Please fill out the following information, where is says Registered name I want the name you wish the program to aknowledge, if your name is the same as the handle on your BBs then put in "SAME". Real name -------------------------------------------- Address ---------------------------------------------- City ------------------------------------------------- State ------------------------------------------------ Zip -------------------------------------------------- Registered name -------------------------------------- Phone ------------------------------------------------ BBs Phone -------------------------------------------- Please specify disk format ( )3.5" 720k ( )5 1/4" 360k Please specify compression format. ( ).ZIP ( ).ARC ( ).ARJ ( ).LZH ( ) Other ---------------------- Please specify payment ( )Cash ( )Check ( )Money order Make all checks payable to : Chris Whitacre P.O. Box 1186 Hanfird, Ca. 93232-1186 *Please allow 2-3 weeks for persional checks to clear. ( )Copies @ 20.00 $------- ( )Ca tax @ 7.25% $------- Shipping (USA) $ 5.00 Total paid $------- *Outside USA Orders please add an additionall $10.00 for shipping. Thanks for your support, It is greatly appriciated and will further its developement.