Ok, here's the format you need to use for the voting booth info... PLEASE TAKE CARE to place the number of votes (last num in each of the respose lines) PRECICELY on column 65... I suggest you just use MY data file as a template. Also, you will note the words All Users, Private Access, and Co-Sysops. They MUST be spelled EXACTLY as they are here (it's NOT case sensitive) or the prog will not be able to pick it up and display that section... The ORDER of the fields is VERY IMPORTANT! You MUST place the All Users questions first, followed by the Private Access, then finally the Co-Sysops... Reason being the way the program keeps track of the issues available to the user.... If you put a Co-Sysop issue before an All Users issue, the Standard Access User will see the Co-Sysop's issue when they select the appropriate number, and will NOT see the one THEY are supposed to see... Confused? :) You know how to get ahold of me.... :) ALL Issues MUST have 4 voting fields. If you run out of answers, use a No Comment or some such thing. Make sure and number the issues too... One of the things the prog keys on... 1 Voting Booth: Is it REALLY Necessary? 01 Dec 91 All Users ABSOLUTELY! PRAISE Bruce for adding one!.......................1 Yea, I 'spose...................................................0 Na, Why bother..................................................0 I wouldn't use it if you PAID ME!...............................1 2 Do we really NEED a Private Message Base?..01 Dec 91 Private Access TOUCH IT AND DIE, DIRTBAG SYSOP!................................0 Where ELSE would we talk about other users?.....................1 No... Trade it in for one on Space Walking......................0 What's your point?..............................................1 3 Should Guest User see the Voting Booth? 01 Dec 91 Co-Sysops See ONLY........................................................0 See AND vote....................................................0 No Access to Voting Booth.......................................0 Should be shot on sight.........................................0 More on the Voting Booth: The program creates it's own userfile with the users name and a record of how he/she voted on each issue. It WILL be necessary to reset things if you change issues... Easy if you are starting from scratch: simply wipe the USERVOTE.DAT file and start over... The NEXT project is a util package for the Voting Booth so the Sysop can delete/insert new issues without having to start everything from scratch...