ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[ Bulletin Listings ]ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» ÇÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĶ º 1 - How to use the Quarterdeck Technical Support BBS. º º 2 - New pricing for Desqview API Programming Tools. º º 3 - BBS's of interest to Desqview users. º º 4 - Quarterdeck ships Desqview/X!!! º º 5 - Latest versions of Quarterdeck products. º º 6 - X11 & MOTIF Software Development Toolkits for DV/X. º º 7 - DPMI support comes to QEMM!!! º º 8 - Beta Program - DV/X Users of PC-NFS, Wollongong and º º Beame and Whiteside Network Drivers. º º 9 - Quarterdeck licenses Novell's TCP/IP Transport for DOS. º º 10 - The X-apps are coming!! The X-apps are coming!! º º 11 - On-line help for our new Wildcat! BBS System. º º 12 - Instructions for using Folios - the On-line Infobase º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ USING THE QUARTERDECK OFFICE SYSTEMS TECHNICAL SUPPORT BBS GENERAL INFORMATION Quarterdeck Office Systems operates a multi-line Electronic Bulletin Board System in order to provide technical support to our registered users as well as pre-sales information to individuals considering purchase of Quarterdeck products. On our system you will find general files of use to BBSers (such as archiving and scanning utilities), patches and utilities written by QOS for our products, technical notes, and user-uploaded files that the SYSOP deems to be of interest to our users. In addition, you can read and write messages with questions and comments about our programs and their interaction with other software and hardware products. Many of our message bases are echoed to BBS's throughout the country. -Pause- [C]ontinue, [N]onStop, [S]top? [C]C The Quarterdeck Office Systems Technical Support BBS can be reached by dialing (310) 314-3227. As of this writing we are running 8 lines which rotate from that number. To call our BBS you need: 1) A modem. Users can call in at any baud rate from 300 through 14,400. With data compression, users calling in at 14,400 can achieve an effective throughput of 38,400. The prices of modems are dropping constantly. 2400 baud units can be purchased for under $50, many 9600 baud units can be found for under $200, and modems capable of 14,400 connect speeds and error correction start at about $300. If you plan to purchase a new modem and will be spending a lot of time online at long distance rates and/or downloading large files, get the fastest unit you can afford. The savings on your phone bill will be substantial. Regardless of the speed at which your modem is communicating, it should be configured with the following settings for best results: 8 Bit Word Length/No Parity/1 Stop Bit -Pause- [C]ontinue, [N]onStop, [S]top? [C]C (A setting of 7 Bit Word Length/Even Parity/No Stop Bit will also work.) 2) Communications software. Your modem needs to talk to the remote computer via a software package that you will configure for your specific hardware configuration. Many good shareware programs are available. (Shareware is freely copied and distributed with the "TRY BEFORE YOU BUY" philosophy. If you like the program and continue to use it after a certain specified period of time - usually two to four weeks - you are legally and morally responsible for registering it with the author and sending in a small fee for its use. Procomm and Telix are examples of shareware communications programs.) Many new modems come bundled with software. While these packages may not include every "bell and whistle" known to electronic communications, they are adequate for most people's needs and will, at the very least, let you get your feet wet. If you wish to use your communication programs inside of our multi-tasking environment, DESQview, you should refer to our technote #237 entitled COMMPROG.TEC. -Pause- [C]ontinue, [N]onStop, [S]top? [C] 3) A computer capable of utilizing the above. Because our programs are written for IBM-compatible systems, most of our callers dial up our BBS via a DOS machine. If you do not own a modem, however, you can access our system via a non-DOS machine. A friend with a Macintosh, for instance, could let you use his or her computer to dial the BBS and download technical information. LOGGING ON FOR THE FIRST TIME When calling for the first time, you will be asked to fill out a short questionnaire. Aliases are not allowed on our system. You MUST register with your real first and last name, the city you are calling from, and a phone number where you can be reached between the hours of 9:00 am and 6:00 pm Pacific Time. If this minimal information is not provided, your account may be deleted. If the BBS requests a password the first time you call, there is already another user with your name. If this happens, hang up and call again, using a different name by changing yours slightly (i.e. add your middle initial, etc.). -Pause- [C]ontinue, [N]onStop, [S]top? [C] If there are no other users with your name on the BBS, you will be asked to type in a password and then to re-type the same password for verification. The next time you call you will be asked for this password. Unless you are certain you will remember it, WRITE IT DOWN. Passwords should be chosen with care. Do not use your name or any other word that others could easily guess. Do not use the same password you use on other systems. These precautions are for your benefit. If another individual gained access to your account by using your password, your personal mail could be deleted or mail sent that appears to be from you but is not. An individual, posing as you, could upload commercial, copyrighted software or virus-infected software. Play it safe. Protect your password and your account. Once you register with us you will be allowed to use the BBS for 60 minutes per day. If you require additional time for some specific reason, write a note to the SYSOP explaining the situation. ONLINE WITH QOS Our BBS is running on Wildcat! BBS software. On a Wildcat! system you need to be familiar with three menus: MAIN, FILES, and MESSAGE. -Pause- [C]ontinue, [N]onStop, [S]top? [C] From the Main Menu you can: Switch to Files or Message Menu. Enter a comment to the Sysop. Join a conference. (See below for more on conferences.) Check your personal settings (the way Wildcat! displays information to you.) Change your help level. Read the current newsletter. See who else is online. See a list of current bulletins with the option of reading them online. See a list of all users. Review statistics of activity on our BBS. Re-read the initial welcome screen. Enter a "door." (More on this later.) Obtain help on available options. Log off the system. In BBS-Land, the term "door" refers to another program that is run from within the BBS program. Most boards have a "mail door" which allows users to download packets of messages to be read and responded to off-line. Wildcat! has its own mail door called Tomcat. It is the ONLY door that -Pause- [C]ontinue, [N]onStop, [S]top? [C] is not run from the Door option of the main menu. Instead, it is run from the Message Menu. (Since Tomcat handles downloading of mail packets, this makes sense.) If a caller chooses "D" from the Main Menu, he or she would be presented with a list of available doors. Choosing one of the doors would cause Wildcat! to shell to DOS and run the program. For example, we have recently implemented a door that would allow callers to access our database of product information. Other doors may also be added in the future. CONFERENCES When you log on for the first time, you will find yourself in the Main Board. This is considered conference 0 (zero) on most boards, and this is true here at Quarterdeck. Typing "J" for Join a Conference will give you a list of conferences available to you. (This can vary based on your access level.) A typical caller will see the following conferences listed: Technical Support (Smartnet echo) API Support (Smartnet echo) Desqview/X (Smartnet echo) -Pause- [C]ontinue, [N]onStop, [S]top? [C] Desqview (RIME echo) Wildcat! BBS (Mustang Software echo) By switching to one of these conferences you can tap into a huge pool of messages to and from Quarterdeck Technical Support staff or, in the case of the Wildcat! echo, messages to and from Mustang's Support Dept. If you have a question or problem, leave a message in the appropriate conference. Within a day or two you should hear from one of our Tech Support people. (Keep in mind that we don't work evenings or weekends. If you have a problem that requires immediate attention, you should call our Technical Support voice line at (310) 392-9701 or send a FAX detailing your problem to (310) 314-3217.) Echoed conferences are groups of messages sent back and forth between hundreds or thousands of BBS's belonging to a specific network. Smartnet and RIME are two of dozens of such networks that share messages. Many local BBS's belong to more than one network. It is possible to call a BBS in your town and find messages from Smartnet and RIME as well as Fidonet, I-Link, and any number of other nets. A board can be a "node" (member) of a specific network and not carry all of the conferences that are available via that network. In fact, nodes are free to pick and choose what conferences are of interest to their callers. -Pause- [C]ontinue, [N]onStop, [S]top? [C] Not every RIME or Smartnet board carries our support conferences. You can always send a note to the system operator (SYSOP) of the board if you do not find them, however. If enough interest is shown, the SYSOP may consider adding additional conferences to the system. The obvious advantage to echoed conferences is that you can obtain Technical Support via a local phone call rather than calling our system which may be a long distance call for you. Another way to drastically reduce long distance charges is to use an off-line reader. By using a mail door (like Wildcat!'s Tomcat) you can download packets of messages from the conferences that interest you. Tomcat compresses these messages into a packet that conforms to the standard .QWK format. Once the packet is downloaded, your off-line reader program uncompresses the messages and allows you to easily read and respond to them. Your responses are saved in a reply packet with the extension .REP. (Packets downloaded from our BBS are named QOSBBS.QWK; your reply packets are named QOSBBS.REP.) You then call the board again and, through Tomcat, upload your reply packet. Tomcat unzips your replies and places them in the appropriate conferences. Several shareware off-line readers are available for download on our BBS. Check the file directory, download a program, and start cutting down on those phone bills! To read or respond to messages online, switch to the conference of your choice -Pause- [C]ontinue, [N]onStop, [S]top? [C]N by typing "J" and then pick from the conferences available to you. Typing "M" from the Main Menu will take you to the Message Menu of the current conference. (Keep in mind that you can access any of the three menus (MAIN, MESSAGE, and FILE) from within ANY conference. All of the files available for download are similarly available from within ANY conference.) SPEAKING OF THAT FILES MENU Many users call us in order to download a file recommended by a Tech Support person. Downloading a file when you already know its exact name is a simple matter. From the Main Menu choose "F" for Files Menu. Next type "D" for download. You will be prompted for the name of the file. If you don't know the exact name, Wildcat! will let you search for the correct file in a number of ways. Extensive on-line help is available from within Wildcat!. While on-line you can peruse the various file directory listings, read descriptions of the files, and mark any number of files for downloading. A text file, WCFILES.LST, can be downloaded which contains all the information found in the file directory listings. This file is updated every week or two. While online you can also get a listing of all files which have been added since the last time you checked for new files or after a date of your choice. Take some time to check out the files available for download. A multitude of valuable public domain and shareware programs are available that can make you more productive and your computing more fun. To download a file you must tell Wildcat! to send it via a particular protocol, and your communications program must be using that same protocol. The most popular transfer protocol is Zmodem. It allows you to download a group of files without user input between files; more importantly, though, it allows you to "recover" from a crash. That is, if your download is aborted for any reason, Zmodem can pick up where it left off. The first time you drop carrier (lose your phone connection) about 28 minutes into a 30 minute download, you will appreciate the benefits of this protocol! Many other popular protocols (including Xmodem, Ymodem, and Kermit) are also available. Neophyte BBS users who need to download a file should obtain the numbers of several systems that are a local phone call away. Call them and download a few files. Make sure your modem and communications program are properly configured and you are familiar with the basic concepts of telecommunications. Only then should you take the plunge and start dialing out-of-state boards. One very common problem that every modem owner runs into at some point is "line noise". You dial up your favorite BBS and before you can type in your name, the screen begins to fill up with "garbage" characters. You finally get your name typed in and try entering your password, only to have the same thing occur. This line noise is the result of interference on the phone line. It can result from defective equipment, such as your modem, the serial cable or port, but most often it is the phone line itself that is to blame. Some phone companies seem to produce "cleaner" lines than others. If you are bothered by line noise often, you might want to call your local phone company and ask them to check your line. In some cases they can improve the line quality. In some areas a special service is available for telephone lines which are dedicated to data transfer. This service, when available, generally costs a little more than a standard voice line, but is geared toward the attentuation levels unique to data transfer. This might be a good idea if your business depends on reliable data transfer via modem. In most cases, however, it is unnecessary. You should be aware that some states have legislation requiring this service for those who use modems. Check with your local phone company for specific regulations in your area. If you only seem to get line noise when calling one system, drop the SYSOP a note describing the problem. Meanwhile, the solution is to log off and call back. Often you will come in on a different line and the connection will be better. We hope the information in this technical note is helpful. If you have questions or want additional information about communicating via modem, log on to a few local BBS systems, read the messages, and download some files. Most important: don't be afraid to ask questions. BBSers are friendly, helpful people who LOVE what they do and are eager to help others enjoy what has probably become an obsession for them! ************************************************************************ * Trademarks are property of their respective owners. * *This technical note may be copied and distributed freely as long as it* *is distributed in its entirety and it is not distributed for profit. * * Copyright (C) 1992 by Quarterdeck Office Systems * ************************ E N D O F F I L E ************************* End of bulletin number 1. Continue reading NEW bulletins? [Y] QUARTERDECK DEVELOPMENT TOOLKITS [Revised 10/09/92] DESQVIEW API DEVELOPMENT TOOLS For those interested in making DOS applications more powerful, DESQview has an Application Program Interface (API). This API lets programs control and interact with DESQview and with other programs running in DESQview. Using the DESQview API, a program can tap into the powerful capabilities built into DESQview-multitasking, windowing, intertask communications, mailboxes, shared programs, memory management, mousing, data transfer, menu-building and help. Programs written specifically for DESQview can create additional processes or tasks. DESQview API libraries are available for Assembly, Basic, C, Clipper, Dbase, and Pascal. The DESQview API tools are now available direct from Quarterdeck at the following prices. API Reference Manual $25.00 API Toolkit - Basic $100.00 -Pause- [C]ontinue, [N]onStop, [S]top? [C]N API Toolkit - C $100.00 API Toolkit - Clipper $100.00 API Toolkit - Dbase $100.00 API Toolkit - Pascal $100.00 Each complete Toolkit includes the API Reference Manual, specified Language Library, API Panel Design Tool, API Debugger and DESQview v. 2.4. DESQVIEW/X DEVELOPMENT TOOLS The DESQview/X development tools allow developers to develop X Window System applications for DOS. For developers who have already written X applications for other operating systems such as UNIX, these tools can be used to port those applications to DOS. The available DESQview/X development tools include the industry standard Xlib, Xt Intrinsics, Athena Widgets and Motif Toolkits. DESQview/X Libraries for GNU C/C++ on Internet/QUARTERDECK BBS The DESQview/X X11 Xlib, Xt Intrinsics and Athena Widgets for the GNU C/C++ compiler are available from the Internet and are also available from the Quarterdeck Bulletin Board. This allows developers to develop/port DOS X Window applications using the GNU compiler (which is free on the Internet) at no cost. The DESQview/X X11 development libraries can be downloaded from the anonymous ftp server at barnacle.erc.clarkson.edu in the directory /pub/msdos/djgpp. The file is qddvx100.qip with a size of 841794. The file qddvx100.mft contains a contents list for qddvx100.qip Instructions for downloading: File location: host: barnacle.erc.clarkson.edu login: ftp password: send your e-mail address directory: ~ftp/pub/msdos/djgpp As a convenience to non-FTP users, djgpp is also stored on Clarkson's archive server. To access the archive server, do this: % mail archive-server@barnacle.erc.clarkson.edu Subject: help index msdos/djgpp ^D DESQview/X Toolkits There are 4 DESQview/X "Development Kits" available for purchase from Quarterdeck. Many of the components are available separately as well. 1. DESQview/X X11 Starter Kit $50.00 This kit is for use with the GNU C/C++ compiler only. It's similar to what's available from the Internet, except that it includes the DESQview/X Roadmap documentation. Contents: - DESQview/X Roadmap - 3-disk set which includes the GNU C/C++ compiler, full X11 R4 programming libraries for GNU, DESQview/X system library with Berkeley Socket Interface, sample programs and make files. 2. DESQview/X X11 Library Kit $300.00 This kit includes the Starter Kit, but also includes libraries which support the various DOS C compilers listed below, and other materials. Contents: - DESQview/X Roadmap - 3-disk set which includes the GNU C/C++ compiler, full X11 R4 programming libraries for GNU, DESQview/X system library with Berkeley Socket Interface, sample programs and make files. - 4-disk set which includes libraries for Microsoft C, Borland C++, Zortech C++, Rational Instant C, Watcom C/386, and Metaware High C compilers. - The O'Reilly X Reference and Programming Guides (Volumes 1, 2, 4, and 5) - 1-disk set for the Rational Systems DOS/4GX DOS extender tools. - Rational Systems DOS/4GX documentation. 3. DESQview/X X11 Toolkit $750.00 This "complete" toolkit includes everything in the X11 Library Kit, plus the additional tools listed below. Contents: - Includes the X11 Library Kit described above, plus: - Rational Systems Instant-C - Oxygen - Quarterdeck Developers Passport Support. 4. DESQview/X Motif Toolkit (shipping October) $150.00 This kit is for developers who want to port/develop OSF/Motif applications. Motif developers may also need one of the other toolkits which include Xlib, Xt, etc... Contents: - OSF/Motif Roadmap - Diskette set with OSF/Motif Libraries for the Metware, Watcom and GNU compilers. - O'Reilly Volume 6 - DESQview/X OSF/Motif Window Manager. In addition, many DESQview/X development tools are available separately: - O'Reilly Volume 1: Xlib Programming Manual $25.00 - O'Reilly Volume 2: Xlib Reference Manual $25.00 - O'Reilly Volume 4: X Toolkit Intrinsics Programming $25.00 - O'Reilly Volume 4M: X Toolkit Intrinsics, Motif Ed. $25.00 - O'Reilly Volume 5: X Toolkit Intrinsics Reference $25.00 - O'Reilly Volume 6: Motif Programming Manual $25.00 - DOS/4GX DOS Extender $100.00 - Instant-C for DESQview/X $250.00 - Oxygen for DESQview/X $50.00 - Quarterdeck Developer Passport Support (per year) $450.00 Compiler Support The DESQview/X X11 Libraries support the following compilers (Note: support for the OSF/Motif toolkit is currently limited to the GNU, Metaware and Watcom compilers only). Microsoft C 5.1 and 6.0 Borland C/C++ 3.1 Zortech C/C++ 3.0 MetaWare High C 1.7 and 3.0 Watcom C 386 9.0 GNU C/C++ Note: The Athena Widget Libraries for Borland C/C++ are not included in the current release of the X11 libraries. Supported Memory Models for Various DOS C Compilers Developers can develop/port real mode, 16-bit and 32-bit protected mode X Windows applications for DOS. For Motif application development, only 32-bit protected mode is supported. Each compiler supports the following memory models. DOS/4GX refers to Rational Systems DOS/4GX DOS Extender available from Quarterdeck. Borland C/C++ - Real Mode - 16-bit protected mode EXPs (using DOS/4GX) GNU C/C++ - 32-bit protected mode executables (using GO32 DOS Extender) MetaWare High C - 32-bit protected mode Linear Executables (using DOS/4GX) - 32-bit protected mode executables (using the Phar Lap 386|DOS Extender) Microsoft C - Real Mode - 16-bit protected mode EXPs (using DOS/4GX) - 16-bit protected mode EXPs (using Rational Systems D16M DOS Extender) - 16-bit protected mode SegExe format (using DOS/4GX and DLLs) Watcom C/386 - 32-bit protected mode executables (using DOS/4GX) - 32-bit protected mode executables (using the DOS/4GW extender that is available with Watcom C/386) Zortech C/C++ - Real Mode - 16-bit protected mode EXPs (using DOS/4GX) - 16-bit protected mode executables (using the ZPM extender available with Zortech C/C++) How to Order the Development Toolkits Orders for Quarterdeck development tools can be placed directly with Quarterdeck via mail, phone and fax. When ordering the tools, please provide the following information: Name Company Name (if applicable) Address City, State, Zip Code Daytime Phone Number Credit Card Number (if ordering by credit card. Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover are accepted). The product being ordered, and quantity. Shipping Charges The shipping charge is $10.00 per toolkit, with the exception of the DESQview/X X11 Toolkit ($750), which is $20.00. Shipping via UPS Next Day and Second Day Air is available at extra cost. Please call Quarterdeck for details. Tax California residents must add 8.25% tax. All toolkits are shipped on 3.5 inch diskettes only. Send your orders to: Quarterdeck Office Systems 150 Pico Blvd. Santa Monica, CA 90405 Phone: 800-354-3222 Fax: 800-354-3329 End of bulletin number 2. Continue reading NEW bulletins? [Y] Bulletin Boards of Interest to DESQview Users The following is a list of electronic bulletin board systems that may contain information of specific interest to DESQview users. Note: Only minimal effort is made to keep this list up to date, particularly private systems may discontinue service or change access requirements or forum topics. If you are a longtime "BBSer", we're sure you are familiar with this. --------------------------------------------------------------- ALL Computers BBS 416-960-8679 Operational 24hrs. Contains latest EMS 4.0 drivers for their All Charge Card product. May also include information on running DESQview with the Charge Card. --------------------------------------------------------------- AST Research BBS 714-852-1872 AST's official support board. Usually contains the latest version of REMM.SYS. *--------------------------------------------------------------- ASTRO BBS 703-524-1837 -Pause- [C]ontinue, [N]onStop, [S]top? [C]N Private BBS system in Washington D.C. Special forums in astronomy, multi-tasking and DESQview. SYSOP is Kurt Riegel, contributor to RBBS and author of the GIVEBACK routine (DESQview PAUSE call routine) for compiled BASIC. --------------------------------------------------------------- DESQview Bulletin Board 310-314-3227 Quarterdeck's official system. Open to users with Priority Service and/or registered, Quarterdeck distributed copy of DESQview, QEMM and/or companions. --------------------------------------------------------------- The HEKOM_RBBS (31) 3483 4072 Harmelen HOLLAND (The Netherlands), 24hrs a day, has a special area for all DV-aware files (fidonet-adress is 2:286/3 ) - Henny Kohler, sysop -------------------------------------------------------------- OHIONet Express 216-241-6727 FidoNET node. Participates in national DESQview echo conference. Sysop is David Chatterfield. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Sound of Music BBS 516-536-8723 Private BBS system in New York. Special forum on multi-tasking and DESQview. SYSOP is Paul Waldinger. --------------------------------------------------------------- Komputer Knowledge BBS Fido BBS in AYLESBURY, UK. Matrix address 2:257/7 & 2:257/19 DESQview conference. SYSOP is Andrew Eaves. * OTHER ELECTRONIC SERVICES Byte Information eXchange (BIX) Quarterdeck operates a regular vendor support conference on BIX. After logging on through your local service, you may either join the DESQview conference directly by typing 'join DESQview' at the prompt, or use the BIX "keyword", 'vs.qos'. If you use the special vendor support key word for Quarterdeck Office Systems 'vs.qos', you will save $14 off the one-time BIX online registration fee (usually $39, now $25). The Quarterdeck representative has a BIXname, 'qos.rep2'. --------------------------------------------------------------- Compuserve Quarterdeck now operates a regular forum on Compuserve which can be reached by typing GO QUARTERDECK after logging on. Represent- atives are also active on the IBM Software SIG and can be reached for tech info and sales information via EMAIL (76004,2310). * * * E N D O F F I L E * * * * End of bulletin number 3. Continue reading NEW bulletins? [Y] QUARTERDECK SHIPS DESQview/X, BRINGS WORKSTATION POWER TO DOS Includes X Window System Graphics, Adobe Type Manager, Remote computing of DOS and Microsoft Windows, via Novell and NetBIOS networks, TCP/IP option. WASHINGTON, D.C., March 31, 1992 -- Quarterdeck Office Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:QDEK) announced today at the Federal Office Systems Expo (FOSE) that DESQview/X is shipping. DESQview/X brings powerful workstation capabilities to standalone and networked 386SX and higher DOS personal computers. DESQview/X, the third DESQview product in Quarterdeck's suite of multitaskers, is a graphical, multitasking and windowing DOS environment. It features a graphical desktop, scalable fonts, keystroke macros and customizable menus, data transfer and remote computing. A key feature of DESQview/X is its ability to run both DOS text and Microsoft Windows graphics programs in small windows or remotely on other DESQview/X PCs or X workstations. DESQview/X is the first full DOS client/server implementation of the X-Window System, an international standard for graphical windowing -Pause- [C]ontinue, [N]onStop, [S]top? [C]N and distributed computing. Adding to DESQview's ability to multitask DOS and Microsoft Windows programs, DESQview/X incorporates X Window System graphics and network protocols, plus Rational Systems' 16- and 32- bit shared DOS extender technology to achieve workstation capabilities and performance. "We are taking our DESQview foundation and adding accepted standards for type, graphics and distributed computing." said Therese E. Myers, president and co-founder of Quarterdeck. "This creates an open door for DOS users and gives them the ability to take advantage of the advances in X-related workstation trends regardless of platform. This is a significant step toward bringing DOS into enterprise computing." DESQview/X provides benefits for both standalone and networked PC users such as: data transfer to cut and paste between applications running in different windows regardless of whether they are running locally or remotely, a graphical interface with three-dimensional look and feel, menus and icons that are easily customizable and sophisticated file and print management systems. Included with DESQview/X are four companion programs: - DESQview/X Application Manager, a graphical desktop and program organizer; - DESQview/X File Manager, a file manager for either local DOS or remote DOS and non- DOS files; - DESQview/X Icon Editor, a graphics tool for creating and editing pixmap and bitmap icons; - Adobe Type Manager (ATM) for DESQview/X, an outline font manager with 13 Type 1 fonts for DESQview/X and X Window System graphics program. ATM for DESQview/X also provides scalable DOS windows for DOS text programs. "We started our DESQview/X development with a belief in the importance of networking and graphics," said Gary Pope, executive vice president, development, and Quarterdeck co-founder. "We also wanted our DOS users to be able to access computing power, memory or applications residing on more powerful computers on a network." According to Pope, until now DOS lacked an integrated windowing system designed for graphic communication. By bringing the X-Window System to DOS, users gain network access to the universe of X software running on UNIX, VAX workstations or mainframes. Bundled with DESQview/X are Quarterdeck's best-selling memory manager QEMM-386, and Manifest, a system and memory reporting tool. Options for DESQview/X, available separately, include the DESQview/X Network Manager for TCP/IP; and DESQview/X OPEN LOOK Window Manager and the DESQview/X OSF/Motif Window Manager, both used for customizing the on-screen interface to match the look of other workstations, from Sun, Hewlett-Packard, DEC, IBM and others. DESQview/X (with the four companions, QEMM-386, Manifest, and the DESQview/X Network Manager for Novell Netware and NetBIOS networks) has a suggested retail price of $275.00. The suggested retail price for the optional DESQview/X Network Manager for TCP/IP is $200.00; DESQview/X OSF/Motif Window Manager is $250.00; and DESQview/X OPEN LOOK Window Manager is $200.00. System requirements for DESQview/X are: an IBM/compatible 386SX PC or higher; PC or MS DOS 3 and above or DR DOS 6; 4 megabytes or more of RAM; EGA, VGA, Super VGA, 8514/A, or 256-color DGIS graphics adapter, and a 40 megabyte hard drive. Support for a mouse or equivalent pointing device compatible with Microsoft mouse driver is included. DESQview/X-286 for IBM/compatible 286 computers is under development. Quarterdeck is a technology leader in development of software products that enhance the performance of DOS-based personal computer hardware and software. The company develops, markets and supports multitasking, windowing and memory management software designed to bring cost-effective computing solutions to business and professional PC users. Quarterdeck Office Systems, Inc. is located at 150 Pico Boulevard, Santa Monica, CA 90405. The company can be reached at (310) 392-9851. ### Editor's Note: All trademarks are the property of their respective companies. End of bulletin number 4. Continue reading NEW bulletins? [Y] Dear Quarterdeck Customer: Quarterdeck is proud to announce the latest versions of its popular multitasking and memory management products. They are: QEMM-386 6.0 DESQview 386 2.4 DESQview 2.4 QEMM-50/60 6.0 QRAM 2.0 Manifest 1.1 Once again, Quarterdeck has delivered on its commitment to provide PC users with the latest in multitasking and memory management technology. DESQview adds increased support for networking and compatibility with the latest versions of popular DOS applications, including DOS 5.0 and Windows 3.0. Our memory management products continue to offer new innovations which maximize the amount of memory available below 640K. QEMM-386 v. 6.0 -Pause- [C]ontinue, [N]onStop, [S]top? [C]N QEMM-386 became an industry best seller because of its ability to provide the maximum amount of memory below 640K, by loading memory resident drivers, TSR's and DOS resources above 640K. Quarterdeck's Optimize program made this so easy, even a computer novice could do it. With the release of QEMM-386 6.0, Quarterdeck has added many new features to QEMM. They include: - New "Stealth" Technology which hides a PC's ROM code and makes its memory addresses mappable as High RAM. Every computer has System ROM (typically located between E000 or F000 and FFFF) and Video ROM (typically found at C000). QEMM 6 effectively hides this ROM code, and replaces it with High RAM. Some computers, such as IBM PS/2's, can have as much as 128K of System ROM. With QEMM 6, that area can now be made available as High RAM. Note: Stealth technology is dependent upon ROM design. ROM implementations by hardware manufacturers may cause one or more of Stealth's strategies not to work. - New, more powerful Optimize. A new version of Optimize provides a Manifest like look and feel. Please see below for more details on the capabilities of the new Optimize. - Support for the Suspend-Resume mode of Battery-Powered Laptops. - Additional Shadow RAM Support. QEMM 6.0 now supports Chips & Technologies SCAT Shadow RAM, in addition to its previous support for Compaq-style Top Memory and C&T's NEAT, LEAP and AT/386 Shadow RAM. - Supports DOS 5.0 and Windows 3.0 - Includes the new Manifest 1.1. DESQview 386 2.4 DESQview 386 - Includes QEMM-386 v. 6.0 and Manifest 1.1. - Larger DESQview windows. Takes advantage of the additional memory provided by QEMM-386 6.0 to provide more memory for DOS programs running under DESQview. - Enhanced network support. New NETBIOS and Novell IPX/SPX drivers, to be used when running several network-specific programs via network gateways or when running client/server network application programs. - Compatibility with the latest versions of popular DOS programs, including DOS 5.0 and Windows 3.0. DESQview can multitask all your favorite DOS applications. DESQview 2.4 - Enhanced network support. New NETBIOS and Novell IPX/SPX drivers, to be used when running several network-specific programs via network gateways or when running client/server network application programs. - Compatible with latest versions of QEMM and QRAM. - Compatibility with the latest versions of popular DOS programs, including DOS 5.0 and Windows 3.0. DESQview can multitask all your favorite DOS applications. QEMM-50/60 v. 6.0 - New Optimize, see below for more details. - For IBM PS/2's equipped with the IBM Memory Expansion Option, Expanded Memory Adaptor/A or compatible. - Now compatible with popular expanded memory boards from companies including, but not limited to: AST Computer, Quadram, Tecmar, Orchid, Kingston Technology and Intel Corporation. - Supports DOS 5.0 and Windows 3.0 - Includes new Manifest 1.1. QRAM 2.0 - New Optimize, see below for more details. - Now compatible with Chips & Technologies SCAT shadow RAM chipset, in addition to C&T NEAT Chipset. - Supports DOS 5.0 and Windows 3.0 - Includes new Manifest 1.1. Manifest 1.10 - Included free with QEMM-386 6.0, DESQview 386 2.4, QEMM- 50/60 6.0 and QRAM 2.0. - Supports DOS 5.0 Optimize Optimize is included with QEMM-386 6.0, DESQview 386 2.4, QEMM- 50/60 6.0, and QRAM 2.0. Optimize now sports a Manifest like appearance, and has a more powerful and flexible user interface to make even the novice computer user a memory management expert. Its new features include: - More powerful, easier to use. - Now has the ability to process embedded batch files in a user's Autoexec.bat file. - "Squeeze," a new capability to temporarily increase the high RAM region in high memory during a program's load and initialization. This feature is helpful for programs that require more memory at startup than when running. - Optimize can now automatically exclude portions of high memory accessed by device drivers and TSR's. This avoids conflicts with hardware that previous versions failed to detect. - Users can now create "response files" that QEMM-386's LOADHI programs can use to get information about where and how to load programs high. This is valuable for network users who load TSRs from public batch files on the network. - Optimize now lets users view, browse and play with the list of device drivers and TSRs that the program has relocated to high-memory--allowing users to perform "What-if?" analyses with their memory configuration. Upgrade Prices and Policies Owners of prior versions of Quarterdeck products can upgrade to the new versions for the following prices. Each upgrade includes an upgrade booklet and diskette. New manuals are available at an extra cost. Product Price Code # QEMM-386 6.0 Upgrade $30.00 * 110 DESQview 386 2.4 Upgrade $50.00 * 120 DESQview 2.4 Upgrade $25.00 130 QRAM 2.0 Upgrade $25.00 * 140 QEMM-50/60 6.0 Upgrade $30.00 * 150 Manifest 1.1 Upgrade $20.00 160 * Includes FREE Manifest 1.1 Documentation Each upgrade includes an upgrade booklet and diskette. New documentation is not included. Replacement documentation is available at extra cost. DESQview Manual $30.00 QEMM-386 and Manifest Manual $30.00 QEMM-50/60 and Manifest Manual $30.00 QRAM and Manifest Manual $30.00 Manifest Manual only $20.00 Owners of QEMM-386 v. 1.0 to 4.23 are advised to order the QEMM- 386 documentation for $30.00. Owners of DESQview versions earlier than 2.0 are advised to purchase the DESQview manual for $30.00. Ordering your upgrade We have many convenient ways to order your upgrade. By mail, toll-free fax and phone. When we process your order, we will automatically assign a serial number and preregister your upgrade in our customer database (except for the Bonus Pack, which will be registered, but no serial number assigned). Therefore, it won't be necessary to send in a registration card. To Order your upgrade: Fax: 800-354-3329 or 310-314-4219 Phone: 800-354-3222 or 310-314-3222 Hours: 7:00 am to 5:00 Pacific Time Monday through Friday (Wednesdays Closed at 4:00 pm Pacific Time) Mail: Quarterdeck Office Systems Customer Service 150 Pico Blvd. Santa Monica, CA 90405 Thank you for doing business with Quarterdeck. End of bulletin number 5. Continue reading NEW bulletins? [Y] FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE QUARTERDECK ANNOUNCES X11 AND MOTIF SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT TOOLKITS FOR DESQview/X New SDKs Allow Developers Flexibility in the Choice of Programming Toolkits, Also Free GNU Compiler SANTA MONICA, Calif., August 28, 1992 -- Quarterdeck Office Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: QDEK) announced today at the company's fifth annual VAR and Developer Conference the DESQview/X X11 and Motif Software Development Toolkits. Also available at no charge with the Toolkits is the popular GNU C/C++ compiler. The X11 Toolkit and the DESQview/X OSF/Motif Toolkit will ship in September, 1992. Attendees at the full conference will receive the X11 toolkit free of charge at the conclusion of the event. "The DESQview/X X11 Toolkit provides a rich X development environment on PC systems," said Gary Pope, Quarterdeck's co-founder and executive vice president, development. "This environment allows developers to create X Clients that will operate within DESQview/X, and are capable of communicating with other X Window Systems across a network." The X11 Toolkit is an open system that adheres to such industry standards -Pause- [C]ontinue, [N]onStop, [S]top? [C]N as the Berkeley Socket Interface (for network-independent communication), X Window System (for display output and distributed computing) and Adobe Type Manager font technology (for scalable fonts). "The X11 Toolkit provides access to advanced DESQview/X features such as remote printing, dynamic link libraries and virtual memory -- features that promote greater programming flexibility," added Pope. The Quarterdeck DESQview/X X11 Toolkit allows developers to create DESQview/X specific applications. DESQview/X, introduced in March, 1992, is a multitasking and windowing environment that includes the first full implementation of the X Window System under DOS. With the X11 toolkit, developers will be able to: o port X clients from other X Window System environments to DESQview/X; o create new X clients that may be ported at a later stage to other X Window System environments; o perform network-independent communication between different machines; o access Adobe Type Manager to provide Type 1 scalable fonts; and, o customize DESQview/X through the creation of utility programs and configuration files. A special base-level DESQview/X X11 Starter Toolkit, for use with the GNU C/C++ compiler only, includes disks containing the full X11 R4 programming libraries, the DESQview/X system library with Berkeley Socket Interface, sample programs, make files for GNU, the DESQview/X Roadmap documentation, and the GNU C/C++ compiler. The starter kit sells for $50. The complete DESQview/X X11 Toolkit, priced at $750, includes: X11 R4 programming libraries, the DESQview/X system library with Berkeley Socket Interface, sample programs, make files and library support for Microsoft C, Borland C++, Zortech C++, Rational Instant C, Watcom C/386, Metaware High C, and GNU C/C++ compilers, the DESQview/X Roadmap, O'Reilly X Reference and Programming Guides (Volumes 1,2, 4, and 5), Rational Systems DOS/4GX DOS extender and tools, Instant C development environment, Oxygen, and Quarterdeck's Developer Passport Support. The Developer Passport Support designates a specific Quarterdeck technician/programmer to provide technical support for individual developers. Developers are provided with direct-dial phone access to their designated support technician, as well as standard electronic bulletin board system (BBS) support. Developer Passport Support enrollees are also entitled to use the new Quarterdeck Porting and Programming Labs, staffed by company technicians and developers, located in Santa Monica, California and Chelmsford, England. In order for developers to select only the tools that suit their individual needs, the toolkit components are available separately: o DESQview/X X11 libraries (for all supported compilers), DOS/4GX, DESQview/X Roadmap, and O'Reilly Volumes 1, 2, 4 and 5 $300.00 o Volume 1: Xlib Programming Manual $ 25.00 o Volume 2: Xlib Reference Manual $ 25.00 o Volume 4: X Toolkit Intrinsics Programming $ 25.00 o Volume 5: X Toolkit Intrinsics Reference $ 25.00 o Instant-C for DESQview/X $250.00 o Oxygen for DESQview/X $ 50.00 o Quarterdeck Developer Passport Support $450.00/yr All developer tools are available only from Quarterdeck directly; orders may be placed by calling (800) 354-3222. For those programmers interested in developing DESQview/X applications who do not require documentation or support, Quarterdeck has made the Quarterdeck X libraries for DESQview/X available for distribution with the C/C++ compiler for DOS, which can be downloaded free from Internet. Quarterdeck's OSF/Motif (v. 1.1.5) Development Toolkit, priced at $150, includes: Motif Widget libraries, Motif Resource Management library, Motif User Interface Language (UIL) compiler, sample programs, O'Reilly Volume 6, Motif Programming Manual, the DESQview/X OSF/Motif Roadmap and the DESQview/X end user OSF/Motif Window Manager. Quarterdeck is a technology leader in the development of software products that enhance the performance of DOS-based personal computer hardware and software. The company develops, markets and supports multitasking, windowing and memory management software designed to bring cost-effective computing solutions to business and professional PC users. Quarterdeck Office Systems, Inc. is located at 150 Pico Boulevard, Santa Monica, CA 90405. EDITORIAL CONTACT: Charles McHenry Howard LaMere (503) 772-2382 cmchenry (MCI ID); or, Claudia Zimmer (310) 392-9851 McHenry & Associates End of bulletin number 6. Continue reading NEW bulletins? [Y] NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Charles McHenry (503) 772-2382 QUARTERDECK ADDS DOS PROTECTED MODE INTERFACE (DPMI) HOST TO QEMM-386 DPMI Host Is Only Standalone Host to Support Virtual Memory, Distributed Free of Charge to Registered Users via Bulletin Board SANTA MONICA, Calif., Aug. 3, 1992 -- Quarterdeck Office Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: QDEK) announced today the availability of Quarterdeck's DOS Protected Mode Interface (DPMI) Host, a companion product to the company's QEMM-386, the PC industry's leading memory management software. The Quarterdeck DPMI Host is compatible with Microsoft's -Pause- [C]ontinue, [N]onStop, [S]top? [C]N C/C++ Development System for Windows (version 7), Borland's C++ (version 3) and Intel's Code Builder Kit (version 1.1). It is the only standalone DPMI host to support virtual memory, which allows programs to access more memory than is physically present on the computer. DPMI is an industry-standard way for DOS programs to run in protected mode. "Now developers can write protected mode DOS programs that will be compatible with DOS, DR-DOS, Windows, OS/2, 386-based UNIX, DESQview or DESQview/X operating environments," said Gary Pope, Quarterdeck's co- founder and executive vice president of development. "This is consistent with Quarterdeck's philosophy of supporting emerging industry standards." The Quarterdeck DPMI Host requires Quarterdeck's QEMM-386, or Quarterdeck's DESQview-386 or DESQview/X, each of which includes QEMM. The DPMI Host fully supports running multiple DPMI programs inside Quarterdeck's DESQview products. The Quarterdeck DPMI Host is a full implementation of version 0.9 of the DPMI specification, including MS-DOS extensions. DPMI defines a standard software interface for allocating the full range of extended memory to 16- and 32-bit protected mode programs on Intel 286, 386 and 486 processors. The DPMI specification was developed by a consortium of computer companies, including Quarterdeck, Borland, Ergo, IBM, Intel, Intelligent Graphics, Locus, Lotus, Microsoft, Phar Lap, Phoenix Technologies and Rational Systems. Quarterdeck will make the DPMI Host available to registered Quarterdeck users at no cost through the company's user bulletin board system (BBS): (310) 314-3227. On-line documentation is also available. In addition to the company's BBS, QEMM users will be able to download the new DPMI Host from Compuserve, BIX, Genie, Internet (including UUCP sites), SmartNet (through the Sound of Music board), Rimenet (through Running Board), and the DESQview Support File Distribution Network, (FIDONET). Users who require packaging and hard copy documentation may order the DPMI Host directly from Quarterdeck, sales, (800) 354-3222, for $30; no charge to Quarterdeck Passport Support subscribers. Quarterdeck Office Systems, Inc. founded in 1981, is a technology leader in developing software products that enhance the performance of DOS-based personal computer hardware and software. The company develops, markets, and supports multitasking, windowing and memory management software designed to bring cost-effective computing solutions to business and professional PC users. Quarterdeck Office Systems, Inc. is located at 150 Pico Boulevard, Santa Monica, CA 90405. The company can be reached at (310) 392-9851. Editor's Note: All trademarks are the property of their respective companies. EDITORIAL CONTACT: Charles McHenry Howard LaMere (503) 772-2382 Claudia Zimmer (310) 392-9851 MCI 429-9428 McHenry & Associates End of bulletin number 7. Continue reading NEW bulletins? [Y] NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Charles McHenry (503) 772-2382 QUARTERDECK ANNOUNCES BETA PROGRAM FOR DESQview/X USERS OF PC-NFS, WOLLONGONG AND BEAME & WHITESIDE NETWORK DRIVERS SANTA MONICA, Calif., August 25, 1992 -- Quarterdeck Office Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: QDEK) announced today at the company's fifth annual VAR and Developer Conference a beta testing program for users with SUN PC-NFS, Wollongong and Beame & Whiteside TCP/IP drivers. Available in the fourth calendar quarter of 1992, the new managers for these networks will be incorporated into the Quarterdeck DESQview/X Network Manager (to Other X Systems), which is the network interface required to run DESQview/X on non-DOS networks. Users of DESQview/X PCs on PC-NFS-, Wollongong- or Beame & Whiteside-based networks will be able to run applications residing on network workstations, mark and transfer (cut and paste) data from one program to another, transfer files directly -Pause- [C]ontinue, [N]onStop, [S]top? [C]N from PCs to workstations and vice versa, and, makes the programs and resources of the networked PCs available to non-DOS workstations on the network. Quarterdeck is inviting users of these networks to participate in the Beta testing program. Interested parties can contact Quarterdeck's Testing and Compatibility Lab for details. At the conclusion of the Beta testing cycle, the new network managers will be provided free of charge to registered users of the DESQview/X Network Manager (to Other X Systems), upon request. "We will continue to add new network managers and drivers to the DESQview/X Network Manager to give our users flexible configuration options that include popular networking packages," said Gary Pope, Quarterdeck's co-founder and executive vice president, development. QUARTERDECK ANNOUNCES BETA PROGRAM DESQview/X, which was released by Quarterdeck in March 1992, combines DESQview's multitasking capabilities with a graphical user interface and is the first complete implementation of the X Window System under DOS. The X Window System is the most widely used standard for displaying information through graphical windows, regardless of hardware and operating system platform. DESQview/X enables DOS PCs and X workstations on a TCP/IP network to remotely run DOS, Microsoft Windows and X applications concurrently. The suggested retail price for DESQview/X is $275. The DESQview/X Network Manager, required to interface DESQview/X to non-DOS networks has a list price of $200. Quarterdeck is a technology leader in the development of software products that enhance the performance of DOS-based personal computer hardware and software. The company develops, markets and supports multitasking, windowing and memory management software designed to bring cost-effective computing solutions to business and professional PC users. Quarterdeck Office Systems, Inc. is located at 150 Pico Boulevard, Santa Monica, CA 90405. The company can be reached at (310) 392-9851. # # # EDITORIAL CONTACT: Charles McHenry, Howard La Mere (503) 772-2382 cmchenry (MCI ID); or, Claudia Zimmer (310) 392-9851 McHenry & Associates Editorial note: All trademarks are property of their respective companies. End of bulletin number 8. Continue reading NEW bulletins? [Y] NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Charles McHenry (503) 772-2382 QUARTERDECK OFFERS NOVELL TCP/IP TRANSPORT FOR DOS TO DESQview/X USERS Added Convenience for DESQview/X Users of TCP/IP Networks SANTA MONICA, Calif., August 25, 1992 -- Quarterdeck Office Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: QDEK) today announced that it has licensed Novell's TCP/IP Transport for DOS for its DESQview/X Network Manager (to Other X Systems). Novell's product is a TCP/IP network driver used to interconnect DOS PCs with UNIX and other X workstations. As an introductory offer, the Novell TCP/IP Transport for DOS will be made available free of charge to TCP/IP users of DESQview/X. Current users of the DESQview/X Network Manager (to Other X Systems) will receive a free copy of the new drivers on request; proof of purchase is required. Copies of the DESQview/X Network Manager that are sold through March 31, 1993, -Pause- [C]ontinue, [N]onStop, [S]top? [C]N will contain a coupon that Quarterdeck will redeem for a free copy of the Novell driver. "The Novell product gives our users added convenience," said Therese Myers, president and co-founder of Quarterdeck. "Although DESQview/X does not specifically require the Novell Transport for DOS, it does require a third party TCP/IP driver for multiplatform computing. The addition of the Novell driver will provide one-stop shopping for those using, evaluating or moving to TCP/IP networks." The TCP/IP network driver, a $100 value, combined with DESQview/X and the DESQview/X Network Manager enables DOS PCs to use programs running on remote UNIX workstations such as the RS6000, and, conversely, enables X workstations to use DOS text and Microsoft Windows programs running on the DESQview/X PC.The Novell TCP/IP Transport for DOS is a subset of Novell's LanWorkPlace for DOS and includes Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) files, the Open Datalink Interface (ODI) driver set and the Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) file for ODI. The ODI driver set supports multiple network protocols such as IPX and SPX as well as TCP/IP running at the same time on a single network board, and thus enables PC users to communicate with a variety of workstations, file servers, and mini and mainframe computers via different protocols -- without rebooting the PCs. QUARTERDECK OFFERS NOVELL TCP/IP TRANSPORT FOR DOS TO DESQview/X USERS "Novell and Quarterdeck share the same vision of providing users multi-vendor integration; Novell from the server, and Quarterdeck from the desktop," said Darrell Miller, executive vice president of Novell Inc. "The combination of Quarterdeck's DESQview/X and Novell TCP/IP Transport for DOS gives users the resources to achieve DOS/UNIX interoperability." DESQview/X, which was released by Quarterdeck in March 1992, combines DESQview's multitasking capabilities with a graphical user interface and is the first complete implementation of the X Window System under DOS. The X Window System is the most widely used standard for displaying information through graphical windows, regardless of hardware and operating system platform. The suggested retail price for DESQview/X is $275. The DESQview/X Network Manager (to Other X Systems), required to interface DESQview/X to TCP/IP networks, has a list price of $200. Quarterdeck is a technology leader in the development of software products that enhance the performance of DOS-based personal computer hardware and software. The company develops, markets and supports multitasking, windowing and memory management software designed to bring cost-effective computing solutions to business and professional PC users. Quarterdeck Office Systems, Inc. is located at 150 Pico Boulevard, Santa Monica, CA 90405. The company can be reached at (310) 392-9851. # # # EDITORIAL CONTACT: Charles McHenry Howard La Mere (503) 772-2382 cmchenry (MCI ID); or, Claudia Zimmer (310) 392-9851 McHenry & Associates Editorial note: All trademarks are property of their respective companies. End of bulletin number 9. Continue reading NEW bulletins? [Y] THE X-APPS ARE COMING!! THE X-APPS ARE COMING!! The X-apps are beginning to roll in, and we now have a file area for them. Feel free to upload any apps you have ported so others can enjoy them, and keep a few things in mind when downloading from this area: Most of these programs were neither written nor ported by Quarterdeck, coming to us via the Internet and originally written for UNIX systems. They are provided for your enjoyment AS IS. Documentation may be minimal, and is often in post script format. I will try to note when this is the case and provide pure ascii text doc files if possible but I make no promises. Many require NO387.ZIP which is available for download. Source code is often provided. Do with it what you will. If you have questions or comments you would like to share with regard to any of the X-apps you find here or elsewhere, please take a moment and leave a message in the DV/X conference. Messages left in this conference are echoed around the world via Smartnet. Kathy Hand, Sysop Quarterdeck USA -Pause- [C]ontinue, [N]onStop, [S]top? [C]N End of bulletin number 10. Continue reading NEW bulletins? [Y] WildCat! 3.0 User's Manual Main Menu Since the Main Menu is always the first encountered following logon, as well being a gateway to other areas of the system, the discussion will start here. The menu choice selections are presented in alphabetical order for easy reference. B ulletin Menu When the B option is selected, the Bulletin Menu is displayed. The Bulletin menu could be considered a sub-menu of sorts, in that it presents the options of reading one or more bulletins by selecting a bulletin number, relisting the bulletins that are available for display, downloading a bulletin, or simply returning to the Main Menu. If any bulletins have been updated since your last logon, you will be presented a listing of those bulletins by number, and an opportunity to read only new bulletins. C omment to the sysop -Pause- [C]ontinue, [N]onStop, [S]top? [C]N This choice enables you to enter a private message to the SysOp. WILDCAT! makes these comments an integral part of the message base for easy reply, if desired. All comments are placed in the message conference from which they originate. D oors You will be presented the Doors Menu for further prompting as to which door program should be run. F ile Menu Transfers you to the File Menu. G oodbye & Logoff If your current help level is set to the NOVICE mode, choosing the Goodbye option is followed by the confirmation prompt "Are you sure?". If you respond with a Y, then normal logoff procedures are begun. Otherwise WILDCAT! will assume the command has been entered in error, and will return you to the then current menu. If your current help level is set to the REGULAR or EXPERT, this extra prompt will no longer be displayed. The confirmation prompt may be overridden even in the novice mode of operation by entering G Y or G;Y. This method of stacking commands is available in many locations within WILDCAT, and will be pointed out where it is most commonly used. Note that command stacking may not be used with the hot key option. The Goodbye command is available in ALL major menus and performs exactly the same in each of them. ? Help with Commands There is a help screen associated with each major menu in WILDCAT! which more fully explains the options available. You may select this option as a refresher course after having toggled your help level to REGULAR or EXPERT. H elp Level WILDCAT! supports three different levels of menu prompts: [N]ovice - The first and the default value for new users is the Novice level. At this level, you will be presented with full dynamic menus with a command line prompt containing the name of current menu area, and the first character for a particular option in the current menu. [R]egular - The second level is the Regular level. At this level, menus show only the command line with the name of the current area of the system and the first letter option designators. No menus are displayed at this level. [E]xpert - The final and highest level is Expert. At this level only the particular area of the system is displayed. No menus or letter designators are included. The Help level command is available in ALL major menus and the usage is exactly the same in each of them. I nitial Welcome Screen Contents of the welcome files are re-displayed to you, with screen pauses determined by the setup in these respective files and your settings. If you stopped the original display of one or more of these files using the space bar or CTRL-K, and then later wish to review the contents of these entry-level display screens. The I option permits doing so without having to logoff and then call again. J oin Conference Join conference allows you to change the active message area to any other available on the system. Note that it is not necessary to change to each conference in order to read messages since the Read command allows automatic reading across conference boundaries. For additional details see the Message Menu commands Read and Update Default Conference. This command is active on all menus. M essage Menu The MESSAGE menu is displayed. N ewsletter Displays the contents of the Newsletter file to you with screen pauses. P age the SYSOP This selection is used to page the system operator. The response of the a page request will vary depending on whether the current time is within the SysOp's paging hours. If a page is answered the SysOp can type directly to the caller from the local keyboard. If WILDCAT! has detected that you have ANSI enabled, the chat will take place in split-screen mode. If the page is not answered, you will be offered the option of immediately entering the message editor to leave a comment to the sysop regarding his page. If entered, the message is routed as a comment to the conference sysop with a subject line indicating the date and time, and that it resulted from an unsuccessful page. Q uestionnaire The user is presented the Questionnaire Menu for further prompting as to which questionnaire to answer. S ystem Statistics This menu choice displays the system statistics file, which contains information about the BBS. T alk to other Nodes If a multi-line (multi-node) system is in operation this choice allows users to enter into private and group chat with other nodes. A sub-menu is presented. U serlog List You will be presented with the entire user list of the system, displayed in alphabetical order, along with the type of computer they are using, the date they last called and their "from" user entry. The usual screen pauses are in effect while using this option. V erify User A search can be made on any portion of a user name on the system. Pressing V brings up a sub-prompt to enter a name or partial name. At the sub-prompt, enter all (or portion of) a user's first or last name. The more information that is provided at this prompt, the more detailed the resulting search. A search of Jim would find every user named Jim on the system, along with their "from" entry and the date of their last call. A search of jim h would find, for example, both Jim Hightower and Jim Harvey, plus any others whose first name was Jim and whose last name begins with the letter H. Notice in this example that the search is also insensitive to case. W ho is on other nodes Presents you with a list of the names logged on to other nodes sharing the same Node Information file. Y our System Settings You are allowed to make changes to certain information in the system's User database. When [Y] is selected a sub-menu is presented. From the sub-menu, you may alter the items marked 1-15. The right column, which is maintained by the system or the system operator, is provided as information for the user, and may not be changed by a caller. Note that some items such as birthdate, phone and alias name may be configured to only allow changes with sysop approval. The Alias field will only be displayed when Your Settings is invoked from within a conference supporting alias names. MESSAGE MENU C heck for Mail WILDCAT! scans and lists the numbers of all messages which are addressed to you. The scan first presents a sub-prompt to search the [C]urrent conference or [S]elected conference based on your default selection list. This is essentially an operation to review all messages to you, whether new or old. It is a quick review method, but there are more specific and more powerful options that may be used instead. D ownload Mail (off-line message reader) This is a special message section menu choice which is used to enable an off-line message reader, if desired. If used, it allows WILDCAT! to transfer control to another program for downloading of messages. It operates in a manner very similar to a door. E nter Message Messages may only be entered and saved into the currently active conference. You will be presented with the prompt: To ([ENTER] = All)? [ ] At this prompt a specific user name may be entered and WILDCAT! will check the user database. An entry not in the database is allowed only if the conference is set for valid names only. In an alias conference only valid alias names are accepted. A name not in the user database is acceptable when the conference is used for echomail or other wide-area communication where recipients of the message may have never called the system. After a name is entered the system prompts for the subject of the message and may enter up to 40 characters. Subject ([ENTER] = Abort)? [ ] If no subject information is entered, the message is aborted. If a specific user name was entered (as opposed to the word All), the system then prompts whether the message should be made private: Private? [N] The default value is a public message, and it is skipped for mail addressed to ALL. Private mail is seen only by the sender and recipient, reading private mail may enabled for the sysop. WILDCAT! then prompts if a confirmation of delivery (return receipt) is needed: Return receipt? [N] Again the default is N and is selected if the [ENTER] key is pressed. If Y is selected, WILDCAT! will watch for the message to be read by the recipient and automatically generate a message from the WILDCAT! Mail Room to the sender. This Return Receipt message indicates the date and time the message was received, and is addressed as private mail to the originator of the message. As soon as this Return Receipt message is read by the original sender on a later call it is automatically deleted by the Wildcat! Mail Room. If you have selected a default editor, either the full screen editor or the line editor, it is immediately invoked and message composition can begin. If no default editor has been selected you are further prompted: Full Screen Editor? [Y] Note that the default is Y, and that this choice is offered even if ANSI has not been auto-detected. Some communications programs offer ANSI routines that can make use of the editor, but fail to respond to the ANSI query properly due to incomplete ANSI implementation. It is up to you to determine if you have the capabilities to make use of the full screen editor properly at this point. Message text entry follows. Message length varies by conference, and can be up to 150 lines long. After message entry is completed and corrections made using the appropriate editor commands, you have several options. If additional recipients of the message are desired the Ca[r]bon Copy prompt can be selected after text entry by pressing R. Doing so saves the main message and the carbon copy prompt is presented: Carbon copy to ([ENTER to end)? [ ] As many carbon copies as desired may be sent. F iles Menu Presents you with the Files menu. This choice is available from both the Main menu and the Message Menu. G oodbye Refer to the [G] option discussion under MAIN menu. ? Command Help Refer to the [?] option discussion under MAIN menu. H elp Level Refer to the [H] option discussion under MAIN menu. K ill a Message This is a routine for erasing old messages directly from the MESSAGE menu. It requires that (1) the message to be deleted is either to or from the user who is attempting to erase same, and (2) that the message number is already known. Messages may also be deleted interactively while reading them in the message area. Q uit to Main Menu Exits the current menu and returns to Main Menu. R ead Messages This command allows you to select which messages you want to read. Reading can be done using a number of options, or may be as simple as using a single command to always read all new messages in all conferences. A sub-menu is displayed with the following choices: [22-1845] - Allows you to enter a beginning message number from the message range available. Entering a number begins reading at that message and continues in a forward direction, reading newer messages in chronological order. You are prompted whether you want to read messages in ALL conferences after selecting a number to begin. [N]ew mail - Reads all messages that have been entered since the last time you read mail in the conference. A high message number mark is maintained for each conference, and all new messages can be read with the New mail command. You are prompted whether you want to read new mail in ALL conferences after making the selection. This is the easiest method of reading ALL new messages in ALL conferences. [U]nread personal - Reads all messages that are addressed TO you, and have not been read previously. This command is used to read only mail addressed to you that has never been read previously, and is often used to read personal mail at every logon. You are prompted whether you want to read messages in ALL conferences. Note that Unread personal mail will locate all messages to you that have not been flagged read, regardless of your last message read pointer. It scans all conferences, even those which are not included in your default conferences using the Update Conference command on the message menu. [S]earch - This command brings up a sub-menu allowing you to search for messages based on a number of criteria. You may search based on text in the From field, To field, Subject, and Message body text. You may also start at any message number and search either forward or reverse directions. Messages found using Search are displayed with the full message text. The Scan command on the message menu supports the same search criteria, but displays only header information, allowing you to MARK messages for later reading. The default Search criteria encompasses all messages, and can be narrowed by altering the individual fields. Note that the fastest searches make use of the From, To and Subject fields since they are indexed. Any searches for specific Msg. [B]ody text take much longer, and should be further narrowed if possible. [M]arked - Reads all messages that have been marked for reading. This command is used to read mail that you have marked while using the Scan command. It ONLY appears as a menu choice if messages have been marked previously using Scan. There are several other commands that may be entered on the command line when entering messages that are not displayed. They are: A - The A or ALL command may be added to a command to extend reading to ALL conferences in your Conference profile. Entering the command 3 A requests to read mail starting at message number 3 in ALL conferences. Another example would be N A to read all new mail in ALL conferences. The A command may be added to any command and will cause the prompt for "Read mail in ALL conferences" to be skipped. +/- - The read command always assumes reading in a forward direction unless advised otherwise. Appending the - command indicates you want to read in reverse order. After entering a message read command, WILDCAT! offers a prompt allowing reading messages in ALL conferences. Y will read all mail as requested starting from the first conference selected in your default conference setup. N indicates reading only in the current conference. After a message is read you have several possible options, depending on the nature of the message, your security profile and whether the message is TO or FROM you. ### - After each message you may branch to another message number in the same manner as when the Read command was initiated. [E]dit - The ability to edit a message after reading is offered to you and those who have been given sysop mail reading privileges. Selecting the edit mode clears the screen and re-displays the message with the same prompts encountered when message entry is completed. You may delete lines, insert lines, edit specific lines, change the subject, list the message and save a revised copy. A special help file is available within the edit function. When the edit is complete, the revised message is saved with an updated date and time stamp. [F]orward - This choice allows sending a copy of the message to any other user on the system. It creates a private message to the new recipient with a note indicating that it was originally addressed to another person and forwarded by you. Forwarding a message to ALL is a valid response which creates a public message to ALL. [R]eply - This choice is available on all messages unless your security level prohibits message entry. A reply generates a message FROM the caller addressed TO the sender of the original message, with the option of changing the subject, if desired. The decision to keep or alter the subject is important since message THREADING is based on the subject. [K]ill - The ability to kill (delete) a message is offered to the sender, receiver and those who have been given sysop mail reading privileges, but only if they have been extended the ability to use the [K]ill message command on the message menu. When the kill option is used the selected message is flagged as being deleted, but can still be read by the sysop if enabled in the conference. A deleted message is actually removed from the database when the sysop command [W]astebasket dump is executed. [N]onstop - Selects nonstop message reading from that message forward. It may be used to capture messages to a file for reading off-line, or to quickly move forward in the message base. Nonstop reading can be terminated with a tap on the spacebar. Note that nonstop reading while reading across multiple conferences will not stop between conferences. [S]ysop - This choice is offered only to those with sysop privileges in the conference. The first two choices, [F]rom user edit and [T]o user edit, allow displaying the user record of the sender or recipient of the message. Full database modification is allowed since this choice actually invokes the user database functions of the sysop menu. When the user database functions are complete, quitting the database menu returns to the message reading prompt. When selected the user is presented with a sub-menu. [P]ublic/Private - Changes the status of any message from public to private or vice-versa. [M]ove to conference - Presents another sub-prompt Moving a message to another conference actually copies the message as a new message in the destination conference message database (with a new date/time stamp), and deletes the original message. A conference listing is available using the [L]ist conferences command. [C]opy to conference - Creates a duplicate of the message in another conference message database with a new date and time stamp. The original message is unaltered. [U]ndelete - Flags the message as readable after having been [K]illed. S can Messages Scanning messages operates in a similar manner to [T]ext search, except that the entire message is not presented for messages meeting the selection criteria. Scanning allows you to search for and display message headers, and then mark selected messages for reading using the Read Marked command. You may search based on text in the From field, To field, Subject, and Message body text. You may also start at any message number and search either forward or reverse directions. The default Search criteria encompasses all messages, and can be narrowed by altering the individual fields. Note that the fastest searches make use of the From, To and Subject fields since they are indexed. Any searches for specific Msg. [B]ody text take much longer, and should be further narrowed if possible. Messages matching the criteria are displayed one per line with header information only. Each message is preceded by a reference number, and each screen of messages is followed by a -pause- prompt that allows [M]arking messages for reading after the scan is completed. Multiple messages can be marked at one time by specifying the message numbers separated by spaces, or in groups such as 2 5 7-11 14 to indicate three individual messages and all those between 7 and 11. U pdate Conference Scan/Read This option allows you to establish which conferences are searched by default when performing message functions in multiple conferences. Reading and scanning mail are two such activities. All conferences to which access is allowed is the initial setting for this option. You may select or deselect individual conferences or groups of conferences by entering a single number or a range such as 3 or 3-7. [D]eselect all or [S]elect all will affect all conferences, and toggle the selection marker accordingly. The presence of the asterisk indicates a conference is "selected", and will be accessed whenever default conference names are used. If the asterisk is not present, the conference will not be accessed when reading or scanning messages in default conferences. Message Editor Operation WILDCAT! contains two distinctly different editors, the Line Editor and the Full-Screen Editor. Any caller can make full use of the Line Editor, but the Full-Screen Editor requires ANSI.SYS for proper operation. Either can be selected as your default to be used each time a message is entered, or the choice may be made prior to each message. Note that the Full-Screen Editor may be invoked and set as a user default even if ANSI is not enabled for the call. In this situation, you will find that it operates improperly and should switch to the Line Editor. Line Editor The line editor allows entering text on a single line at a time, and only allows backspacing on that line to make corrections. The backspace is destructive in nature, and all deleted text must be reentered. Once the ENTER key is pressed to end a line or word-wrap moves the cursor to the next line, the previously entered line(s) cannot be re-edited by the same method. After a line is completed it can be edited using the [E]dit command only. The message line editor is probably one of the most misunderstood functions in message entry. To begin, there must be a way to tell the editor what text is bad, and what text to use instead. To accomplish this the terminology used is OLDSTRING for the text to be replaced and NEWSTRING for the new text. After asking for the line number to be edited, WILDCAT! needs to know what needs to be changed. The syntax used to implement this is OLDSTRING;NEWSTRING (note the semicolon between the two words). This command is translated as take the first occurrence of the characters OLDSTRING and delete them, then insert the characters NEWSTRING in the same location. For example, if the message line reads: this is a message to shw how to use th Edit command. Obviously we need to change two errors, the word th for the and shw for show. First lets fix shw by using the command shw;show which scans for the word shw and replaces it with show. Now the harder correction. Notice that the first occurrence of the incorrect text th is actually a part of correct text this in the 1st word. Therefore we can't simply use the command th;the or the new message will read theis is a message.... The proper method is to broaden the OLDSTRING search to include additional unique text such as use th;use the. Notice that we can replace any number of letters even with a shorter or longer NEWSTRING. After an edit you are presented with the corrected line and allowed to make more corrections, if needed. A blank ENTER terminates the Edit mode. Note that editing an existing message (one that has previously been saved) will result in a change to the message date and time to properly reflect the revised contents. Full Screen Editor This editor allows you to move the cursor freely about the editing page using cursor keys and Home, End, PgUp and PgDn, very much like many word processors. In order to do so it makes use of ANSI codes to tell your cursor where it should move on the screen. Since most communications programs have provisions to make use of ANSI terminal mode, almost any caller can use this feature if desired. Some of the Full Screen Editor functions are not available as standard ANSI codes and require additional emulation modes to operate properly. These functions include options such as PgUp, Home, and several other keys which are not defined in the standard ANSI mode. If a caller's communication program supports DOORWAY mode it can make use of these extended functions. Both Telix and Qmodem have a doorway mode which can be invoked with ALT= (holding ALT while pressing the equal sign). This toggle is necessary since most communications programs use the PgDn key to begin a download. Unless doorway mode is invoked, only the cursor keys, Del, Bksp, and the control keys will be active. The Full Screen Editor makes use of the following keys in standard ANSI mode and Doorway mode: ANSI-BBS DOORWAY OPERATION ^A Ctrl-Left Arrow Cursor word left ^B Format paragraph ^C PgDn Page down ^D Right Arrow Cursor right ^E Up Arrow Cursor up ^F Ctrl-Right Arrow Cursor word right ^G Del Delete character at cursor ^H Backspace Backspace (destructive) ^I Tab Tab ^J Join lines ^L Re-draw screen ^M Enter New line ^P End Cursor end of line ^R PageUp Page up ^S Left Arrow Cursor left ^T Delete word right ^V Insert Toggle insert mode ^W Home Cursor to start of line ^X Down Arrow Cursor down ^Y Delete line ^Z Display help Note that the full screen editor display on the local host system will show the last few line numbers wrapped on a single line above the user record screen, if displayed. This is a normal occurrence and does not affect the remote display. Message Commands After entering text in the editor, the message editing prompt appears at the end of the text. This prompt is the same for both the full screen editor and the line editor, and even allows switching from one editor to the other after message entry [A]bort - signals a desire to discontinue message entry and lose all text entered. A warning follows: Are you sure you want to abort? A yes answer will return you to the message menu, or to reading messages if the aborted message was a reply. [C]ontinue - Returns to the message editor at the next available line. This choice returns to the LINE EDITOR only, use [F] to return to the full-screen editor. [I]nsert - This item is needed only by the LINE EDITOR, and allows insertion of new lines of text between existing ones. You are prompted for the line number where new lines should be inserted. The selected line number moves down, and a new line is added at the chosen number. Any number of new lines will be inserted as word-wrap creates more new lines as needed. In the full screen editor pressing ENTER creates a new line as does ^M. [L]ist - This command redisplays all message lines using appropriate pauses. [E]dit - This item is needed only by the LINE EDITOR since the full screen editor can edit lines using the cursor keys. The line editor correction system is probably one of the most misunderstood functions in message entry, and is covered in its entirety in the previous section Line Editor. Ca[r]bon - At this prompt you may enter additional names of additional recipients up to a maximum of 9. Each will receive a copy of the message with the notation cc: User Name appended to the bottom. Carbon Copies are always toggled private. Note that pressing carbon copy saves the message as is and sends copies to the recipient and any carbons desired. It should not be used until message editing is completed. [Q]uote - This option only appears when replying to another message. It allows placing all or part of the original message in the reply for clarity. When quote is selected the entire text of the original message is displayed, and the user is prompted for a beginning and ending line to quote from the messages. The quoted lines are added to the bottom of the message in progress. You can also quote during a reply as an automatic part of the reply process. Auto-quoting can be turned on in any individual user record using the Main Menu command [Y]our settings. When auto-quoting is activated the entire original message is quoted in the reply when it is begun. Coupled with the power of the full screen editor, auto-quoting offers and easy way to make a clear reply. [F]ull screen - This is the proper key to use to re-enter the full screen editor rather than the [C]ontinue key. It continues editing at the end of the last line of the message. [D]elete - This item is needed only by the LINE EDITOR since the full screen editor can delete lines while editing using Ctrl Y. It prompts for the first line to delete and then for the last line. Prior to performing the deletion the text of the lines to be deleted is displayed for confirmation. Deleted lines are removed and higher-numbered lines move up. [S]ave - After the message has been proofread and edited, the Save command will update the message base with the message and appropriate carbon copies, if requested. [H]elp - Presents you with the contents of the help display file which contains information similar to the instructions here. At[t]ach - Allows attaching a file to the message. Its use may be limited on a conference basis. When selected, you are prompted whether you want to attach a file to the message since this choice is often not fully understood. If the reply is Y you are further prompted. The name of the file attached may be anything you desire but must not include any path information. After entering the name you are prompted for the file transfer protocol to be used for the upload. Any available protocol may be selected and the file transfer will begin just as it does when uploading a file. At completion of the upload, you are returned to the message entry prompt and may add additional text before saving the message, if desired. A message with a file attached contains an additional line at the end which is generated by WILDCAT! as the message is displayed. When a message with a file attachment is read, the read prompt contains an additional choice to [D]ownload the file. If download is selected you are prompted to select a protocol in the exact same manner as the file menu choice. After completion of the download you are returned to message reading at the point the download was begun. Mail Doors & Off-line Readers A mail door is a program that allows you to call into the BBS and request all new messages in selected conferences. These messages are packed together in a compressed file and made available for download using a choice of protocols. All this activity takes place from a menu choice on the message menu, and is the primary reason for the MAIL door option at that location. The mail door program only needs to be purchased by the BBS system operator, not the callers to the BBS. Once a mail packet has been downloaded, you disconnect from the BBS and use an off-line reader to extract and read the messages in the packet. While reading, replies can be entered as desired, often using a wide choice of editors. You then call back at your convenience and again uses the mail door to upload your reply packet. End of bulletin number 11. Continue reading NEW bulletins? [Y] FOLIOS ONLINE INFOBASE In order to provide you with access to technical information about your hardware and software (and the interaction of these products with ours) we have added a "door" to our BBS. With the addition of FOLIOS, our online database of product information, you can find answers to your technical questions, peruse our technotes, or look for new additions to the Microchannel Adapter list (better known as the MCA.ADL). In order to use FOLIOS while online, you must set your communications software to use either what is known as "DOORWAY mode" or IBM-PC terminal emulation. This allows extended character codes, such as the cursor keys and function keys, to be passed to the Infobase, temporarily overriding your communication program's use of these keys. It is important that you remember to toggle this mode off when exiting FOLIOS so these keys resume their normal function when you return to Wildcat! We have tested the more popular communications programs and have found that most of them either use "ALT =" to toggle DOORWAY mode or have an option to set the terminal emulation to IBM-PC. If your program does not support these options FOLIOS will not operate correctly for you. -Pause- [C]ontinue, [N]onStop, [S]top? [C]N SEARCHING BASICS: To search, press the SPACEBAR, type the words on the Search line in the bottom border of the window, and press ENTER to begin searching. To locate Words using the Index window, type the first letter(s) of the word to be searched for and press ENTER to select the word. FOCUSED MODE: To view only the folio headings with a bit of text surrounding the matched words, press CTRL-F to toggle Focused Mode on. To go directly to a specific record while in focused mode, use TAB to move the cursor to the heading for the folio that you want. PHRASE SEARCHING: To find a phrase, place quotation marks around it. EXAMPLE: 1) Press the SPACEBAR. 2) Type: "search line". (Include the quotes.) The Results window shows 23 occurrences before the words are searched as a phrase and 13 occurrences after. 3) Press ENTER. REGULAR PROXIMITY SEARCHING: To perform a proximity search, place the Search Words within quotation marks followed by the at sign (@) and the maximum number of words apart. EXAMPLE: 1) Press the SPACEBAR. 2) Type: "linking footnotes"@3 (The @3 specifies that "linking" must occur within three words of "footnotes", regardless of order.) 3) Press ENTER. ORDERED PROXIMITY SEARCHING: Ordered proximity searches allow you to specify not only the number of words apart words can be, but also the order in which the words must be found. EXAMPLE: 1) Press the SPACEBAR. 2) Type: "point view"6 (The 6 specifies that "point" must precede "view" by no more than six words.) 3) Press ENTER. SEARCHING WITH WILDCARD CHARACTERS: Wildcard characters are used to broaden search results to include near spellings, plurals, possessives, and slight variations of words. The asterisk is used to represent any number of characters, and the question mark is used to represent one character (similar to DOS.) To search using wildcard characters, place them on the search line on the front, back or middle of words. EXAMPLE: wom?n locates women and woman t*e locates tie, time, tile, turtle, etc. SEARCH OPERATORS (AND, NOT, OR, EXCLUSIVE OR) Locate combinations of words. Placing a Search Operator between words locates text containing their combinations. & AND (ALT A) locates text containing both search terms. / OR (ALT O) locates text containing either or both terms ^ NOT (ALT N) locates text containing the first term but not the second. ~ EXCLUSIVE OR (CTRL-E) locates folios not containing the term. NESTING SEARCH OPERATORS: Nest Search Terms force evaluation order. Place parentheses around search terms to force the order in which they are evaluated. EXAMPLE: (national&defense)/(right&arms) FOLIOS locates all text containing both "national" and "defense," then locates all text containing both "right" and "arms." INFOBASE FORMAT: Subject : A general description of the topic. Date : The date the record was added or last edited. Spell : Lists mispellings or alternate spellings, increasing the chances of finding a record. Throughout FOLIOS you will find marker symbols that look like upside down triangles. (On a color monitor, they are yellow.) These symbols, called "hot links," take you to another section of the Infobase where you will find additional information on the current topic. End of bulletin number 12.