" *****************************","14" " * LEAGUE - BOWLING *","15" " *****************************","14" " * VISIT THE WILDCAT LANES! *","15" " *****************************","14" " ","14" " The game of League-Bowling plays exactly like a bowling league","15" " at your favorite local lanes!","15" " Join a team and then begin to play the game.","15" " The game is simple to play, just position the ball using the","15" " 8 and the 2 key (Numberlocked up and down arrow keys) and then","15" " press the space bar to roll the ball. The ball may hook or curve","15" " just like on an actual lane. Scores are totalled exactly like a ","15" " real game of bowling. You must bowl three games to get an average.","15" " Each persons average is kept as well as their teams average.","15" " High scores of the month are stored as well as the all time ","15" " high Team Average .","15" " ","15" " Have fun and good luck! ","12" "'",""