°°°°° ° ° °°° °°°°° °°°°° ° ° °°° °°°°° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °°°° ° °°°°° °°°°° °°°° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °°°°° ° ° °°° ° °°°°° ° ° °°° ° °°°°° °°° ° °°°°° ° ° ° ° ° ° °° ° ° ° °°° ° ° ° ° ° ° °°°°° °°° °°°° ° (Version 1.0) Copyright (C) 10/25/91 Written by: Gary Gray SYSOP INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLING AND RUNNING CHIP SHOT GOLF. Intro: Chip Shot Golf is an online (door) game for your bbs. It will run on a variety of bbs systems, and supports locked com ports up to 38.400 kbps. You run Chip Shot Golf at your own risk. I've made every attempt to insure this program is "bug free", however, anything can happen so I will not be held responsible for any damage that occurs to your system as a result of you running this program. Once you've placed this software on your system, all responsibility for what happens is YOURS! If you wish you may try Chip Shot Golf free of charge for 30 days on your bbs system. If you find that you like this program and would like become a registered user, please send $10.00 (Check or Money order) to the address on the registration form. Just follow the instruction on the registration form included in this package. This will entitle you to future updates "free of charge". CREDITS Chip Shot Golf (v 1.0) was written using Microsoft Quick Basic 4.5 and DOORFRAME ver 2.4 written by Ted Freeman of Micronet. Doorframe provides all of the com routines and door formats. If your interested in writing online games or other doors, I highly recommend using Ted Freemans' DOORFRAME. It's the best interface available (that I've found). Additional help was provided by Greg Swensson on the ANSI welcome screen seen at program startup. INSTALLING CHIP SHOT GOLF ON YOUR BBS Setting up and running Chip Shot Golf is a fairly simple procedure. You must first create a subdirectory for the game. Example: C:\BBS\GOLF Unzip this package to this subdirectory. Run the program "GOLFINIT.EXE" from this subdirectory. This program will write the blank data files needed to run the program. The next step is to create a configuration file which will be read by the program at loadup. Just about any ASCII text editor will do. Example: GOLF.CFG The configuration file should be placed in the sub-directory in which you have installed the game. (ie..C:\BBS\GOLF\GOLF.CFG) The layout of the congiguration file should be one of the following depending on what type of bbs you are running. Choose the example that best suits your needs. C:\PCB\USERS.SYS <----For PCBoard systems using USERS.SYS C:\PCB\PCBOARD.SYS <----For PCBoard systems using PCBOARD.SYS only C:\BBS\CALLINFO.BBS <----For Wildcat systems prior to v 3.0 C:\BBS\DOOR.SYS <----For systems supporting DOOR.SYS C:\BBS\DORINFOx.DEF <----For QBBS/RBBS/RA Replace x with node # C:\BBS\SFDOORS.DAT <----For Spitfire systems (Note: Select one of the above for line 1 of your golf.cfg file) BBS Name <----The Name of your BBS on line 2 First <----Sysop's First name on line 3 Last <----Sysop's Last name on line 4 You may refer to the sample golf.cfg file in the game package. RUNNING CHIP SHOT GOLF V 1.0 You will need to make a golf.bat file that can be executed from your bbs program. Please refer to your bbs documentation for further instructions pertaining to your bbs software and door support if necessary. Chip Shot Golf can be executed by specifying the golf.exe file with the configuration file appended to the command line. GOLF GOLF.CFG Sample Golf.bat @echo off cd c:\bbs\golf <----Change to your golf directory golf golf.cfg <----Make sure to specify your configuration file cd c:\bbs <----Change back to your bbs directory cls <----Clear your local screen exit <----Exit back to your bbs ADDITIONAL INFORMATION When you run CHIP SHOT GOLF for the first time, it will create the following files in your golf directory... TOTAL9.DAT <---- Sequential data file stores records for 9 holes TOTAL18.DAT <---- Sequential data file stores records for 18 holes TOPMONEY.DAT <---- Sequential data file stores records for winnings SCORES.DAT <---- ANSI file displayed for top scores (9 or 18 holes) DOLLARS.DAT <---- ANSI file displayed for top money winners If for any reason you wish to reinitialize your game, simply delete these *.DAT files from your golf directory and run "GOLFINIT.EXE" again. Another file, SCORE.MSG is created when a person views their score card for their current round. This is a temporary file that is used for nothing more than display purposes. You may delete this file at any time without affecting the game. All of these files are sequential files, and can be edited with a text editor if the sysop desires. DO NOT CHANGE THE FORMAT for each line of data however, as this will result in read errors when the program is run. Future versions of CHIP SHOT GOLF will include player editors and additional functions that will make further use of these files. You may also edit the GOLF.ANS file or create your own using an ANSI program such as The Draw. This is the welcome screen at program loadup and is nothing more than an ANSI color file. Sysop functions are available when a caller is running the door. Instructions for using these functions are fairly straight forward. They may be viewed at the status bar at the bottom of the screen when the door is running. Pressing the HOME key will toggle additional options. I would caution against using chat mode when a player is online, as when returning from chat mode, the entire screen may not be redrawn correctly. If a player is in the middle of a round of golf, you may hit the "R" key after a chat exit, this will redraw the screen for the caller. The caller however may not understand this, so you may have to do it for him. Exiting chat from any other screen may provide less than desirable results, so it is not recommended you attempt chatting from anything other than the main game screen. That's about all of it. It's a pretty simple door to get running and you shouldn't have any real problems getting it installed. I've tested this door extensivly with Telegard v 2.5 bbs software and all of the sample files included are for Telegard. Good luck, and happy golfing!