Version 1.06 22 March 1993 ----------------------------------- * Fixed minor bug in endgame routines. Version 1.05 3 March 1993 ----------------------------------- * Fixed major bug in utility program that caused lockups and garbage entries in the Guild and Player data fields. Version 1.04 25 September 1992 ----------------------------------- * Year in the news is now correct system year, not year + 80. * Quick Exit option add to Guild Select Menu * Bank Robbery corrected. Bank money will never be less than zero. * Paying Henchmen endless loop fixed. * Pay Hench will now let henchmen go if not fully paid. * Negative cash flow problems fixed. * Platinum pieces added. * Level 4 and 5 Henchmen can now be hired. * Fixed Guild Reinforce routine. * Added Fossil RTS/CTS flow control for 9600 Baud and above * Added a few extra suprises