How to be a BBS power user. By Kenneth C. Mazie Sysop of Quasatron Systems BBS (510) 846-6085 Being a sysop I spend alot of time in front of the BBS watching what you the user are doing. Don't be so surprised, many sysops do the same and you never know it. By doing so I see the bad habits everyone has and uses to to their own detriment. Often I give advise on how to beef up skills while online, this is another attempt at doing so. What I will do so as to not make this too drawn out is to list what you SHOULD be doing. I'll leave it up to you to parallel the list with your own BBSing style. 1: Your FIRST call to ANY BBS. a: During your FIRST login activate your logging utility or begin an ASCII download and capture EVERYTHING you see. End the download when you disconnect the call. If you don't know how to log your call ( Procomm Plus uses ALT-F1 ) READ THE BOOK and find out. b: View EVERYTHING. Bulletins, notices, anything stating "required you read this", and select a NON-STOP mode ( remember this is being captured, don't try to read it now. ) so the WHOLE thing will scroll by QUICKLY. c: If command help exists view it. d: Color is nice is'nt it? Trouble is it takes 5 times as long to transmit. TURN COLOR OFF. It just wastes your online time. 2: Offline. a: OK, you've captured everything during your first call (hopefully). The file SHOULD be standard ASCII text with possibly a few ANSI characters thrown in depending on the BBS you called. In any case READ EVERYTHING NOW. b: Familiarize yourself with the BBS so you are PREPARED for your next call. 3: Second call. a: At this point you may or may not have access depending on the BBS. I'll operate under the assumption that you DO have access. b: If the facility is available, use mail up and downloading. This allows you to read and reply to messages OFFLINE at your liesure. (See [N]etwork Mail here on Quasatron.) c: If you have file access, look for and download any "ALLFILES.???" type files. If these types of files do not exist, begin another ASCII download or capture and do a listing of any directories of interest to you. Again use NON STOP MODE. 4: Offline from second call. a: Use your offline mail reader to read/reply to mail (i.e. Jabber, OLX, EZrdr etc.) b: View your downloaded ( or captured ) file listings and jot down files you want. 5: Subsequent calls. a: If META COMMANDS exist, use them (see the Quasatron newsletter). b: If you prefer to view files online and a MARK utility exists, ( it does on Quasatron, see the file help ) mark files while you list them. Then download the list (see file help). c: Go to the mail up/down load utility and do your thing. d: Make your uploads if necessary. e: Go to the download area, enter your jotted list using a batch protocol ( Zmodem recommended ), and select automatic logoff at completion of download. Now go have a beer and watch Married with Children. ===>> The trick is to be OFFLINE while reading everything so you DON'T ===>> incur phone charges and you DON'T waste your valuable online ===>> time allotment. Get on, get your buisness done, get off. If you use these tips you can get the maximum out of your online time. Many of the files here are from EAST COAST BBS's and were downloaded using these methods. It takes getting used to but once mastered you'll be amazed at what you can accomplish. Also READ YOUR USERS MANUAL!!!! I can't stress that enough. Know how to utilize what your communications software is capable of. If you don't know what you CAN do you'll never know what you miss!