*! BASIC RULES Move about on the playing field using the N,S,E,W keys. Attack other players and treasure ships you find using the A key. Try to have the most gold by the end of the month. Avoid the Spanish Armada and the Flying Dutchman. *A ATTACK Permits you to attack treasure ships and other players. Odds in attack are 1 in 3 that you will loose a battle with a treasure ship. Odds on attacking other players are based on the number of crew members and guns they possess in relation to you. *B BUY You may buy additional turns if your ship has not been sunk. *C CREW Crew members help you during fights with other pirate ships, but they are a scurvy lot, subject to mutiny and stealing your gold if you bury too much of it on Treasure Island. *D DIG This is a banking feature. Bury your gold to prevent other players from taking it if they attack you. Burying too much gold causes your crew to mutiny, so be careful about how much you try to bury. *E EAST Moves your player 1 position East on the playing field. The field is a 13 x 13 grid. The field wraps from East to West. *F INVALID COMMAND Invalid Command *G GUNS Guns help your crew when attacking other player's ships. One gun per crew member has the maximum effect. Having more than one gun per crew member does not increase the odds in a fight. *H HELP!!! Displays this menu. Press the SPACE BAR to return to the game. *I INFORMATION Buccaneer was written by Alan Graff and is distributed by Cross Connect Software. It is compiled in Turbo Pascal 6.0 and uses JPDoor 3.0 for for modem I/O and works with RemoteAccess, QuickBBS and SuperBBS. For more information call Cross Connect BBS (614) 776-7136 [1:2260/50] *J INVALID COMMAND Invalid Command *K KLUDGE This command is mainly for the ANSI users. In case of line noise or glitches in the game that cause the screen to be scrambled, pressing the K key will clear and redraw the screen. *L LIST This command lists the other players by name, name of their ship and tells whether they have been sunk or not. *M MENU This command is for the ASCII users, it displays the command menu. *N NORTH Moves your player 1 position North on the playing field. The field is a 13 x 13 grid. It does not wrap from North to South. *O INVALID COMMAND Invalid Command *P PRICE Various items and actions during the game cost certain amounts of gold. This displays how much they cost. *Q QUIT Ends the game and returns you to the BBS. If you have turns remaining you may resume the game later in the day. *R READ Permits you to read the ship's log which lists who has played the game recently, who attacked who, who won and lost, and other information. *S SOUTH Moves your player 1 position South on the playing field. The field is a 13 x 13 grid. It does not wrap from North to South. *T TELESCOPE Permits you to view a small section of the playing field, one space in all directions, around your current location. Using the telescope costs one turn each time you use it. *U INVALID COMMAND Invalid Command *V VIEW Displays a representation of the playing grid and your current location on it. Does not show any of the other players. See TELESCOPE command for this feature. *W WEST Moves your player 1 position West on the playing field. The field is a 13 x 13 grid. The field wraps from East to West. *X ANSI Toggles ANSI graphics ON and OFF for variation in game playing style. *Y YOUR Displays various information about you. *Z INVALID COMMAND Invalid Command *1 LOTTERY The lottery costs $5 to play. You may only play once per day. Matching 3 of the amounts wins the amount. If two sets of 3 matches occur, you win the higher of the two. Matching 4 multiplys the amount by 10, 5 by 100 and 6 by 1000. Maximum win is $6,000,000.00 *2 FLYING DUTCHMAN This is an invisible ghost ship. It is the only ship that can not be seen with the telescope. Encountering it causes you to loose all of your guns and turns for the day. It will sometimes give you a small cash bonus also. *3 SPANISH ARMADA Encountering the Spanish Armada looses all of your crew, guns and turns and half of your gold. *4 TREASURE SHIPS There are 10 treasure ships placed at random locations around the grid. Each treasure ship carrys a random amount of gold and jewels. You may choose to attack them to try to sieze their treasure, but the odds are 1 in 3 that you will not succeed. Being sunk by a treasure ship looses all of your gold, turns and a random number of crew and guns. *5 HIGH SCORE LIST A list of the high scores is displayed when you quit the game. *6 SUNKEN SHIPS Sunken ships can not be seen nor do they affect the game play. If you are sunk, you must wait until the following day to continue the game. *7 GAME STRATEGY 1. Sell guns, fire crew, attack only treasure ships, bury everything. 2. Buy maximum guns & crew, attack only other players, bury 85%. 3. Try combinations of 1 and 2. 4. Only use telescope once every 3 moves maximum. *? WHAT'S A BUCCANEER? A high price to pay for corn! *