" *****************************","12" " HANG 'EM ","15" " *****************************","12" " SURVIVE THE NOOSE! ","15" " *****************************","12" " ","14" " The object of Hang 'em is to pick letters and guess the","15" " hidden words. If you guess a word correctly you win ten times ","15" " the number of letters in the word.","15" " If you miss a letter then another body part is added to the noose.","15" " You must guess the word before you are 'hung'.","15" " There are five lists of sixty words to choose from and the sysop","15" " may create new word lists whenever he wishes.","15" " A series of blocks with question marks in them will appear. Each ","15" " block represents a letter in the word you are to guess.","15" " Continue to pick letters and make guesses until you are hung","15" " at the noose.","15" " Players compete against each other on a monthly basis and the top","15" " ten players are written to a bulletin. ","15" " HAVE FUN AND GOOD LUCK AT HANG 'EM !","14" " "," "