The following files SHOULD be included in the archieve USRPOL13.ZIP If some of these files are missing you should not attempt to use this copy as it may have been altered without the Author's knowledge or consent. SYSOP.DOC The sysop's setup info, etc. CASTLE.COM Add for author's bbs. DORINFO.EXE Program to convert chain.txt to dorinfo1.def USERPOLL.EXE The main userpoll 1.3 executable. USERPOLL.ANS Ansi title screen for userpoll. USERPOLL.ASC Ascii title screen for userpoll. OTHER.TXT List of other programs by this author. HISTORY.DOC A revision history for userpoll. DORINFO.DOC Doc's for using dorinfo.exe. SAMPLE.BAT Sample batch file to call userpoll. REGISTER.TXT Registration form for userpoll. README.TXT This thing your reading.