** GALACTIC ARMAGEDDON ** ** Version 1.2 ** ** 01-13-91 Wed. 02:27pm ** ***************************** Author: Jack Chalker. Co-Authors: Wayne Hyde, and The Adept. Additional Mentions: The Mad Planetoid & ------------ Ronen Magid's ---------------- | Fossil Driver Support Routines TP 4,5 | | (972)-52-917663 VOICE | | (972)-52-27271 2400 24hrs | | | --------------------------------------------- -- Alpha Sites -- -*:Alpha One:*- -*:Alpha Two:*- -*:Alpha Three:*- Perditions BBS The Sanctum Mordor BBS (305)-822-4071 (305)-559-4018 (305)-270-9961 Sysop: Jack Chalker Sysop: Pack Rat Sysop: Phantom Rider 3/12/2400 Bps 3/12/2400 Bps 3/12/2400 Bps (WWIV/TREK) (TeleGard) (TeleGard) -*:Alpha Four:*- -*:Alpha Five:*- Dark Side Of The Moon S.A.R.C.A.S.M. (305)-238-5796 (407)-394-5308 Sysop: The Cadaver Sysop: Flashback Aftermath 3/12/2400 Bps 3/12/24/96/19.2 Bps (TeleGard) (TeleGard) -- Beta Sites -- -*:Beta One:*- -*:Beta Two:*- The Software Conspiracy Floyd's BBS (305)-235-4335 (305)-827-0458 Sysop: Sparrowhawk Sysop: Alias 3/12/2400 Bps 3/12/2400 Bps (LSD) (TeleGard) -*:Beta Three:*- -*:Adventurer's Corner:*- (309)-452-2838 Sysop: Shadowspawn 3/12/24/96/19.2 Bps (WWIV) ** GAME HISTORY ** This game started off as a simple modified version of Chris Sherrik's Tradewars II online game. At the time, it was concidered a very hot game and many a sysop scrambled to get it; despite the numerous bugs that came along with it, it was worth having. Soon, however, the game became boring, at least to me. So, together with my co-sysops, The Adept and Wayne Hyde, we decided to embark on the adventure of trying to actually decipher the game's Turbo Pascal v3.0's source code. It wasn't easy, due to TP 3.0's limited amount of memory allowed for compilations, Chris Sherrik was forced to use a programming technique to squeeze in as much into the game without taking up too much memory, in the process, he made the game's source code virtually impossible to follow, making it all the more difficult for us to modify it. But we managed to do it by first making an editor for the game. This task was left up to Wayne Hyde and The Adept. You have to realize the game came with a VERY limited editor that only allowed you to edit players and global stats. Our editor allowed us to edit sectors, ports and planets. (You have to realize this was back in like 1987; when online game's just began to make it big.) After that, we managed to figure out the way the game worked and decided to begin modifying the source code, and we did, together, for a while. Then, one day, me and my co-sysop, The Adept, had a big arguement and split-up from the trio. Wayne Hyde soon also split for different reasons, mainly to pursue his own goals in life....(he decided to make a BBS program...but that's another story ) Anyway, this left me with the task of making the game spiffy. I decided that the game's data file was too limited and decided to expand it. Borrowing an idea that I got from The Adept, I made a data-file-copier which allowed me to create a much bigger data file and copy the old data file records to it. This allowed me to have nearly unlimited number ranges, and many more variables to work with; something unheard of at the time. Soon I began to implement many mods, on an average of about one big mod every couple weeks. It was the first TW-Like online game to have teams, cloaking devices and the first to break the 32767 barrier....this is no longer a big deal now'days of course. Anyway, the competition is still behind in many regards... both quality and quantity of modifications. Here's a short summary of just SOME of the mods that this version has that others may not: Teams, 1000 Sectors, Programmable Mines, Programmable Fighters, Programmable Ship Defensive modes, planetary force fields, Starbases with defensive capabilities, choosing roles in the game: Federation Trader, Romulan Warrior, Klingon Renegade; Solar Sails, Transwarp Drive, Hydrogen Scoops, InterGalactic Matter Anti-Matter Missles (IGMAM's for short), Galactic Excursio Modules, Navagation Computers, Trading Computers, Sensor Masking Deflectors, Being able to create your own ports, starbases, planets, sectors; Sector Beacons, Planetary Beacons, Anti-Matter Missles, Cargo Bay Extensions, Phaser Salvos, Photon Torps, Klingon Birds Of Prey, Ferengi Fighters, Ferengi Attack Cruisers, Klingon Warships, Borg, Dreadnoughts, Heavy Cruisers, Destroyers, Scouts, Nuclear Warheads, Federation Police Officers, Romulan Mercenary Forces, Bounty/Hit-Lists, Rogue Mercenary Fighters, K3-C Interceptors, Romulan Scout Fighters, Port Bars, Asteroid Belts, Military Troops, Lottery, Escalating War Conditions, Energy Matter Converters, Cloaking Devices, Anti-Cloaking Devices, Cloaked Planets, Auxillary Power Units, Full ANSI Graphics Capabilities and Full ANSI Sound FX Capabilities. XRH-40 Port Destroying Missles, Ship Scanners, Self-Destruct Mechanism, Tractor Beam Systems....and much more... -:%*: Modification/Bug History As Of 11/18/90 :*%:- oo Overlay System Added oo Registration Security Added oo Default Bug for Phaser Attacks -- Fixed oo Anti-Matter Missle Attacks allowed for Alien ships -- Fixed oo ANSI Sound FX fine-tuned oo Increase of alien ship bounties oo Starbases Added oo Cloakable Starbases and Transporter Complex Added oo Hitting CR for Starbase PW prompt aborts attempt at dock oo Prompts before attempting to override Starbase Security oo A clearscreen added before loading oo Shows registration information oo No transfer of credits while you still have a loan in bank oo Bug with countdown of weapons lock -- Assuming Fixed oo Instruction Database oo Sectors 1, 505 & 1000 Non-IGMAMable oo Sysop-Side controls fine-tuned oo Ship Status display fine-tuned oo Bug in Ship-Placement Fixer -- Fixed oo TW Lottery Bug -- Fixed oo Class 4 port 30% profit -- Fixed oo WarCond.DAT file now expanded to allow changing of Trading values (In this order: War Condition, Ore Price, Organics Price, Equipment Price. Anything after that is disgarded.) oo Bug with death before an alien encounter -- Fixed oo Cloaking Device bug -- Fixed oo Registration Data File expanded !You will need a new one from Alpha-One! oo Bug with huge phaser-bank refund on counter-attacks with enemy vessels bug -- Fixed oo Bug with destroying Starbases -- Assumed Fixed oo Bug with checking of War Condition -- Fixed oo Bug with 6 digit limit in trading -- Fixed oo Improved sensitivity of weapons lock -- Fixed oo Bug in weapons lock causing lockups -- Fixed oo Bug in Trading Computer causing negative numbers to be generated. -- Fixed ?? Bug with docking at class 4 ports cloaked oo Changed K3-C/Romulan Scout multiple attacks for criminals. Now checks at logon and sends cruisers instead. oo Added more Sound FX to battle scenerios. oo Added command to view Empire PW oo Conqering ship with troops altered method of conqering oo Added "Y" command to page sysop for chat oo Locate a ship bug -- Fixed oo Side-Checking at logon -- Fixed oo Entering "0" exits trading oo Running Ship/Sector Ship/Starbase Placement fixer at logon oo Team strength lister in team menu changed to real oo More Sound FX added oo Cloaked Ports bug -- Fixed oo Fighter retreats now are reported in log oo Fed/Rom Cruisers attack bug -- Fixed oo One logon per day/next logon only 5 mins long oo Support for 9600 + modems ...Fossil driver required! oo Increased pay for Federation Officers/Romulan Mercs as War Condition increases oo Ship Transporters now have a pause for reading information oo Chance of cruiser encounter now increased when scanners are active oo Starbase lock-up bug fixed (again) oo "Astral Body's" mysterious display fixed oo Federation Police Stations added oo Force Field on Starbases limit increased to ten million oo Cruisers not appearing when being scanned heavily -- bug fixed oo Shortened return fire sound effect in combat oo Increased input limit on crimes for alleged criminal lists oo Can't IGMAM sectors 1, 5, 505, or 1000 till Armageddon oo Can't deploy fighters in sector 1-9 or 990-1000. oo Constant Romulan Warbird attacks -- bug fixed oo Chance of alien encounter adjusts to war condition oo Can't dispatch fighters while in sector 1-9 or 990-1000 -- bug fixed oo IGMAM retreat bug - bug fixed oo Bounties on figs - bug fixed oo Move port bug - bug fixed oo Starbase ship-retreat bug - bug fixed ?? Baud-lockup bug for 19,200+ - bug assumed fixed -- Team Strength meter converted to something more reasonable -- Announces to Fed Cops at a police starbase when to vote oo Credit limit expanded oo 10 player limit taken out for unregistered versions -- Takes away EU's after second logon to prevent continuous logons to the game -- Romulan Mercenary Stations oo = Added -- = Will Be In Next Version -:#%#:- Future Modifications -:#%#:- Priority Modification ======== ============ I -- A bugless version (laugh) II -- Weapons Chamber mod III -- Empire missions mod IV -- Editor with Player, Port, Planet, Global Stats Editor; Sector, Planet, Port Maker/Adder, Klingon BOP Editor, Bulletin Editor, and Messagefile Editor all Sysop-Friendly. V -- Empire tax/deficit mod VI -- And the long-awaited Multi-BBS UpLink. [End]