OzLibUpd 1.0 - OzCIS Library Updater Copyright (C) 1993 Todd Fiske ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ -- overview OzLibUpd is a very simple program which will turn ON or OFF, and/or show the status of, all of the fields related to updating long library scans in an OzCIS FORUMS.DB file, in all or selected forums. -- installation Copy the program file OZLIBUPD.EXE either to your OzCIS subdirectory, or to a subdirectory on your path. This documentation file is plain ASCII text with a few high-order characters sprinkled in. You should be able to copy it directly to your printer. -- operation OzLibUpd will only look for FORUMS.DB in the current subdirectory. The command line format is: ozlibupd ON|[OFF]|SHOW [FORUM=] [>output.txt] You must enter one of the three parameters. They have the following results: ON Turns all "Scan Libs Long" and "Update" files ON and shows the results. OFF Turns all "Scan Libs Long" and "Update" files OFF and shows the results. If ON is not specified, OFF will be assumed. When setting forums ON or OFF, you will be asked to confirm continuing the operation. Pressing Y will continue, and any other key will exit. SHOW Only shows the current status of all parameters, and doesn't change anything. FORUM= Limits the program to working with the specified forums. The list should use the forum GO words, and should be in this format: forum=forum1,forum2,forum3 There should be no spaces in the list - you can name as many forums as will fit on the command line. If a list is not specified, all forums will be acted on. The output of OzLibUpd can be sent to the printer or to a text file using the DOS redirection facilities. > device Send the output to the named device, overwriting it if its a text file. >> device Send the output to the named device, appending to it if its a text file. | program Send the output into the named program which will use it as input - for example, to view the results in LIST: ozlibupd show | list /s _66 OzLibUpd 1.0 - OzCIS Library Updater Copyright (C) 1993 Todd Fiske ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ -- output OzLibUpd produces the following output from the SHOW command (truncated a bit to fit in the documentation): ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ OzLibUpd 1.0 Copyright (C) 1993 Todd Fiske ³ ³ ³ ³ input file : c:\oz\forums.db ³ ³ forums : all ³ ³ ³ ³ About to turn OFF the "Update Long Lib Scans" flags. ³ ³ Continue? (Y/N) Y ³ ³ ³ ³ Forum word *ý Scn Upd Sections ³ ³ ---------- -- --- --- ----------------------------------- ³ ³ DBASE * OFF OFF 3,4 ³ ³ BPASCAL * OFF OFF 4,5,7 ³ ³ IBMCOM * OFF OFF ³ ³ PCVENE * OFF OFF 6,11 ³ ³ PRACTICE OFF OFF 1 ³ ³ HELPFORUM OFF OFF 1 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The columns of the listing are: forum GO word forum selected if * appears second pass activity pending if ý appears Scan Libs Long ON or OFF Update Libs ON or OFF list of selected libraries -- warnings This program can result in a very expensive online session if you're not careful. It will tell OzCIS to update the long listing for EVERY section you have selected in EVERY forum in your FORUMS.DB file that is so enabled. Make sure this is what you want before going online. OzLibUpd also toggles the internal SecPend flag per forum which signals OzCIS whether there is Second Pass work to be done. When using the OFF switch, the SecPend flag is turned OFF even if there is other work to be done. Since there are many different Second Pass activities, it is outside of the scope of this program to detect them all and leave the SecPend flag in the right condition. This is something you should be aware of yourself. _132 OzLibUpd 1.0 - OzCIS Library Updater Copyright (C) 1993 Todd Fiske ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ -- disclaimer This software does its job satisfactorily, but I won't be held responsible if something goes wrong. Make a back up of FORUMS.DB just in case. Consider yourself warned! -- credits OzLibUpd was written with The Semware Editor 1.0 (pre-release) by Semware, compiled with Turbo Pascal 7.0 by Borland, with additional support from the Topaz 4.0 libraries by Software Science. Of course, eternal gratitude goes to Steve Sneed for providing OzCIS to the world. -- "ware" category, distribution OzLibUpd is free. If you are driven to provide compensation, I will not refuse it! Email, postcards, and other correspondence are always appreciated. Feel free to make copies to give to friends and/or associates, but please distribute with all files intact and unchanged. However, please do not charge any money for it, including disk-copying costs. -- contact If you have any problems, comments, suggestions, criticism, flames, etc, I can be reached as follows: Todd Fiske PO Box 9715-244 CompuServe : 70451,1424 Portland ME 04104-2000 Delphi : TFISKE