08 Mar 92 - v2.10 Just watched some bonehead try and UL a file named --AAPLAY.ZIP and it irritated me... I've already got that file in the xfer section, and it irked me the user was trying to get around the UL credit thing by changing the name silghtly... SO! EP already had a bunch of things excluded from using in an xfer filename, so I just made it look at the FIRST LETTER of the filename and if it was less than a A or greater than a Z it gives the user a note saying: UL's beginning with a "x" are not allowed!!!! Start again! You can insert whatever char not fitting the params in for the x... Sometimes I just get bitchy... Sorry! :) [not really:)] Just did a TINY little bit of cosmetics to the XFER, UL and VIEWZIP sections: not so many carraige returns after exiting GSZ... 06 Mar 92 - v2.10 I FOUND IT! Not sure WHY, (I've looked over the ENTIRE code) but the program when it shelled to DSZ/GSZ would manage to loose the baud rate (cfg$(8)) and ended up coming back with xfe$(7), or at LEAST the LABEL for xfe$(7): I.E. Line 2 ===>: Don't know WHY, since there's NOTHING there that SHOULD cause it, but since the program was attempting to reset the baud rate after a DL/UL before I changed that to simply a carrier detect check, it would be TRYING to set the baud rate to Line 2 ===>: That doesn't work... :) Now the prog writes a little file called BAUD.DAT every time a user logs on and after returning from the shell to GSZ/DSZ, it reads that file... All it is is the baud rate... PERIOD... Did a MINOR mod to the EBBSPLUS module that sends Guest User to the section that displays the New User Logon Message (NULOM or NULOM.ANS)... MINOR MOD! 04 Mar 92 - v2.09 After several tries at fixing that damned prollem, it would APPEAR the prob is FINALLY fixed... Have had the system up and running now for 3 days and NO ERRORS AT ALL! While I was dinkin with the xfer section, I also made it so if you are using GSZ, you can now see who is DL'in or UL'in... Just make sure and add to your EBBS.BAT file the following: SET GSZWINDOW=24 and that will shorten GSZ's screen display by 1 line.. You loose the 'frame shadow', but personally, I think it's WELL worthwhile! So, my EBBS.BAT file now reads: C: cd\ cd ebbs set dszlog=C:\EBBS\DSZ.LOG set gszwindow=24 set comspec=C:\COMMAND.COM ebbsplus.exe Otay? IMPORTANT NEWS! If you are trying to make EBBS Plus work on an internal modem and can't seem to get things to click, one Plus sysop suggests this init string: ATV0 M0 Q0 E0 S0=1 S7=D0 X4|~~~ He's been using this for several years now with no probs... Also, if you discover you have probs getting connects with 300 or 1200 baud, check the S0= number. If you have it set to 0, change it to a 1 and it should work fine... 01 Mar 92 - v2.08 Still having troubles with the Xfer section giving Division by 0 errors and Error #62 and #5's... Dunno what that is all about: appears to be REAL sporatic and only if you happen to do such and such because I can't recreate it at all! I DID change a few minor little things there and the prollem hasn't reoccurred, so I MAY have squashed it... (Hoping!) 29 Feb 92 - v2.07 Was having troubles with the xfer ratio... Did a fix and it in turn caused ANOTHER prollem... A user with more than a ratio of 32 caused the system to crash... Reason being that ratio (the variable name) was just an integer... Didn't have the ! behind it and was stuck with a MAX of 32767 and the way the new xfer ratio is set up, it reads in whatever number you stick in the userfile and multiplies that by 1024: hence the max of 32... Oh well, it's workin fine now... REGISTERED ONLY: Did a thing called Suggestion Box for the LAN version of Plus and decided to add that to this version too... It is TOTALLY anonymous: the ONLY stamp on it is the date for SOME kind of reference, but no time or user name. It is ONLY viewable from the Sysop Viewer... Also forgot to mention that the new batch UL mod means that you MUST have GSZ or DSZ in the path somewhere. I have EBBS dir in the path so it was never a prollem with me, but other Sysops have reported a prollem and that was all it is... I do a change dir command before doing the UL to the directory the UL is going to... Makes it SO much simpler and also allows for a max of something like 8 UL files... (It's still at 5 tho) 27 Feb 92 - v2.06 Fixed minor bug with private UL's... They weren't deleting after a DL 26 Feb 92 - v2.05 In the Database, Doors, and Text Menu's, the default is simply the prompt instead of automatically displaying the menu. ANY key NOT on the menu, a RETURN, or question mark will display the menu, as with the rest of the program... REGISTERED ONLY: Added a Graffitti Wall log and viewer option in the Sysop menu: when a user writes something on the Wall, there was NO WAY to trace it before. NOW, you have a record of who posted what.... Also cleaned up the source for the viewer: it takes up a WHOLE lot less space than before... Batch UL's weren't being added to the UL.LOG... Should be ok now... One VERY important part: MAKE SURE DSZ or GSZ is in your PATH, not just in your EBBS dir... In order to make the batch UL's work well, I used the CHDIR (change dir) command and the prog is no longer doing it all from the EBBS dir with complete paths for each file... Not enough string space without the characters getting jumbled in the last file or so... I had 4 test files I used and each was named TESTx.ZIP... I added TEST1.ZIP, then TEST2.ZIP, etc, then when it called GSZ, the last char in the filename TEST4.zip was THETA! The prog didn't like that much... :) Configurable Chat Call Times: Just added this feature: Sysop can tell the system and user when they are available right in the PLUSCFG.DAT file. MAKE SURE TO USE 24 HOUR TIME! The first number is the low time and the second the high time: I.E. if you want to be available from 8am to 10pm, then set the times like this: 08:00 22:00 The 0 preceeding the 8am time isn't necessary... I don't see how it would work if you wanted to config it so the times available were from 11pm to 8am... At present, it ain't happening.... Maybe v3.0? :) 25 Feb 92 - v2.04 Fixed another xfer bug: this one dates back to the split off of the zip viewer... Didn't really realize it was causing a prollem either! Will take care of those nasty Error #62's and #5's... 24 Feb 92 - v2.03 Minor bug, or major, depending on your point of view... :) Found that if you stuck a NO in the ChatPgeNum in the config file, it automatically kicked the user offline instead of letting them page forever and a day! Fixed now.... You can stick in a NO and it will work... 24 Feb 92 - v2.02 Keep having a Division by 0 error sometimes when someone DL's a single file. I THINK it's now solved... :) Also fixed a minor bug that when you opted to jump to the PRNTXFER section and the config file said NO you DIDN'T want to automatically update the xfer section DIRx.TXT file, the system denied you access to that section. 23 Feb 92 - v2.01 Found and fixed minor bug in the XFER module: first call of the day that did a DL would get a System Error #62 (Input past end of line) after a DL... What happened was the system was reading the new DSZ log and was looking for more than just a single entry in the DSZ.LOG and after midnight the DSZ.LOG is wiped out and started afresh... 22 Feb 92 - v2.00 Beta Now all you need do is take ANY of the Plus .EXE's offline WITH THE EXCEPTION OF MAIN.EXE and EBBSPLUS.EXE and the system will call the Bad Command prompt. Call Back module will be available soon for REGISTERED versions.. v2.0 is now in Beta and available for DL and use: REGISTERED SYSOPS can make use of the batch UL feature.... Found the bug in Sysop2 that Lonnie had mentioned.... Apparently when you did a "Confirm Delete's?" it caused some rather unnerving stuph to be displayed: like it didn't recognize the users name... It does now, but that was the ONLY change I made... Ran it on my userfile (a backup of course!:)) and it worked like a charm... 21 Feb 92 - v2.00 Alpha Been a busy little bever today! Started and have the Alpha ver of the Batch UL working.... It APPEARS to be pretty error free.. 5 files max at the moment, but I COULD change that to up to 9 if we find that necessary... Private UL's are excluded from batch UL's, BTW... This mod is available ONLY to REGISTERED SYSOPS! 21 Feb 92 Dave Allen's fault this time... :) He doesn't like the CHAT.LOG in the \MSGS directory, so PLUSCFG.DAT has a new field that allows the user to define where they want the chat log.... Also added the Chat Log to the view Logs function... If you aren't local, however, you MUST enter the system's password to view this: one of those privacy things.... 20 Feb 92 Brian Bettger's fault this time...:) Just added another module and did mods to the Sysop, SysopB, and UL modules to accomadate this new mod, as well as did another change to the PLUSCFG.DAT file: just added 5 new fields (compare to yours and just edit it in: would be LOTS easier!) This mod automatically updates a file in EACH xfer section called DIRx.TXT. The x is whatever dir letter it's in... I.E., if it's in the A directory, the filename would be DIRA.TXT. Every time there is a file uploaded, the file is re-written, the size is noted, and the XFERFILE.DAT is updated as well.. Also, for those of you that mask UL's from view, it will automatically update the DIRx.TXT file when you unmask the file when it is updating the users file data... There is a module that also lets the Sysop update the file(s) at will accessable from the Sysop menu... Hit P and you will get a prompt asking what dir you want.... The ! is acceptable here: it will just update ALL the directories then. After updating, (also updating the XFERFILE.DAT) you return to the Sysop menu... Automatically excluded from this file are all files masked with a !... I.E. anything that is preceeded in the description with at LEAST one !.. That of course includes all private UL's as well... THIS MOD IS FOR REGISTERED VERSIONS ONLY! 16 Feb 92 Split off the ViewZip routine into it's own module... XFER.BAS was getting WAY too big... Also added a line to the Read and Write file routines in the Sysop section so it excludes mail beginning with 0000 (Sysop's mail)... One of those security things... 15 Feb 92 Had a suggestion from Dave Allen that I mask E-Mail to the Sysop from even the Co-Sysops... Just keep it totally private.... In the past, it's been VERY beneficial for my co-sysops to be able to see my mail, like when I was on vacation, when I had a bug (they could help me find it), etc... SO! I made it Sysop Configgable. Next to the last line in the PLUSCFG.DAT file... Just answer yes or no to the prompt and the system will mask it ONLY if it sees a yes at that point... As with all that stuph in the config file, it's NOT case-sensitive.... 15 Feb 92 Added a new thingme to the Sysop menu.... Now you can view ALL the system logs (other than the stats logs) directly from there... Also have added a log for the Database, Doors, and Text Section so you can keep track of WHO has been accessing those different files: even added a Search String identifier to the Database section as well, so you can maybe get an idea WHAT the users were looking for..... These features were added so that those of you that are using the BBS for your business as well can get a feel for what users are looking at what items... Good to for the rest of us so we can keep track of what items are hot and what are not... We can save a TON of disk space if there are Text files and Database files and Doors that noone bothers with, or just one user accesses time and again... The line limit on these logs is 500 lines... That should be PLENTY for almost any research you are doing... Also, if you want to keep a running record, simply copy the files over and delete them from your harddrive. They are created again when the next user trys them out... Anywho, you can view the following from the Sysop Menu: Caller Log Database Log DSZ Log Doors Log Text Section Log Upload Log UL/DL Log (aka XFER.LOG) I felt that should just about cover it... Just got tired of jumpin all over the BBS for those different logs: also nice to 'hide' in the Sysop menu sometimes... :) 09 Feb 92 v1.96 is now out... I changed stuph in the config file: stuck the xfer section all in it's own 'section' and the rest of the paths are in their own section... Easy mod with a text editor to make your old v1.95 version work with v1.96... Print out the PLUSCFG.DAT & PLUSCFG.TXT files with the PRNCONFIG & PRNCFGTX progs and away ya go... The MAIN reason for changing the config file was so there would be NO confusion if the Sysop wished to run less than 15 xfer sections: there would have been MAJOR conflicts otherwise... 09 Feb 92 Was 'showing off' my new Convert program to Glen and lo and behold, the darned thing wasn't working right! Wrote a YES in the Xfer Ratio and MaxTime sections... Woops... :) Works now... 09 Feb 92 Several people have mentioned a problem with using NNANSIN.SYS for Plus... Here's the thing: if you are using CGA or Mono, you MUST use ANSI.SYS! NNANSIN.SYS was made for EGA/VGA ONLY! If you HAVE EGA/VGA and are STILL having trouble with NNANSIN, try DVANSI.SYS as an alternative. EBBS and EBBS Plus both need a higher speed ANSI driver than that provided with MS-DOS when running in the EGA/VGA... 09 Feb 92 And yet ANOTHER mod for the guys at 'Waynes World BBS'.... THIS one keeps track of the number of times a file in the text section is read... It sticks the number at the end of each entry in the Plus-style text menu... Please note: this does NOT work on anything but the Plus-style menu!!!! 08 Feb 92 Another little mod suggested by the guys at 'Waynes World BBS' in Mogadore, OH... This one allows the user to page only XX times before being automatically logged off. Sysop defined: field #38 in the PLUSCFG.DAT file... NO or NONE if you don't wish to make this happen... Will tell the user they have XX number of pages before they will be hung up. Then it tells them they've XX number of pages LEFT before they are logged off. When they are down to the LAST page, it tells 'em 'One more time and you will be logged off." THEN, when they've pushed past THAT number, it tells 'em that they were warned, then says G'bye and logs 'em off... A bit DIFFERENT from what the boys at Waynes World wanted, but same end result.... BTW, this mod is for Registered Sysops ONLY.... 05 Feb 92 Included is a file called CONVERT... If the one you have isn't dated 05 Feb 92 or later, toss it! This one reads your USERFILE.DAT and XFERFILE.DAT files and converts them to v1.95 Plus files... If they ALREADY are the correct setup, it won't do a thing to them.... Word of caution! One of my beta testers is reporting problems with the SYSOP2 module ([2] from the Sysop menu).... The other beta tester and myself have no problems with the program. (It's for mass deletions) USE WITH CAUTION! It WILL make a backup of the userfile, but you SHOULD be cautious and PLEASE report any probs with the prog to me! 04 Feb 92 Couple MORE minor bug fixes... Also did a change of the config file to PLUSCFG.DAT instead of EBBSCFG.DAT to help avoid confusion and drive Lonnie nuts... :) Also pulled the XFERSORT module... I'm not happy with it... IF it is ok for you, go ahead, just be forwarned... It doesn't work 100%, and until it does, I'm not gonna stick it in this archive, otay? 03 Feb 92 Just some minor bug fixes... FINALLY have a LOT of the ERROR #0 probs fixed: When you would encounter an error in another module, it would TRY and go back to the MAIN module to recover but all that did was generate an Error #0 and crash completely... NOW, it just recovers to the Main Menu of the module you are in and DOESN'T crash... Also: Prob with the ZIPping of EMail: It works AGAIN... Prob was with the new config file and sticking the wrong path in ONE LOUSY SPOT... :) 02 Feb 92 Some major, some minor stuph... Minor first... 1) Glen reported that when you misspelled the name of an extract file it caused the board to crash... Fixed... 2) EBBSCFG.DAT is changed... Along with that comes individual xfer sections.... Please note in the example EBBSCFG.DAT file that it NOW shows directory name/descriptions, not just XFA, XFB, etc... It's grouped by category now, and back to a simpler format.... BTW, this is NOW version 1.95: One more mod and it's 2.0 time... Namely, batch [sigh] uploads... :) 30 Jan 92 Did some fixes and tweaks... 1) Found out the darned integrity test didn't work! Fixed that... The SCAN function always worked, BTW, so don't start panicking! I tested it with a KNOWN infected file, and it always found the nasty and sent the warning to the user and updated the ULPROB.LOG just like it was SUPPOSED to... :) 2) Now, when a bad file is encountered, the Sysop is notified via EMail, So if you don't get any mail, chances are all your files are virus free and the ZIP files are fine.... 3) Email Zipper: This bugger kinda worked before, but NOW there's a BUNCH of improvements... Each time the users mail is zipped up, it is saved as EMAIL#.ZIP... The # starts at 1 and increments, so feasably, the user can get up to 999 x 45 pieces of mail or 44,955 pieces of mail before the system gives up... :) All the EMAIL#.ZIP files are stored in a zip shell named for the first 8 continuous letters in the users name... (see the next log entry for a more detailed explaination) 29 Jan 92 Throw away the old stuph! Just did some MAJOR dinkin... Took a bunch of the common routines and made them into $INCLUDE files.... Error Handler, Function routines & Minimal Logoff Routine (used in things like the TextMenu, Doors, Database, etc)... Fixed the ZipMail routine: stripped the spaces out of the users name and then named the zipfile with the first 8 characters of the users first and last name: ex: Bruce Murphy ends up being BRUCEMUR.ZIP... Lon De Cloedt ends up as LONDECLO.ZIP... (he goes by Lonnie, but just for this example... :) ) Another thing.... Also included XFRCVT2.... It's function is to strip those extra spaces that an earlier version of XFERCVT placed in the 2nd and 3rd lines when you did the conversion to the new 3 line description version... Not TOTALLY necessary; just one of those anal little things I do from time to time... :) 29 Jan 92 Just added a new little prog to the system: XFERSORT... This guy reads, sorts, then re-writes your XFERFILE.DAT file, sorting by either the file's name or it's UL date... All are in ascending order... Just add it to your EVENT.BAT file and it'll sort your XFERFILE.DAT file every Midnight Backup Event... I stuck it on my board right after Top 10... Also, this thing deletes all the empty space in the XFERFILE.DAT and keeps things nice and neat for us anal types... :) 26 Jan 92 Been chasing an UGLY problem the past several days and FINALLY fixed 'er... Only prollem is you the sysop need to run ANOTHER conversion program on your USERFILE.DAT... This conversion prog has worked fine on several different userfiles, so if you encounter any probs, lemme know, ok? It's called CONVERT2, and it's ONLY for folks that have ALREADY run CONVERT on their userfiles and are currently running an earlier version of EBBS Plus... Anywho, I don't forsee ANY probs with the userfile from now on: it's PLENTY big for just about ANYTHING you would wanna put in there, and I've about run outta ideas for things to stick in there anyway.... :) 19 Jan 92 This file is dated the 21st in the wee hours because I've been doing a BUNCH of changes to the changes I did on the 19th... Modified the Change Password command in the Main Menu to Change Personal Stats... Only thing they can change, however, is their Password, Age, and Computer Type.... I DID have it so it could change everything but their name, (Address, City, State, Zip, and Phone), but it was pointed out to me that a user could feasably logon with their real stats then change it to whatever they wanted (one of the prollems of growing up in small-town Iowa is that you tend to trust folks more than ya should here in the big city... :) ) Also remembered to update the progs that print the EBBSCFG.DAT and EBBSCFG.TXT: the new additional field would have caused a crash AND you wouldn't have printed the entire files... Not sure WHEN we did it, but Glen and I modified the Text menuing so you can ALSO load/view ANSI text files.... 19 Jan 92 Now have 2 new fields: Just added a Computer Type and Age fields to the Userfile: no conversion necessary! Also split the userfile editor screen into 2 sections: personal and System data. The personal screen displays the users name, address, city, state, zip, phone, age, and computer type. System stats displays the users name and all the rest of the data that directly pertains to his system usage... Did this because the screen would have been too full for the sysop to view if they were looking at it in the 25 line mode... Also did a minor fix to the Doors, Database, and Text sections: if the user can't figure out how to get back to the Main Menu, instead of just getting a bad command message, they get the menu redisplayed until they SEE the M for Main Menu prompt (that is in WHITE now)... Another thing is if you want to take virtually EVERY module offline for any reason, just rename or delete the module and the system will still run... The ONLY ones that MUST be there for the program to run are the Main and EBBSPLUS files.... No goodies, of course, but, if you get into a pinch and don't have HD space for instance, you can just rename the UL.EXE file to say UL1.EXE and the system will tell the user that UL's aren't allowed at this time... Similar thingme for all the rest, INCLUDING the Sysop stuph... 19 Jan 92 REALLY feeling energetic! Have a user that suggested I make the system auto-ZIP up messages when it reached some arbitrary number. Since I have the max number of mail set to 50, this could solve all the problems of a Sysop or popular user getting more than 50 pieces of mail while away on vacation or just not checking in for a while. I set the max at 45, so when a user tries to send a 46th piece of mail, the system informs them that the users mailbox is full and to hang on a sec while it ZIPs up that mail... The system then sticks the ZIPped mail into a file that is named with the first 8 letters of the users name into the xfer section of your choice (see cfg$(58) in the EBBSCFG.TXT file)... Also added a 'Goodbye after Upload'... something I've been MEANING to add for quite a while and somehow never seem to get around to.... 18 Jan 92 More mods: Just split the Sysop file as well for speed and size. Getting ready to add more stuph to it as well (extra fields to the userfile and a different display for the editor because the bugger is 22 lines now: absolute max for a 25 line display)... Userfile editor is in the SYSOPA module, Xferfile editor in the SYSOPB module.... 18 Jan 92 One BIG change to help squelch some of the confusion out there with existing EBBS systems: The main module here is NOW named EBBSPLUS.EXE. MAKE SURE TO CHANGE your EBBS.BAT file accordingly! In an effort to recover some of the speed that EBBS was always famous for, I have split the Main module into 3 parts: Main, TEXTSECT, and MSGAREA... Those 3 components don't have any new mods in them, they are just smaller and faster now... Also added something new to the Sysop menu: Hit "I" while at the Sysop Menu prompt and you can send EMail to a user without having to drop back to the Main Menu... You'll also want to use the new SM and SM.ANS menu's as well, since they reflect this addition.... Also have moved the config files for DOORS and DATABASE into the main EBBSCFG.DAT file! Makes things SO much simpler!!! 14 Jan 92 Private UL's now configgable in EBBSCFG.DAT file. This feature ONLY enabled for the Registered Version.... Dropped the ZIPped Text Section... EBBS has ALWAYS tried to be simple and easy to maintain: THAT feature didn't fit... Also was too slow and cumbersome.... Added ANSI to the Text section tho. You can have BOTH an ansi file (with the .ANS extension) and a TXT file and the system will select the appropriate version. If there is an ANSI but NOT a TXT version, the program tells the user that the file is ONLY viewable in ANSI. Put this in for the Door progs that generate stats in an ANSI file... 11 Jan 92 Split the XFER module into XFER and UL files. Did this because the file was getting so big that the compiler was missing syntax and other probs and it was developing strange quirks like 'forgetting' variables. Have no good explaination for this: but it doesn't appear to be a problem any more. 05 Jan 92 Private UL's for specified users is the latest mod. When you select 'U' at the Xfer Section prompt, you enter the filename, then the system prompts you if you wish to make the file a private UL. If you say yes, then you enter the users name (routine similar to EMailing a user:you can enter PART of the users name and you will be prompted if that name is correct. If not, you get to try again)... IF the Private UL is for the Sysop, the program stops the system timer, just like it does during a normal UL. If it's for another user, the system time continues to click, which should at least REDUCE any abuse of this feature... 04 Jan 92 Now have a Database online. It is ONLY available in the REGISTERED version, though. Here's how it works: Just as with the Text Section, you have the option of 2 different styles of menus. I included an example of my DBSEMENU.DAT (menu file) and a sample database (B.DBF). Also included is the DBASECFG.DAT file. This file tells the system WHERE to find the database files. MAKE SURE it jives with your system setup or you will have tons of agony trying to figure out WHY the path is not found... :) Anywho, the Database simply reads a single 75 character or less line and searches for a string that matches the one inputted. If found, it prints it to the screen... Simple but it works great... EASY to edit the .DBF files too! ONE MAJOR POINT! ALL database files MUST end with the .DBF extension. Keep in mind the file you use for a database must be a simple ASCII file. 03 Jan 92 Added NULOGMK.EXE to the archive: This program allows you to make a standard ASCII file just like the original EBBS did when it wrote the New User Log. The name is the same too: NEWUSER.LOG. Simple little program that just makes an ASCII text file with the users name, city, state and the first day they logged on... 01 Jan 92 Have done a series of cosmetic changes, but THIS mod contains a mod that will require you to run CONVERT2: have made use of another empty userfield and there is in addition a change in the config file as well in the user file area: check it out and change yours accordingly! The latest mod is a thingme that saves the users FIRST logon date. Since all your present users First Logon dates are prolly gone by now, I just set up the CONVERT2 file so it prompts you with a date you can plug in and that will fill that spot in all the users files... Also, you can sort/search now by FIRST call date as well as last call date.. Anothr mod is that when you zip up new messages the file is saved as the first 4 letters of the name you have chosen for the extract file name then MSGS after. (ex: MURPMSGS.ZIP)... This is Lonnie's fault, even tho he CLAIMS Bill Greenland was whining about that... (Bill runs a PCBoard BBS, right? :) ) 25 Dec 91 Minor little mod: Logoff bug: New users were required to leave mail then they also got the prompt "Do you want to leave Sysop mail?" 12 Dec 91 Couple mods: 1) Password protecting the EBBSCFG.DAT and REMOTE.DAT files from being loaded into the editor or the READ File command in the Sysop Menu... (Lonnie's whining again :)) 2) F10 logoffs update the posts and reads.. Minor fix: extract files if you selected a file for batch DL and THEN extracted a file, it would appear in your batch list... 11 Dec 91 (entry #2) Also included in this mod is the 'Y' function for Read YOUR messages.... Prog filters out stuph addressed to anyone but you.... Modded menus are included.... 11 Dec 91 There is a convert prog for the xferfile.dat files... Like the one I did for the userfiles, it makes a backup of the original... Also included the EBBSCFG.DAT file: the section that has changed there is plainly marked.... Also found a glitch in the XFER.BAS ratio thingme... Damned thing was out of control ratio wise.... Modded it and NOW it works fine... l8Tr.... Ok, NOW the friggin convert prog will work... Tried it on the file Glen UL'd to me and it works just fine... One thing is, the only way I could get the friggin thing to work right is to insert 39 spaces in the two new fields. SO! What happens when you go to edit the files that you have converted is that the cursor ends up clear to the right of the line. All you need do, however, is just begin typing like you normally do if you wanna type OVER what was the default characters.. Like when you get the default prompt in the message base for the subject... Know what I mean, Vern? This DOESN'T happen with all new UL's tho... There ARE 2 spaces at the beginning of each line, but the system keys on that... If you try and begin a description with 2 spaces, the system will key on those spaces and NOT print the line....