig yourself out of a negative score...then just kill yourself. You will then be re-initialized the next time the sysop runs the event.   (N)ame change (K)ill yourself   Another way to get some cash is to sell your score. You can figure out how much the computer will give you for selling your score.   (L)Score Sale   Quit is a command to end the game and bring you back to the BBS.   (Q)uit to BBS    Thats about it for the main commands in pie in the face. Next lets look at the 'Chuck a pie' sub menu:     A Pie in the FACE BBS Game Version 1.0  REGISTERED TO: The Seed Sowers BBS   YOUR Score: 0 Money = 69  NEW USER   Pie 1: 50  Pie 2: 50  Pie 3: 20   (T)arget selection view (this is not a high score listing)  (C)huck a pie at someone  (R)eturn to main menu  Enter command:    This menu is pretty simple. If you can't remember who to attack then just enter 'T' to see a current list of players. This list remains UNSORTED as long as you are in the chuck a pie sub menu. To see the sorted high score list then just go back to the main menu.   The next command is (C)HUCK a pie at someone. After entering 'C' you will see the following:   Enter target NUMBER or NAME (Q)uit   Just enter the number of the player or his name (part or whole name). Then once you have selected a player just choose the pie you wish to throw and.........LET HIM HAVE IT!............SPLAT!   ---------------------   The next menu is the REPORT DAILY ACTIVITY sub menu. Just enter 'R' at the main menu to get here.   PIE IN THE FACE!  Daily log Reporting menu  D......... Select to see today's logs  S......... Select to see previous day's logs  T......... Action this TURN  N......... Read daily news  H......... Help: Game documentation  R......... Return to main menu   Enter command:    The commands pretty well explain themselves but I'll briefly go thru them:  The 'D' command show the activity for TODAY.  The 'S' command shows the activity for a previous day  The 'T' command shows your activity on this turn  The 'N' command lets you read the daily newspaper. It is created  by the nightly event. It shows the price changes, any  deaths, and bonus's given to players.  The 'H' command displays this file.  The 'R' command returns you to the main menu.    Thats about it so jump in and throw some pies!!!!!!!!!!!   (By the way...only people who play on a regular basis are eligible for bonus money!)   (END OF DOCUMENTATION)