July 19, 1992 Players/SysOps, This blackjack game loosely follows John Scarne's rules for playing a "private" game of blackjack. Since he makes no mention of any 5 card charlies it is not included in this game. As of this version (1.44) there is no option to split a hand. I may add this option in a future version. Those considerations aside, this game plays a decent game of blackjack and I sincerly hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Keep in mind that registering this game can have an impact on if and how this game door is updated. Also note that you may exit the game at the "Enter your bet (1-Bank) ? " prompt by pressing the ESC key. It will exit and ask you if you want to see the top winners. The game does NOT permit you to double down if you have already been dealt more than 2 cards. Also if you attempt to double down and do not have the required funds in your bank to double your bet you CANNOT double down. All that said, Enjoy! -Robert Fortune- 7/92