TOP10REG.EXE:Top Ten for EBBS-PC ver 1.2 thru 1.45 TOP10PLS.EXE:Top Ten for EBBS Plus v1.95 Just finished a new version and have GREAT news! You can now run this program with up to at LEAST 1042 users and it's dimensioned out to 1100, so it MAY work with that many extra as well... It has been tested with a userfile that had 1042 users and it worked fine... I ran out of string space somewhere between 1100 and 1200, but I'd bet 1100 would be close to the limit... I can't see any good way to make it work with more but there might be some slick methods for you folks that aren't quite so close to this thing as I am.... Any ideas, I'd be MORE than willing to give 'em a try! This program was written in QuickBasic 3.0 and compiled with same. New mod! Does need BRUN30, but you already have that in your EBBS dir. There's a config file included with this program. You will have to enter the following data: 1)Path to the USERFILE.DAT file (usually in your EBBS directory) 2)NUMBER ONLY of the msg base you want the TOP 10 file in (see note below) 3)Path to the text directory you want the TOP 10 file in(see note below) 4)Number of days between TOP 10 list generations 5)Day number of the current run: You can enter a number, it MUST be less than the number in line number 4, but, if it's Thurdsay, and you want the first update to occur at midnight on Saturday, you will want to make the number here 4 if you have a 'Once a Week' update. 6)System Operators name 7)City the BBS is in 8)State the BBS is in 9)Output filename (<= NEW!) Here's the 'below' note: If you DO NOT wish to update a message base or a text file, then enter NONE at the prompt. I made it print to 2 bases because Lonnie De Cloedt ragged at me to do so.... :) MANY thanks to Ed Parry, author of EBBS, Lonnie De Cloedt, (if he hadn't yelled at me so much, this thing would have done many weird things..), Dave Allen (you don't know how much you really did!), and everyone else who has contributed one way or another to this little project, ESPECIALLY my lil' son, Robbie, and my ever-patient wife, Kathi. And last but anything BUT least, Dennis Brunner. I started with his code for dBBS Top Ten and did some REAL serious mods... I THINK there are a few variables left from Dennis' original... :) The most important thing is that it and Ed Parry's EBBSSORT were my references and I 'stole' some of their routines to make this program function! That just about covers it... If you have any problems, leave me mail at The Murph Zone........ Also, the source code for this is available to registered EBBS and EBBS Plus sysops... I'll leave a copy of the source on Ed Parry's board for the EBBS Sysops and you can get your Plus copy on my board... BTW, I have a running joke going with some of the EBBS Sysops around here on who is the biggest Leech... That is why the DownLoads field is labeled the way it is.... Bruce Murphy, Sysop, The Murph Zone, Studio City, CA. (818) 766-7669