C O M C A L L V E R 3 . 1 . 1 ADDITIONALS/UTILITIES. This section provides details as to the additional commands/utilities that are provided within the COMCALL package. YOU SHOULD BE FAMILIAR WITH THE BASIC OPERATION OF COMCALL BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO ADD IN ANY OF THE FOLLOWING UTILITIES TO YOUR SET UP. CONTENTS. EXECITAT.EXE CHKBOOT.EXE COMBOOT.EXE STOPBOOT.EXE HARDWARE (Electrical Device Switching) **************************************************************************** 1. EXECITAT.EXE EXECITAT.EXE is a utility that enables you to perform an action or command sequence at a specific time. It is a Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) routine that takes around 14 Kbytes of Memory. To use EXECITAT you must have a AT or equivalent as the routine depends upon the date and time parameters being automatically set at your PC's boot up time and not manually entered (e.g battery powered clock required). EXECITAT MUST be executed from the drive that you boot from. e.g If you have two hard disks, c: and d:, and you boot from the c: drive, then EXECITAT must reside on the c: drive and be executed from that drive. EXECITAT is purely command line driven and should be called either directly from the DOS prompt or from within a batch files. The syntax is:- EXECITAT hh:mm where hh is the 'Continental Time Hour (00 (Midnight) to 23 (11 pm)) mm is the minute (00 - 59) t is an optional parameter to silence the warning tone. NOTE: The hours and minutes MUST be full 24 Hour Clock format e.g. 09:06 for 6 mins past 9 o'clock NOT 9:6 EXECITAT goes against the common practice of other similar TSR's that do not correctly action if the PC is running another application at the time of the trigger occurring (e.g. not at the DOS prompt) in that it WILL perform the required action at the stated time no matter what other function or program may be running at that time. It achieves this by using a controlled reboot request. A WORD OF WARNING. If you are in another application, say your word processor, and the trigger for the TSR does fire (time), then your text processors current data may be lost as a result of the reboot request issued by EXECITAT, depending upon when you last did a text save. If you intend to use the TSR under such circumstances, then leave the EXECITAT warning tone on. This should give you sufficient time (1 minute) to make any saves of data. Imagine however, if you were foolish enough to perform a database or disk re-map in batch mode with this TSR active! Use with sense and care. Being a TSR there may be some conflict with other programs or TSR's with regard to memory or interrupt contention. To date we have not detected any such contention, but this does not guarantee that some other programs may not conflict with this utility. Always treat TSR's with the respect that they deserve and test any of your sets ups prior to depending upon them. There may also be some contention between the clocks display of EXECITAT that is displayed at the top right hand of the screen and some other programs that also display at that point. Provided you are aware of the above points, EXECITAT can be extremely powerful utility. EXECITAT utilises interrupt 1C (the timer tick) and redirects this to one of the un-used interrupts (F1). A second un-used DOS interrupt (F2) is also utilised as a flag. EXECITAT when loaded takes around 14K of memory. EXECITAT will perform a 'Cold' re-boot of your system at the time specified in the hh:mm parameter. In the last minute of such an impending re-boot you will see a warning message to this effect. Additionally you will hear a warning tone during this final minute unless you specified the 'T' option when EXECITAT was invoked. Once the re-boot occurs, a specific action or command sequence as pre-defined by you may be performed (see CHKBOOT.EXE later). EXECITAT can be temporary switched off after having been invoked by using the keystroke sequence of (press and hold down the ALT key and then press the RIGHT SHIFT key). You may have to hold this keystroke sequence down for a short period in order to wait for the switching tone. When the switch becomes active you will see the message 'STOPPED' and hear the switch tone. When this occurs you should then release the ALT-RIGHT/SHIFT keys to latch in this off mode. Similarly, if a re-boot request has been temporarily stopped, then this may be resumed by using the ALT-RIGHT/SHIFT sequence again to toggle the request back on. Note that the re-boot request timer would have continued to run. Consequently the re-boot request time may have expired whist you had toggled off the EXECITAT request. If this is the case, then a re-boot will occur as soon as you toggle the request back on again. However, the required action may or may not be performed (see CHKBOOT) under such circumstances (according to how long you had the request toggled off for). In some cases some applications (such as Windows) may result in the clock and re-boot warning display may not be seen. The re-boot tone however should still be heard (unless you invoked EXECITAT with the 'T' option). You will be unable to use the ALT-RIGHT/SHIFT toggle sequence within Windows and will have to exit back to the DOS prompt in order to perform such a toggle. Generally, you will find that you will not be able to run any of the TSR's under a Windows DOS shell (DOS PROMPT) option as Windows will complain when you attempt to resume the Windows session. You should therefore attempt to initiate an Execitat or Comboot (see later) request prior to starting a Windows session. To install EXECITAT you will need to copy the file CHKBOOT.EXE to the main root directory from which your system boots (e.g. C:\). You will also need to make modifications to your autoexec.bat file so as to include a call to the CHKBOOT program (see CHKBOOT.EXE). Once this has been performed then you may invoke EXECITAT as desired. Once EXECITAT has been invoked then that copy will be disabled if any further EXECITAT requests are made. The latest request always becomes the active request. You may however, still use the COMBOOT utility that is also supplied as part of the COMCALL package independently, although the earlier of the two reboot requests will apply. Once a reboot does occur then any other re-boot requests that may have been outstanding may need to be re-initialised as required as these would have been lost by the re-boot resetting the PC's memory in which the TSR's reside. Having invoked an EXECITAT request, you may perform any other task that you would normally perform. EXECITAT will continue to run in the background. EXECITAT works on a rolling twenty-four hours basis. That is the time that the re-boot occurs will be a time up to twenty four hours after the request was entered. Thus if the current time is 3pm (15:00), then a request to reboot at 13:00 (1pm) would be interpreted as a reboot at 1pm the following day. Had the request been 19:00 then the re-boot would occur at 7pm that evening. Once a reboot occurs, either as a result of the CNTL-ALT-DEL combination, through EXECITAT or due to a PC power off/on, then the TSR will be removed from memory. If it is desired to re-initialise this, then you will have to re-enter the EXECITAT command (or have the command within your autoexec.bat file). **************************************************************************** 2. CHKBOOT.EXE This is an associated program to EXECITAT.EXE. Its purpose is to test whether the re-boot occurred as a result of EXECITAT or some other means such as a power-off/on or a CNTL-ALT-DEL combination. If CHKBOOT determines that the re-boot occurred as a result of the EXECITAT command then it will return an errorlevel value of 1. In all other cases this errorlevel will be 0. Thus you can use CHKBOOT in batch files such as your autoexec.bat in order to switch the batch files processing sequence. For further information regarding batch files, consult your DOS manual. Remember that you should use a textual editor to modify your autoexec.bat file and not a word-processor package as these can introduce unseen control characters. If you do use your word processor to modify your autoexec.bat file, then ensure that you save the file using the export to ASCII text option. CHKBOOT should be placed within your autoexec.bat file at a convenient point, preferably somewhere after your path statement (if you have one) and before any other called applications. A typical addition to your autoexec.bat file could therefore be:- . . CHKBOOT if errorlevel 1 goto doit goto over :doit REM execute a specific action or REM command sequence here :over REM continue normal autoexec.bat file sequence here . . The dots represent previous lines in your autoexec.bat file and should not be included. They purely demonstrate that there may be other autoexec.bat file commands or actions both prior and following this example piece of code. The REM (remark) statements are comment lines provided purely for descriptive purposes and should be replaced with your desired specific actions/commands. The processing sequence as a result of this additional code in your autoexec.bat file now becomes:- Any actions or commands prior to this example are executed. The CHKBOOT command is executed and the errorlevel parameter set according to whether the boot occurred as a result of EXECITAT (errorlevel would equal 1) or some other reason (errorlevel would equal 0). If the errorlevel is 0 then processing would continue at the :OVER label (the colon in column 1 of a batch file indicates a processing label) and normal batch file running would continue. Otherwise the processing would automatically flow through to the next line after the :doit statement. This is where you would place any of your desired actions or command sequences to be performed if the re-boot occurred as a result of the EXECITAT request (ie at the specified time). Once these actions/commands had completed then the autoexec.bat files processing would be resumed as per normal batch file processing rules, and any commands after the above sequence would then be executed. Note that CHKBOOT is clock (time and date) dependant. If the time as stated in the EXECITAT request is significantly different to the time detected upon the CHKBOOT command being executed, then the action will not be performed, even if the request arose out of an EXECITAT command. **************************************************************************** 3. COMBOOT.EXE This is a simple timed re-boot utility. COMBOOT uses interrupts 1C (the timer tick) and F3, F4 (Unused DOS interrupts). When loaded, COMBOOT takes around 9K of memory. COMBOOT goes against common practice in that it will perform the required action at the stated time no matter what other function or program may be running at the stated time. The routine is similar to that of the EXECITAT function (ALSO NOTE THE EXECITAT WARNING), except that you cannot specify an action to be performed upon the reboot occurring. Being a TSR there may be some conflict with other programs or TSR's with regard to memory or interrupt contention. To date we have not detected any such contention, but this does not guarantee that some applications may not conflict with this utility. Always treat TSR's with the respect that they deserve and test any of your sets ups prior to depending upon them. COMBOOT writes the current time to the top right hand part of the screen. As some other programs may also write to this area after COMBOOT has been loaded, some apparent screen conflict may appear at this location. In such cases, the display at this point may alternate between the last program (application or COMBOOT) that performs a physical write to this area of the display. This is not a need for concern. Provided you are aware of these possible pit-falls, COMBOOT can be extremely powerful utility. COMBOOT is either command line driven, or may be entered via batch files. Syntax:- COMBOOT x Where x is a value 0 - 59 that represents the number of minutes to be counted before a cold reboot is initialised. For example entering the command COMBOOT 2 would result in a reboot occurring after 2 minutes had elapsed from the time of entering the command. Once a reboot occurs, either as a result of the CNTL-ALT-DEL combination, through COMBOOT or due to power off/on, then the TSR will be removed from memory. If it is desired to re-initialise this, then you will have to re-enter the COMBOOT command (or have the command within your autoexec.bat file). Having invoked a COMBOOT request, you may perform any other task that you would normally perform (again note EXECITAT warning). COMBOOT will continue to run in the background. You may call subsequent COMBOOT requests. If you do so, then the latest (last) request always over-rides any previous requests and becomes the active request. If an EXECITAT request is outstanding and has an earlier re-boot time than that of the current COMBOOT request then the EXECITAT request will result in the loss of the COMBOOT request when the PC does reboot as COMBOOT is stored in volatile memory. That is the contents of the PC memory in which COMBOOT resides will be reset as a result of a reboot. Like EXECITAT, requesting COMBOOT will result in a clock appearing at the top Right hand part of the screen. This clock may or may not be seen depending upon which other programs you call (such as Windows) in a similar fashion to that as described for the EXECITAT command. COMBOOT allows you to perform such operations as loading a particular program for a limited time. If a STOPBOOT command is not initiated within this time period so as to stop the COMBOOT countdown, then a 'cold' system re-boot will occur no matter what other task is being run at the given time. Why would you wish to do this? Well as an example, lets say that you have instructed COMCALL to initialise a Communications program in host mode upon the receipt of a particular trigger and that the telephone line in use is one that is shared with your normal voice calls. Lets also assume that this trigger condition is activated and your comms program started in host mode. Unless a data call does come in, then your phone line would go into a permanent data mode condition, preventing any voice calls from coming in successfully. If, as part of the Comcall trigger condition, you had requested the execution of your Host communications via a batch file, and, as part of the batch file you invoked COMBOOT with say a time parameter of 3 minutes, then (providing you have your autoexec.bat startup file correctly configured), you could have a protected system that would re-boot after this time delay of 3 minutes. Your telephone line could therefore be switched back to voice under such circumstances using a suitable control command in your autoexec.bat file (e.g. echo ATS0=0 >com1 so as to set the modem to never auto-answer). If, on the other hand, you did call back in data mode, then as soon as you log in to your host, you should simply execute the DOS shell option of your communications package and execute the STOPBOOT command so as to prevent the impending re-boot from occurring. COMBOOT and EXECITAT (see previous) will both work together. Note however, that the first of these two to come into effect will result in the reboot occurring and will unload both of the requests from memory. Any re-initialisations will therefore have to be performed upon such reboots as required. These may be set up in your autoexec.bat file as necessary. e.g. The earlier of the two requests will be the one taken as the reboot time. e.g. if the current time is 01:21 and you execute a EXECITAT 02:00 request, followed by a COMBOOT 50 (reboot in 50 minutes) request, then the actual reboot will occur at 02:00 (being the earlier of the two times). Once this reboot occurs then the earlier COMBOOT 50 request would have been lost (re-boots re-initialise memory where the COMBOOT and EXECITAT reside - thus overwriting them). If you choose to use both EXECITAT and COMBOOT at similar times then you should use suitable combinations of EXECITAT, COMBOOT and STOPBOOT in the sequences necessary for you to perform the desired action according to the above rules. (STOPBOOT is described later). Note that in cases of where both EXECITAT and COMBOOT have been loaded then, if you utilise the ALT-RIGHT-SHIFT combination in order to temporarily suspend the EXECITAT command (see EXECITAT description earlier in this section) then the clock at the top right hand part of the screen may be seen to alternate between the COMBOOT clock and the STOPPED message, thus implying that both Execitat and Comboot have been loaded and are running. When using Windows, Comboot should preferably be invoked prior to the starting of the Windows session. Windows will complain if you attempt to start a TSR from within the Windows DOS Prompt option and then attempt to resume Windows. **************************************************************************** 4. STOPBOOT.EXE This utility is used in conjunction with COMBOOT and EXECITAT (see previous). If a reboot request has been initialised with the EXECITAT and/or COMBOOT command then, if you wish to cancel such a request then you should call the STOPBOOT command. STOPBOOT should be invoked either from the DOS prompt or from within a batch file. STOPBOOT will stop the execution of EITHER AND/OR BOTH of EXECITAT and COMBOOT requests that may be outstanding, depending upon whether one or both were loaded. Once a STOPBOOT request has been initialised then the EXECITAT or COMBOOT programs will only be stopped, not unloaded. Therefore if you intend to use multiple calls to Execitat, Comboot and Stopboot, you should attempt to occasionally allow a reboot to occur. Otherwise, your PC's memory may diminish to a level below that what can be suitably used. ****************************************************************************** 5. HARDWARE The Comcall package now incorporates additional hardware options that may be purchased directly from the author. We regret that as the devices are supplied on a zero profit basis, such supply is restricted to currently registered Comcall users. Overviews of the devices are outlined within the installation section of this manual. Further, detailed information as regard to the P, S and C switches, together with any recent additions, are automatically forwarded to registered users at the time of posting the registrational acknowledgement return. The addition of such devices to your base system will permit you to perform such physical control as the following:- Switch your PC and Modem on and off from a remote location. No licensing for connection to the telephone network is required as the controlling device is not directly connected to the telephone network. Switching is achieved via a security check with many possible options in order to prevent mis-use. No additional hardware is required at the requesting end. Switching may be performed from practically anywhere in the world for free as no connection is made (phone only has to ring). When used to power on/off a base PC/Modem combination this is an ideal option for those of you who might wish to access their base system from a remote location whilst not having to leave the base system permanently switched on. Switch low voltage devices using simple commands from your PC (model railway control etc), both locally and/or remotely (using a suitable modem link). Up to eight outputs are catered for that may alternatively be used for additional device control (e.g. arranged as a 4 by 4 matrix in order to control a remote control device such as a VCR or TV controller). Each output line may be individually or jointly set. Switch mains voltage devices under control of your PC (again either locally or remotely). Up to eight devices may be controlled either individually or jointly using simple commands. High level of mains voltage to PC isolation is achieved using inductive linkages so as to prevent possible damage. When combined with the Comcall software, we believe such hardware options offer the chance for you to enter the world of physical device control with a high level of flexibility all at an extremely competitive price. Thereby enabling you to turn your base system into a truly remarkable access and control centre. As far as we are aware, no other package offers such combinations at such low prices. But that's not all. We are constantly seeking to add even further options to the Comcall package. Such as the option to control devices remotely using MF tones. And to provide a direct programmable remote controller/PC interface in order that you may control all your household devices that may be directly controlled using a remote controller under instruction by your PC. With such an addition, we will add further functionality to the Comcall software so as to make the control as easy as possible.