If you are running a Wildcat board and generating the short REALtime hello screens you may be interested in the following for improved display to your users. The Hello screens are generated with NO @PAUSE@ statement at the end. This is to give the SYSOP maximum leeway to determine the usage of the screen (either as a hello, bulletin, newsletter etc screen). On my board the screen is used as a hello. I generate the hello in my DISPLAY directory as HELLO8.BBS. My HELLO9.BBS screen contains ONLY a @PAUSE@ statement. Hence, the users see the hello8.bbs screen come up, followed by the hello9.bbs screen containing only the @PAUSE@ statement which stops the screen for viewing. You can also place another smaller (less then full size hello screen) in your HELLO9.BBS screen followed by the @PAUSE@ statement. The effect is the same, the upper portion being the latest doors entered on your system followed by whatever other info you may want to display to the users. -Pete